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Star-QAM Signaling Constellations for Spatial Modulation

Article  in  IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology · October 2014

DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2014.2306986


50 1,529

6 authors, including:

Yang Ping Bo Zhang

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China National Innovation Institute of Defense Technology (NIIDT)


Mohammed El-Hajjar
University of Southampton


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Star-QAM Signaling Constellations for Spatial

Ping Yang, Yue Xiao, Bo Zhang, Shaoqian Li, Member IEEE , Mohammed El-Hajjar, Member IEEE , and
Lajos Hanzo, Fellow IEEE

PATIAL modulation (SM), which maps the informa-

Abstract—The performance of spatial modulation
(SM) assisted multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)
communication systems is highly dependent on the spe-
S tion bits to two information-carrying entities, name-
ly to the antenna indices and to the combined ampli-
cific amplitude/phase modulation (APM) signal con-
stellation adopted. In this paper, we conceive new star- tude/phase modulation (APM) constellation, constitutes a
quadrature amplitude modulation (star-QAM) aid- promising low complexity multiple-input multiple-output
ed spatial modulation (SM) schemes. Our goal is to (MIMO) transmission technique [1]-[8]. In a conventional
minimize the system’s average bit error probability single-input single-output (SISO) system, the Gray-coded
(ABEP). More specifically, a new class of star-QAM maximum-minimum distance (MMD) quadrature ampli-
constellations is introduced for SM, which is capable of
flexibly adapting ring ratios of the amplitude levels. tude modulation (QAM) constellation minimizes the bit
Then, under a specific MIMO configuration and a error ratio (BER) [9], [10]. However, the advantage of
predetermined transmission rate, a simple and efficient MMD-QAM may be eroded in SM-MIMO systems [11].
ring-ratio optimization algorithm is proposed for the This is due to the fact that the BER performance of SM-
sake of minimizing the ABEP. Moreover, in order to MIMO systems is jointly determined by the spatial signal
further improve the performance of our star-QAM aid-
ed SM scheme, a diagonal precoding technique is pro- (i.e. antenna indices), by the classic APM constellation
posed and a low-complexity minimum-distance based and by their interaction [11]-[18].
approach is conceived for extracting the precoding Recently, the effects of APM schemes on the perfor-
parameters. Our numerical results show that the pro- mance of SM have been investigated in [11], [15] and [19].
posed star-QAM aided SM arrangement provides ben- More specifically, in [11], the performance of SM systems
eficial system performance improvements compared to
the identical-throughput maximum-minimum-distance relying both on conventional QAM and phase shift keying
(MMD) QAM and PSK benchmarkers. Moreover, our (PSK) modulation was studied, demonstrating that in
precoding scheme is capable of further improving the some MIMO setups, the PSK-modulated SM scheme may
attainable system performance at a modest feedback outperform the identical-throughput MMD-QAM aided
requirement. SM scheme. In [19], the dispersion matrices and the signal
Index Terms—Constellation optimization, star- constellations were jointly optimized for a near-capacity
quadrature amplitude modulation (star-QAM), spatial irregular precoded space time shift keying (STSK) system,
modulation (SM), multiple-input multiple-output
which includes SM as a special case and strikes a flexible
rate-versus-diversity tradeoff. It was also shown in [15]
that the star-QAM aided STSK scheme outperforms its
I. Introduction MMD based square-QAM aided counterpart. This obser-
vation may also be valid for SM systems [11]. The above-
Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permit- mentioned results indicated that the performance of SM is
ted. However, permission to use this material for any other purposes highly dependent on the specific APM adopted and hence
must be obtained from the IEEE by sending a request to pubs- a suitable APM scheme has to be designed for this hybrid
P. Yang, Y. Xiao and S. Li are with the National Key Laboratory modulation scheme.
of Science and Technology on Communications, University of Elec- On the other hand, star-QAM constitutes a special case
tronic Science and Technology of China 611731, Sichuan, China. P. of circular amplitude and phase shift keying (APSK),
Yang is also with the School of Electronics and Computer Science,
University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, U.K. (e-mail: which is capable of outperforming the classic square-,, shaped QAM constellation in peak-power-limited systems
B. Zhang, M. El-Hajjar and L. Hanzo are with the School [20]. Hence it has been adopted in most of the recent
of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southamp-
ton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, U.K. (e-mail: bz2g10, meh, l- satellite communication standards, such as the Digital Video Broadcast System (DVB) S2, DVB-SH, as well as in
The financial support of the European Research Council’s Ad- the Internet Protocol over Satellite (IPOS) and Advanced
vanced Fellow Grant, the National Science Foundation of China
under Grant number 61101101, the Foundation Project of National Broadcasting System via Satellite (ABS-S) [20]. The star-
Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Communications QAM constellation is composed of multiple concentric
under Grant 9140C020404120C0201 and Key Laboratory of Uni- circles and it was shown to be beneficial in the context
versal Wireless Communications, Beijing university of Posts and
Telecommunications, Ministry of Education, P.R.China (No. KFKT- of STSK systems. Hence, star-QAM may be an attractive
2012102) are gratefully acknowledged. APM candidate for SM-MIMO. However, the constella-

