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Unique Interview Presentation

With our unique iBest Interview Presentation, we guarantee you'll stand out
from other job candidates.

An iBest Interview Presentation is a printed bound document you bring to an interview.

Your iBest Interview Presentation communicates clearly how your background,
experience, skills, and education matches the critical requirements of the job and why
you are an excellent candidate for the position. All important interview winning
information that has, up until now, been difficult to get across in an interview.

Using the interactive iBest

Interview Presentation
development application, you
will quickly and easily prepare a
document that will visually
communicate the following

Your personal brand (on

cover and at bottom of
each page)
An interview company
logo for customization
and to communicate your interest in the job
A list of critical job requirements and your match with the requirements
Additional Areas of Expertise you bring to the position (your "differentiators")

Success Stories - Examples of when

you were at your best
Personal Success Factors - Strengths
and personal traits that will make you
successful on the job

A 30/60 day Strategic Action Plan - Your

goals for providing value to the
company quickly
A summary of the benefits you will
provide the company and why you are the best choice for the position
Powerful questions that demonstrate your knowledge of the job, company, and

The iBest Interview Presentation expert libraries provide hundreds of job specific items
that you can select for your presentation and edit for exact fit. Using the iBest expert
libraries, your interview presentations will be
developed quickly, efficiently and

Your presentation will be easily customized

with your own personal style by selecting
one of our many professionally designed

Using the iBest Interview Presentation you

will be well prepared for the interview, be
far more confident, impress the
interviewers and in most interviews... land
the job!

Create Your Presentation Today

1. What exactly is an iBest Interview Presentation?
The IBest Interview Presentation is a customized printed presentation that you take
to your interviews to communicate the information you want the interviewer to
know about you. The goal of the iBest Presentation is to guide an interview and
make sure both you and the interviewer get the information needed to make a
"best fit" hiring decision. It is also a terrific leave behind which is far more
informative, and impressive, than your resume.

2. Will I be making an actual presentation?
No- it is not a "front of the room presentation" you deliver as a monologue. Rather,
the iBest Interview Presentation uses a visual format to create an interactive
conversation. The iBest Presentation introduces information about your
background, skills, experience, and personal characteristics that make you
successful on the job. As you talk about the content, the interviewer is encouraged
to ask questions and engage you in a meaningful conversation. Through the
conversation, the hiring manager gets to know you at a deeper more meaningful
level and as you establish trust she is more inclined to feel comfortable hiring you.

3. What if I am not a good presenter, should I use an iBest Interview

An iBest Interview Presentation has tremendous value just as an interview
preparation tool. As you prepare your iBest Interview Presentation, you will be
guided through thinking about your brand, how you match the critical job
requirements, what makes you successful on your jobs, the distinguishing added-
value you will bring to the position, and what questions you want to ask the
interviewer. This is the best interview preparation available today, bar none. Thus,
just using the iBest Interview Presentation to prepare for your interview is a
tremendous benefit. Approximately 85% of all job candidates use the presentation
in the interview while 15% do not. However 100% of all job candidates use the iBest
Interview Presentation as a leave behind.

4. Can't I just make my own interview presentation using PowerPoint or some

other presentation software?
Absolutely. However, the iBest Interview Presentation has been designed by
experts to communicate the job specific information the interviewer needs to know
to make an informed hiring decision. Also, the iBest Interview Presentation has
expert "content libraries" that offers you content you can select to put in your
presentation and then modify to match your specific interview. Using the libraries,
you are not starting from a blank piece of paper; your presentation has expert
content, and your presentation is developed quickly and easily- within 30-40
minutes. This is a new strategy and currently no one else is providing an easily
used online program for developing a professional interview presentation. Until
now, interviews consisted of the interviewer asking questions and the job
candidate hoping to answer the questions correctly. With an iBest Interview
Presentation, you will be guiding the interview and creating a conversation. The
iBest Presentation is based on a proprietary format which covers 100% of the
critical information a hiring manager needs to know about you to make a good
hiring decision.

5. Can an iBest Interview Presentation be used in every interview at every

Honestly, no. Some companies, relatively few, have a very structured interview
format that does not permit the use of an iBest Interview Presentation. In these
situations, the preparation you have put into developing your iBest Interview
Presentation will have to be enough. However, having developed your iBest
Interview Presentation, you will be well prepared for the interview and will have
your interview goals and content in your head ready to share in response to the
interviewer's questions. Also, the iBest Interview Presentation is a great leave
behind and not one interviewer has rejected the iBest Interview Presentation when
offered as a leave behind. Candidates have had the most success when the iBest
Presentation is color printed on good quality paper and is spiral bound with a clear
plastic cover and a cardboard backing. This is done easily at any copy center in just
a few hours. Be sure to bring a copy for each interviewer, and plan to use the iBest
Interview Presentation as an impressive "leave behind." The iBest Interview
Presentation does not work as well when projected or shown on a laptop. When
looking at a projection or a display, you lose important eye contact with the
interviewer. With a printed presentation, eye contact is maintained.

