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IGCSE First Language English

April 12, 201 9 ·

Useful words for Creative and Directed Writing

A Collection by Hasan Maruf


abate (v) - to lessen; to lower the intensity

abbreviate (v) - shorten

aberrant (adj) - abnormal

aberration - anomally; something unusual

abet (v) - aid, encourage

abhor (v) - detest, hate

ablution - washing

abominable (adj) - extremely unpleasant, very bad

abortive (adj) - unsuccessful, fruitless

abridge (v) - condense or shorten

abrogate (v) - void, do away with, repeal

abscond (v) - to depart secretly

abstemious (adj) - moderate in consumption

abstinent (adj) - stubborn, refraining from, keeping from

abstain (v) - to avoid

abstruse (adj) - obscure, confusing, difficult

accede (v) - to agree

acclaim (v) - to applaud, to praise

accolade - public praise, award

accoutre (v) - to equip, to supply

accretion - mass gained (astronomy, geology)

acerbic (adj) - severe manner, bitter

acidulous (adj) - bitter, sour in mood

acme - peak, highest point

acquiesce (v) - agree passively

acolyte - follower, trainee; assistant to a priest

acrimonious (adj) - bitter, sharp, severe; looking to argue acrimony

actuate (v) - to start, to motivate

acumen - quick insight; accurate knowledge

adamant (adj) - hard, inflexible

adulterate (v) - make impure, contaminate

aeon - long period of time

aesthetic (adj) - appreciating art and beauty

aggrandize (v) - to inflate; to promote

alacrity - eagerness, willingness; quickness, briskness

alchemy - medieval "science" of transmutation, especially changing of

metals into gold

alchemist - a fraud; chemist, especially one seeking to create gold from

other metals

alliteration - repetition of beginning sound in poetry

amalgamate (v) - to combine things into a whole

ameliorate (v) - to improve; to make tolerable. amelioration

amenable (adj) - agreeable, responsive

anachronism - something out of its era; misplaced in time. anachronistic


analogous (adj) - comparable, equal

anarchy - absence of governing body

animus - hostile feeling or intent

annihilate (v) - to destroy

annotate (v) - comment, make explanatory notes

anomalous (adj) ) - abnormal, irregular. anomally

anomaly - abnormal. anomalous (adj)

antecede (v) - to precede, to come before

antipathy - hostility, hatred; repugnance, abhorrence, disgust

antithesis - a direct opposite

antithetic (adj) - opposite, contrast

aplomb - self-confidence; perpendicularity

apocryphal (adj) - false, counterfeit, questionable sources

apostate (n / adj) - one who forsakes his religion or principles; renegade,


apathy - lack of caring, indifference

ape (v) - to imitate, mimic

apex - tip, summit, climax

appellation - name, title

approbation - approval

arbiter - a judge

arcane (adj) - understood by specialists; rare knowledge

array (v) - placed in proper or desired order

ascetic - one who is abstinent, austere, often for religious reasons

asperity - a harshness of condition,

severity asperse (v) - to slander; calumniate, vilify, traduce; to sprinkle with

water. aspersion

assay (v) - analyze, evaluate

assuage (v) - to ease, relieve

astringent (adj) - harsh, severe; tightening living tissue

audacious (adj) - daring, fearless; reckless. audacity

augment (v) - increase, add to

augur (n / v) - prophet; to

predict , to prophesy austere (adj) - ascetic; bare, severely simple

avarice - greed

aver (v) - to affirm

axiom - self-evident truth. axiomatic (adj)


Bacchanalia - any wild party; ancient festival in honor of Bacchus,

Roman god of wine

bacchanalian (adj) - drunken and wildly merry. bacchantic / bacchic (adj),


baleful (adj) - evil, harmful, malignant

banal (adj) - common, trite

banality - conventional, common

baneful (adj) - bad, evil, pernicious

bellicose (adj) ) - warlike

bereave (v) - to deprive; to leave isolated

bombastic (adj) - pompous writing or speech; grandiloquent. bombast

bountiful (adj) - abundant, generous

brook (v) - to endure, tolerate

bucolic (adj) - rustic, pastoral, natural; simple

burgeoning (v) - to sprout, grow, flourish. burgeon (v)

buttress (v) - to support, reinforce, defend


cacophony - dissonance, discord

callow (adj) - young, inexperienced; low, flood-prone

calumny - a slander, lies

cajole (v) - to cheat by flattery

canon - established code (religion). canonical (adj)