tions’ optimization has not been carried out for star-QAM schemes of [12], [16] are capable of exploiting the same
aided SM. degrees of freedom as that offered by the classic SM-
Moreover, in order to increase the robustness of the MIMO for maximizing the free distance. However, our
SM-MIMO system, limited-feedback aided link adaptation TPC scheme assigns the same number of bits to each
schemes have been proposed in [21]-[27]. For example, time slot and hence it is capable of avoiding the poten-
in [21] an opportunistic power allocation scheme was tial error propagation effects of ASM encountered in
conceived for achieving a beneficial transmit diversity gain case of ASM-mode signalling errors. Our simulation
in SM-MIMO systems. In [22], a beamforming codebook results show that the proposed TPC scheme consid-
was designed for optimizing the coding gain of SM-MIMO erably improves the system’s performance compared
based on the knowledge of the channel envelope’s spa- to the conventional star-QAM aided SM, the power
tial correlation. Recently, an adaptive closed-loop aided allocation aided SM and ASM arrangements.
method was invoked for providing both diversity and The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In
coding gains in the context of space shift keying (SSK)[23], Section II we conceive a signaling constellation optimiza-
which is a special case of SM. However, the scheme tion method for star-QAM aided SM and elaborate both
proposed for SSK may not be directly applicable to the on the choice of our optimization criterion and on the
conventional SM scheme. Moreover, adaptive SM-MIMO corresponding optimization algorithm. In Section III, we
architectures relying on different combinations of mod- propose a new TPC scheme for enhancing the performance
ulation schemes were proposed in [25], which aimed for of the star-QAM aided SM. Our numerical analysis is
maximizing the channel capacity at a predefined target carried out in Section IV. Finally, our conclusions are
BER, rather than for minimizing the BER. By contrast, in presented in Section V.
[26] and [27] a transmit precoding technique was used for
improving the modulated signal design for SM. However, II. Signaling Constellation Optimization
this technique may only be suitable for a new class of SM
A. Performance Metric and Star-QAM Constellation
relying on a single receiver antenna. For the conventional
SM, we proposed a near-instantaneously adaptive modula- Consider a flat fading MIMO channel associated with Nt
tion aided scheme for minimizing the BER [7], which was transmit antennas (TAs) and Nr receive antennas (RAs).
termed as adaptive SM (ASM). Then, we further general- The (Nt ×1)-element transmit symbol vector x is assumed
ized our work in [12] and [16], where the implementational to satisfy E[xxH ] = INt , where INt denotes an (Nt × Nt )-
complexity of ASM was considerably reduced. However, element identity matrix. Then, the transmitted SM symbol
ASM typically transmits a different number of bits in the x ∈ CNt ×1 is given as x = snl en [22], where snl is the
different-quality time slots, which may be inconvenient complex-valued symbol of the APM scheme employed at
in fixed-rate applications and potentially leads to error- the nth TA. For example, L-PSK/QAM is associated with
propagation in case of ASM-mode signalling errors. mAPM = log2 (L) input bits, while en (1 ≤ n ≤ Nt ) is
Against this background, the novel contributions of this selected from the Nt -dimensional standard basis vectors
paper are three-fold: (i.e., e1 = [1, 0, · · · , 0]T ), according to log2 (Nt ) input bits.
• We introduced the class of star-QAM constellations The corresponding received signal is given by
[28], which is capable of flexibly adapting the ring y = Hx + n = hn snl + n, (1)
ratios, hence subsuming classic PSK as a special case.
Alternatively, if the ring ratio is appropriately selected, where H is an (Nr ×Nt )-element channel matrix, hn is the
the proposed star-QAM is capable of achieving almost nth column of H and the elements of the Nr -dimensional
the same Euclidean distance (ED) as the MMD-based noise vector n are Gaussian random variables obeying
QAM. CN (0, N0 ).
• Given a specific MIMO configuration and a predeter- In [11], an improved union-bound partitions the ABEP
mined transmission rate, a low-complexity yet efficient expression of SM-MIMO systems into three terms: the
optimization algorithm is proposed for the sake of Pspatial term related to the TA index, the Psignal term
minimizing the average bit error probability (ABEP) related to the APM signals and the joint term Pjoint , which
of SM-MIMO systems, where the effects of both the depends on both the TA index and on the APM signals.
antenna-index, as well as of the APM signal and their This bound is formulated as
interaction are jointly considered. Only the optimal
PSM (ρ) ≤ Pspatial (ρ) + Psignal (ρ) + Pjoint (ρ). (2)
ring ratios of star-QAM constellation have to be found
by the optimization algorithm. This improved union-bound is more accurate than the
• We introduce a new transmit precoding (TPC) scheme conventional union-bound based methods, hence facilitat-
for star-QAM aided SM-MIMO systems, which fur- ing a deeper understanding of the joint impact of spatial
ther improves the performance. In order to retain and APM signals, as illustrated in [11]. We focus our
the benefits of SM, such as its low-complexity single- attention on the system’s performance for transmission
stream detector and its single radio frequency (RF) over i.i.d. Rayleigh fading channels, which may be readily
chain, we design its TPC matrix P to be diagonal. We extended to the Nakagami-m fading model of [11]. Let us
demonstrate that this precoded scheme and the ASM assume that ρ is the average signal to noise ratio (SNR),

while xl and xl̂ represent two different APM constellation

points and their modulus values are given by βl and βl̂ , Im
respectively. Then, we have
log2 (L)
Psignal (ρ) = PAPM (ρ), (3)
log2 (Nt · L)
r1 r2
log2 (Nt )Nt X
Pspatial (ρ) = F (ρβl2 ), (4) ˅2 / L
2L log2 (Nt · L)
l=1 Re
L h
X ρ i
Pjoint (ρ) = A B +CDH (xl → xl̂ ))F ( (βl2 +βl̂2 ) .
l=1 l̂6=l=1
Here, PAPM (ρ) represents the error probability of con-
ventional L-APM, which depends on the ED of the con- Fig. 1. The complex signal constellation of 16-ary star-QAM. The
stellation points of APM, while DH (xl → xl̂ ) is the symbols are evenly distributed on two rings and the phase differences
between the neighboring symbols on the same ring are equal.
Hamming distance between the signals xl and xl̂ . Here,
A = 1/L log(Nt · L), B = Nt log(Nt )/2 and C = (Nt − 1)
are constants for a fixed MIMO setup. Moreover, the on the inner circle [28]. Hence again, the conventional
function F (ε) in Eqs.(4) and (5) is the pairwise error PSK constitutes an integral part of our star-QAM scheme,
probability (PEP) function [11], which is given by which is associated with α = 1. Table I summarizes the
NXr −1   minimum EDs dmin between the constellation points for
Nr Nr − 1 + n n
F (ε) = γ (ε) [1 − γ (ε)] , (6) different APM schemes. It is found that this star-QAM
n=0 scheme is capable of achieving almost the same minimum

