Transformational Leadership: Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Nursing Professor's Name Date

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Transformational Leadership

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation


Professor’s Name


Transformational Leadership


There are difference approaches with difference of definitions transformational

leadership styles. The full range of leadership, introduces the four elements of transformational

leadership that includes individual consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspirational

motivation, and idealized influence. According to Roussel et al. (2016), transformational

leadership needed in healthcare services due to their creativity, innovative, caring

communicators, and collaborators. Additionally, transformational leadership always expected to

improve communication, knowledge of the healthcare environment, relationship building,

leadership, professionalism, and business skills. Consequently, the study of transformational

leadership in nursing would influence to diseases prevention remedies for the obesity problems

in school age children, interventions of advanced practical roles, core competence, and required


Prevention of obesity and overweight diseases

When transformational leadership properly constituted in an organization, the disease like

obesity and overweight are easy to handle and prevent from affecting the schools children. The

different between obesity and overweight is difficult to identify because comparisons depending

on the age group. However, the existence of overweight and obesity in children causes health

problems throughout the life cycle. According to Food and Agriculture organization of united

nation et al. (2019)


“Obesity is generally not used for under five. For school – age children and adolescents

(5-19 years), being overweight indicates having a body mass index (BMI) for the age

greater than 1 standard deviation above the world health organization (WHO) growth

references standard median whereas obesity is defined as having a BMI more than 2

standard deviation above medians” (p. 31).

Besides that, the obesity and overweight may cause by fetal and early life, food insecurity,

changes in physiological and, metabolism. Therefore, transformational leadership in the health

sectors, obesity and overweight diseases frequently prevented through maintaining good

nutrition, physical activities, education, and promoting awareness of improved with WHO.

Advanced Practice roles to control obesity and overweight

The advanced practice roles of the transformational leader in health sectors always

focused in creating legislation and supportive policies that provide community-based ambulatory

care for new of population affected by chronic illness.

“At the local level, health care professionals and major stakeholders must support

individuals by creating and implementing evidence-based and population-based policies

that provide access to healthy and affordable choices for diet and exercise to everyone

including the poorest individuals. Primary care providers (PCPs), including advanced

practice nurses (APNs), and are well positioned to initiate the first vital steps in an

attempt to control this growing epidemic” (Bornhoeft, 2018, p. 86).

Additionally, physicians and nurses should ensure there is consistence advanced practice roles

that include training and educational material for their patients. Indeed, increasingly knowledge

and professional skills may improve the quality of care of patients with obesity and overweight

(Bucher Della Torre et al., 2018). Finally, this study should help to identity challenges for PCPs

in their daily management of obesity in order to provide a foundation and remedies that would

overcome the difficulties in controlling obesity.

Core Competencies and Support

Generally, many specialist would have differences core competencies and supports

required that relate directly to the care of patients with obesity. The competencies always

developed for those professional actively engaged in the prevention and management of obesity.

According to Bradley and Dietz (2017), competencies and support required for prevention and

management include competencies for core obesity knowledge, competencies for inter

professional obesity care and competencies for patient interactions related to obesity. The

providers should recognize the environmental and cultural context of obesity and incorporate this

information in their counselling, physical activity and intake food throughout encounters with



When transformational leadership is properly composed in the health sectors, the

discoveries of the obesity and overweight diseases are very easy to perform and prevent

accordance to the recommendations of WHO. Besides that, the training and education facilities

should be adequately available for the APNs and children with obesity and overweight to tackle

and prevent such illnesses accordingly. However, some obesity and overweight diseases in

children seemed to have unique symptoms and signs, in such scenarios, the health sectors should

consider developing the advanced practice roles, core competence and support for mitigation. In

conclusion, transformational leadership in the health sectors, obesity and overweight diseases

always prevented through maintaining good nutrition, physical activities, education, and

promoting awareness of improved with WHO.



Bornhoeft, K. (2018). Perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of primary care providers toward

obesity management: A qualitative study. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 35(3),


Bradley, D. W., & Dietz, W. H. (2017). Provider competencies for the prevention and

management of obesity. The Robert Woodson Foundation [Washington, DC Bipartisan

Policy Center, 1(1), 1-12.


Bucher Della Torre, S., Courvoisier, D. S., Saldarriaga, A., Martin, X. E., & Farpour‐Lambert,

N. J. (2018). Knowledge, attitudes, representations and declared practices of nurses and

physicians about obesity in a university hospital: Training is essential. Clinical

Obesity, 8(2), 122-130.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations., International Fund for Agricultural

Development,, UNICEF,, World Food Programme,, & World Health Organization,.

(2019). The state of food security and nutrition in the world: Safeguarding against

economic slowdowns and downturns. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United


Roussel, L., Harris, J. L., & Thomas, P. L. (Eds.). (2016). Management and leadership for nurse

administrators (7th Ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.


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