Research Article: Proinflammatory and Resiliency'' Proteins in The CSF of Patients With Major Depression

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Research Article
Jose M. Martinez, M.A.,1 Amir Garakani, M.D.,1 Rachel Yehuda, Ph.D.,1,2 and Jack M. Gorman, M.D.3

Background: A number of studies have shown that elevated levels of

inflammatory cytokines may promote depression and suicidal ideation and that
neuroprotective peptides may decrease the response to stress and depression.
In this study, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of three inflammatory cytokines
(IL-1, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor a (TNFa)) and two putative ‘‘resiliency’’
neuropeptides (brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neuropeptide Y
(NPY)) were compared between patients with depression and healthy controls.
Methods: Eighteen patients with major depression and 25 healthy controls
underwent a lumbar puncture; CSF samples were withdrawn and assayed for
IL-1, IL-6, TNFa, BDNF, and NPY levels. Patients with depression were then
entered into an 8-week treatment protocol and had repeated lumbar puncture
procedures post-treatment. Results: Contrary to prediction, we found that at
baseline depressed patients had higher CSF NPY concentration compared to the
normal comparison group. Within the depressed patients, we found several
statistically significant correlations between elevated CSF cytokine levels and
clinical severity. Conclusion: Despite the small sample size, given the challenges
in obtaining CSF from patients with depression these data are of interest in
confirming some aspects of the inflammatory hypothesis of depression.
Depression and Anxiety 29:32–38, 2012. r 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: cytokines; brain-derived neurotrophic factor; cerebrospinal fluid;

neuropeptide Y; depression

neuropeptide. For example, in a sample of 256 patients

INTRODUCTION with depression, the presence of a less active NPY
A number of recent studies have suggested that allele was associated with failure to respond to
activation of the immune system may be involved in the antidepressant therapy and to increased activation of
pathophysiology of major depression and of suicidal the bilateral amygdala during presentation of fearful
behavior.[1–4] At the same time, several neuropeptides
have been linked to resiliency against stress and are 1
Department of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai School of Medicine,
conceived therefore to confer antidepressant effects. New York, New York
Among these are neuropeptide Y (NPY) and brain- 2
James J Peters Veterans Affairs Bronx, New York
derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). NPY is widely 3
Riverdale Behavioral Health Consultants, Bronx, New York
present throughout the CNS and binds to at least four
The authors disclose the following financial relationships within the
different receptors.[5] Many clinical and preclinical past 3 years: Contract grant sponsor: National Institutes of Health
studies have found a role for NPY in the regulation of (NIH); Contract grant numbers: R01-MH58808; K08-MH6701.
emotional behavior and stress response.[6] Infusion of Correspondence to: Jose M. Martinez, Department of Psychiatry,
NPY directly into the rat hippocampus produced
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, One Gustave L. Levy Place,
antidepressant-like effects (Ishida et al., 2007).[7] It
New York, NY 10029. E-mail:
has been suggested that NPY opposes the anxiogenic
effects of CRH in the rodent brain.[8] Received for publication 29 January 2011; Revised 28 June 2011;
The role of NPY in human depression is somewhat Accepted 5 July 2011
less clear, but may be illuminated when attention is DOI 10.1002/da.20876
paid to polymorphisms in the gene encoding the Published online in Wiley Online Library (