q ED as the MMD-based QAM. Note that although this
where we have γ(ε) = 12 (1 − 2+ε ε
). Note that the ABEP
twin-ring star-QAM constellation has been indeed applied
bound of Eq. (2) was proposed for the general family of for noncoherent detection [28], it has not been considered
APM schemes, which contains not only the conventional whether this constellation can be directly applied to SM
PSK, but also the generic rectangular non-square as well for achieving performance improvements.
as the square QAM schemes. Moreover, since Psignal is The above-mentioned twin-ring philosophy of Fig. 1
available in closed-form for conventional APM modulation may be readily extended to multiple-ring star-QAM. The
schemes, the bound of Eq. (2) is more accurate than the reasons for considering twin-ring star-QAM in our paper
conventional results of [22]. are:
As indicated in (3)-(5), Psignal mainly depends on the • it is an attractive APM modulation candidate for
minimum ED dmin of the APM constellation points, while SM, exhibiting a high performance at a low detection
Pjoint and Pspatial mainly depend on the modulus values complexity compared to conventional QAM schemes,
βl (l = 1, · · · , L) of the APM constellation points. as detailed in [14]-[16].
Note that the modulus values βl are represented by the • it can be flexibly designed for different dmin and
Frobenius norms of the APM constellation points. These βl (l = 1, · · · , L) combinations, which is achieved
results suggested that for the sake of jointly minimizing by simply adjusting a single parameter α, while βl
Psignal , Pjoint and Pspatial , we can focus our attention on can assume two values because only two rings are
the design of dmin and on the βl parameters of APM. considered;
In order to make the choice of the APM parameters dmin • the ABEP of star-QAM, which is related to the
and βl as flexible as possible, we consider a class of star- Pspatial term of (3) has been documented in [29], [30].
QAM constellations, which subsumes the classic PSK as
a special case, but may also be configured for maximizing
the minimum ED of the constellation by appropriately ad- B. Optimization Criteria and Optimization Algorithm
justing the ring ratios of the amplitude levels. For the sake Observe in Fig. 1 that there are numerous options
of simplicity, we consider the example of a twin-ring 16- for the parameter α of the star-QAM constellation. For
star-QAM constellation having a ring-ratio of α = r2 /r1 a given MIMO setup, specified by the total number of
as shown in Fig. 1. The symbols are evenly distributed bits/symbol (BPS) mall , the (Nr × Nt ) configuration of
on the two rings and the phase differences between the transceiver and the number of modulation level L. The
neighboring symbols on the same ring are equal. Unlike goal of star-QAM aided signaling constellation optimiza-
the conventional twin-ring star-QAM constellation [20], tion is to find the specific ring-ratio α, which minimizes
[29], the constellation points on the outer circle of our the ABEP of the SM-MIMO of (2). Note that although the
proposed star-QAM constellation are rotated by 2π/L de- term PSM (ρ) in Eq. (2) cannot be directly represented by
grees compared to the corresponding constellation points the parameter α, it varies as a function of α, which may be

The minimum ED between the constellation points for different APM schemes.

Modulation order 2 4 (MMD)

√ 8 ([9]) 16 (MMD) 32 ([9])
PSK 2 √2 0.7654 0.3902 0.1960
QAM - - √2 0.8165 0.6325 0.4082
Proposed star-QAM 2 2 0.9134 0.5737 0.3952

antenna e1
activation en
F + y b̂
Source b e Nt Linear diagonal
bits x Channel matrix Detection
Star-QAM s ln Feedback
from receiver

Fig. 2. The system model of the diagonal precoding assisted star-QAM aided SM scheme.

formulated as PSM (ρ, α). Following the above-mentioned approaches its asymptotic optimum, as the SNR increases.
approach, we formulated this optimization problem as
III. Proposed Diagonal Precoding for
α∗ = min PSM (ρ, α)
α , (7) Star-QAM Aided SM
s.t. α ≥ 1
Since the performance of the optimum ML receiver
which may be a convex one for a fixed SNR value ρ, as depends on the free distance (FD) of the received sig-
indicated in Fig. 4 of Section IV. However, deriving the nal constellation [31], we propose a new TPC based on
closed-form solution of (7) remains an open challenge, maximizing the FD for the family of star-QAM aided SM-
since the expression of PSM (ρ, α) depends both on the MIMO systems, when limited channel state information is
specific APM constellation as well as on the particular available at the transmitter. Since the FD is increased by
MIMO setup [20] and the expressions of Psignal , Pjoint and the TPC algorithm, the proposed scheme is expected to
Pspatial in Eqs. (3)-(5) are complex. Hence, a numerical provide a beneficial system performance improvement. In
search is adopted. order to retain all the single-RF related benefits of SM,
Our optimization algorithm conceived for finding the we design the TPC matrix P to be diagonal. The system
ring-ratio is summarized as follows. model of the diagonal TPC assisted star-QAM aided SM
• Step1: initialize the values of Nr , Nt , mall , L and the scheme is shown in Fig. 2. In order to identify the specific
SNR value ρ. Set the iteration step size to ∆α = 0.1 TPC parameters, which are capable of maximizing the
and the number of iterations to n = 1. The choice FD, we propose a low-complexity TPC design algorithm.
of ∆α is flexible and a lower value of ∆α may lead We will demonstrate that as few as two elements of
to a better performance. We then set the search area the diagonal TPC matrix have to be fed back to the
of α to 1 ≤ α ≤ Uα and the performance metric to transmitter, regardless of Nt .
Piter (n) = 0.
• Step2: while α ≤ Uα , let ∆α̂ = min{∆α̂, Uα − α}
A. TPC Design Criterion
and calculate the probabilities of Psignal , Pjoint and
Pspatial by using Eqs. (3)-(5) associated with α. Then To construct a TPC for star-QAM aided SM-MIMO
let Piter (n) = PSM (ρ) using Eq. (2) and set α = α + systems, we can rewrite the system model of (1) as
∆α̂ as well as n = n + 1; y = HPx + n, (8)

