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‫الرَّ ِحي ِْم‬ ‫هللا الرَّ حْ ٰم ِن‬

ِ ‫ِبسْ ِم‬

Good moThis is Zaeem Ahmed and Rabeeah Zaki to present our business
Most of you must get the idea by looking at the titles page,
Yes you are right, it’s about selling mangoes both domestically and internationally
You might be thinking why mangoes? Since it’s easily available and you can get
them from any local vendor, then what’s so new about this our mangoes.
We’ll be covering all these questions in upcoming slides.Just stick with us…

Second Slide:
This is what we will be covering in our entire presentation;
starting off with our company’s name,
And telling you about our vision our objectives;
The challenges we might face while providing you our services;
And the solutions to these challenges ofcoarse;
And lastly the over-view and agreement with the company we’ll in business with.
I hope we cover everything so we can make you believe in us.

Third Slide:
Starting off

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