r 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

2 Research Article: Cytokines,Martinez
al. and Major Depression 33

faces, particularly among those patients with ‘‘anxious increase in CSF BDNF after the treatment with
depression.’’[9] Frisch et al.[10] measured NPY-positive citalopram and their pretreatment levels of BDNF
neuron density in 34 patients with epilepsy undergoing and IL-6 were higher than those with comorbid PD
temporal lobe surgery. They found a positive correla- and MDD.
tion between NPY neuron density and depression and Until the past several decades, the central nervous
anxiety scores in the basolateral amygdala. NPY has system was often conceived as immunological indolent
also been linked to alcohol dependence and may or ‘‘spared.’’ It is now clear that this is far from true.
represent a link between emotional behavior and the Major advances have been made in understanding the
propensity for alcoholism.[11] biology of the brain’s main immunological cell-type,
In studies of human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), NPY the microglia cell.[29] Microglia serve mainly to protect
is reduced in depressed patients and increases with neurons and other glial cells from toxic and infectious
antidepressant therapy.[12–14] Men with combat-related agents. However, microglia cells are activated by pain
PTSD had lower CSF NPY concentrations than and peripheral immune stimulation and when activated
normal volunteers.[15] In a sample of six patients, can release inflammatory cytokines directly into the
Nikisch and Mathé[16] reported an increase in CSF brain. Hence, stress that affects both the central and
NPY level and reduction in corticotropin-releasing peripheral nervous systems is capable of resulting in
hormone (CRH) level following electroconvulsive microglial activation and increased central cytokine
therapy. Olsson et al.[17] in a small sample of 7 of 13 levels. Both animal and clinical data suggest that
inpatients with depression (after a recent suicide immune system activation may be an important aspect
attempt) being treated with an antidepressant, reported in the pathophysiology of depression.
a significant decrease in CSF NPY between their A prevailing hypothesis is that peripheral immune
second and third lumbar punctures and a decrease in activation triggers cytokine synthesis and release,
CSF substance P across the patient group. which then provokes activation of brain neurotrans-
Similarly, BDNF has been shown to induce anti- mitter and neuroendocrine systems that contribute to
depressant-like effects in laboratory animals and to be depression.[30,31] This hypothesis rests in part on
reduced in the serum of depressed patients.[18,19] Chen several reports of immune system activation during
et al.[20] showed that BDNF concentrations were stress in animals and humans and in depressed patients.
increased in postmortem brains of depressed patients Immune system activation by lipopolysaccharide injec-
who had been treated with antidepressants compared to tion increases inflammatory cytokine levels and causes
those who had not received antidepressants. Another a syndrome of behavioral despair in laboratory
postmortem study found reduced BDNF mRNA level rodents.[32] Inflammatory cytokines may alter hippo-
in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of subjects campal plasticity in experimental animals.[33] Slavich
who had committed suicide.[21] A number of studies et al.[34] recently reported that a social-threat task
have shown that antidepressant therapy increases increased both IL-6 and TNF-a in a group of 124
serum BDNF levels.[18,22] The relationship between normal volunteer subjects. Serum levels of IL-6
brain, CSF, and blood levels of BDNF is likely to be increased more in response to the Trier Social Stress
complex. Elfving et al.[23] compared BDNF levels Test in men with major depression and a history of
between two strains of mice: the Flinders Sensitive early life stress than in normal volunteers.[35] IL-6
Line (FSL), considered to be a genetic model of levels also increased more during the Trier test in
depression, and the Flinders Resistant Line (FRL). nondepressed adults with a history of childhood
FSL mice had higher serum, lower hippocampal, and maltreatment compared to adults with no such early
similar CSF BDNF levels compared to FRL mice. CSF life history.[36]
BDNF concentration has been reported in other It is unclear to what degree findings of increased
CNS diseases. Compared to normal controls, CSF peripheral levels of inflammatory cytokines in de-
BDNF levels were found to be increased in patients pressed patients are related to chronic stress versus
with Parkinson’s disease,[24] decreased in patients with depression itself. For example, in one study IL-6 levels
Alzheimer’s disease[25] and equivalent in patients with were increased only in patients with major depression
PTSD[26] and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.[27] To our and post-traumatic stress disorder but not in patients
knowledge, there is only one known published study of with major depressive disorder alone.[37] On the other
CSF BDNF concentrations in patients with depression, hand, serum levels of the anti-inflammatory marker
a report that evaluated the CSF levels of BDNF, IL-6 IL-1 receptor antagonist were also found in a group
and corticosterone in patients with MDD and Parkin- with elevated depression symptoms.[38] Treatment with
son’s Disease and patients with PD or MDD alone.[28] antidepressant medication has been shown to reduce
They reported lower levels of IL-6 and BDNF in levels of inflammatory cytokines,[39,40] and this effect
patients with comorbid PD and MDD compared to may only occur in patients whose depression responds
those with PD alone after the PD/MDD group and to medication.[41] In fact, response to SSRI antidepres-
MDD group received 12 weeks of citalopram (the sants may in part be mediated by polymorphisms on
patients with PD alone did not receive citalopram). the gene encoding IL-6.[42] Both depression[43] and
Those with MDD alone were reported to have an elevated serum levels of IL-1 and TNF-a[44] may be
Depression and Anxiety Depression and Anxiety
34 Research Article: Cytokines,Martinez
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risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease. Elevated inflam- neurotrophic factor and NPY) between patients with
matory markers may be independent contributors to major depression both before and after antidepressant
