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Topic: Music

Issue: Working in a creative artistic field requires a though skin, and the music industry
is no exemption. Musician, manager, agent or promoter they all experience setbacks.
the trick is learning how to deal with disappointment and to move forward your goals
without getting side trackted knowing how to manage these common circumstances
can help you stay focused on your career.
In music, the introduction is a passage or section which opens a movement or a
separate piece, preceding the theme or lyrics. In popular music, this is often known as
the song intro or just the intro. The introduction establishes melodic, harmonic or
rhythmic material related to the main body of the piece. Introductions may consist of an
ostinato that is used in the following music, an important chord or progression that
establish, the tonality and groove for the following music or they may be important but
disguised or out-ot-context motivic or thematic material. As such, the introduction may
be the first statement of primary or other important material, may be related to but
different from the primary or other important material or may bear little relation to any
other material.
Is music very helpful to people?
Yes, because it helps to remove stress
Other people say if you are listening to music while working it can lead to so many
distractions! This distraction can either be good or bad as well also the constant
exposure of the music can give harm to your hearing sense as well most important of
all it can make the mind forgetful as well. Negative effect of music on kids even certain
levels of tonality in music can have a detrimental effect on children. It’s said that shrill
screeching of guitars or other instruments in heavy mental music can have a squieting
effect on children exposed toit and can cause nervousness anxiety and depression.
Also music industry have so many competition that needs to be creative and popular so
people will patrionize your songs pn your composition to should be will promoted and
must reach or generate common people music industry is also the popularity is an
spand of time, so you should grab the chance or opputunity while you are popular but if
your song is good it will become “immortal’’ that people will always play it. Like the
song of Freddie aguilar and jose marie chan. That we always played when celebration
The nation that music can influence your thoughts, feelings and behaviors probably do
not come much of a surprise. The psychological effects of music can be powerful and
wide ranging music can improve your cognitive performance music that is played while
the listener is primarily focused on another activity can improve performance on
cognitive task older adults music can reduce stress. Consider the trend centered on
meditative music created to the mind and inducing relazation. Fortunately, this is one
trend supported by research listening to music can be an effective way to copr with
Conclusion: Music is part of our culture because without music life will be boring also
music is the one help us to release the stress in our life music is indeed beautiful, but
other than it’s beauty it has a lot more offer us. As we been seen the previous days,
music can have a great effect to our body. First of all, music can either reduce you
blood pressure or raise it, depending on your situation and the type of music you
choose to listen.

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