capricious (adj) - erratic, unpredictable, impulsive

carnage - destruction of life

carping (adj) - finding fault

castigate (v) - to criticize severely, punish. castigation

catalyst - person or thing accelerating change

catechism - book for religious instruction

catholic (adj) - universal, general, inclusive

caustic (adj) - corrosive; burning, stinging

celerity - speed, rapidity

censure (v) - to rebuke officially

chary (adj) - wary, cautious

chicanery trickery, mischief

churlish - (adj) surly, ill-tempered

circumlocution - roundabout speech; confusing tale

climactic (adj) - relating to the highest point

cloy (v) - to make weary by too much of anything pleasant; satiate, surfeit

coda - completing music; the end

cogent (adj) - convincing, reasonable

cognizant (adj) - aware,

knowing cohere (v) - stick together

culpability - responsibility, guilt

colloquy - informal discussion

commensurate (adj) - proportional, fair, even

compendium - brief comprehensive summary

compilation - listing of statistical information in tabular or book form

complaisant (adj) - eager to please, wanting to comply

complaisance - (antiquated spelling, but appears on some exams)

compliant (adj) - submissive

conciliatory (adj) - calming, pacifying

concordat - agreement

confer (v) - discuss or compare ideas

conformity - harmony, agreement

conjoin ( v) - to connect

connoisseur - astute judge of taste; cultural expert

contentious (adj) - quarrelsome, argumentative

contingent (adj) - dependent on, conditional

contrite (adj) - penitent, regretful

conundrum - puzzle, riddle with a “pun” answer

conventional (adj) - common, accepted, normal

convention - standard

convoluted (adj) - complicated, twisted; questionable

copious (adj) - plentiful

correlate (v) - bring into relation; either of two things implying the other

corroborate (v) - to confirm. corroboration

counterpart - a thing that completes another, things alike

covert (adj) - secret, hidden, implied

craven (adj) - cowardly, abject

credulous (adj) - gullible

culpable (adj) - guilty, responsible

cupidity - greed

curmudgeon - miser; bitter person

curtail (v) - shorten, reduce

cynicism - distrust of people


dally (v) - procrastinate

dearth - a lack, scarcity

debacle - disaster; bad plan

debase (v) - reduce in quality or value

debonair (adj) - friendly, aiming to please

declivity - downward slope

debauchery - reckless indulgence

decorum - proper conduct. decorous (adj)

defer (v) - to show respect. deference

deference - courteous regard for another's wish

deleterious (adj) - harmful

deliberate (v) - consider, ponder

demur (v) - to question; to oppose

deplete (v) - reduce, exhaust

deposition - testimony under oath

depraved (v / adj) - made corrupt, perverted, damaged. depravity

derelict (adj) - abandoned

derision - scorn, ridicule, contempt

derivative (adj) - unoriginal, derived from another source

descant (v) - discuss fully

desiccate (v) - to dehydrate, dry. desiccation

detriment - harm, damage

diatribe - harsh denunciation; rant didactic

(adj) - intended to teach, for educating

diffident (adj) - shy, unsure. diffidence

diffuse (adj) - spread out, wide-ranging; using too many words

dilate (v) - expand

dilatory (adj) - delaying

dilettante - amateur, superficial

disabuse (v) - to set right; to free from error, remove misconception

discernible (adj) - distinguishable, perceivable

disconsolate (adj) - sad

discordant (adj) - conflicting, harsh; dissonant sound

discourse - discussion

discrete (adj) - separate, distinct

discretion - caution; confidential, private manner

disinterested (adj) - unbiased; without self-interest

dismember (v) - cut into small parts

disparage (v) - to slight, to insult

disparate (adj) - distinct, different

dispersion - scattering

disputatious (adj) - argumentative

dissemble (v) - to pretend, to disguise, to mislead

dissipated (adj) - corrupted; scattered

dissipation - frivilous life

dissonant (adj) - jarring; discordant. dissonance

diurnal (adj) - daily

divulge (v) - to disclose

doggerel - trivial verse, bad poetry

dogma - fixed opinion or belief. dogmatic (adj), dogmatism

dogmatic (adj) - opinionated, arbitrary, doctrinal

dubious (adj) - questionable, filled with doubt

duplicity - deceitfulness; conspirator

- E -

ebullience - enthusiasm, lively

eclectic (adj) - unorthodox; varied parts, a

mixture ecstasy - rapture, joy, any overpowering emotion

edify (v) - instruct, correct morally

effete (adj) - worn out, exhausted, barren

efficacy - effectiveness, efficiency. efficacious

effluvium - vapors, odors (plural noun)

