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Name : Lukman Hakim

NPM : 2001051016


Each of the following paragraphs contains sentences that
are irrelevant or unnecessary to the main point of the
paragraph. The sentences do not support the opening
point, and so the paragraphs are not unified.

1. “How to Manage Your Time”

(1) As you use your calendar to manage your time, think

about how long certain activities will take. (2) A common
mistake is to underestimate the time needed to do
something, even something simple. (3) For example, when
you are planning the time needed to get cash from the cash
machine, remember that there may be a line of people. (4)
Last week in line I met a woman I went to high school
with, so we chatted. (5) It turns out she has two children
just the same age as mine. (6) When you are estimating
time for a more complex activity, such as reading a
chapter in a textbook, block out more time than you think
you will need. (7) If you finish in less time than you have
allotted, so much the better. (8) One should allow for
interruptions because it is better to allow too much time
than too little.

The sentences that does not support the topic sentence are
"Last week in line I met a woman I went to high school
with, so we chatted.", " It turns out she has two children
just the same age as mine." and "One should allow for
interruptions because it is better to allow too much time
than too little."
2. “Advantages of Computer”

(1) Computers help writers in a number of ways. (2) With

a computer, a writer never has to face a messy draft.
Material can be inserted or deleted easily. (3) Writers are
always changing and rearranging their work. (4) A writer
can also move a word, sentence, or paragraph by pressing
a few keys. (5) The material can easily be stored on a disk.

The sentence that do not support the topic sentence is

"Writers are always changing and rearranging their work."

3. ”Tomatoes are source of antioxidant vitamin”

(1) Tomatoes are full of nutrients and are an especially

good source of antioxidant vitamins. (2) In fact, one
serving of tomato will give you 40% of your
recommendation daily allowance of vitamin C. (3) All
doctors will suggest that we take as many vitamins as
possible in one day to stay strong. (4) Diets rich in fruit
and vegetables are associated with lower risks of many
diseases and a diet which include high intake of tomatoes
has been shown to protect against prostate cancer. (5) We
often see how dangerous the disease is so that many
people have died because of it. (6) Tomatoes are by far
the richest source of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant,
which gives tomatoes its red color. (7) Color can help us
add appetite in consuming food. (8) No other food
contains this high level of antioxidant. (9) Lycopene is
highest in processed tomatoes foods, such as tomatoes
puree, because they are concentrated.

The sentences that does not support the topic sentence are
"We often see how dangerous the disease is so that many
people have died because of it." and "Color can help us
add appetite in consuming food."

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