Autobiography of A Car & Clock

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Autobiography of a car

Introduction: I am a six-seater car. I was born in a big factory. I was assembled by many
mechanics and engineers and my parts came from various factories. I am made of steel, iron,
rubber, fiberglass and canvas.

Body: I run on petrol. As soon as I was born, I was sent to a showroom with some other cars. I
remained there for a few days and many people came to see me. At last, one person liked me
and decided to take me home. After making the payment, he took me away and I felt really
happy. My owner was a young executive and took good care of me. He made sure that I was
washed and cleaned every day, before he took me to office. After about a year, when he was
going abroad, he decided to sell me.
My new owner was not too kind. He ill-treated me and drove rashly. He was a very reckless and
dangerous driver. I got bruised and scratched many times on the road. As a result, I started
looking old and ugly, and had many marks on my body.

My owner’s only concern was speed and he never cared about me. Since I was not serviced
regularly, many of my body parts started groaning with pain. One day he was driving very fast
and we had an accident. In the crash, my owner received multiple injuries and was seriously
wounded. I was also crushed badly and my injuries were beyond repair. I was towed and
parked outside his house. Now I stand there in rain and shine.

Conclusion: I have become rusty, sad and old and am not in a running condition any more.
Autobiography of a clock

Introduction: I am a beautiful wall clock, with a red dial, golden needles and a golden
frame, and a pentagon in shape - Oh what a beauty I am.
Body: In the days bygone, when I was in a shop in Batha I really enjoyed myself, and
they were the best days of my life. Daily I saw people coming in and going out of the
shop, there was such a lot of hullabaloo (noise) every day in that shop that life was
interesting and there was not a moment of boredom.
This is why I call that part of my life the best. I'd watch the customers with great
interest, some bought clocks, and some would just gaze at some very longingly and
walk off.
This really amused me and I wondered why they come in at all. At times interesting
arguments would continue between the customers and our salesmen at different
I used to enjoy these tiffs and laugh to myself wondering as to what ideas people get.
In the night hours, when the shop would close I never felt frightened as, there were
ever so many companions, some ticking aloud, some silent, it was a wonderful time
day and night.
However, whenever I saw any of my companions being sold out to a customer, I had
a peculiar throb in my heart. On the one hand I would feel that it would be just
wonderful if I also got a good customer, but then I'd think what would happen to me
and my life if my buyer was to be a cruel and uncaring person? I'd lose the fun of this
life and get a life much worse.
I also felt that, I was not being purchased because, may be I am not as nice to look
at, as my other friends. This thought gave me a feeling of deep frustration. With
these peculiarly mixed feelings, I stayed on in the shop for quite a long time when
almost all my old friends had gone, and new ones had taken their places.
Days passed by and several of my friends had left for their permanent abodes, and I
wondered if I would ever be bought however just as all things come to an end, my
wait also ended, when, on 15th August 1998 a customer came and he pinned his
choice on me. I was absolutely thrilled and even felt puffed up to think that, he
wanted only ME.
That day I also came to know why I had not been bought for so long. It was not that I
was not nice to look at but the reason was that, I was the most expensive clock in the
entire showroom. This made me feel really proud of myself and I put my collars up
when I was being packed for a presentation. When the packet was ready I remember
how suffocated I felt inside the box, and longed to be opened at the earliest.
The buyer was the Principal of some school and he presented me to a teacher on
her farewell party as she was retiring after thirty years of service in the school.
My new owner was the teacher Mrs. Setia, she took me home and Oh, after a very
long wait I was unwrapped and I took a sigh of relief as if starting breathing anew.
The moment she saw my beauty, she let out an Aha! And I was further thrilled to
hear her calling her family members to see me and admire me. Her entire family just
loved me, admired me and appreciated me. Mrs.
Setia placed me in a very prominent place in her drawing room. My pleasure knew
no bounds when I realized that the family treated me with all the love and care due to
me. I was put up in the best decorated room of the four room apartment. Since that
red letter day in 1998, I am hanging on this wall. At times do feel bored but, the love
and care of the entire family showered on me duly compensates for the long
boredom and loneliness.
Conclusion: When all the members of the family are out, I do get bored but, when
they are all at home, I feel just wonderful. Every week my mistress herself cleans me
and I feel so fresh and smart after a thorough cleaning by her loving delicate hands. I
have a very fine family to serve but, I do hope they do not throw me away when I
look less attractive when old age sets in. Oh God bless my family and also see that
they continue loving me always, also help me to serve them as long as I can, to the
best of my ability.

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