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UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Name of Teacher Candidate Ashlee Nabors

Lesson Overview
Grade Level Prekindergarten
Estimated Time Needed 45 minutes
Lesson Description Matching words with the same beginning sound
III.B.7. Child can produce a word that begins with the same sound as a
Content Area Standards
given pair of words.
TSWBAT produce a word that begins with the same sound as a given pair
of words.

Terms/Vocabulary Letters, letter sounds, beginning sounds
Computer/Laptop, Assessment PowerPoint. The computer or laptop will be
used to show students the assessment. Using a PowerPoint for the
Technology Resources
assessment makes it easier to see and change the images, transition to
different pairs of images, and label the images as needed.
T is for Texas by Anne Bustard
Image Cards
Other Resources Activity Sheet
Whiteboard, dry erase markers, magnets
Pencils, colors, scissors, glue

Lesson Procedures
This template is built on the
traditional “Madeline Step-by-Step Management Resources
Hunter” lesson structure.
(5 minutes) Read Aloud with
the book T is for Texas by
Anne Bustard. The teacher will
ask students to identify the The big book, T is for
front cover, back cover, spine, The teacher will be at Texas by Anne
and the purpose of the author the front of the Bustard will be used
of the book. The teacher will classroom reading the to review parts of the
read alone during the first book. The students will book, letters of the
reading. During the second be at their desks, sitting alphabet, letters’
Focus/Anticipatory Set reading, the students will say in their seats. While sounds, and words
the letter and word for the reading, the students that begin with that
letter with the teacher. During will answer questions letter. The teacher will
the third reading, the students the teacher asks and be holding and
will only say the letter, the read along when reading the book
sound the letter makes, and instructed. while the students
the word for the letter. The read along.
teacher will ask “What letter is
this? What sound does this
letter make? What word starts
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
with this letter in the book?”
(15 minutes) The teacher will
show the students some
objects found in Texas and
place images of a lasso,
longhorn, cowboy boots,
Image cards will be
bluebonnets, pigs, plains,
used to visually
horse, cowboy hat, the Texas
represent the words.
flag, a farm, and Texas outline
They will be placed
on the whiteboard. The
on the whiteboard
teacher will identify the images
using magnets so the
with the students and teach
class can see them
them to enunciate the
while saying and
beginning sounds and a The teacher will be in
singing them. The
motion that corresponds with the front of the
Texas phonics song
the word. Afterward, the classroom providing
ties into this unit’s
teacher will teach students to instruction and
theme of Texas and
sing the Texas Phonics song. modeling. The students
will be used to show
The teacher and students will will be at their desks.
students how to
sing the phonics song twice, They will be sitting in
emphasize the
first while the teacher is doing their seats during
beginning sound of a
the motions with the students, instruction time. While
word and associate
then while the teacher is learning and singing
two words that have
Content-input pointing to the images while the song, the students
the same beginning
the students sing them. will be standing by their
Afterward, the teacher will pair desks and acting out
Dry erase markers
the images on the board the motions that
will be used so the
based on their beginning correspond with the
teacher can write the
sound and ask students “Why word. Students will
appropriate letters
are these pictures together? return to their seats
and words on the
What do they have in after singing the song
whiteboard. The
common? What did we learn and participate in the
students will be able
about these words while lesson by answering
to associate the
singing our Texas song?”. The questions the teacher
sound of the word
teacher will help students asks.
with the image and
understand that the words
written word they see.
lasso/longhorn and horse/hat
They will also be able
go together because they
to see how words
have the same beginning
with the same
sound. The teacher will
beginning sound can
explain that “when you say a
start with the same
word, the first sound you say
or hear is the beginning
sound. Most of the time, the
beginning sound will tell you
what letter the word starts
with. If lasso begins with the
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
sound /l/, what letter does the
word start with? If I want to
find another word that has the
same beginning sound, I think
to myself ‘what word starts
with the /l/ sound? /l/- lips
starts with the same sound as
/l/-lasso. Lips and lasso also
both start with the letter L’. If I
want to find a word that starts
with the same beginning
sound, I can think of a word
that starts with the same letter,
or I can say a word and see if
its beginning sound is the
same. ” The teacher will then
rearrange the images on the
(10 minutes) The teacher will
ask students to identify the
beginning sound and letter for
the words “lasso”, “boots”,
“pig”, “horse”, and “flag” then
write the word underneath the
image. The teacher will then
Image cards will be
ask the students “which one of
used to visually
these has the same beginning
represent the words.
sound as ‘lasso’? What sound
The teacher will remain They will be placed
does that word begin with?
at the front of the on the whiteboard
What letter makes that sound?
