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Table I LI-Rb Crystal Structure and Lattice Parameter Data
Comp(mltion, Peanon Space Strukturbericht Lattice parameterg, nm
Phase at.% R b symbol group designation Prototype a e Comment

t a L l ) .............
-- 0 hP2 P63/mmc A3 Mg 0.3111 0.5093 <75 K
( ~ L i ) ............. - 0 cI2 Imam A2 W 0.35093 ... 2 5 °C
(Rb) .............. ~ 100 cI2 Imgm A2 W 0.5703 ... 2 5 °C

and they have similar large atomic radii (0.2808 and [73Bar]. The small solubility of Rb in liquid Li was es-
0.3024 nm) in comparison to Li (0.1728 nm). In addi- timated by analogy with the Li-Cs system.
tion, they have similar melting points (39.22 and 28.44
°C) and similar boiling points (688 and 697 °C). Cited References
The Li-Rb phase diagram of Fig. 1 was calculated by 39Boh: B. B6hm and W.Klemm, "The Behavior of Alkali Me-
assuming negligible mutual solubility in the liquid tats Toward One Another," Z. Anorg. Chem., 243, 69 (1939).
phase. Transition temperatures were taken from the (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
compilations of [83Cha], [King1], and [King2]. Equi- 73Bar: I. Barin, O. Knacke, and O. Kubaschewski, Ther-
libria involving the gas phase were calculated by as- mochemical Properties of Inorganic Substances, and Sup-
suming an ideal gas with }>total = PLi + PLi2 + PCs + plement, Springer-Verlag, New York (19731 and (1977).
PCs2 = 1 bar in equilibrium with the liquid phase, with (Thermo; Compilation)
aLi [L] ffi 1. Thermodynamic data for the gas phase 83Cha: M.W. Chase, "Heats of Transformation of the Ele-
calculation were taken from the compilation of ments," Bull.Alloy Phase Diagrams, 4(1), 124 (1983).

Li-Rbevaluationcontributedby C.W.Bale, Centre de Recherche en CalculThermochindque,Ecole Polytechnique,Campusde l'Univereit~ de

blontr6al, P.O.Box6079, StationA, Montreal,Quebec,CanadaH3C 3A7.This workwu partially supported by the United States Departmentof
Energy fundsthrough the Joint Program on Critical Compilationof Physical and ChendcalData coordinatedthrough the Officeof Standard
Reference Data, National Institute of Standards and Technology.Literature searched through1988. Professor Bale imthe ASM/NIST Data
ProgrmnCo-CategoryEditorfor binaryalkalimetalsystems.

The K-Zr (Potassium-Zirconium) System

By C.W. Bale
Ecole Polytechnique de Montr6al

Equilibrium Diagram
The assessed K-Zr phase diagram is shown in Fig. 1. structure data for the elements according to [King2]
The system is almost completely immiscible in both and [King3] are summarized in Table 1,
the solid and liquid states. There is no evidence of in- [70Ste] attempted to measure the solubility of Zr in
termetallic formation in this system, nor in any of the liquid K in the temperature range 747 to 1068 °C. The
other alkali metal-group IV A systems. The extent of study was part of a program to measure the solubilities
the solubility is very limited, and it follows from ther- in liquid K of five transition elements (Mo, W, V, Ti, and
modynamic considerations that the univariant Zr). K containing less t h a n 20 wt.% ppm of oxygen was
temperatures in Fig. 1 are virtually identical with equilibrated in Zr-sealed capsules ( - 3 mL) for 24 h.
phase transitions of the pure components. The crystal The liquid was drained and quenched. The Zr content

Table I K-Zr Crystal Structure and Lattice Parameter Data

Composition, Pearson Space Strukturberleht Lattice parameters, nm
Phame at.% Zr symbol group dNignation Prototype a e Comment

(K) ................ 0.0 ci2 Imam A2 W 0.5321 ... RT

(aZr) .............100 hP2 P63/mmc A3 Mg 0.32317 0.51476 RT
( ~ Z r ) .............100 cI2 Im3m A2 W 0.3609 ... • 8 6 5 °C

Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams Vol. 10 No. 3 1989 269


Fig. 1 Assessed K-Zr Phase Diagram

Weight Percent Zirconium

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
2000 .... l .... '. .... l....,., ....... I ........ J," .... " " ' | ' " "
..... ,'J ...... , ......... t,. ........

, ........


G + (flZr)

G ~, (aZr)

E <0.0004 at.g Zr ~77~°¢


L ÷ (aZr)

~n°C(~LP.) (K) ~,~Zr) "~t°¢

0 ........ F......... f ......... t ......... ~. . . . . . . . . t ......... i ......... t ......... i ......... t .........
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 tO0

K Atomic Percent Zirconium Zr

C.W. Bale, 1989.

was m e a s u r e d by optical s p e c t r o g r a p h i c a n a l y s i s a n d calculations, the c o m p o s i t i o n o f t h e gas p h a s e a t 1 a t m

was found to be less t h a n the detection limit o f 10 wt. is e s t i m a t e d to be - 0 . 0 0 0 0 2 at.% Z r in e q u i l i b r i u m
p p m Zr (0.0004 at.% Zr) for the a p p a r a t u s . w i t h a l m o s t p u r e liquid Z r a t 2 0 0 0 °C.

T h e r e are not o t h e r r e p o r t e d solubility m e a s u r e m e n t s Clted Reference

in this system.
70Ste: S. Stecura, "Solubilities of Molybdenum, Tungsten,
By comparison w i t h t h e o t h e r alkali m e t a l - g r o u p IV A Vanadium, Titanium and Zirconium in Liquid Potassium,"
systems, the solubility o f K in solid Zr a n d in liquid Zr Corrosion by Liquid Metals, Plenum Press, NY, 601-611
is expected to be v e r y limited. F r o m v a p o r p r e s s u r e (1970). (Equi Diagram; Experimentab

K-Zr evaluation contributed by C.W. Bale, Centre de Recherche en Calcul Thermochimique, Ecole Polytechnique, Campus de l'Universit~ de
Montreal, P.O. Box 6079, Station A, Montr6al, Quebec, Canada H3C 3A7. ~ work warnpartially supported by Department of Energy ftmds
through the Joint Program on Critical Compilation of Physical and Chemical Data coordinated through the Office of Standard Reference Data,
National Institute of Standards and Technology.Literature searched through 1988. Profeuor Bale is the ASM/NIST Data Program Co-Category
Editor for binary alkali metal systente.

270 Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams Vol. 10 No. 3 1989

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