19mcmc28 - ISM MINOR-1

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Submitted by
Sagiruddin Akthar

1. Identify and anticipate the first, second and third order effects that have
occurred and may occur by introducing e-gov portal in our university of

Ans: The outcome that has arisen due to implementation of new information system that is E-
gov portal in our university can be seen into three type of effect First order effect, second order
effect, and third order effect .the first order effect can be seen as a direct consequences of the
introduction of e-gov portal .the outcome can be seen in positive manner because of increase
in processing of data. before implementation of information system during semester
registration students had to fill the forms and had to submit the hard copy at various office of
university which was time consuming process but with the introduction of e-gov portal students
can fill the form easily and all the departments connected to each other through e-gov portal.
The Second order effect cannot be seen immediately.it will take years to see its effect.it can be
seen as introduction of online transaction system that is payment methods in e-gov portal.
student don’t have to visit bank and administrative block for paying semester fee, hostel fee
etc. Student can make any transaction online.

Restructuring of organization to implementing information system is third order effect. The

third-order effects were much harder to see coming. for example, when we do semester
registration it completed through many steps like draft state then submitted stated and so on
till it has not been approved. It can’t seen immediately. Every dependency we add, indeed
every decision we make, has the potential to bring about third-order effects we may not
immediately be able to see.

2. Elective registration is a popular event that happens in School of CIS every

semester. What type of data is collected during the process and what
information can be retrieved from the data. What changes do you suggest for
our school based on the data

Ans: Type of Data collected during the process:

• Student information like registration number, name, semester information in which
they are.
• Students Average pointer (Pointer play a big role to choose good elective).
• Preferences of electives choose by students
Information can be retrieved from the data:
• The list of students with their average grades and preference of electives.
• Based on which electives provided to the students. Higher grades students get electives
according to their 1st preferences and other get on the basis of 2nd and so on
Students gets the elective by seeing their grades not by their interests due to fixed number of
seats. Sometimes it happens that student got the electives that they want just because if there
are large number of seats in that elective. But in my opinion the electives will be given on
students choice not by seeing grades and at least there should be option for industrial training
in some electives for practical knowledge related to industries.

3. Assume Telangana Government is planning to promote electric vehicles. What

strategies can it apply to compete in the market and to be in the competitive
position with the existing petrol and diesel vehicles?

Ans: To promote the electric vehicles the Telangana government can apply the niche product strategy
which is possible by reaching out to new markets and customers using internet. Information system help
customize offerings and also provide high efficiency levels for implementing the strategy. for example,
Telangana government create special information system which show the feature of electric vehicles
and also advantage of electric vehicle over the existing petrol diesel vehicle, can also create their own
video to describe the features of electric vehicle which leaves a great impact on customers.
Sales consultants should bet on social media to easily access their Customer base, using text,
images and videos.

4. Explain any four logics used for ranking of web pages. Which among
them do you think is efficient?
Ans: - PageRank is named after Google co-founder Larry Page, and is used to rank websites in Google’s
search results. It counts the number, and quality, of links to a page which determines an estimation of
how important the page is. The underlying assumption is that pages of importance are more likely to
receive a higher volume of links from other pages.

Web pages ranking factors:

When we talking web-page ranking there are many logics comes into picture. But we can split them in
three groups:

Technical ranking factors: -

1. Site and page speed - When we’re searching for information user likes quick result,
nobody likes a website that takes forever to load. If your pages are taking too long to
load, you’re likely going to see your bounce rate skyrocket, which will hurt your ranking.
2. Usability on mobile – Search Engine uses mobile-first indexing when crawling
websites. This means that the search engine predominantly uses the mobile version of a
website when it's evaluating a page.
3. Internal links - As mentioned earlier, search engines work by crawling and indexing
different pieces of content on your website. The crawlers use internal links as a signal
that helps them to analyse and properly index this information.