• Step3: Find the index n = min {Piter (n)} in order to
achieve the optimal ring-ratio of α∗ = 1 + (n∗ − 1)∆α̂. where P denotes the diagonal TPC matrix, which can be
In the above-mentioned optimization algorithm, we have represented as
to choose an appropriate Uα in order to promptly find P = diag{p1 , · · · , pn , · · · , pNt }, (9)
the optimal α∗ . More explicitly, an excessively low value
of Uα may lead to missing the optimal solution, while where pn controls
PNt the 2channel gain associated with xn .
an excessively high value of Uα imposes an excessive Here, we let n=1 |pn | = Nt for the sake of normalizing
computational complexity on the optimization process. the transmit power. Note that the introduction of TPC
Hence, we will show in Section III that Uα = 3 is a in SM does not affect the advantages of SM, such as the
beneficial choice for promptly approaching the optimal avoidance of the inter-antenna interference (IAI) and the
results. Moreover, the optimum ring ratio α∗ is a function reliance on a single RF-chain, because the precoded trans-
of the SNR. However, we will show that the optimum ratio mit vector Px includes only a single non-zero component

and hence only a single TA is activated in each time slot, Channel

as indicated in (8). matrix
Numerous techniques may be invoked for constructing H
the TPC P [22], [26]. In this paper, similar to the pre-
coding methods conceived for the orthogonalized spatial Compute the FD dmin(H)
multiplexing of [32], we decompose P as without precoding, and
find the antenna pair
P = P̄Θ = diag{p̄1 ejθ1 , · · · , p̄n ejθn , · · · , p̄Nt ejθNt }, (10) (g,k) achieving dmin(H)
g!k g k
where P̄ = diag{p̄1 , · · · , p̄n , · · · , p̄Nt } represents
the power allocation matrix, while Θ = Select the precoder
Find the antenna u with
diag{ejθ1 , · · · , ejθn , · · · , ejθNt } is the phase rotation the maximum norm h
parameters pg and pk from
matrix. The FD between the constellation points at the i F the candidate set Pcand
receiver is defined as
dmin (H, P) = min kHP(xi −xj )kF Select the precoder
xi ,xj ∈X,
xi 6=xj , (11) parameters pg and pk from
= min HP̄Θeij F the candidate set Pcand
eij ∈E

where X is the set of all legitimate transmit symbols, while

eij = xi −xj , i 6= j denotes the error vector and E is a set of
error vectors. Then, we design the TPC P by maximizing Select optimal candidate
Po with the maximum FD
the FD with the aid of the following criterion
as dmin( HPo )

 Popt = arg max dmin (H, P)
PNt P 2

. (12)
 s.t. n=1 |pn | = Nt , pn ∈ C,

θn ∈ (0, 2π], n= 1, · · · ,Nt dmin( HPo ) dmin( HPo )
> dmin( H) < dmin( H)
Note that since the attainable performance of the op-
timum single-stream ML receiver depends on the FD of
the received signal constellation [31], the maximization of
the FD directly reduces the probability of error 1 . Let The optimal
The optimal
xi = sil ei and xj = sjk ej denote two different transmit precoder is Po
precoder is
symbols, while sil and sjk denote the constellation points l Po=diag{1,Ă,1}
and k represented by the ith and jth antenna, respectively.
Then the FD of (11) can be represented as Eq. (13), Fig. 3. Calculation of the diagonal precoding matrix for star-QAM
aided SM-MIMO.
where φ = ∠((sil )∗ sjk ) = −(sil (sjk )∗ ). In the ASM scheme
of [7], only the APM modulation orders to be used by
the transmitter are adapted, i. e. only the elements |sil |, B. A Low-Complexity TPC Design Algorithm
|sjk | and φ of (13) are dynamically adapted to the channel
conditions and the legitimate values of these elements are In order to identify the specific TPC matrix P, which
selected from the discrete set depending on the modula- is capable of maximizing the FD, we have to determine
tion order set utilized. By contrast, our proposed scheme all the Nt parameters pn (n = 1, · · · , Nt ). Since it may
adjusts all the TPC elements |pi |, |pj |, θi and θj of (13) for become excessively complex to jointly optimize these Nt
maximizing the FD dmin (H, P), whose legitimate values parameters in the complex-valued field, we propose a low-
are drawn from the real-valued number field. Based on complexity precoder design algorithm. Similar to the one-
these observations and on Eq. (13), the proposed scheme bit re-allocation algorithm (OBRA) designed for ASM
and the ASM scheme may exploit the same degrees of in [16], only the specific TA pair associated with the
freedom as that offered by the SM-MIMO in terms of FD is considered and the TPC parameters are selected
maximizing the FD. However, unlike the ASM scheme of for appropriately weighting the SM symbols, because the
[7], [16], our proposed scheme assigns the same number FD of this particular TA-pair predominantly determines
of bits to each time slot and hence the potential error the achievable performance. The calculation of the TPC
propagation effects experienced in ASM are avoided. matrix is summarized in Fig. 3.
To be specific, given the channel matrix H, the indices
1 Because the conventional PSK and QAM aided SM scheme’s of the TA pair (g, k) associated with the FD dmin (H) can
performance is worse than that of the proposed star-QAM aided SM, be found with the aid of the flow chart seen in Fig. 3. In
we only invoked the TPC algorithm for the star-QAM aided SM for order to offer an increased FD, the precoding parameters
the sake of achieving further performance improvements. However, it
is worth noting that the proposed TPC algorithm is also suitable for of this TA pair can be dynamically adapted. Note that if
SM in conjunction with both conventional PSK and QAM schemes. the value of g is the same as k, it is plausible that the TA

