Seven Natural Wonders of The World

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The official Seven Natural Wonders of the World list was compiled by CNN in 1997.

This is the original list of seven natural wonders:

1. The Northern Lights: Aurora Borealis

2. The Grand Canyon

3. Paricutin

4. Victoria Falls

5. Mount Everest

6. Great Barrier Reef

7. Harbor of Rio de Janeiro

1. The Northern Lights: Aurora Borealis

are naturally occurring lights that create intriguing and spectacular displays in the
sky. Some of the most popular places to see northern lights are in Canada's far
north, Alaska, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and Finland.

2. The Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is a massive gorge located in the state of Arizona in the United
States, and was created by the meandering Colorado River. The Grand Canyon is a
massive gorge located in the state of Arizona in the United States, and was created
by the meandering Colorado River.

3. Paricutin

Paricutin is a cinder cone volcano in Michoacán, Mexico. The best way to see
Paricutin is by taking one of the 19km round-trip hikes to the top of the volcano

4. Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls is located in Africa along the borders of Zambia and Zimbabwe.

You can best appreciate the splendour of the falls from the trails that follow
alongside the falls, a boat cruise, or from the air in a helicopter.

5. Mount Everest

Mountaineers consider this mountain the highest spot on Earth. Everest lies within
the Himalayan mountain range on the border of Nepal and Tibet, China. isitors
can schedule a flight around the mountain for an awe-inspiring aerial view.
Adventurous trekkers can hike to base camp to fully experience Mount Everest's
landscape. Alternatively, you can capture a distant view of the peak from the comfort
of a lodge at a hill station in Nepal.

6. Great Barrier Reef

The great barrier reef is the world’s largest individual formation created by living
organisms. off the coast of Australia. includes over nine hundred islands, roughly
three thousand separate reefs, and sustains a diverse ecosystem. Boat trips offer
visitors a chance to see the reef up close. Snorkeling or dive trips can be arranged
and provide opportunities to see colorful fish, coral, and marine life. Tours can be
day trips or multi-day excursions.

7. Harbor of Rio de Janeiro

The Harbor of Rio de Janeiro is located in Brazil and was created by erosion from
the Atlantic Ocean and is also known as Guanabara Bay. is surrounded by granite
mountains and pinnacles, including Sugar Loaf Mountain, Corcovada Peak, and the
Tijuca hills. Tourists can explore the Harbor of Rio de Janeiro on a helicopter flight
to capture a breathtaking aerial view.

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