From Rookie To Reality Case 1

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From Rookie to Reality Case Analysis and Rationale Template

Part 1: Case Analysis

1. Brief summary of the case:

In this case it is a new interim principal that has taken on the new role due to the old
principal’s absence. The new interim principal is doing a good job trying to make
the new position a permanent move for them. Problems arise as a parent and
student recognize what they believe to be a bomb across the street from the school;
this is a big concern because the school just had a bomb diffused two weeks ago.

2. Identify the issues to be resolved:

The issue of whether the device that was found across the street is really another
bomb threat to the school.

3. Stakeholders involved in the issues:

 The parent and student that first found the device
 The new interim principal
 And the whole student and staff body that can be at risk because of the bomb

4. One or two existing laws or court rulings that relate to the issues:
Elonis V.S. the United States in this case a student had made a bomb threat on
social media but the student claim that is was just a joke, and the court was deciding
how they would handle threats/ jokes that were made on social media.

5. District policies that relate to the issues:

The district has strict protocols when handling issues of this matter, in case of a
threat all precautions must be taken to ensure the safety of the students and staff.
The area must be cleared and all staff and students must be evacuated in to a safe
location until the right personnel can check out the threat

6. Possible solutions to the issues:

 Evacuate the school and call the correct personnel come to check out the
situation and see what further steps must be taken on the object
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 The principal could check the situation out their self and self-determine if the
object is a threat or not to the school.

7. The solution you chose to resolve the issues:

 I chose to evacuate the school and call the correct personnel to come check
out the situation and see what further steps must be taken on the object

8. Action steps (2-5) for implementing your solution, including a timeline for each step:
 Remove everyone from the immediate area
 Have someone call 911 to have the correct personnel come check out the
 Clear the school to make sure that all students in staff are safe from the
bombs harm
 Lastly notify the parents of the students that are currently at the school and
update them on the information so that they don’t hear it from anyone else.

9. Potential moral and legal consequences of the solution:

If I’m wrong I could be look bad for over reacting in a situation like this, but if I
don’t act and I’m wrong about the object then I could face legal consequences
because I did not follow the right protocols that would ensure the safety of all that
could be effected by this situation.

Part 2: Rationale

Support the case analysis with a 500-750 word rationale explaining the decision you made and
how the decision:
 Supports the school’s vision and mission and safeguards the values of democracy,
equity, and diversity.
 Promotes social justice and ensures that individual student needs inform all aspects of
 Promotes collaboration, trust, learning, and high expectations.
Cite the case and any other source documents as appropriate.

I decided to go with the decision I made because it airs on the side of caution and

will make sure that I follow all district policies in the situation and ensures the safety of my
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students and staff including anyone else that could be in the proximity of danger. As a

leader it’s my job to ensure the safety of everyone that is in the building. Also with a

similar situation happening just a few weeks prior, it heightens the extent of this situation

and causes for more reason not to take the threat lightly. Taking a threat like this lightly

could be horrible and could cause for people to be hurt in the process of my negligence.

My decision definitely supports social justice, because I’m adhering to the needs of

everyone in my building and around the building. This decision shows that I am always

going to do what is morally right and what is best for my students and staff to have the best

and safest learning environment. Character goes a long way with earning peoples respect

and trust especially when dealing with parent’s children. Also my decision makes me

transparent with students and staff because they will all be informed on the situation and

their parents, this shows that we have nothing to hide at our school. Having an open door

policy will be something that I take pride in and will make sur that I hold myself to this


Following all district protocols in a situation like this builds trust with everyone

involved in the situation from the superintendent to the students. Showing that I would

always carry myself to a high moral standard helps me to build a relationship within my

school and build a sense of security. Also this decisions to evacuate the school and call the

correct personnel to come check out the situation and see what further steps must be taken

on the object show that we have learned from similar situations like this in our past. As a

leader it is important to evaluate past decision and outcomes and learn from others

mistakes or success and use that to help render a decision in sticky situations like these.

In conclusion in a situation like this I will be judged either way, if I’m wrong I could

be look bad for over reacting in a situation like this, but if I don’t act and I’m wrong about

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the object then I could face legal consequences because I did not follow the right protocols

that would ensure the safety of all that could be effected by this situation. So airing on the

side of caution is always best I rather be wrong and looked at crazy for overreacting than

underreacting and end up causing people their lives. As a principal it is my duty to build

and maintain a safe, caring, and healthy school environment that meets that the academic,

social, emotional, and physical needs of each student and that is what I am going to pledge

to always follow while in charge.



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