dmin (H, P) = min HP(sil ei −sjk ej )

sjl ,sjk ∈S F

i j
= jmin (hi pi sl −hj pj sk )

sl ,sjk ∈S F . (13)
2 2
si |pi |2 hH hi + sj |pj |2 hH hj − 2 |pi | |pj | si sj Re{hH hj ej(φ−θi +θj ) }

= jmin j l i k j l k i
sl ,sk ∈S

g has the smallest channel gain. In this case, the phase TPC parameters to the transmitter. Since only the specific
rotation elements of (10) do not have to be considered, TA pair which predominantly determines the achievable
because this would not increase the FD of (13). To increase performance is considered, the proposed low-complexity
the FD, we only consider the power allocation matrix of algorithm can be readily extended to a high number of
(10) and may deduct some power from the TA u having the TAs.
highest channel gain, which may hence be reassigned it to
the TA g. As a result, pu and pg have to be optimized. IV. Simulation Results
On the other hand, if the value of g and k is not the
In this section, we characterize the performance of both
same, the parameters pg and pk have to be calculated.
the proposed star-QAM aided SM scheme as well as of
Overall, there are only two parameters, namely pg and
the corresponding TPC scheme and compare it to that
pk ( pu for g = k ) have to be searched for. Finding
of the conventional QAM-modulated SM schemes, to the
the optimal values of pg and pk as a function of both
PSK-modulated SM schemes and to the ASM schemes
H and of the optimal transmit parameters involves an
[16] for transmission over independent Rayleigh block-
exhaustive search over the vast design-space of p̄g , p̄k ,
flat MIMO channels. It is assumed that the receiver is
θg and θk of (10), which is overly complex. In order to
capable of perfect phase and gain tracking, i.e. of perfect
reduce the complexity, according to Eq. (12), the power
channel estimation. In practice, pilot symbols are used
of the TA pair (g, k) satisfies the constraint p̄2k + p̄2g = 2,
for estimating the MIMO channel, hence the estimated
hence hence only the element p̄k has to be searched for
channel matrix will inevitably be imperfect. In order to
in the power matrix P̄ of Eq. (10). Moreover, since the
alleviate the effects of channel estimation errors, the joint
phase rotation of the symbol is only carried by two TAs
channel estimation and data detection algorithm of [33]
and their phase difference is correlated, we can simplify
may be considered in the proposed schemes, where the
the computations by fixing θk = 1 and then finding the
channel estimator as well as the data detector iteratively
optimal θg . This implies that only the phase parameter
exchange their information. We consider two practical
θg has to be optimized for the phase matrix Θ. In Fig. 3,
MIMO systems here, namely (2 × 2) and (4 × 4) MIMO
a numerical search is used for varying√ p̄g and θg in small systems. Moreover, in the TPC design algorithm, we select
steps. Note that we have 0 ≤ p̄g ≤ 2 and 0 ≤ θg ≤ 2π
V1 = V2 = 5 for simplicity 2 .
according to Eq. (12). For our numerical search, we have
Fig. 4 shows the optimal ring ratios of star-QAM aided
 √ SM relying on (4 × 4) elements for different number of
p̄g = 2/V1 ∗ v1 , v1 = 0, · · · , V1 modulation levels L, where the optimal ring ratio α∗ is
, (14)
θg = 2π/V2 ∗ v2 , v2 = 0, · · · , V2 seen to be a function of the SNR. The bound of Eq. (2)
where V1 and V2 represent the number of quantization is well suited for numerically optimizing the ring ratio,
steps and can be flexibly selected according to the preva- especially in the high-SNR region. Observe in Fig. 4 that
lent performance requirements. As a result, the corre- the optimal ratios approach their asymptotic values, as the
sponding diagonal TPC matrix candidates are SNR increases. This is expected, since the bound of Eq.
q (2) is also asymptotically tight and the probability of an
Pcand = diag{1, · · · , p̄g ejθg , · · · , 2 − p̄2g , · · · , 1} error event in slow fading associated with ML detection is
↑ gth ↑ kth dominated by the minimum-distance error event at high
(15) values of the SNR. Moreover, the optimal ring ratios are
Upon denoting the quantized TPC matrix P as Pcand , different for different MIMO parameters.
the optimization problem of (12) is reformulated as Since the transmitter operates at a fixed ring ratio, we
have opted for the asymptotic ring ratio value for the
Popt = arg max dmin (H, P) . (16) evaluation of the BER. For example, we have chosen the
{P∈Pcand ,PI }
optimal ring ratio α∗ = 1.7 for the 16-star-QAM aided
where we have PI = INt . In Eq. (16), the FD of the (4 × 4) SM-MIMO, according to the results in Fig. 4. This
TPC matrixes Pcand generated will be compared to that result may be readily extended to other star-QAM aided
of the conventional scheme associated with PI and then
2 Note that the values of V and V can be different. Moreover,
we select the one having the largest FD as our final result. 1 2
the selection of V1 and V2 is flexible and higher values of V1 and V2
The receiver determines the optimal diagonal TPC matrix may lead to better performance at the cost of a higher TPC design
based on (16) and feeds back the TA indices as well as their complexity.

