The Human Resource Reviewer

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The Human Resource Management and administering basic HR activities like determining

Organizational Behavior Course will help the the appropriate pay and benefits. The recognition
learners define and explain the activities of Human that HR needed to be managed separately and the
Resource Department in an organization. As future creation of the personnel departments also gave
tourism professionals, it is important to know the rise to a new type of management function-
Human Resource Planning (HRP) in the personnel management. The manager who headed
organization and to identify the six steps in HRP the personnel department was called the
process. This will help the learners to effectively personnel manager. Still, from its inception until
manage the requisition of personnel as it will affect the 1990s. personnel management was not seen as
the attainment of organizational goals. It will also a particularly important critical function in most
provide an understanding on the nature of business organizations. 
organization structure and culture in the workplace
          Although many other managers appreciated
Upon course completion, learners are able to personnel management as a necessary vehicle for
explain a broad range of Human Resource hiring new employees, it was also seen primarily as
Management principles applicable to hospitality a routine clerical and bookkeeping functions-
and tourism sectors; implement and apply those placing newspaper ads to recruit new employees,
principles; and differentiate the career relevance filling out paperwork in those employees after they
for employees, managers, and HRM practitioners. were hired, and seeing that everyone got paid on
time. Over the years, however, the role of HRM
Before we start the lesson, check the activity changed dramatically and became much more
below and find terms related to human resources important in most organizations.
management and organizational behavior.
      Human Resource Management emerged in the
Overview of Human Resource Management late The 70s as a reaction against the more
functional approach embodied in personnel
     A Human Resource Management (HRM) Head is management. The change was also accompanied
viewed by top management with the title by a fundamental shift in management's view of its
personnel officer, personnel manager, industrial employees. Employees were no longer viewed as a
relations officer, vice-president (VP), or senior vice- group of individuals who needed to be closely
president (SVP) for personnel administration or supervised and managed, but rather, as a
industrial relations depending upon the culture collection of human resources to be valued as a
and focus of the company and the degree of distinctive source of competitive advantage. Rapid
importance of their position and function. advances in technology and communication also
Whatever the job is, the implication that the dictated that managers carefully assessed every
position functions within a whole range of facet of their operation to ensure that employees
personnel-related activities. Changes in were being as efficient and as productive as
terminologies reflect the significance associated possible. While managers are becoming
with the management of people in the increasingly concerned with ways to improve
organization as well as the broader perspective productivity and competitiveness, they also began
from which the field is currently viewed. to realize that workers needed to feel that their
jobs were sources of personal satisfaction and
    As the business environment and the profit growth. 
opportunities grew increasingly large organizations
began to create specialized units to cope with their          Given the shift in competitiveness, top
hiring needs. During the 1930s and the 1940s, executives in most firms began to see that HRM
these units gradually began to call personnel practices and policies significantly affected their
departments (the word personnel is from an old ability to formulate and implement the strategy in
French word that means "person"). Such any area and that other strategic decisions
departments were usually set up as special self- significantly affected the firm's HR as well. Top HR
contained departments charged with the executives in most companies today have a vice
responsibility of hiring new workers and presidential or executive vice presidential status
and are fully contributing members of the firms'
executive committee-a group composed of key
managers who make major policy decisions and set
corporate strategy.