the excess in cardiovascular disease morbidity seen in therapy and a normal comparison sample. We sought
some studies of patients with depression.[45] to measure both cytokines and ‘‘resiliency peptides’’
There has been considerable discussion in the (BDNF and NPY) in CSF with the expectation that the
literature about potential mechanisms by which per- former would be elevated in patients with depression
ipheral cytokines may influence the central nervous compared to healthy controls and that the latter would
system. Cytokines cannot by themselves cross the be lower.
blood–brain barrier.[46] However, several hypotheses
have been advanced to explain the relationship between
the peripheral and central immune systems,[46–48] MATERIALS AND METHODS
including: (1) Passive transport through areas of the
brain that lack a blood–brain barrier; (2) activation by Subjects for this study were patients with DSM-IIIR defined major
depressive disorder and comparison subjects with no current
peripheral cytokines of receptors on pathways that
psychiatric illness. All subjects underwent a thorough medical
signal the synthesis and release of cytokines by the evaluation prior to baseline testing. This included a physical
CNS, such as those on the vagus nerve that terminate examination, neurological examination with visualization of the
in the NTS. Cytokines are known to be secreted de fundi; blood tests for routine chemistries, T3, T4, TSH, CBC, and
novo in the brain by microglia, astrocytes and, under pregnancy test; urinalysis; urine screen for substances of abuse and
some circumstances, neurons; (3) binding of peripheral EKG. All subjects had a psychiatric evaluation and SCID to confirm
cytokines to receptors in the brain vascular endothe- diagnosis.
lium, triggering the release of secondary messengers In addition to meeting major depression criteria, depressed
that provoke a central immune response; (4) release subjects had to have a Hamilton Depression Rating Scale score of
greater than 15, indicating at least moderate severity. Exclusion
from peripheral macrophages that can traverse the
criteria for the depressed patient group were history of bipolar
blood–brain barrier; (5) transport of peripheral cyto-
disorder or schizophrenia, history in the past year of substance abuse
kines into the brain by active carriers; and (6) activation or dependence, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder or
of CRH containing terminals located outside the eating disorder, any history of thyroid disease, significant medical
blood–brain barrier that can then lead to increased disorders or use of medications that may distort study measures,
CRH activity within the brain. significant history of clinical depression that is treatment refractory
Only a few studies have examined cytokines in the and unlikely to respond to standard clinical care and pregnant
CSF of patients with depression. Over a decade ago, a women. Healthy controls needed to have a Hamilton Depression
study involving 13 unmedicated hospitalized patients Scale score of less than 8. Healthy controls were excluded if they met
with depression and 10 normal volunteers found that a history of major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, schizo-
phrenia, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, eating
IL-1b levels were higher in the CSF of depressed
disorder, or substance use disorder, any history of thyroid disease
patients, but IL-6 levels were lower and there was no
or use of thyroid medication, significant medical disorder or the use
difference between groups in TNF-a level (Levine of medication that would distort study measures and pregnant
et al., 1999). Lindqvist et al. (2009) found elevated CSF women.
IL-6 levels in suicide attempters compared to normal All subjects were maintained free of psychotropic medication for
controls and a significant positive correlation between 2 weeks (6 weeks for fluoxetine) prior to study. As-needed use of
MADRS scores and CSF IL-6 levels in the patients. benzodiazepine anxiolytics or hypnotics, such as zolpidem and chloral
Interestingly, in this study there was no relationship hydrate, was permitted.
between serum and CSF cytokine levels. Bonne et al. After 2 weeks of being medication-free and after an overnight fast,
(in press) found no significant difference of pretreat- a lumbar puncture was performed between the hours of 8 and 9 a.m.
Ten cc. of CSF were withdrawn and aliquoted in 1 cc portions. CSF
ment concentrations of CSF corticotrophic-releasing
aliquots were stored at 701C until assay. Patients with depression
factor, IL-6, BDNF, or substance P in chronic PTSD
were then entered in the 8-week treatment protocol.
patients compared to healthy controls, post-treatment Standards enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were
CSF measures did not change significantly. A recent used with a lower limit of detection around 10–15 pg/ml, translating
report from Brundin et al. at the Lund University that to roughly an absorbance of 0.01. If a level was not detected it was
is as yet unpublished found ‘‘high levels of inflamma- recorded as zero. Assays were run in a blinded fashion so that the
tion-related substances (cytokines) inyspinal fluid’’ of identities of the samples (patient or control) were not known.
patients ‘‘who had been diagnosed with major depres- All patients were started on extended release venlafaxine 37.5 mg
sion or who had made violent suicide attempts’’ (URL: daily. Treatment consisted of a fixed flexible dose regimen with a minimum target dose of 225 mg per day and a maximum dose of
375 mg. Dose escalation above 225 mg daily occurred after 4 weeks
for patients who were nonresponsive at this dose. For patients who
In this study, we took advantage of unused CSF
did not tolerate 225 mg daily, we permitted dose reduction to 150 mg
samples from a study originally designed to investigate daily. The following rating scales and measures were obtained weekly
the role of the thyroid hormone transport protein throughout the study: the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale,
transthyretin to compare the levels of three inflamma- Clinical Global Severity Scale, and Clinical Global Improvement
tory cytokines (IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-a) and two (CGI) Scale. Suicide ideation occurring in the 2 weeks preceding the
putatively protective neuropeptides (brain-derived lumbar puncture procedure was measured using the Scale for Suicide