2 100
4 4 , L= 4
4 4, L=8
1.8 4 4, L=16
Optimal Ring Ratio


SM, 2 2, 8-PSK
SM, 2 2, 8-QAM
SM, 2 2, star-QAM

10-4 Precoding aided SM, star-QAM
1 PA aided SM with 8-QAM
Conventional V-BLAST
PA aided V-BLAST
0.8 10-5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
SNR (dB) SNR(dB)

Fig. 4. Optimal ring ratios of star-QAM aided SM with (4 × 4) Fig. 6. The BER performance of various SM schemes operating in
MIMO for different number of modulation levels L. (2 × 2) MIMO channel at a total throughput of 4 bits/symbol . Here,
α is chosen as α = 1.5.
SM, 4 4, 16-PSK 100
SM, 4 4, 16-QAM
10-1 SM, 4 4, star-QAM
Precoding aided SM, star-QAM
PA aided SM with 16-PSK 10-1


10-4 10-3 2 2, 8-star-QAM (ASM)

4 4, 16-star-QAM (ASM)
2 2, 8-star-QAM(precoding SM)
10-5 4 4, 16-star-QAM(precoding SM)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 10-4
SNR(dB) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Fig. 5. The BER performance of various SM-MIMO schemes
operating in a (4 × 4) MIMO channel at a total throughput of 6 Fig. 7. The FER performance of the proposed precoding star-QAM
bits/symbol. Since the transmitter operates with a fixed ring ratio, aided SM and the ASM schemes at total throughputs of 4 and 6
we have chosen the asymptotic ring ratio value for the evaluation of bits/symbol.
star-QAM aided schemes. Here, α is chosen as α = 1.7.

SM scenarios, such as the (4 × 4)-element star-QAM aided conventional QAM-modulated SM scheme outperforms
SM schemes using L = 4, 8 in Fig. 4. its identical-throughput PSK counterpart for a (4 × 4)-
In Figs. 5 and 6, we compare various SM-MIMO sys- element MIMO channel in Fig. 5, while the PSK scheme
tems relying on diverse MIMO parameters and modu- is preferred for a (2 × 2)-element MIMO channel in Fig.
lation orders. Firstly, in Figs. 5 and 6, we depict the 6. This indicates that the best choice of the APM scheme
BER performance of the conventional QAM-modulated depends on the specific SM parameters, such as the MIMO
SM schemes, of the PSK-modulated SM arrangements and setup and throughput. Moreover, as shown in Fig. 5, the
of the proposed star-QAM aided SM scheme. Note that the optimized star-QAM aided SM scheme provides an SNR
optimized star-QAM constellation is designed off-line for gain of about 3 dB at BER=10−5 over the conventional
different SM-MIMO system. Hence the resultant system 16-PSK modulated SM scheme and an SNR gain of about
does not need any feedback. To be specific, we may create 1.1 dB over the identical-throughput Gray-coded MMD
a parameter-lookup table for the star-QAM SM schemes 16-QAM modulated SM scheme. This advantage of the
associated with the MIMO setups considered and hence optimized star-QAM scheme recorded for SM-MIMO is
the complexity of the optimal ring ratio search process also visible in Fig. 6.
detailed in Section II is negligible. For completeness, we Moreover, in Figs. 5 and 6, we also compare the achiev-
also included the theoretical upper bound [31] for the able BER performance of the limited feedback aided adap-
family of conventional SM schemes. We found that the tive SM schemes. To be specific, two diagonal precoding