effrontery - brazen boldness, presumptuousness

elegy - mournful poem, lamentation

elucidate (v) -explain, enlighten

emollient (adj) - soothing, mollifying

empirical (adj) - measured, factual; experimental results

emulate (v) - to copy, to imitate

encomium - elaborate expression of praise

encompass (v) - surround

encumber (v) - burden

endemic (adj) - localized, regional

enervate (v) - to weaken, to drain, to take vitality from

engender (v) - to create, to

produce , to cause engrossed (adj) - occupied fully

enigma - a puzzle, mystery. enigmatic (adj)

ennui - restlessness, dissatisfaction; result of apathy

ephemeral (adj) - temporary, fleeting, transient

epic - long heroic poem, novel, similar work of art

epitome - perfect example of embodiment

epoch - period of time

equivocal (adj) - ambiguous, intentionally confusing. equivocate (v),


equivocate (v) - lie, mislead, attempt to conceal the truth

ersatz (n / adj) - substitute; inferior type

erudite (adj) - scholarly, learned. erudition

erudition - high degree of knowledge and learning

esoteric (adj) - understood by few; intended for a minority; trivial

espouse (v) - to support, to advocate; marry to

estheticism - belief in beauty as the basic standard of value in life

eulogy - high praise. eulogize

evanescent (adj) - vanishing; like vapor

exacerbate (v) - to make worse

excoriate (v) - strip raw; censure, denounce

exculpate (v) - to exonerate, to clear

execrable (adj) - very bad

exegesis - explanation, especially of Biblical passages

exhaustive (adj) - thorough, comprehensive

exigent (adj) - urgent, pressing; immediate

exonerate (v) - to clear; to prove innocent

exorbitant (adj) - excessive

expatiate (v) - talk at length

expediency - that which is advisable or practical

explication - detailed explanation

exposition - introduction, background; underlying theme (music)

extemporaneous (adj) - improvised; without preparation

extol (v) - to praise

exuberant (adj) - abundant, excessive


fabricate (v) - build, lie

facetious (adj) - playful, humorous; sarcastic

facile (adj) - easily accomplished, ready or fluent, superficial

fallacious (adj) - incorrect, mistaken. fallacy

fancied (adj) - imagined, unreal

fanciful (adj) - whimsical, visionary

fatalism - belief that events are determined by forces beyond one's


fatuous (adj) - silly, foolish

fawn (v) - to flatter excessively. fawning

fecund (adj) - fertile. fecundity

feign (v) - to pretend, act, deceive

fervent (adj) - emotional; zealous

fester (v) - ulcerate; rankle. festering (v)

festor - a sore

fetid (adj) - stinking; rotting

filibuster - obstruction; a delay by speech

finesse - delicate skill

flag (v) - to waiver, to decline

flay (v) - to strip off the skin; to criticize without mercy; to rob, cheat; to inflict
acute pain or torture

florid (adj) - gaudy, ornate; ruddy, flushed

flout (v) - to show contempt

fluster (v) -

confuse forbear (v) - to refrain; to cease

forbearance - patience

fortuitous (adj) - by fortunate accident

frenetic (adj) - frantic; insane

frieze - decoration

froward (adj) - willful, obstinate; adverse

fulminate (v) - to loudly denounce; to attack

fulsome (adj) - offensively excessive; fawning

furtive (adj) - stealth, covert, surreptitious

fusillade (n / v) - continuous discharge of many weapons; rapid verbal attack.