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Ideation (SSI).[49] Suicide attempt was defined as a self-destructive act t 5 2.9, df 5 22.0, Po.007). There were no statisti-
with some degree of intent to end one’s life. Details of suicide cally significant differences at baseline between groups
attempts, including documentation of the number, method, and for BDNF, IL-1, IL 5 6, or TNF-a (Table 2).
lethality rating of attempts, were recorded using the Columbia After 8 weeks of treatment with venlafaxine patients
Suicide History Form.[50] At the conclusion of the 8-week treatment with depression experienced statistically significant
protocol and while still taking venlafaxine, the patients underwent
improvements in HAMD, CGS, and SSI scale scores
repeated lumbar puncture and blood draw for all measures listed
during baseline testing. (Table 1). However, there were no significant changes
The differences between patients and comparison subjects for all between pre- and post-treatment time points in any of
continuous measures were calculated using standard t-tests or the CSF measures (Table 3).
Mann–Whitney U Test. Differences within the patient group between Correlation coefficients between clinical severity and
the pre- and post-treatment tests were calculated using Wilcoxon CSF measures showed that among patients at baseline
Signed Rank Test. Correlations were calculated using Pearson’s there were statistically significant positive correlations
coefficients. Significance levels were set at Po.05, two tailed. Sample between CSF IL-1 concentration and history of suicide
sizes vary for the different measures because of missing data. attempts (r 5 .53, P 5.041, N 5 15) and between CSF
The research was approved by the Internal Review Boards of BDNF concentration and SSI score (r 5 .62, P 5.033,
Columbia University and Mount Sinai School of Medicine and all
N 5 12). After treatment there were significant positive
subjects signed written, informed consent forms prior to participation.
correlations between CSF IL-6 concentration and SSI
scale (r 5 .85, P 5.008, N 5 8) and between CSF TNFa
concentration and SSI scale (r 5 .81, P 5.008, N 5 9).
RESULTS Finally, there was a significant positive correlation
The 18 patients with major depression included 8 between baseline CSF TNFa and post-treatment CGI
males and 10 females with a mean age of 40.4 years score (r 5 .68, P 5.030, N 5 10).
(710.0), while the 25 nondepressed comparison
subjects included 13 males and 12 females with a mean
age of 29.9 years (76.7). The difference in age between TABLE 1. Comparison of behavioral measures pre- and
the two groups was statistically significant (t 5 4.1, post-treatment
df 5 41, Po.00). Body Mass Index between the two
groups was not significantly different (healthy controls Pre- Post- Paired
had a mean BMI 5 24.4 and MDD patients had a mean Variable treatment treatment sample test
BMI of 24.1). None of the healthy control subject HAM-D 19.273.8 10.674.3 t 5 5.78; Po.001; df 5 12
smoked, among the depressed patients two were CGS 4.370.5 3.371.4 t 5 2.87; Po.015; df 5 11
light smokers (less than 10 cigarettes/day, 2 were Suicide index 1.872.4 0.771.4 t 5 2.42; Po.032; df 5 12
moderate smokers (between 10 and 20 cigarettes/day)
and the remainder did not smoke. At baseline, CGS, Clinical Global Severity Scale; HAMD, Hamilton Depression
depressed patients had mean scores on the Hamilton Scale.
Depression Scale (HAMD), Clinical Global Severity
Scale (CGS), and SSI of 19.273.8 (N 5 13), 4.370.50
TABLE 2. Comparison of baseline biological variables
(N 5 12), and 1.872.3 (n 5 13), respectively (Table 1). between depressed patients and controls
After treatment with venlafaxine, the patients CGI
scale score was mean 2.3370.99, n 5 12. Of these 12, VariablePatients Healthy controls Mann–Whitney U test
two had no clinical change, two experienced only
minimal improvement, and eight met criteria for BDNF 4.2871.88 4.8672.22 NS
IL-1 0.07370.022 0.06470.004 NS
improvement by CGI criteria of much better or very
IL-6 0.06670.010 0.06070.007 NS
much better (two or one). TNF-a 0.10570.113 0.09570.057 NS
At baseline, before antidepressant treatment, de- NPY 176.13747.26 137.66724.14 Po.031
pressed patients (N 5 16) had significantly higher CSF
concentration of NPY than comparison subjects BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor; IL, interleukin; TNF,
(N 5 17) (176.1747.3 pg/ml versus 137.7724.1 pg/ml; tumor necrosis factor; NPY, neuropeptide Y.