aided schemes, namely the precoding assisted star-QAM tem’s ABEP. We considered a class of star-QAM constella-
based SM schemes and the power allocation (PA) aided S- tions, which is capable of flexibly adapting the ring ratios.
M schemes of [34] are compared. For the sake of simplicity, We formulated the constellation design problem as an
the PA algorithm is only applied to the non-adaptive SM optimization problem and conceived an efficient iterative
schemes exhibiting an inferior performance in Figs 5 and constellation-optimization method. Moreover, a diagonal
6, namely to the conventional (4 × 4)-element SM using TPC technique was proposed for the optimized star-QAM
16-PSK and (2 × 2)-element SM employing 8-QAM. Note aided SM in order to attain an improved performance. The
that the (4 × 4)-element SM associated with 16-QAM and simulation results confirm that our proposed optimized
(2 × 2)-element SM employing 8-PSK can also use the PA star-QAM aided SM scheme outperforms the conven-
regime for the sake of attaining a BER improvement. Due tional PSK/QAM schemes. Moreover, our TPC method
to the space limitations, these results are not presented also exhibits an attractive BER/ FER performance. For
here. As shown in Figs. 5 and 6, the proposed TPC achieving an improved performance for a high number of
schemes provide a 2.5-3.0 dB gain at the BER of 10−5 over bits per symbol, our further work will be focused on the
the PA aided SM schemes. This is because PA-aided SM integration of GSM and channel coding into the proposed
may be viewed as a special case of the proposed precoding TPC schemes.
aided SM created by only considering the PA matrix in
Eq. (10). To be specific, compared to the PA aided SM
of [34], our precoding based SM regime jointly adapts the References
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that of the single-stream ML-based SM schemes. Observe [4] M. Di Renzo, H. Haas, A. Ghrayeb, S. Sugiura, and L. Han-
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ASM scheme [16]. The transmission frame size is LF =60 Commun. Lett., vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 602-605, Aug. 2011.
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for multiple-antenna wireless systems: A survey,” IEEE Com-
ASM scheme exploit the same degrees of freedom offered munications Magazine, vol. 49, no. 12, pp. 182-191, Dec. 2011.
by the SM-MIMO for improving the performance, our [9] L. Hanzo, S. X. Ng, T. Keller, and W. Webb, Quadrature
proposed scheme is capable of avoiding the error propa- Amplitude Modulation: From Basics to Adaptive Trellis-Coded,
Turbo-Equalised and Space-Time Coded OFDM, CDMA and
gation often effects experienced in ASM owing to ASM- MC-CDMA Systems. John Wiley and IEEE Press, 2004.
mode signalling errors. Moreover, the selection of TPC [10] L. Hanzo, O. Alamri, M. El-Hajjar, and N. Wu, Near-Capacity
parameters is more flexible than that of ASM, because the Multi-Functional MIMO Systems: Sphere-Packing, Iterative
Detection and Cooperation. John Wiley and IEEE Press, 2009.
modulation orders of ASM are selected from a discrete set [11] M. Di Renzo and H. Haas, “Bit error probability of spatial
while the TPC parameters are chosen from the complex- modulation (SM-) MIMO over generalized fading channels,”
valued field. As expected, the performance gain of the IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 1124-1144, Mar.
proposed scheme over ASM is seen to be about 2 dB at [12] P. Yang, Y. Xiao, L. Li, Q. Tang, Y. Yi, and S. Q. Li, “Link
FER=10−3 in Fig. 7. adaptation for spatial modulation with limited feedback,”
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 61, no. 8, pp. 3808-3813, Oct.
V. Conclusions [13] M. Di Renzo, H. Haas, A. Ghrayeb, S. Sugiura, and L. Han-
zo,“Spatial modulation for generalized MIMO: challenges, op-
In this paper, we have investigated the problem of portunities and implementation” submitted to Proceedings of
designing APM constellations that minimize the SM sys- the IEEE,, 2013.
[14] J. Jeganathan, A. Ghrayeb, and L. Szczecinski, “Spatial mod-
3 Here, we assume that the channel matrix remains constant ulation: optimal detection and performance analysis,” IEEE
within each transmit frame and consider the FER performance of Commun. Lett., vol. 12, no. 8, pp. 545-547, Aug. 2008.
these schemes. Note that the ASM schemes often suffer from error- [15] S. Sugiura, C. Xu, S. X. Ng, and L. Hanzo, “Reduced-
propagation effects, as indicated in Section I. Hence, using the FER complexity coherent versus non-coherent QAM-aided space-
comparison of the ASM and TPC-aided SM schemes may be more time shift keying,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 59, no. 11, pp.
suitable than the BER metric. 3090-3101, Nov. 2011.