fusilladed (v), fusillading (v)

futile (adj) - useless, hopeless, ineffectual


gainsay (v) - to speak against, to oppose, to deny

galvanize (v) - stimulate by shock, stir up

gape (v) - open widely

garner (v) - gather, store up

garrulity - talkativeness

garrulous (adj) - talkative, pointlessly wordy

gaunt (adj) - lean and angular , barren

genial (adj) - kindly, jovial; conducive to growth

genre - kind, sort, a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition

germane (adj) - relevant

gerrymander (v) - change voting district lines in order to favor a political party
ghastly (adj) - horrible

gingerly (adv) - very carefully

glib (adj) - superficial; informal

glutinous (adj) - sticky, viscous

goad (v) - urge; irritate

gossamer (adj) - sheer, like cobwebs

gourmand - epicure, person who takes excessive pleasure in food and


grandiloquent (adj) - pompous

gratuitous (adj) - given freely, unwarranted, uncalled for

gregarious (adj) - sociable, outgoing, charming

grotesque (adj) - fantastic, comically hideous

guffaw - boisterous laughter

guile - deception. guileless - lacking guile, unable to deceive

gustatory (adj) - affecting the sense of taste

gusto - enjoyment, enthusiasm


hackneyed (adj) - trite; overused

haggard (adj) - wasted away, gaunt

halcyon (adj) - calm, peaceful

hamper (v) - obstruct

haphazard (adj) - random, by chance

hapless (adj) - unfortunate

harangue (v) - to rant, tirade; to lecture

harping - tiresome dwelling on a subject

harrowing (adj) - agonizing, distressing, traumatic

haughtiness - pride, arrogance

hedonism - devotion to pleasure

hegemony - dominance of one ideology

heretic - person who maintains opinions contrary to the doctrines of the


hiatus - gap, interruption in duration or continuity, pause

hierarchy - body divided into ranks

hubris - arrogant pride; presumption

hyperbole - exaggeration, overstatement

hypocritical (adj) - pretending to be virtuous, deceiving

hypothetical (adj) - based on assumptions or hypotheses, supposed

- I -

iconoclastic (adj) - attacking tradition. iconoclast

ideology - system of ideas of a group

idiom - expression whose meaning as a whole differs from the meanings

of it's individual words

idolatrous (adj) - excessive devotion

idyllic (adj) - simple, charming; rustic

ignominious (adj) - deeply disgraceful, shameful

imbroglio - complicated situation

immune (adj) - resistant to, free or exempt from

immutable (adj) unchanging; constant

impervious (adj) - resistant, strong, incapable of being affected

impalpable (adj) - imperceptible, intangible

impassive (adj) - without emotion; controlled

impeccable (adj) - faultless

impecunious (adj) - poor, lacking funds

impediment - hindrance, stumbling block

impermeable (adj) - impervious

imperturbable (adj) - extremely calm, steady

impetuous (adj) - hasty, rash, impulsive ; vehement

impinge (v) - infringe, touch, collide with

implacable (adj) - difficult to pacify or soothe, inflexible

implausible (adj) - unlikely, unbelievable

impolitic (adj) - not wise

improvident (adj) - lacking foresight; not planning; not conserving

impudent (adj) - without shame, immodest; rudely bold, insolent; forward

impropriety - improperness, unsuitableness

imprudent (adj) - lacking caution, injudicious

impugn (v) - question, challenge

impunity - immunity (law)

inadvertence - oversight, carelessness

inarticulate (adj) - speechless, producing indistinct speech

inchoate (adj) - unfinished; imperfect, malformed

incipient (adj) - becoming apparent; beginning

incisive (adj) - sharp, pointed; trenchant

incoherence - unintelligibility, lack of logic

incontrovertible (adj) - indisputable, not open to question

incorrigible (adj) - uncorrectable

incredulous (adj) - withholding belief

inculcate (v) - teach

incumbent (adj) - obligatory; currently holding an office

indifferent (adj) - without concern; unbiased

indignant (adj) - moved by anger or scorn

indolence - laziness

indubitably (adv) - beyond a doubt; unquestionably

ineffable (adj) - too great to be described; not to be known

ineluctable (adj) - inevitable

inept (adj) - lacking skill; unsuited; incompetent

inert (adj) - lethargic, sluggish

inexorable (adj) - unrelenting

inference - conclusion drawn from data

infirmity - weakness

infelicitous (adj) - unfortunate; inappropriate

ingenuous (adj) - artless; unsophisticated; frank, candid

inimical (adj) - harmful, malevolent, damaging

iniquity - injustice; wickedness

injurious (adj) - harmful

innocuous (adj) - harlmess, safe

inordinate (adj) - unrestrained; excessive

inscrutable (adj) - mysterious; impenetrable

insidious (adj) - treacherous; stealthy

insipid (adj) - bland, plain, lacking

insouciant (adj) - indifferent; without concern or care

intractable (adj) - hard to control, unyielding

intransigent (adj) - uncompromising; solid, strong

intrepid (adj) - courageous; steadfast, loyal

inured (adj) - immune; accustomed to misery. inure (v)