On-page ranking factors: -

1. Niche and Keyword targeting - Before running website we’ve to decide Niche. 78% of
marketers identified keyword research as a high-impact practice for driving new traffic.
The research process allows you to better understand what your audience is searching
for and create content that directly addresses these search queries.
2. Title and header tags- Once you know which keywords you want to rank for, it’s
important to insert them into specific places on your page, like the title and header tags.
Search engines use these tags to learn what the page is about and index
it appropriately.
3. Meta description - The meta description is a short description that lives in the HTML
code of your web page. Although it doesn’t appear on the page itself, it’s displayed in
search results. In the image below, you can see the meta description that appears in
light gray text.
4. Image alt-text - If you’ve ever searched for anything on Google Images, you can
probably guess that there’s an SEO component to images as well. Every image on your
website comes with alt-text, also referred to as an alt-tag.
5. URL structure - It may seem simple, but the way you structure your page URLs does
have some impact on your search engine ranking. A jumbled URL with many mixed
characters doesn’t do a good job of helping search engines learn about the page.
6. Information quality- Unless it's completely evergreen, most content loses its value over
time. Let’s face it, your “top trending book of 2019" just aren’t cutting it for your audience
anymore. We know that search trends change over time. The terms that your audience
used to find your content could’ve easily changed since the time that older piece was

Off-page ranking factors: -

1. Backlinks - A backlink is a hyperlink that comes from a page outside of your website.

According to me Niche, Metadata and Backlinks are responsible for efficient result. Page
ranking can’t rely on single factors.
5. Differentiate between E-commerce and Mobile Commerce. Which among
them do you think will work better in rural areas?
Ans: E-commerce is an Electronic Commerce which makes use of electronic media such as
internet for the commerce or the business transaction. E-commerce firms used the
technologies such as HTML and e-mail to setup businesses.
Whereas Mobile Commerce is that where we able to do transaction with the help of mobile
phone without any internet connection. Paymate is an example of mobile commerce where we
do not need computer/internet/credit card. Paymate initiates an automated phone call to the
customer, asking the customer to enter his/her PIN. This act as verification. After this, Paymate
changes the customer’s bank with the relevant amount and sends a message to the customer’s
mobile about the same.

I think, in rural areas, Mobile Commerce is better than E-commerce because in rural areas,
most of the places have no internet facility or computer.

6. What type of IT management (Centralised Vs Decentralised) is implemented

in e-gov portal of university of Hyderabad. Would it have been good had it been
implemented otherwise? Share your views.
Ans: E-gov portal is a centralized IT management because all the students, teachers and other
staff members are connected to a central server which is kept in University of Hyderabad,
which will process all the request of a client.

Problems in current e-gov portal

1. Sometimes we can not open E-gov portal directly, we have to use VPN because of public and
private IP address.
2. There is lag between the department and e-gov portal, example results are announced and
send it to the e gov department but they are not updating immediately as they have to manage
all university data.
3. The interface is sometimes not user friendly, when specifically talking about semester
registration and fees submission because we are not getting any receipt after submission of
5.It must be very easy to use which I found is not in case of e-gov portal, for us a CS student can
understand, but university as a whole in which there are lot of other student also are facing
7. Assume you are the research scholar of our University. And University has
installed CCTV cameras in research labs to ensure students do not waste time
and increase their productivity. This is in addition to the log record data that
was already being maintained. What are your views on this idea? Do you agree
or disagree? (Note: Please remember that University is more interested in
Regularity, Discipline and Productive work of the student)

Ans: In such scenario, in my point of view I won’t agree to it. I know the intention was good but
in my opinion it is not a good idea because of following reasons:
• Loss of privacy – Due to continuous monitoring of Camera, there will be complete hampering
of privacy although a work place is subject to be public domain despite that you will have extra
burden when you are exposed to complete monitoring which further led to hampering of
confidence level and as result productivity will get decrease.

• Independence of Work – In order to bring most from the researcher, you will have to give
them freedom of work where they are free of complete Monitoring because a free mind will
think and bring more creativity to the task and it will also allow them to think more freely to
innovate. When you put them in some kind of surveillance then they will focus more on
completing the task instead of doing complete justice to the job.
Discipline can be maintained without installing CCTV. That’s why I didn’t agree with this

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