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Santa Monica Institute of Technology

Andrada Building, Cabili Avenue

Iligan City

BEEd Department
Edukasyon sa Pantahan at Entreprenuership
1st Semester of A.Y. 2020-2021 Instructor: Dominic Ray Y. Gequilan, LPT

Year and Section:


Test I- Identification

1. Is lovingly named, because it is either the origin point of other parts of the computer or
where every other component connects to.
2. Is plugged into the motherboard. On the other, it is connected to some kind of power
3. Mainly does arithmetic and logical tasks. It will make a bunch of calculations to ensure
the functions of the computer are carried out efficiently.
4. When you open an application in our computer, the computer will place that application
and all its data.
5. Is a drum with several platters piled on it and spinning, and physical arm then writes data
onto these platters.
6. Is a dedicated component that hands the images output by your monitor display.
7. Is used to read CDs and DVDs, which can be used to listen to music or watch movies.
8. This is a hefty name for what is ultimately a hefty piece of technology, at least in terms of
the work it does.
9. Stored in the instruction register, and then sent to the instruction decoder, where they
have been decoded.
10. The CPU sends outputs to the RAM and the hard drive, where they are stored.
11. One particular function for which CPUs are useful is allowing your computer to multi-
12. Is often called the brains of a computer because it is the hardware that carries out
instructions from software by using math, input/output commands and logic.
13. Is data storage hardware on your computer's motherboard.
14. Slot is a slot for expansion devices.
15. Behind the case of your computer, where the power cord actually connects to it.
16. Adding thermal paste between the CPU and its heat sink can help prevent overheating as
can working cooling systems like fans or water cooling.
17. Viruses, Trojan horses and worms do exactly what they're programmed to do, and some
are created to shut down your computer, as was the case with the Sasser worm, which
begins the infected computer's shutdown sequence every time you start up the computer.
18. Software errors and hardware driver problems are also responsible for causing computers
to shut down.
19. What does RAM means?
20. What does ROM means?

Test II

1. Enumerate at least 5 of the Input/output devices of the computer.

2. Enumerate at least 5 of the basic use of computer in the daily use.

Test III
5 6



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