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K K Birla Goa Campus

Instruction Division
First Semester 2013 - 2014
Course Handout Part II

In addition to Part I (General Handout) for all courses (appended to the time table), this portion gives
further specific details regarding the course.

2 August 2013
Course No. PHY F111
Course Title Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves
Instructor-in-Charge P N Deepak
Instructors Prasanta Kumar Das, Teny Theresa John, Geetha K Varrier,
E S Kannan, Swarup Kumar Majhee and Kinjal Banerjee
Text Books
1. Introduction to Mechanics, D Kleppner and R J Kolenkow, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Vibrations and Waves, A P French, CBS publishers

Reference Book Berkeley Physics, Vol. I, Addison Wesley

Course Plan

Lect. Objectives Contents Reference

1-2 Introduction to vectors Vectors – definitions, representa- Chapter 1, K & K
tion in Cartesian coordinates, al-
gebra; Derivative of vectors; Po-
sition vectors, displacement vec-
tor, velocity & acceleration vec-
tors; Introduction to polar coordi-
3-5 Overview of Newton’s Laws Newton’s laws – applications; Ch. 2 and 3, K & K
Many particle systems; Momen-
tum conservation; Center of
mass; Rocket equation
6-8 Work and energy Line Integrals in 3–D; Work – Ch. 4, K & K
defn; Work energy theorem
– derivation and applications;
Path–dependent line integrals;
forces; Potential energy; Con-
servation of mechanical energy;
Stability; Energy diagrams; Small
oscillations in a bound system;

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9-10 Non-inertial systems Galilean transformation; Uni- Ch. 8, K & K
formly accelerating systems;
Forces in a rotating coordinate
system - derivation; Examples
of Coriolis force - falling mass,
Foucault’s pendulum
11-13 Angular momentum Definition; Torque; Precession; Chs. 6 & 7, K & K
Example – Conical pendulum;
Theorems involving torque and
ang. mom. for system of parti-
cles; Fixed axis rotation; Rolling
14-16 Dynamics of rigid bodies Gyroscope motion; Gyrocompass Ch. 7, K & K
effect; Stability of spinning bod-
ies; Moment of inertia Tensor;
Principle axes; Space and body
fixed axes; Rotational kinetic en-
ergy; Euler equation; Torque free
17-20 Harmonic oscillators Simple Harmonic motion - equa- Chs. 1, 2 & 4, French
tion and solution energy, exam-
ples; Superposition of two SHMs-
Lissajous figures; Damped har-
monic oscillator - method to solve
the equation, energy, Quality fac-
tor; Forced harmonic oscillator -
method to solve equation, reso-
nance, examples of resonance,
Quality factor
21-22 Coupled Oscillators 2 Coupled oscillators - normal Ch. 5, French
modes derivation; Forced cou-
pled oscillators
23-25 Waves 1-D wave equation-derivation and Chs. 6 & 7, French
solution; Pulse propagation; En-
ergy transfer; Superposition of
waves; Dispersion-phase and
group velocities
26-27 Fourier Analysis Normal modes of a stretched Ch. 6, French
string; Superposition of normal
modes; Fourier theorem

Evaluation Scheme

No. Component Duration Weightage Date & Time Remarks

1 Attendance 5% All tutorials
2 Online quizzes will be announced 5% Regularly dur- Open book
ing semester
3 Test I 60 mnts. 20% 14/09/13, 10:30- Closed Book
11:30 AM

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4 Test II 60 mnts. 20% 24/10/13, 10:30- Closed Book
11:30 AM
5 Comprehensive 3 Hrs. 50% 11/12/13, 9 AM-12 Closed Book
Examination Noon

Consultation Hours To be announced in tutorial sections by the Instructors

Notices Will be put up on Photon course server:
Make-up Policy Very strict; only for genuine reasons such as hospitalization

PHY F111

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