invective - abusive speech

inveigh (v) - to speak against, to oppose

inveigle (v) - to seduce; to obtain by deception; to receive by manipulation

interregnum - interval between reigns

interrex - regent; authority, leader

invidious (adj) - causing resentment; enviable

irascible (adj) - easily angered; prone to outbursts

irksome (adj) - repetitious; tedious


jactation - throwing; boasting

jactitation - falsely posing as married

jaundiced (adj) - jealous, soured on

jejune (adj) - poor; unsatisfying

jetsam - object tossed overboard to lighten a ship

jingoism - extremely aggressive and militant patriotism

juxtapose (v) - place side by side

- K -

kalology - study of beauty

kilter - orderly arrrangement

kindred (adj) - related; similar in nature or character

kinematic (adj) - relating to motion

knavery - untrustworthiness; lack of principles


laconic (adj) - using few words, aloof

languid (adj) - weary; sluggish; listless

languish (v) - lose animation; lose strength

lambaste (v) - to scold; to criticize

latency - present but hidden. latent (adj)

laud (v) - to praise. laudable (adj), laudatory (adj)

laudatory (adj) - expressing praise

lecherous (adj) - impure in thought and act, lustful

levity - lack of seriousness; lightness

libertine - a dissolute person; lax in morals

libidinous (adj) - lustful

licentious (adj) - sexually immoral

lieu - instead of

linguistic (adj) - pertaining to language

loquacious (adj) - talkative

lucid (adj) - clear, understood (speech)

lugubrious (adj) - mournful

luminous (adj) - bright; emitting light

lymphatic (adj) - fatty; sluggish


magnanimity - generosity. magnanimous (adj)

magnate - person of prominence or influence

malaise - uneasiness; vague feeling of ill heath

malevolent (adj) - evil; causing harm

malicious (adj) - hateful; spiteful

malleable (adj) - pliable; easily twisted

manifest (adj) - clearly revealed; fated

marshal (v) - to organize, to gather

martial (adj) - of war

materiel - all things used by an army, weapons

maverick - an independent

meddlesome (adj) - interfering

meditation - reflection; though

melancholy (adj / n) - sadness, gloom

mellifluous (adj) - sweet like / as honey

mendacious (adj) - dishonest. mendacity

mercurial (adj) - unpredictable; violent moods

metamorphosis - change of form

metaphor - implied comparison

meticulous (adj) - organized, careful, precise

miasma - foul-smelling vapor from decay

mien - demeanor; bearing

migratory (adj) - wandering

mimicry - imitation

minatory (adj) - threatening, menacing

misanthrope - person who dislikes humanity. misanthropic (adj)

miscellany - mixture of writing on various subjects

misconstrue (v) - interpret incorrectly; misjudge

misogamy - hatred of marriage

mitigate (v) - to soften, to ease. mitigation

mnemonic (adj) - pertaining to memory

mogul - powerful person

moiety - half; part

mollify (v) - to calm, to reduce

monarchy - government under a single ruler

monotheism - belief in one God

moot (adj) - debatable; controversial; hypothetical

mordant (adj / n) - biting, cutting, sarcastic; acute, burning; corrosive; acid

that eats into metal. mordacious

mores - conventions; moral standards

moribund (adj) - near death

morose (adj) - sad, sullen, melancholy

motility - quality of movement; self-propelled

muddle (v) - confuse; mix up

multifarious (adj) - varied; greatly diversified

mundane (adj) - plain, common

munificent (adj) - extremely generous mutinous

(adj) - unruly; rebellious

myriad (v) - very large number


nadir - lowest point

nascent (adj) - new; developing

nebulous (adj) - vague, cloudy, murky; lacking form

neologism - a new word or usage

neophyte - convert; beginner, novice

nepotism - favoritism to a relative

niggle (v) - spend too much time on minor points

nihilism - philosophy that traditional beliefs are groundless and existence


noisome (adj) - disgusting; pestilential

nonage - immaturity

nonchalance - indifference; lack of concern

notorious (adj) - outstandingly bad; unfavorably known

novice - beginner

noxious (adj) - harmful, toxic

nugatory (adj) - futile; worthless


obdurate (adj) - stubborn (person), physically hard or resistant (thing)

