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Villanueva, Nicole P.



1) Analyze the different characters in Noli and El Fili depicting real life scenario in Rizal's time.

The characters in every literary works are representation of the current issues of the
study, as it is the symbolic representation the author used. As the saying goes “Literature is a
mirror of our culture”, Jose Rizal used his novels and its characters to depict their life under the
Spaniards especially the Spanish Friars. Every character in both of his novels has a role that
depicts different roles in Philippine society to fight for the freedom of the country.

In Noli Me Tangere the characters that has represents real life scenario are:

- Crisostomo Ibarra was characterized as an outspoken and idealistic with a liberal mind.
He is depicted as one of the Filipinos who managed to finish their studies abroad. He is
patient and serious man but once provoked he can be violent and impulsive. Jose Rizal’s
goal for Crisostomo Ibarra’s character is to exemplify his vision for the youth of our
country during his time. Ibarra was Rizal’s reflection of himself.
- Maria Clara was characterized as the ideal woman during this time, she was portrayed
as a faithful, sweet, good friend and obedient daughter. She symbolizes the purity and
innocence of a sheltered native women during the Spanish colonization. She holds high
esteem to her parents’ honor and her promise to Ibarra as she shown her love to him with
- Padre Damaso Verdolagas a Franciscan friar, his character is known for someone who
speaks with harsh words and has been a cruel priest and the real father of Maria Clara. He
symbolizes the friars who rule the town in our country during Rizal’s time and also
represents the control the Spaniards have in our country.
- Elias a former boatman but became one of the most wanted criminals in San Diego. He
was characterized as someone who distrusts human judgement and prefers God’s justice
instead. He is acquainted with the crooks in his town and used it as an advantage in
discerning the troubles of the town. He prefers revolution than the reforms that Ibarra has
inclined to believe in. Elias symbolizes the Filipino commoners during Rizal’s time as he
is not only aware of the injustices but he also likes to deliver them to their oppressors. He
is believed to be the personification of Andres Bonifacio.
- Pilosopo Tacio or known as Pilosopo Tasyo, he is a character that seeks reforms from the
government, vocal with his ideals and writes it in a cryptographic alphabet as he hopes
the future generation will be able to decipher it and realize the abuse and oppression done
by the Spaniards. He also does not believe in religious fanaticism as it was vogue during
his time. He is one of the characters that said to be Rizal can relate to as he is patterned
after Rizal’s oldest brother, Paciano Rizal. He is the symbolization of Filipinos who once
embraced the culture of the Spaniards but eventually disentangles themselves once they
learned and observed the oppression their countrymen received from the colonizers.
- Padre Salvi he is a friar who has a secret administration to Maria Clara. He symbolizes
the lecherous friars during the time of Rizal.
- Captain Tiago is the head of barangay of the town of San Diego, he is said to be a good
Catholic, a friend to the Spanish government and considered to be as a Spanish by
colonialists. He symbolizes the typical Filipino during Rizal’s time who rubbed elbows
with the ones who have powers. He represents the rich Filipinos who also contribute to
oppression to his fellow countrymen in exchange of power, influence and riches he can
gain from powerful associations.
- Donya Concolacion she is known for her adoration to Spaniards as she imitates the very
actions and attitudes of the Spanish women. She symbolizes the Filipinos during Rizal’s
time that are ashamed of their roots, race and nationality.
- Doña Victorina is classified as an ambitious Filipino who like Donya Concolacion she
also imitates Spanish women by putting on heavy make-up. She symbolizes the comedic
form of “colonial mentality” as she has a distorted view of her identity, everything
indigenous is inferior and everything foreign is superior.
- Don Tiburcio represents ignorant Spaniards who wreak havoc in provinces during
colonial era. His countrymen condone his actions for they do not want him to become a
burden to them.
- Sisa, Crispin and Basilio represents the Filipino family persecuted by the Spanish
authorities and are victims of poverty and ignorance. As Sisa represents our motherland
who was suffering because of the loss of her children and these tragic events ruined her
life. It represented the abuse our country received from the colonizers. Crispin represents
the innocents but were wrongly accused of a crime they did not commit. The injustice
they experienced were silenced by death and cover ups the authorities did.

