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Head Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury - TBI

Pathophysiology: Causes
Any injury to the head, can be open & closed • Motor vehicle accident
traumatic brain injuries (TBI). • Fall greater than 20 ft
• Child abuse (shaken baby)


Concussion - Minor TBI
OPEN TBI - Basilar skull fracture NCLEX TIP

Key Sign KAPLAN Questions NCLEX Questions

▪ CSF leakage from Eyes, Ears, Nose
Client with head injury with What is MOST likely affected by
“Coup - Contrecoup”
“Clear fluid drainage” NCLEX TIP clear nasal drainage noted… coup-contrecoup brain injury?
Answer: Check drainage for glucose Answer: Memory, speech and vision.

Which patient to see first following

Which assessment is expected with
a multi car accident?
occipital lobe injury?
Answer: Patient with clear fluid Answer: Deficits in visual perception.
draining from right ear
Memory Tricks:
• Frontal lobe = Front OFFICE controls Speech, memory,
(This is a sign of a BASILAR SKULL
& movement. Frontal lobe Occipital lobe
• Occipital lobe = Ocular Sight controls Visual perception FRACTURE! A priority patient!)
• Temporal lobe = Think TEMPO like hearing a beat.
• Parietal lobe = sensory, touch - Think purrrietal like a cat
- soft & fluffy to touch.
• Cerebellum - think cere-BaLance - controls balance
• Brain stem - controls HR & RR

HEMATOMA 3 Types Monitor for Increased ICP

medical emergency! High bleeding & rapid

- Classic sign: Loss of consciousness

- Followed by brief alertness (STAY with &
monitor client who passed out and then
woke up again.

ST • CT scan or MRI to show evidence of
1 PRIORITY NCLEX Questions bleeding, bruising, or swelling
Client recovering from head trauma …
GCS of 15 over 2 hours ago, but now Discharge Teaching:
GCS score of 14… First action?
Answer: Report to provider immediately
• Return if having difficulty walking
Client in C spine after fall … priority “Ataxia”
assessment? • Adult should stay with the patient
Answer: Obtain Glasgow Coma Scale score. • No alcohol: vasodilates & makes brain
swelling worse
• NOT necessary for patient to stay awake
ALL night

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