obfuscate (v) - to make confusing; to mislead

objurgate (v) - to scold

obliquity - indirectness; deviation from a position

obliterate (v) - destroy completely

obloquy - abuse; disgrace

obscure (adj) - unexplained; humble

obsequious (adj) - fawning, overly attentive

obsolete (adj) - outmoded

obstinate (adj) - stubborn

obstre prosperous (adj) - boisterous; noisy

obtuse (adj) - imprecise, unclear; dimwitted, ignorant

obviate (v) - to anticipate and prevent, to render pointless

occlude (v) - to shut, block; to absorb, retain. occlusion

odious (adj) - evoking aversion; dislikable, distasteful

olfactory (adj) - concerning the sense of smell

oligarchy - government by a privileged few

omnipotent (adj) - all-powerful

onomatopoeia - words formed in imitation of natural sounds

ontology - science of being; the nature of things

opaque (adj) - solid color; blocking light

opprobrium - contempt, scorn; disgrace

oratorio - dramatic poem set to music

oscillate (v) - swinging motion; rhythmic movement. oscillation

ossify (v) - harden; get stuck, rigid in ideas

ostentatious (adj) - pretentious

oust (v) - expel; drive out

overt (adj) - open to view

overweening (adj) - presumptuous: arrogant


paean - hymn of praise

pacifist - one opposed to force

palatable (adj) - agreeable; pleasing to the taste

palliate (v) - to relieve without curing; to excuse

palpable (adj) - certain; obvious

panegyric - speech of praise

pantomime - acting without dialogue

parable - short, simple story

paradox - seeming contradiction

parody - imitation for ridicule

pastoral (adj) - rural; simple and peaceful

paucity - scarcity; lack

pedagogue - narrow-minded teacher

pedagogy - art of teaching

pedantic (adj) - boring, academic; trying to impress with facts

pedestrian (adj) - uninspired, common; dull, slow

pejorative (adj) - negative in connotation

penchant - strong inclination

penurious (adj) - miserly, thrifty; greedy

penury - poverty, destitution

perennial (adj) - persistent

perfidious (adj) - treacherous; disloyal

perfidy - treachery, disloyalty. perfidious (adj)

perfunctory (adj) - cursory, without care

periphrastic (adj) - wordy. periphrasis

permeable (adj) - penetrable; porous

permeate (v) - to spread; to diffuse itself

pernicious (adj) - harmful, deadly

peroration - conclusion of an oration

perspicacious (adj) - perceptive, discerning; aware keenly

perspicuity - clearness of expression

pertinacious (adj) - obstinate

pertinent (adj) - to the point

peruse (v) - to examine

carefully pervade (v) - to permeate; to spread. pervasive (adj)

petulant (adj) - given to fits; moody

phlegmatic (adj) - calm, sluggish; unemotional

pique : irritation; resentment

pillory (v) - to attack; to ridicule

pine (v) - to yearn, to desire; to languish, to decline

pious (adj) - devout, religious

piquant (adj) - pungent; stimulating

pirate (v) - to illegally reproduce; to use illegally

pith - the central part

pithy (adj) - precise, brief

placate (v) - to pacify, to soothe; to appease

platitude - superficial remark

plauditory (adj): approving; applauding

plenary (adj): complete; full

plenitude : abundance; completeness

plethora - a surplus, an abundance

plumb (v) - to explore; to test the depth

plummet (v) - to plunge, to drop

polemic - argument; controversial statement. polemical (adj)

