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Câu 1 what are some ways to conserve enrgy at homw at work

Turn Off Your Lights

 When you leave your home, turn off all the lights and your unused
appliances. The rule is if you aren’t using it, unplug it or turn it off.

 And if you’re boiling an egg, turn the heat off early and let the egg
finish cooking in the residual heat.
 If you’re entertaining guests, turn down the thermostat a few
notches when they arrive. Their combined body heat will keep the
room warm.
 Keep your hob (bếp nấu ăn ) clean to make sure it works as
effectively as possible.
 vacuum your radiators (bộ tản nhiệt ). Layers of dust stop heat
from flowing freely.
 If you’ve got a microwave or a slow cooker (or both), use them
rather than a conventional oven whenever possible. A microwave
uses about half as much energy as a normal oven, and a slow
cooker can be up to 75% more efficient.

If you’re storing leftover food or making a packed lunch, put it in

reusable containers rather than using foil or clingfilm.( giấy bạc hoặc
màng bám)

Câu 2

How do you think about environmental protection issues and do we

have any protection programs in Vietnam?
In Vietnam we have one such protection program and that is the Cuc
Phuong National Park

Conservation centers
Cuc Phuong Botanical Garden: is an area built to collect and plant rare
species of Cuc Phuong, Vietnam and the world. This is one of the three
major botanical gardens in the world

Rescue, Biological Conservation and Development Center: Rescue,

conserve and develop endangered species of wild flora and fauna in
Vietnam; research on behavior, physiology and reproduction in
captivity ( sinh sản trong đ/k nuôi nhốt ) of rare and precious wild
animals for conservation and development; Collecting, planting,
conserving genetic resources and creating varieties of rare plants in
I know that they also have
Rescue Center: has the task of rescuing each individual species of
rare and precious primate species from foreclosure arrest ( bắt giử ) ;
release the animals to the wild and this is a research and reference site
for important specimens for students, conservation experts, to visit and

Câu 3 . which is the best way to prevent climate change câu này a lấy
của e để them vào cho có disagree

I also think so, I think we should completely use the electric equipment
instead of using fuels like gas, coal...
B: I do not agree with you, according to me, we should use electricity
from solar, wind and tidal energy and must use electricity
properly like: swap your gas stove for an electric stove, unplug
computers, TVs and other electronics when you’re not using
A: In addition, we should protect forests and plant more trees,
punish strongly acts of deforestation.
B: When shopping, use cloth bags instead of plastic bags, and should
recycle old or unused items to household items.
A: I agree with your idea, moreover, have to raise people's
consciousness about environmental protection.

Make Your Commute Green

Millions of people drive to work every day. 

Vehicle emissions are a close ( khí thải xe cọ) second when it comes to
the top causes of climate change. There are always other options that
you can utilize to make your commute to work eco-friendly. You can
walk or ride a bike


Manufacturing plants (các nhà máy sản xuất) emit a large number of
greenhouse gasses ( khí thải nhà kính ) per year

Encourage the use of renewable energies

Focusing your efforts to spread awareness about renewable energy is

the best way to create a positive impact in your community. Like Solar
energy. Wind energy. Hydro energy. Tidal energy.= hydroelectric

(Năng lượng mặt trời. Năng lượng gió. Năng lượng hydro. Năng lượng
thủy triều) .

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