[16] P. Yang, Y. Xiao, Y. Yi, L. Li, Q. Tang, and S. Q. Li, Ping Yang received the B.E. and M.E. de-
“Simplified adaptive spatial modulation for limited-feedback grees in 2006 and 2009, respectively from Uni-
MIMO,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 2013, vol. 62, no. 6, pp. versity of Electronic Science and Technology
2656-2666, 2012. of China (UESTC). Now he is currently pur-
[17] R. Y. Chang, S. J. Lin and, W. H. Chung, “Energy efficient suing the Ph.D degree at the same university.
transmission over space shift keying modulated MIMO chan- His research interests include MIMO systems,
nels,” IEEE Tran. Commun., vol. 60, no. 12, pp. 2950-2959, space-time coding and communication signal
2012. processing.
[18] S. S. Ikki and R. Mesleh, “A general framework for performance
analysis of space shift keying (SSK) modulation in the presence
of Gaussian imperfect estimations,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol.
16, no. 2, pp. 228-230, Feb. 2012.
[19] S. Sugiura and L. Hanzo, “On the joint optimization of dis-
persion matrices and constellations for near-capacity irregular
precoded space-time shift keying ,” IEEE Trans. Wireless
Commun., 2013, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 380-387, 2013.
[20] K. Ishibashi, W. Shin, H. Ochiai, and V.Tarokh, “A peak power
efficient cooperative diversity using star-QAM with coheren- Yue Xiao received a Ph.D degree in com-
t/noncoherent detection,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., munication and information systems from the
vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 2137-2147, 2013. University of Electronic Science and Technol-
[21] M. Di Renzo and H. Haas, “Improving the performance of ogy of China in 2007. He is now an associate
space shift keying (SSK) modulation via opportunistic power professor at University of Electronic Science
allocation,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 500-502, and Technology of China. He has published
Jun 2010. more than 30 international journals and been
[22] T. Handte, A. Muller, and J. Speidel, “BER analysis and involved in several projects in Chinese Beyond
optimization of generalized spatial modulation in correlated 3G Communication R&D Program. His re-
fading channels,” IEEE Veh. Technol. Conf. Fall, pp. 1-5, Sept. search interests are in the area of wireless and
2009. mobile communications.
[23] K. Ntontin, M. Di Renzo, A. Perez-Neira, and C. Verik-
oukis, “Adaptive generalized space shift keying modulation,”
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Network-
ing, pp.1-10, Feb. 2013.
[24] M. Maleki, H. Bahrami, S. Beygi, M. Kafashan, N. H. Tran,
“Space modulation with CSI: constellation design and perfor-
mance evalution,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.,vol. 62, no. 4,
pp. 1623-1634, 2013. Bo Zhang received his B.S. degree in In-
[25] B. M. Mthethwa and H. Xu, “Adaptive M-ary quadrature formation Engineering from National Univer-
amplitude spatial modulation,” IET commun., vol. 6, no. 18, sity of Defense Technology, China, in 2010.
pp. 3098-3108, 2012. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. de-
[26] L. L. Yang, “Transmitter preprocessing aided spatial modula- gree with the Communications, Signal Pro-
tion for multiple-input multiple-output systems,” IEEE 73th cessing and Control, School of Electronics and
Veh. Technol. Conf. - Spring, pp.15-18, May, 2011, Budapest, Computer Science, University of Southamp-
Hungary. ton, Southampton, UK. His research interests
[27] A. Stavridis, S. Sinanovic, M. Di Renzo, and H. Haas, “Trans- in wireless communications include design and
mit precoding for receive spatial modulation using imperfect analysis of cooperative communications and
channel knowledge,” IEEE Veh. Technol. Conf. - Spring, May network-coded networks.
6-9, 2012, Yokohama, Japan.
[28] L. Lampe, Noncoherent coded modulation, Ph.D thesis, Dept.
Elect. Eng., University of Erlangen, Germany,2002.
[29] X. Dong, N. C. Beaulieu, and P. H. Wittke, “Error probabilities
of two-dimensional M -ary signaling in fading,” IEEE Trans.
Commun., vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 352-355, Mar. 1999.
[30] L. Szczecinski, H. Xu, X. Gao, and R. Bettancourt “Efficient
evaluation of BER for arbitrary modulation and signaling in Shaoqian Li is a lecturer in the Electronics
fading channels,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 55, no. 11, pp. and Computer Science in the University of
2061-2064, Nov. 2007. Southampton. He received his BEng degree
[31] A. Goldsmith, Wireless communication. New York: Cambridge in Electrical Engineering from the American
University Press, 2005, ch. 5. University of Beirut, Lebanon in 2004. He
[32] Y. T. Kim, H. Lee, S. Park, and I. Lee, “Optimal precoding then received an MSc in Radio Frequency
for orthogonalized spatial multiplexing in closed-loop MIMO Communication Systems and PhD in Wireless
systems,” IEEE Journal Sel. Areas in Commun. vol. 26, no. 8, Communications both from the University of
pp. 1556-1567, Oct. 2008. Southampton, UK in 2005 and 2008, respec-
[33] S. Chen, S. Sugiura, and L. Hanzo, “Semi-blind joint channel tively. Following the PhD, he joined Imag-
estimation and data detection for space-time shift keying sys- ination Technologies as a research engineer,
tems,” IEEE Sig. Proc. Lett., vol. 17, no. 12, pp. 993-996, Dec. where he worked on designing and developing the BICM peripherals
2010. in Imagination’s multi-standard communications platform, which
[34] Y. Xiao, Q. Tang, L. Gong, P. Yang, and Z. Yang, “Pow- resulted in several patent applications. In January 2012, he joined the
er scaling for spatial modulation with limited feedback.” Electronics and Computer Science in the University of Southampton
[Online]. Available: /journal- as a lecturer in the Communications, Signal Processing and Control
s/ijap/aip/718482.pdf. research group. He is the recipient of several academic awards and has
[35] S. H. Nam, O. S. Shin, and K. B. Lee, “Transmit power published a Wiley-IEEE book and in excess of 40 journal and inter-
allocation for a modified V-BLAST system,” IEEE Trans. national conference papers. His research interests include machine-
Commun., vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 1074-1080, 2008. to-machine communications, mm-wave communications, large-scale
MIMO, cooperative communications and Radio over fibre systems.

Mohammed El-Hajjar is a lecturer in the

Electronics and Computer Science in the U-
niversity of Southampton. He received his
BEng degree in Electrical Engineering from
the American University of Beirut, Lebanon
in 2004. He then received an MSc in Ra-
dio Frequency Communication Systems and
PhD in Wireless Communications both from
the University of Southampton, UK in 2005
and 2008, respectively. Following the PhD, he
joined Imagination Technologies as a design
engineer, where he worked on designing and developing the BICM
peripherals in Imagination’s multi-standard communications platfor-
m, which resulted in several patent applications. In January 2012,
he joined the Electronics and Computer Science in the University of
Southampton as a lecturer in the Communications, Signal Processing
and Control research group. He is the recipient of several academic
awards and has published a Wiley-IEEE book and in excess of 40
journal and international conference papers. His research interests are
mainly in the development of intelligent communications systems for
the Internet of Things including energy-efficient transceiver design,
cross-layer optimisation for large-scale networks, massive MIMO
systems for mm-wave communications, cooperative communications
and Radio over fibre systems.

Lajos Hanzo (http://www- FREng, FIEEE,
FIET, Fellow of EURASIP, DSc received his
degree in electronics in 1976 and his doctorate
in 1983. In 2009 he was awarded the honorary
doctorate “Doctor Honoris Causa” by the
Technical University of Budapest. During his
37-year career in telecommunications he has
held various research and academic posts in
Hungary, Germany and the UK. Since 1986
he has been with the School of Electronics
and Computer Science, University of Southampton, UK, where
he holds the chair in telecommunications. He has successfully
supervised 80+ PhD students, co-authored 20 John Wiley/IEEE
Press books on mobile radio communications totalling in excess of 10
000 pages, published 1400+ research entries at IEEE Xplore, acted
both as TPC and General Chair of IEEE conferences, presented
keynote lectures and has been awarded a number of distinctions.
Currently he is directing a 100-strong academic research team,
working on a range of research projects in the field of wireless
multimedia communications sponsored by industry, the Engineering
and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) UK, the European
Research Council’s Advanced Fellow Grant and the Royal Society’s
Wolfson Research Merit Award. He is an enthusiastic supporter of
industrial and academic liaison and he offers a range of industrial
courses. He is also a Governor of the IEEE VTS. During 2008-2012
he was the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Press and a Chaired
Professor also at Tsinghua University, Beijing. His research is funded
by the European Research Council’s Senior Research Fellow Grant.
For further information on research in progress and associated
publications please refer to
Lajos has 19 000+ citations.

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