potent (adj): powerful; persuasive

pragmatic (adj) - practical

prattle (v) - to babble, to ramble

preamble : introductory statement

precipitate (v / adj) - to cause; acting in hand, impulsive

precursor - one that indicates; signal of something to come

predilection - disposition, preference

preen (v) - to primp, to groom

prefatory (adj): introductory

preposterous (adj): absurd; ridiculous

prescience - foreknowledge

presumptuous (adj) - overstepping; taking liberties

prevaricate (v) - to lie evasively. prevarication

pristine (adj) - pure, uncorrupted, clean

probity - integrity, honesty

proclivity - predisposition, inclination

prodigal (adj) - reckless, lavish, wasteful, extravagant

prodigious (adj) - abundant; extraordinary

profligate (adj) - reckless, lavish, wasteful, extravagant

profundity - depth of thought, wisdom

profuse (adj) - abundant; extravagant; given generously

prognosticate (v): predict

proliferate (v) - to grow, to increase swiftly. proliferation

prolific (adj) - productive; producing in abundance

prolix (adj) - wordy, long-winded

promiscuous (adj): indiscriminate

propensity - inclination, tendency; penchant

propinquity - nearness; affinity

propitiate (v) - to appease, to sway, to convince

prosaic (adj) - dull, unimaginative

proselyte - a convert, new member

proselytize (v) - to attempt to convert; to preach

puissance - power

pungent (adj) - strong smell or taste

pusillanimous (adj) - cowardly

putrefy (v) - to rot, to decay


quaff (v) - to drink; to quench thirst

qualm - misgiving, reservation

quandary - dilemma

querulous (adj) - quarrelsome; prone to complaining

query - question; doubt, reservation

quiescence - stillness, state of rest. quiescent (adj)

quixotic (adj) - impractical; romantic idealism

quorum - number of members necessary to conduct a meeting

quotidian (adj) - commonplace; recurring daily


ramification - branching out; subdivision

rancorous (adj) - bitter, long-lasting resentment

rapprochement - reconciliation

rarefy (v) - to make pure. rarefied (adj), rarefaction

rebuke (v) - to reprimand; to cast aside

recalcitrant (adj) - defiant; difficult to manage

recapitulate (v) - summarize

recant (v) - to retract

refutation - disproof of opponents arguments

reciprocal (adj) - mutual, shared, exchanged in kind

recondite (adj) - hidden, concealed; obscure

recreant (adj) - crave, cowardly; apostate

redoubtable (adj) - worthy of honor; awe-inspiring

refractory (adj) - unmanageable, difficult; breaking the path (of light)

refulgent (adj) - radiant, shiny, brilliant

refute (v) - to disprove

relegate (v) - to forcibly assign; to demote

reminiscence - recollection

remonstrate (v) - to protest; to argue

remunerative (adj) - compensating; rewarding

renaissance - revival, rebirth, rediscovery. renascence (alt sp)

renege (v) - to fail a commitment; to break a promise

renitent (adj) - resisting pressure

repertoire - list of works of music

reprobate (v / adj / n) - to reject; rejected, depraved; someone rejected by


reprobation - severe disapproval

reprove (v) - to blame; to rebuke

repudiate (v) - to reject, to ignore authority; to disown

repugnant (adj) - contrary; distasteful

rescind (v) - to repeal, to retract

resolute (adj) - unyielding

restive (adj) - restless, uneasy; hard to manage; refusing to move, balky

reticent (adj) - reluctant; quiet, reserved

retrospective (adj) - looking back on the past

reverent (adj) - expressing awe, respectful

rhetoric - study of effective persuasion; skilled language

ribald (adj) - irreverent; indecent

rivet (v) - to fascinate

ruddy (adj) - reddish; blushing

rusticate (v) - to send away, to dismiss; to make a rough surface


sagacious (adj) - shrewd, wise

salacious (adj) - lustful

salubrious (adj) - promoting health

salutary (adj) - tending to improve; beneficial

sanction (n / v) - permission, authorized; a penalty

sanguine (adj) - cheerful; hopeful

sapient (adj) - wise; shrewd

satiate (v) - to feed fully; satisfy fully; to disgust with too much; glut, cloy

satire - literary ridicule of a vice. satiric (adj)