6. Why is each bullet point in the iBest Interview Presentation limited to 170
The iBest Interview Presentation is not meant to be read. It is designed to introduce
job critical information in a brief visual format to which you will be speaking. If the
bullet points were longer than 170 characters, you would run the risk of the
interviewer reading your presentation rather than engaging in a conversation with

7. How do I introduce my iBest Interview Presentation in an interview?

Candidates introduce the iBest Interview Presentation in many ways in their
interviews. Some candidates state up front that they have a presentation, "I am
really interested in this job, and I just want to let you know I have prepared a
presentation about my background, skills, and experience. If there is an
opportunity, I would like to share it with you." Other candidates have used their
presentation to answer the question "tell me about yourself."

There are many opportunities and lots of creative ways to introduce your iBest
Interview Presentation. The important thing is to look for an opening and then ask
permission to introduce it into the interview. The iBest Interview Presentation has
been used successfully to interview for the full range of professional levels from
entry level to the most senior management. Position include C-level (CEO, CFO,
CMO, etc.), Vice President, Director, Manager and Associate in positions such as
sales, marketing, technical, management, operations, support, administrative and
many other functions. Industries where the iBest Interview Presentation has been
successful include: Pharmaceutical, Health Care, Life Sciences, Biotechnology,
Education, Insurance, Printing & Publishing, Energy, Finance, Military and many

The iBest Interview Presentation works well for any position that requires an
interview to make a "best fit" hiring decision. In fact, many college students have
used an iBest Interview Presentation to land their first job. Hiring managers are
very enthusiastic about the iBest Interview Presentation and are highly
complementary of candidates that show the enthusiasm, commitment, and
motivation to prepare so thoroughly for the interview.

The iBest Presentation guides (not controls) your interview, assuring the
conversation stays focused on job requirements and how you will contribute to the
success of the organization. Hiring managers benefit from the extra information
and insights the iBest Interview Presentation provides about you and they find that
they make better hiring decisions. In fact, many hiring managers after seeing a job
candidate use an iBest Interview Presentation use an interview presentation when
they interview for jobs.

This unique strategy of preparing and presenting one's skills and abilities during
the interview has been tremendous. One hundred percent of all candidates,
regardless of hiring outcome, think the iBest Interview Presentation is a critical part
of their interview strategy and state they would not go to an interview without an
iBest Interview Presentation. The iBest Interview Presentation contains a great deal
of critical position specific information much of which does not typically come out
in an interview. Beyond a good presentation, you have to clearly substantiate your
fit with the position, both in terms of skills and experience, and fit with the
company culture. Just being a "slick" presenter is not enough to convince a hiring
manager that you are a strong candidate. There are numerous ways the iBest
Interview Presentation improves your interviews, but here are a few standouts:

It differentiates you: When you go to an interview with an iBest Interview

Presentation, you are well prepared, you will powerfully present your
reasons why you should be hired, and you will have good insightful questions
to ask. These factors differentiate you and win jobs.
It raises your confidence level dramatically: With excellent preparation and a
polished professional presentation, your confidence soars to a completely
new level resulting in a stronger interview performance.
It makes sure you are heard: Because the information is visually presented in
a professional document, the hiring manger will hear, and more importantly
see, the information you want to communicate. You will not have to put up
with an interviewer that talks only about themselves and doesn't take the
time to get to know you.
It conveys your motivation and enthusiasm about the job: Going through the
IBest Interview Presentation strategy and developing an iBest Interview
Presentation, communicates an action oriented and proactive approach to
the interview and to the job. Your highly motivated and enthusiastic
approach impress hiring managers and moves the decision making process
quickly ahead to a positive decision. The iBest Presentation is tremendously
helpful for an interviewer, which is why they like it when you bring your iBest
Interview Presentation to the interview.
It visually communicates the critical information an interviewer needs to
know to make a well informed hiring decision. A visual presentation helps the
interviewer learn and retain the information you are sharing far better than
just hearing it.
It helps you prepared for the interview so the interviewer sees you at your
best and has a better understanding of your skills, experience, education,
and abilities. By being well prepared and using an iBest Interview
Presentation, you are far less likely to make interview mistakes that causes
you to lose the job when you would have been a great asset to the company.
When using the iBest Interview Presentation you are displaying your ability to
gather information, present the information, and respond to questions- all
important job skills in a knowledge economy.
It helps structure the interview so both you and the interviewer remain
focused on important job related information.
It makes an interviewer who is not skilled in interviewing a good interviewer
without having to go through training.
8. Will it work in panel/group interviews?
The iBest Interview Presentation works really well in panel/group settings. With a
visual presentation, the panel/group is focused and is able to get the information
they need to make a hiring decision. It enables interviewers that may be more
reserved to participate fully in the interview and it helps you connect with every
interviewer in the panel/group.

Interview Expert
Created by Eric Kramer who has 15+ years of experience as a career expert and has
written a gold medal award winning interview book.

A Track Record of Success at Every Career Level and Industry

Helped thousands of people get a job by setting them apart with our unique iBest
interview product.

Get Started Today

InterviewBest, LLC
E: (Email) P: (Phone) 610-624-1953


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