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Quarter 4 -Module 1


Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

What I Know

Instructions: Draw a smiley face ( ) if the item is an example of an academic

writing, or put a sad face ( ) if it is not.

1. poem
2. textbook
3. thesis
4. short play
5. song lyrics
6. abstract report
7. news article
8. nursery rhyme
9. movie script
10. riddle
11. research paper
12. idiomatic expression
13. novel
14. myth or legend
15. personal diary

What’s In

Activity 1: REMEMBER ME!

Before you start, I would like you to recall the past lesson. You have learned
about asking thought provoking questions. This time, formulate three (3) thought
provoking questions given the topic in the box below. Write your answers in your
English activity notebook.

COVID-19 Pandemic

My three thought provoking questions:

1. _________________________________________________________?
2. _________________________________________________________?
3. _________________________________________________________?


What’s New

You are about to start learning more exciting activities. Have fun!

Study the boxes of information below.

Across the globe, suicide is a serious Suicide is a serious problem. This is
public health issue (Mann et al, 2005). There because if you lose somebody close to you,
are severe emotional costs thr ough loss of this can be very hard for you. It is also because
an acquaintance or loved one in addition to suicide costs a lot of money to the economy
due to losing members of the workforce and
significant economic costs through loss of
the cost of treating people who have attempted
income and medical treatment (Corso et al, suicide. The number of people committing
2007). In the last 45 years, worldwide suicide has gone up a lot. It has gone up by
suicide rates have increased by 60% (World 60% over the past 45 years. This means that
Health Organization, 2008). Consequently, people who work in public health all over the
the development of suicide prevention initia world need to come up with ideas that will
tives has become a global public prevent people from committing suicide.
health priority.



Compare the paragraph in Boxes A and B. Which paragraph is clear,

formal, concise, focused, structured, and backed up by evidence? Which paragraph
is conversational, informal and subjective?

What is It

Based on Activity 2, you have observed that the paragraph in Box A is clear,
formal, concise, focused, structured, and backed up by evidence. On the other hand,
Box B is conversational, informal and subjective.
Box A is more academic than Box B.

What is academic writing?

Academic writing is a formal style of writing. Its general purpose is to present
information in order to display a clear understanding of a particular subject.

The following are some examples of documents where academic writing is used:
1. Books 5. Abstract
2. Research paper 6. Thesis
3. Journals 7. News Articles
4. Conference paper

Features of Academic Writing

1. Formality is using formal language rather than everyday common language.

It is achieved through:

1.1 Choosing expanded forms over contracted forms.

Poor examples Improved

can’t cannot
doesn’t does not
won’t will not
I’ve I have

The policy does not permit illegal dealings.

1.2 Choosing one verb form over two-word verbs.

Poor examples Improved

mess up damage
brought up raised
give back return

The business sectors raised the questions of excluding tax
payment from the dialogue.

1.3 Avoiding colloquial/trite/idiomatic expressions

Examples of colloquial/trite/idiomatic expressions

“stuff” “thing”
“a lot of” “you know what I mean”
“sort of” “kind of like”
“It’s raining cats and dogs.”

With women, there is a great deal of (instead of a lot of)
pressure to conform to a certain physical shape.

1.4 Choosing expanded terms over their abbreviated equivalents.

Poor examples Improved

ASAP as soon as possible
romcom romantic comedy

The government wants it done as soon as possible.

2. Objectivity means that the writing must be impersonal. The main emphasis
should be on the presented information and/or arguments rather
than what you think about the issue.

It is achieved through:

2.1 Avoiding the use of personal pronouns such as you, I and we.

Poor example Improved

1. We need to conduct The researchers need to conduct
the experiment. the experiment.
2. You can easily forget how It is easy to forget how different life
different life was 50 years ago. was 50 years ago.

2.2 Avoiding rhetorical questions.

Poor example Improved

1. How can these problems be Certain measures must be

solved? discovered to solve problems.

