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Hatua 1) Kujaza Kifuasi Moto
Step1) Recharging the Accessory
Kwa matumizi ya mara ya kwanza baada ya
For the first time use after purchasing the
kununua bidhaa, betri inaweza kuwa
product, the battery may not be sufficient.
haitoshi. Hakikisha umeijaza betri moto
Make sure to fully recharge the battery
kikamilifu kabla ya kutumia.
before use.
① Tumia mikanda iliyo hapo ndani
① Use the provided charging cable to
kuunganisha na tundu la USB micro AB ya
connect between USB micro AB port of the
kifuasi na tundu la USB ya Komputa yako. *
accessory and USB port of the PC. * You can
Unaweza pia kutumia USB ADAPTER ※ 1
also use USB adaptor※1 for this purpose.
kwa ajili ya kazi hii.
② The indicator of the accessory turns red
② kiashiria cha nyongeza ya moto
while charging is in process. When the
hubadilika kuwa chekundu wakati mjazo
battery is fully recharged, the indicator turns
unaendelea. Wakati betri imejaa kikamilifu,
kiashiria hubadili na kuwa kijani.
※ The accessory is not designed to charge
※ Kifuasi hiki hakijatengenezwa kujaza iPad
iPad 2.
※ It takes a max of approx. 120 minutes
※ Huchukua mwisho wa takriban dakika 120
(new product) to fully recharge the battery
(bidhaa mpya) kwa kujaza betri kikamilifu
based on DC 5V 500mA. The above
kuambatana na DC 5V 500mA. Muda wa
charging time is an estimated figure. Any of
hapo juu ni takwimu ya kukadiriwa. Muda
the charging time and use time can differ
wowote wa kujaza na kutumia unaweza
depending on the charging or use conditions,
kutofautiana kulingana na mjazo au hali ya
matumizi mtawalia.
※1: The USB adaptor is not included
※ 1: Kifaa cha USB ADAPTER hakiko
(unbundled) in the product package, which
pamoja (hakiko kwenye kifurushi) katika
can be purchased separately. It is
mfuko wa bidhaa, na kinaweza kununuliwa
recommended to use the USB adaptor
tofauti. Unashauriwa kutumia USB
provided by XXX Inc.
ADAPTER zinazotolewa na XXX Inc

2 2
If you have not prepared your network Kama hujatayarisha mtandao wako kwa
for video, it may affect business-critical video, inaweza kuathiri viungo muhimu vya
applications in the future. You should biashara katika siku zijazo. Unapaswa
consider how to prioritize and scale video kufikiria jinsi ya kipaumbele na kufanya video
while protecting other applications from being udogo wakati pia unalinda vitumizi vingine
swamped by high-bandwidth video streams. kutokana na kulemewa na mtiririko wa video
Deploying video, collaboration, and business zenye kutumia uzito. Kuanzisha video,
applications together radically changes the ushirikiano, na vitumizi vya biashara pamoja
demands on the network and requires kwa kiasi kikubwa vinabadilisha mahitaji
special consideration from the network to kwenye mtandao na inahitaji uzingatio
ensure a consistent, high-quality user maalum kutoka mtandao ili kuhakikisha
experience. With the increasingly large thabiti, Matumizi bora na thabiti. Ikizingatiwa
number of video-enabled mobile devices idadi kubwa inayozidi kukua ya vifaa
entering the network, businesses must make vinavyoonyesha video aina ya rununu
plans to provide reliable access to video and vinavyoingia kwenye mtandao, biashara
other advanced applications from a variety of lazima zifanye mipango ya kutoa upatikanaji
devices, as well as to define acceptable use wa kuaminika kwa video na vitumizi vingine
policies that do not compromise security. vya hali ya juu kutoka kwa aina kadhaa ya
Upgrading to XXX Borderless vifaa, na vile vile kufafanua sera za matumizi
Networks will allow you to deploy medianet zinazokubalika na zisizohatarisha usalama.
services and new applications easily, with Kuimarisha mpaka XXX Borderless Networks
simple software upgrades, as your business kutakuwezesha kuendesha huduma ya
needs change and grow. With the new XXX mtandaowavu na vitumizi vipya kwa urahisi,
Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Series LAN na uimarishaji rahisi wa programu, kwa
Base option, XXX is offering premium maana biashara yako inahitaji mabadiliko
capabilities at a fraction of the cost compared ndio ikuwe. Ikiwa na XXX Catalyst 3750-X
to previous generations. mpya na 3560-X Series LAN chaguo la
msingi, XXX inatoa huduma ya hali ya juu
katika sehemu ya gharama ikilinganishwa na
bidhaa za awalis.
All movements are controlled by the servo
controller software. For every movement the
PLC will send an instruction to the controller
Harakati zote hudhibitiwa na programu ya
containing the wanted position and speed. As
kuelekeza ya servo. Kwa kila harakati PLC
soon as the instruction has been completed
itamtuma maelezo kwa kielekezi zenye
the servo controller will send a 'Position
nafasi inayotakiwa na kasi. Pindi maelezo
reached' signal. If an error occurs, the servo
yanakamilika kielekezi cha servo kitatuma
will generate an error signal and, in general,
kionyeshi cha 'Nafasi imefikiwa'. Kama kosa
stop the movement.
litatokea, servo itazalisha ishara ya makosa
na, kwa ujumla, kuikomesha harakati.
The positions 1 and 4 are fixed values in the
Nafasi 1 na 4 ni nafasi ambazo hazibadiliki
Position 2 is set according to the recipe
kwenye PLC-programu.
parameter "Distance position 2 to position 1".
Nafasi ya 2 ni kuweka kulingana na viwango
Position 3 is the dosing height and is
vya mwisho vya chochezi "Umbali nafasi ya
calculated by the dosing height function.
2 kwa nafasi 1".
The home position is determined through the
Nafasi 3 ni kipimo cha urefu na ni
position of the DxM2-GSL. It will (need to) be
inapatikana kwa hesabu ya urefu wa kipimo.
redetermined after every reset of the servo
Nafasi ya nyumbani huamuliwa kwa njia ya
controller. If the home position is unknown,
nafasi ya DxM2-GSL. Itakuwa (inafaa kuwa)
the servo cannot move to the positions 1, 2,
kuangaliwa tena baada ya kila upya wa servo
3 and 4. If the home position is unknown, the
elekezi. Kama Nafasi ya Nyumbani
only possibility to move the servo is to 'jog'
haijulikani, servo haiwezi songa kwa nafasi 1,
2, 3 na 4. Kama Nafasi ya Nyumbani
haijulikani, uwezekano tu wa kusongesha
The "dosing speed" is recipe adjustable
servo ni kufuata njia ndefu ya ‘kukimbia’.
"Dosing speed dosing unit" (in %) and will be
used going from position 2 to position 3.
"Kasi ya Kipimo" ni kichocheo cha kub
adilishwa "Kipimo kasi kipimo kitengo" (katika
asilimia %) na zitatumika kwenda kutoka
nafasi 2 mpaka nafasi 3.

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