Agriculture 10

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Some factors could relate to or concerned with the interaction of social and climatic
1. Inflexible surface irrigation system
2. Small land holding or inequitable land distribution
3. Indigenous technology
4. Poor quality of research and extension and other essential services.
5. Peace and order situation
6. Cultural beliefs and tradition
7. Poor government support

Cultivation of crops

There is a big gap (yield gap) in potential yield of crop.

Yield gap = potential yield – average yield.
For mustard we get only 1/3 of potential yield.

Potential yield - is maximum possible achievable yield of crop.

Average yield - is the mean yield of different farmers planting the same crop in the area.

Achieving Good Yield

To currently achieving good yield, we need to:
1. Solve existing agriculture problems
2. Provide national level policy on the part of the government
3. Device specific strategies
4. Use farming systems approach
5. Improve marketing system
6. Use of modern technology to enhance production
7. Use of hybrid breeds and varieties
8. Provide soft loans as capital of small hold farmers
9. Form farmer cooperatives c
Reasons of Low Yield
In the Philippines, farmers are always experiencing low yield because of the following
1. Low soil fertility – 60% deficient in nutrients, no replacement of organic fertilizer
2. Using low yielding varieties
3. Poor agronomic practices
4. Farmers are illiterate
5. Application of water, harvesting of crops, attack of insects, disease, weeds
6. Non availability of good seeds
7. Non availability of chemicals
8. Unavailability of inputs
9. Low income
10. Water lagging, salinity
11. Small land holdings
12. Lack of agro-based industry
13. Lack of storage & transport facilities
14. Weak government policy
15. Natural disaster, drought, floods, typhoons, etc.
16. No insurance coverage for crops and livestock
Factors responsible for the increase of yield
1. Use of high yielding varieties
2. Proper tillage practices
3. Prepare seedbed properly
4. Use of balanced fertilizer
5. Proper irrigation
6. Control of pest and diseases
7. Proper time for sowing
8. Timing in harvesting
9. Proper seed rate

10. Crop rotation-growing of crops one after the other in regular sequence in order to
keep in view that fertility of the soil may not be disturb
11. Multiple cropping system
12. Diversified farming

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