In El Filibusterismo the characters that has represents real life scenario are:

- Simoun he is Crisostomo Ibarra in disguise. He is portrayed as someone who supports

the Spaniards but his true mission is to have his revenge from the injustice he received
from the Spanish government. He represents the revolutionaries during Rizal’s time who
supported the idea of holding bloody revolt against the oppressors. But his death is the
way of Rizal telling his readers that he does not support armed revolution.
- Isagani he is characterized as someone who has little fear of authority and speaks openly
of his patriotic ideals. He represents the youth whose love for the country is great to the
point of being branded as idealistic.
- Makaraig shares the same nationalistic ideals with Isagani but the only difference is that
Makaraig is wealthy. He symbolizes the Filipino youths who during the Spanish era have
good dreams for the country. His character also provided glimpse of how different the
treatment when you’re rich and poor. He was favored upon by the friars because of his
social status even though he and Isagani led the student movement.
- Juli, Basilio’s sweetheart and as same as Maria Clara she symbolizes purity and
innocence of lower-class women during Rizal’s time. Her character would rather sacrifice
than give up her ideals.
- Paulita Gomez symbolizes women who chooses the best option for a more stable future
as she chose Juanito Pelaez who is a rich heir instead of Isigani who she truly loves. She
represents women who knows what’s best for them and would taka advantage to get what
she wants.
2) Create an artistic Table/Characterization based on Noli and El Fili, as represented to present
the Philippine situation.
3) Comparing and contrasting the plot, and theme of the Noli and El Fili that show changes in
Rizal's ideas expressed in the Noli and El Fili.

Both novels opened the eyes of the Filipino people during the Spanish colonization to
start the revolution and overthrow the Spanish colonizers, the need of reformation in education,
the abuse experienced by Filipinos from the Spanish friars, and corruption. But there is a
complete difference on how the novels tackled it. For the theme of Noli Me Tangere it exposes
the exploitations committed by the Spanish friars and government officials. The characteristics
of the friars in this novel were arrogant, condescending to the Filipino and greedy. As they
represent the infamous behavior of Spanish friars in the Philippines. The brutality of other
officials and authorities are also shown in Noli Me Tangere. Unlike El Filibusterismo, this novel
offers more hope and romance. It focuses a lot more on the church but as the novel progress it
details the abuses of the military and church. It viewed the church as the ones who kept the
people afraid as they said the ones who do not follow the Spaniard will be sent to hell. Even
though it exploits the abuses of the church, Noli Me Tangere’s theme are isn’t exactly anti-
church or anti-Catholicism instead it does not glorify the Spanish Friars and the church
established in the Philippines but rather defame it. This novel shows the abuse the women and
children received from the friars, and the disregard of Filipino People. Noli Me Tangere is
dedicated to Filipinos and the Philippines as our country is plagued by social cancer. For the El
Filibusterismo theme focuses on reaching the social reform and revolution unlike in Noli Me
Tangere as it focuses on exploiting the actions of the Spanish Friars. This novel represents
Rizal’s dying hope in reformation against his long-held detestation and aversion to revolution, as
it focuses on the inevitable revolution and whether our country can rebel peacefully and
diplomatically or violently. El Filibusterismo contrasts to the hopeful and romantic theme
because the theme in this novel is much darker. For example, is Crisostomo Ibarra’s change to
Simoun it represents his longing for revenge as it is his last resort in achieving freedom from the
Spaniards. Crisostomo Ibarra is the main protagonist in Noli Me Tangere while Simoun in El
Filibusterismo, even though they’re the same person, their theme changed. The transformation of
once idealistic Crisostomo Ibarra to a vengeful Simoun. Simoun abandoned his once pure ideals
of effecting progress to his country and has resorted to violence in means to achieve revenge.
This supports the claim of El Filibusterismo having a much darker theme because Crisostomo
saw that his efforts for his country have had almost little to no effect.

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