classroom, working on using magnets so the
Is that the same letter that
the whiteboard. The class can see them
‘lasso’ begins with?” Once the
Guided Practice students will remain at while saying them.
students identify the word with
their desks and in their Dry erase markers
the same beginning sound, the
seats. Students will will be used so the
teacher will place the image
participate in the lesson teacher can write
next to its pair and write the
by asking and letters, words, and
word under its image. The
answering questions. draw images on the
teacher will ask the students
“What do you notice about the
words that are paired
together? How can you tell
that they have the same
beginning sound? How can
you find a word that has the
same beginning sound? What
has the same beginning sound
as these two words?” The
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
teacher will write down correct
answers on the board next to
the pair of words.
(10 minutes) The teacher will
give directions for an activity
sheet the students are to
complete independently.
Students will write their names
A Beginning Sounds
on the top of the paper, cut out
Activity Sheet will be
the pictures at the bottom of After giving directions,
given to each
the paper, and sort them into the teacher will be
student. They will
groups if they have the moving around the
work on it individually
beginning sound. The students room, keeping students
to reinforce the skills
will then glue the pictures on on task, and helping
taught in the lesson.
their paper, next to the letter students. The teacher
They cut out images,
that the words begin with. will provide direct
match images that
Students are expected to say instruction to special
have the same
Independent Practice the beginning sounds of the education, ESL, and
beginning sound, and
words as they group them students who are far
match the images to
together and glue them. When below expectations.
their first letter.
they are finished gluing the Students will be sitting
Pencil, Scissors,
picture onto their paper, they at their desks,
Glue, and Crayons
can color the letters on their completing work.
will be used to
paper. Students who finish Students are expected
complete the activity
early can think of more words to remain quiet unless
sheet. Each student
that have the same beginning asking for help or
should have their own
sound and write them or draw making letter sounds.
pencil, scissors, glue,
a picture of them next to the
and crayons.
appropriate letter. The teacher
will be going around the room
to help students with their
cutting, gluing, writing, and
making sounds.
(5 minutes) When the students
are finished with their activity
or when time runs out, the
teacher will call attention to the The teacher will return
class and instruct them to put to the front of the
away their scissors, glue, classroom and lead the
crayons, and pencil. The discussion. Students
teacher will then asks the are in their seats,
students questions, such as answering questions,
“what were we learning about and participating in the
today? what is a beginning discussion.
sound? how can you tell what
letter or sound a word begins
with? how can you find a word
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
that has the same beginning
sound as another word? how
did you find a word that has
the same beginning sound as
‘horse’? Do ‘horse’ and ‘Texas’
have the same beginning
sound? How can you tell that
‘horse’ and ‘Texas’ do not
have the same beginning
sound?” At the end of the
discussion, the teacher will
say “It is now time for lunch
and recess. When we come
back to the classroom, we will
have calendar time and finish
working on our beginning
sounds later”. The teacher and
students will then begin the
procedure for lining up for
Plans for Leading a Discussion Following Guided Practice and Independent Practice
Launch Frame
We just finished putting these words together. What do you notice about the
words that are paired together?
Eliciting, Orienting Questions to ask During the Discussion
How can you tell that they have the same beginning sound? Why do they have
the same beginning sound? What makes them have the same beginning sound?
Plan for Leading a 5-10
How can you find another word that has the same beginning sound? What do
minute Discussion
you do, say, or think if you want to find a word that has the same beginning
Following Guided Practice
sound? What has the same beginning sound as these two words?
Conclusion Frame
We learned how to tell the beginning sound a word makes and find a word that
has the same beginning sound. Now we are going to do an activity where look at
pictures, find their beginning sound and the letter they start with and match them
if they have the same beginning sound.
Launch Frame
We have been learning about words that have the same beginning sound.
Eliciting Orienting Questions to ask During the Discussion
What is a beginning sound? How can you tell what letter or sound a word begins
Plan for Leading a 5-10 with? How can you find a word that has the same beginning sound as another
minute Discussion word? How did you find a word that has the same beginning sound as ‘horse’?
Following Independent Do ‘horse’ and ‘Texas’ have the same beginning sound? How can you tell that
Practice ‘horse’ and ‘Texas’ do not have the same beginning sound?
Conclusion Frame
We learned how to find a word that has the same beginning sound as another
word. Now, it is time for lunch and recess. When we come back to the
classroom, we will have calendar time and finish working on our beginning
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
sounds later
Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accomodations