TABLE 3. Comparison of pre- and post-treatment biological measures in depressed patients

Variable Pre-treatment Post-treatment Wilcoxon signed ranks test

BDNF (n 5 12) 4.0372.030 4.4972.005 NS

IL-1 (n 5 9) 0.07870.027 0.06970.012 NS
IL-6 (n 5 8) 0.05970.004 0.09170.070 NS
TNF-a (n 5 9) 0.07870.035 0.07570.023 NS
NPY (n 5 10) 187.01740.23 179.68753.97 NS

BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor; IL, interleukin; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; NPY, neuropeptide Y.

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36 Research Article: Cytokines,Martinez
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DISCUSSION suggest that the former is a predictor of poor treat-

ment outcome, as high CSF TNFa before treat-
The study reported here has many obvious short- ment predicted poorer response to antidepressant
comings, primary among which are the small sample medication.
size, the fluctuating sample sizes among various
measures because of missing data, and the lack of a
second lumbar puncture from the normal comparison CONCLUSION
subjects, which would have enabled us to have a better
picture of whether there was any ‘‘normalization’’ of Although some of the findings from these analyses of
CSF indices in patients following antidepressant CSF indices in depressed patients may seem counter-
treatment. It is also never clear to what extent the intuitive, in general they support the hypotheses that
level of any neuropeptide or neurotransmitter in the inflammatory cytokines may play a role in depression
CSF reflects its actual activity at critical synaptic and and that both NPY and BDNF are dysregulated in
cellular levels. Finally, there is a statistically significant, patients with depression. These appear to be research
nearly 10-year age difference between patients and avenues well worth pursuing.
comparison subjects. Although this may affect the
results we obtained in the comparison of baseline NPY Acknowledgments. The authors acknowledge
concentrations between the two groups, it should not Dr. Lloyd Mayer, for his help with the assay of CSF
be relevant to the significant correlations we observed samples. The authors declare that they have no
r interest relevant to this manuscript.
within the patient group.
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obtaining CSF samples from patients with psychiatric
illnesses, we believe that these data are worth reporting, REFERENCES
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