saturnine (adj) - gloomy; sluggish

savor (n / v) - the taste of; to enjoy

scupper (v) - to sink intentionally, damage in a way that dooms

scurrilous (adj) - vulgar; coarse

sedulous (adj) - diligent, persistent

sequester (v) - isolate; retire from public life

serendipity - gift for finding valuable or desirable things

servile (adj) - yielding through fear; lack of spirit; politically enslaved

shibboleth - word or pronunciation used by one group but not by another

sinuous (adj) - curving, winding

sobriety - moderation

solicitous (adj) - concerned, attentive; eager

soporific (adj) - inducing sleep, causing drowsiness; boring

sordid (adj) - dirty, filthy, foul

sparse (adj) - thin, loose; few, small amount

specious (adj) - showy, false. speciousness

spendthrift - a wasteful person

sporadic (adj) - occasionally, scattered, random

spurious (adj) - counterfeit, flase, invalid

squalid (adj) - dirty from neglect; sordid

static (adj) - still, motionless

sterile (adj) - barren, empty

stoic (adj) - unmoved by emotion; extreme self-control

stultify (v) - to render useless; to make absurd

stupefy (v) - to stun, to baffle, to amaze

stymie (v) - to block, to prevent

subaltern - subordinate

subjugate (v) - to conquer

subtle (adj) - not obvious, elusive

succinct (adj) - brief, concise

sullen (adj) - resentful; dismal

superfluous (adj) - extra, excessive

supercilious (adj) - arrogant; patronizing

supplant (v) - to supersede, to replace

suppress (v) - crush, subdue, inhibit

suppurating (v) - festering, ulcering. suppurate (v), supperation

surfeit (n / v) - excess, overindulgence; to extreme; satiate; stuff

surreptitious (adj) - done secretly; stealth

synthesis - combining of parts; a merging

- T -

tacit (adj) - implied quietly; existing out of custom

taciturn (adj) - silent; not fond of talking

tantamount (adj) - equivalent in effect or value

taut (adj) - tight, tense

tautological (adj) - needlessly repetitious

temerity - rashness, foolhardy. temerarious (adj)

tenacity - adherence, persistence

tenuous (adj) - without substance, weak, flimsy

terse (adj) - brief, concise

timbre - distinct sound

timorous (adj) - cowardly; shy,

timid tirade - denunciation; extremely critical speech

torpid (adj) - lethargic, sluggish, dormant

torque - force, causing rotation

tortuous (adj) - winding, twisting, complicated

tout (v) - to praise

tractable (adj) - obedient, yielding, compliant, easy to control

transgression - violation of a law; sin

transient (adj) - fleeting, brief, passing quickly. transitory (adj)

transmute (v) - change

trenchant (adj) - perceptive, keen, penetrating; forceful and vigorous

trepidation - state of alarm; shaking from fear

trite (adj) - overused, common

truculent (adj) - fierce, cruel; eager to fight

turbid (adj) - muddy; thick

turgid (adj) - pompous, bombastic; inflated

turpitude - depravity, baseness

tutelary (adj) - protective

tyro - beginner, novice


ubiquitous (adj) - everywhere, widespread

ulterior (adj) - unstated; hidden

unconscionable (adj) - unscrupulous

unfaltering (adj) - steadfast

unfeigned (adj) - genuine

unfettered (adj) - free, unrestrained

unfilled (adj) - immature

uniformity - sameness; consistency

unprecedented (adj) - novel

untenable (adj) - indefensible; uninhabitable

untoward (adj) - inconvenient

urbane (adj) - sophisticated, refined, cultured

usurpation - act of seizing power and rank of another


vacillate (v) - to waver; to be undecided

vacuous (adj) - vacant; mindless

vainglorious (adj) - boastful

variegated (adj) - multicolored; various patches

vapid (adj) - dull and unimaginative, lacking energy

vehement (adj) - forceful

venerate (v) - to respect. veneration

veracity - truthfulness, honesty

verbose (adj) - wordy

vernacular - living language

vex (v) - to annoy, to irritate. vexation

viable (adj) - practical or workable

vigilant (adj) - alert, watchful

vilify (v) - to defame

vindicate (v) - clear from blame

vindictive (adj) - vengeful, spiteful

virulent (adj) - poisonous; harmful

viscous (adj) - thick, sticky

vitiate (v) - to deprive; to weaken

vituperate (v) - to abuse, to berate

volatile (adj) - fickle; explosive;

quickly vaporizing volition - act of making a conscious choice

voluptuous (adj) - suggesting sensual delights

vulnerable (adj) - susceptible to wounds

voracious (adj) - ravenous; insatiable need to pursue


wane (v) - decrease in size or strength

wangle (v) - bring about by manipulation

welter (n / v) - turmoil; to roll, to tumble

wheedle (v) - to influence, to enter with flattery

whet (v) - sharpen; stimulate

winnow (v) - to blow free; to separate

winsome (adj) - agreeable; gracious


xanthic (adj) - yellowing

xenophobia - fear and hatred of anything foreign

xenophobe - one afraid of strangers

xyloid (adj) - like wood


yammer (v) - to talk with a sad tone

yoke (v) - join together, unite


zealot - fanatic

zealous (adj) - ardent, impassioned, fervent

zymotic (adj) - of fermentation; caused by disease

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