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Contemporary Issues: Environment and Health

Before Film:

EQ #1: What are the roles and responsibilities of citizens/government to ensure public health?

1.) What types of things are you aware of that are in place to regulate health? (hint: think of local, state and federal



During film: EQ #2: How are people impacted by the environment?

As you watch the film, Erin Brockovich, take notes on observations you see that address the Essential Questions of the unit.

2.) Describe the health problems that some of the people in Hinkley face:

Cancer, headaches, respiratory issues, tumors, miscarriages, nose bleeds, organ deterioration

What responsibility did the company PG&E have to their…?

Contaminated water
3.) Customers (Residents of Hinkley) 4.) Employees

Beth, Katie and Matthew

Erin brock


Explain how you know PG &E failed at their attempt to provide adequate public health. (Don’t provide
the health problems, as that is a result of their “failure.”)

There was chromium in the water

After film:

EQ #3: How effective are environmental campaigns?

6.) Explain what positive things this movie may have done for:

A. Community Water Companies

Made companies pay attention more

B. Residents/Customers of Water Companies

Be mindful of super fun zones

7.) How is the world transformed as a result of this movie/issue/concept? (Your viewpoint can be either
positive or negative, but must be backed up with examples from research or film)

That not everything a doctor says is true and to be mindful of where you choose to live. The doctors told the
people of Hinkley that the chromium was good for them when it was harmful.

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