2.3 Avoiding “emotive language” that shows biases.

Poor example Improved

1. The investigators were very The investigators did not expect the
shocked to see the outcome of result.
the tests.

3. Explicitness is the responsibility of the writer in English to make it clear to

the reader how the various parts of the text are related.

It is achieved through:

3.1 Using different signaling words

Comparison/similar ideas 
Similarly, in the same way
Contrast/opposite ideas
 But, however, on the contrary
Cause and effect
 Consequently, as a result, because
One should notify any change of address to the Bonds and Stocks Office.
Similarly, savings certificates should be re-registered with the Post Office.

3.2 Citing/acknowledging sources of ideas


Suicide is a serious public health issue (Mann et al, 2005).

4. Caution is an important feature of academic writing which is the concept of

cautious language, often called “hedging” or “vague language”. Caution
is needed to avoid sweeping generalizations.

It is achieved through:

4.1 Using devices such as modal verbs, adverbs, or verbs


Modal verbs would, may, can, might, should
Adverbs of frequency often, sometimes, usually
Verbs tend, suggest, think, believe, doubt

Other devices:
Modal adverbs e.g. certainly, definitely, clearly, probably, possibly,

Modal adjectives e.g. certain, definite, clear, probable, possible

Modal nouns e.g. assumption, possibility, probability

That clauses e.g. It could be the case that…

e.g. It might be suggested that…

e.g. There is every hope that…

To-clause + e.g. It may be possible to obtain…
e.g. It is important to develop…

e.g. It is useful to study…

Sentence NOT observing Sentence observing caution


1. The commitment to some of the It may be said that the commitment to

social and economic concepts some of the social and economic
was less strong than it is now. concepts was less strong than it is now.

2. Nowadays the urinary Nowadays the urinary symptoms seem

symptoms are of a lesser order. to be of a lesser order.

What’s More
Hey! I know you’re having a good time learning this lesson. So, I prepared
more activities for you.

Are you ready? Here we go…

One feature of academic writing is FORMALITY. One way to achieve it

is by choosing expanded forms over contracted ones. Consider this activity

Directions: In your English activity notebook, rewrite the following sentences by
expanding the underlined contracted words.

1. We hadn’t played their team before.

2. They weren’t afraid to play our team.
3. The crowd mustn’t forget to applaud both teams.
4. Winning isn’t everything.
5. We aren’t giving up.
6. Our class couldn’t decide on a mascot.
7. Mr. Reyes doesn’t like snakes.
8. We didn’t want to have a dog.
9. Our school colors aren’t black and gold.
10. Our class didn’t have any good ideas.

What I Have Learned

This time, let us check your ability on using the features of academic writing.

Activity 4: WATCH OUT!

Instructions: Put a check () if the sentence observes the features of academic
writing or put an ( ×) if it does not. Write your answers in your English
activity notebook.
1. You should cite the sources you use properly.
2. You should avoid using different signaling words.
3. You should avoid emotive language that shows biases.
4. You should place the main emphasis on the information.
5. You should make use of idiomatic expressions more often.

6. You should use slang words (e.g. wanna, gonna, fab).

7. You should not demonstrate your understanding of the source material.
8. You should justify your position and provide evidence for the claims you make.

9. You should use one word verbs (e.g. educate) rather than phrasal verbs (e.g.
bring up).
10. Simpler words are preferable than complex words (e.g. make is better than
produce or manufacture).

What I Can Do
Activity 5: COMPLETE ME

Instructions: The table below is composed of sentences that are examples of

academic writing. Some of the words are underlined for you to
analyze what feature of academic writing it indicates, and give
evidence that proves your point. Copy and complete the table in your
English activity notebook. Number 1 is already done for you.