Special education students will receive direct instruction and assistance from the
teacher or paraprofessional in either a one-on-one or small group setting. The
teacher or paraprofessional will help them make and identify beginning sounds,
identity objects in images, match images of objects that have the same
Special Education beginning sound, cut, and glue. Requirements will be modified and focus more
Students on the student’s ability to identify a word’s beginning sound, determine the letter
it begins with, and match words with the same beginning sound, rather than
produce a word on their own. During the assessment, the words will be written
so they can see the words while saying them. Their activity sheet will also have
the words written under the images so they can match them by beginning sound
and/or their first letter.
English Language Learner students will receive direct instruction and assistance
from the teacher or paraprofessional in either a one-on-one or small group
setting. The teacher or paraprofessional will help them make and identify
beginning sounds, identity objects in images, match images of objects that have
the same beginning sound. They will also receive help from their classmates and
English Language be encouraged to engage in conversations with native English speakers.
Learners Requirements will be modified and focus more on the student’s ability to identify
a word’s beginning sound, determine the letter it begins with, and match words
with the same beginning sound. During the assessment, the words will be written
so they can see the words while saying them. Their activity sheet will also have
the words written under the images so they can match them by beginning sound
and/or their first letter.
Gifted and talented students will identify objects in an image and determine the
word’s beginning sound without seeing the word written. They will also be
encouraged to produce more than one word with the same beginning sound.
Gifted and Talented
They will also work on their writing skills by writing down the words they produce,
rather than only saying and/or drawing them. Students who finish early will
produce more words with the same beginning sound and write or draw them.
The assessment will take place after the lesson. The teacher will administer the test individually to each
student. The teacher will call the student over and show them the Assessment PowerPoint. They will look
at the pictures on each slide and name a word that has the same beginning sound as the pair of words they
were shown. They will do this for 8 pairs of words. For each pair of words, the teacher will ask “What is this
word? What is this word? what is their beginning sound? What is another word that has the same
beginning sound as these two words?” To differentiate, the teacher can have the word written under the
pictures and help the student identify the sound and letter they begin with. The assessment is only over
whether the student can correctly name a word that has the same beginning sound as the given pair of
Classroom Management Plan for the Lesson
Some attention-getters I will use are “1,2,3 eyes on me . . .”, a clapping pattern, raising my hand, or just
calling the class to attention. There will be a sequence of responses to address off-task behavior. First, is a
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
general reminder to the entire class to stay on task. The second is a targeted reminder to the student
displaying off task behavior. The third is a private conversation with the student to try to amend whatever is
causing the disruptive behavior (i.e. boredom, frustration, personal problems, etc.). The final progression is
to have that student move change their color on the behavior chart. Prekindergarten classes in this school
follow the MAC behavior model (movement, activity, and conversation). Before dismissing students to do
their independent work, I will let them know that their movement should be none, just sitting at their desk.
Their activity is to complete the Beginning Sounds sheet they were given. Their conversation is at a level 0
unless they are working with the teacher or making beginning sounds for the words. When we transition
and get ready for lunch, students will follow their usual procedure.
Lesson Resources
Activity Sheet -original work, images found on Microsoft Word image search
Phonics Song -original work
Image Cards -original work, images found on Microsoft Word image search
Assessment -original work, images found on Microsoft Powerpoint image search

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