Sentence Feature of Academic Evidence

1. Consequently, the
development of
suicide prevention Explicitness Using different
initiatives has signaling words.
become a global
public health
2. Staying at home
during this
pandemic probably
stops the spreading
of COVID 19.
3. The President did
not expect about
the fast spreading
of the virus.
4. Young people
should obey the
government health
5. This issue has been
raised by many

You are done with your lesson about the different features of academic
writing.Let us now try to check your understanding by answering the following
A. Instructions: Read the statements below and answer the questions that

A. The patient needs to be rushed to the hospital ASAP.

B. The patient needs to be rushed to the hospital as soon as possible.

1. Which of the above statements observe good academic writing?

2. What feature of academic writing is used?

A. The researchers need to conduct an experiment to find the cure for the
B. We need to conduct an experiment to find the cure for the virus.

3. Which of the above statements observe good academic writing?

4. What feature of academic writing is used?

A. The coronavirus is transmitted through droplets from one infected

individual to another.
B. According to the study conducted by the World Health Organization,
coronavirus is transmitted through droplets from one infected individual to

5. Which of the above statements observe good academic writing?

6. What feature of academic writing is used?

A. During this time, issues about non-communicable disease are of less

B. During this time, issues about non-communicable diseases seem to be of
less importance.

7. Which of the above statements observe good academic writing?

8. What feature of academic writing is used?

B. Instructions: Read the selection below and answer the questions that follow.

Test Anxiety

(1) Test anxiety is normally understood as a form of debilitating anxiety,

although how it is measured varies. Certain measures must be discovered in
order to address the problem.
(2) Evidence points to the fact that in general, test anxiety lowers performance
slightly. During that time, some studies have reported that test anxiety does not
lead to lower results. However, these findings are not likely to be true for all

(3) Evidence points to the fact that in general, there is a possibility that test
anxiety lowers performance slightly. This relationship has been studied well for
over sixty years.

(4) While the question of anxiety has been studied for many years,
researchers need to f urther conduct the study as soon as possible in order to
address the issue.
Test anxiety is of special interest to educators and students.


9. Which paragraph can you find the academic writing feature of formality?
10. Copy the sentence that supports your answer.

11. Which paragraph can you find the academic writing feature of objectivity?
12. Copy the sentence that supports your answer.

13. Which paragraph can you find the academic writing feature of explicitness?
14. Copy the sentence that supports your answer.

15. Which paragraph can you find the academic writing feature of caution?
16. Copy the sentence that supports your answer.

Additional Activity

The following activity is designed to enrich your learning on Features of

Academic Writing. Use your critical thinking skills in analyzing sentences and

Activity 6: THINK IT OVER

Instructions: Draw a table with four columns on it in your English activity notebook.
Label them with the four Features of Academic Writing. Copy the table
below. Then, read the news article entitled “How the Philippines is
Fighting COVID-19” by Anna Malindog-Uy dated July 5, 2020. Pick out
the word/s or sentences that are indicators of the Features of Academic
Writing and write them in the column where the word/s or sentence/s

Formality Objectivity Explicitness Caution

How The Philippines Is Fighting COVID-19

After more than three months of hard lockdowns, the Philippines is now trying to ease
quarantine restrictions for its economy to bounce back. While the focus is on saving lives
and looking after the health and well-being of every Filipino, developing economies like the
Philippines with a population of around 109 million people – a high percentage of which
come from hand-to-mouth households – simply cannot afford the use of containment
measures like hard lockdowns for the entire country indefinitely. Hence, the government has
considered steps to safety and gradually reopen the economy.

As the Philippines reopens its economy by easing out restrictions after successful
lockdowns, it has experienced a reversed trend in the number of COVID-19 positive cases.
The number of deaths has been reduced to single-digit, while the number of positive cases
has increased significantly to three-digit.

This reversal is somewhat expected because more people are now back on the streets.
One of the contributing factors to the rise in COVID-19 positive cases is the influx of
returning Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), of which some have tested positive upon
arrival in the Philippines. For instance, as of July 2, out of the 99,353 returning OFWs, 2,424
were confirmed as being COVID-19 positive.



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