Today, most employee handbooks or declarations

of philosophy and principle of companies
specifically state that " human resources are the
greatest assets of the company". An important by-
product of this change is management behavior
that no longer treats employees as mere costs but
assets. To achieve success, organizations must
maximize competencies-those underlying
attributes or characteristics that can predict
superior performance. These competencies range
from tangible attributes such as skills and There have been many attempts to define what
knowledge, technical know-how, to intangible exactly HRM might be and indeed Heery and Noon
attitudes and values such as teamwork and recognize that it is a subject of considerable
flexibility.  academic analysis and that, ultimately, there is no
common agreement on what HRM means,
      In recent years, however, human resources as Resultantly, they offer ten definitions,  which they
assets have been assailed by management experts feel capture the complexity and dynamism of HRM
led by Thomas Davenport in his 1999 book Human as a subject of academic study:
Capital. Davenport bristles that "assets are passive-
bought, sold and replace at the whim of their 1. A label HRM is seen as simply being another
owners, workers, in contrast, take increasingly name for personnel management and there
active control over their lives  Human capital in is nothing distinct or special about HRM.
reference to workers now takes the place of 2. A convenient shorthand term that allows
human education and experience. These can help for the grouping together of a whole series
the worker develop competencies, knowledge, and of sub-disciplines that are broadly
personality attributes that in turn could help concerned with people management:  such
him/her perform and produce economic value for as employee relations, industrial/labor
his/her employer. relations, personnel management, and
organizational behavior.
       With all these changes, HRM becomes even 3. A map to help guide students and
more complex because of the need to go beyond practitioners to understand the concept
the borders which have become "borderless" and ideas associated with the management
because of technological innovations. All of these of people.
raised the issues of global competition, 4. A set of professional practices suggests that
communication, outsourcing, and downsizing there is a range of personnel practices that
which present a number of challenges and can be integrated to ensure a professional
opportunities for human resource management.  approach to managing people.  In this view,
a potentially key role is likely to be played
1. Human Resource Management by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and
Development (CIPD), which is the
1.1. Definition of Human Resources Management professional association for those entering
the HR and personnel profession.
5. A method of ensuring internal fit again sees
the need to co-ordinate approaches to
people management, but here the co-
ordination needs to be with other areas of
the organization.
6. A competitive advantage where HRM is the is a commodity/resource, the same as any other. 
means by which an organization can gain The focus is on human resource management.  On
competitive advantage, a view best the other hand, the soft version is seen to be much
captured by the cliché of “our people are more about adopting a humanistic and
our greatest asset”. developmental approach to human resource
7. A market-driven approach in that decision management.  As a result, an organization’s people
will often be market-driven and the needs management approach is likely to be more
of the business determine the manner in consensual and based on a high level of managerial
which employees are treated; some may be commitment to employees, which is intended to
treated well, others less so well. lead to a mutual high commitment from
8. A manipulative device sees it as inherently employees, high trust, and high productivity, and
exploitative and manipulative. so on.  Employees are seen as being proactive,
9. A hologram captures much of the above capable of being developed, and worthy of trust
discussion in recognizing the fluid identity and collaboration.  This approach focuses on
of HRM and the fact that it has multiple human resource management.
10. Clearly what the above discussion points to Boxall and Purcell suggest that attempts to
is that HRM means many things to many understand the way in which organizations
people, depending on whether you are a approach the management of their HR can be seen
manager, an employee, or an academic and with regard to whether they aim for “best fit” or
there is no one definition that will “best practice”.  On the one hand, the best fit
adequately capture the potential school argues for an approach to HRM, which is
complexity of the topic. fully integrated with the specific organizational and
environmental context in which they operate.  On
This, HRM  “is a distinctive approach to the other hand, best practice advocates argue for a
employment management which seeks to achieve universalistic approach to HRM where all firms
competitive advantage through the strategic who adopt a range of agreed HR policies and
deployment of a highly committed and capable practices are more likely to create a high-
workforce, using an integrated array of cultural, performance/commitment workplace, as
structural and personnel techniques.  The organizations aim to compete on the basis of high
challenge of HRM then would seem to be how to quality and productivity.
recruit, deploy, develop, reward, and motivate
staff, leading to them being a source of  One of the earliest and most influential attempts
competitive advantage.  As the above discussion to develop a model that recognized the need for a
suggests, however, there is more than one route to fit between the competitive strategy and HRM was
seeking a competitive advantage, and this point is that offered by Schuler and Jackson.  Schuler and
further considered in examining the notion of Jackson developed a series of typologies of
“hard” and “soft” HRM. “needed role behaviors” that enabled the link
between competitive strategy and HRM practices
As well as providing the concise definition utilized to be made.  The type of needed role behaviors
above, Storey also provided one of the earliest and within Schuler and Jackson’s model was contingent
most enduring attempts to recognize different on the overall strategies that an organization could
approaches to HRM, each of which is now briefly adopt to seek competitive advantage and the HRM
described.  The hard version is seen to be an approached adopted to sustain this.
instrumental and economically rational approach
to human resource management 1.  HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING, RECRUITMENT,
In this view, people management strategies are
driven by strategic considerations to gain Your HR department makes sure that your
competitive advantage, maximizing control while company hires the right people to do the right job
achieving the lowest possible labor cost.  This at the right time.
approach is quantitative and calculative and labor
They are constantly on the lookout for established, 3.  COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS
as well as emerging talent, and they are the ones
who will be responsible for advertising, recruiting The HR department is responsible for negotiating
and selecting new employees when there is a compensation and benefits with the employees, as
vacancy that needs filling. well as being responsible for administering these
benefits and compensations. If an employee is
 Conducting job analysis to establish the having problems with a pay-cheque, for example,
specific requirements of individual jobs they’ll consult the HR department.
within the organization.
 Forecasting the human resource If they feel they are not being adequately
requirements, the organization needs to compensated for their work, they’ll negotiate the
achieve its objectives. terms of their contract with the HR department.
 Developing and implementing a plan to
meet these requirements.  Designing and implementing compensation
 Recruiting the human resources the and benefits systems for all employees.
organization requires to achieve its  Ensuring that compensation and benefits
objectives. are fair and consistent.
 Selecting and hiring human resources to fill
specific jobs within the organization.


 2.  HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Your HR department helps ensure workplace safety
– whether this means offering seminars on
Your HR department are responsible for getting workplace safety if your company operates in a
new employees all settled in and ready to go. more dangerous sector (such as mining, for
example), or whether this means ensuring all the
This means everything from briefing them on employees feel safe in the workplace.
company culture to integrating them into their
department and ensuring cooperation from the Workplace safety can refer to bodily safety, such as
rest of the staff. from falling objects or sexual harassment and
assault in the workplace, or even to psychological
Orientation may also include some basic training, safety, such as protecting employees from hazing,
briefings on workplace safety, and discussions intimidation or blackmail in the workplace.
about the awarding for benefits and their
compensation package as a whole. A healthy and safe employee is a happy employee,
and a happy employee is a productive one; so by
 Orienting and training employees. making sure your employees are safe and healthy,
 Designing and implementing management your HR department is having a direct positive
and organizational development programs. impact on the company’s overall productivity.
 Building effective teams within the
organizational structure.  Designing and implementing programs to
 Designing systems for appraising the ensure employee health and safety
performance of individual employees.  Providing assistance to employees with
 Assisting employees in developing career personal problems that influence their work
plans. performance
 5.  EMPLOYEE AND LABOR RELATIONS 3. Managing HR in Hospitality Organization

If employees employ a trade union representative HR in the Hospitality Industry

to negotiate or speak on their behalf, this trade
union rep will engage first and foremost with the According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,
HR department. human resource managers oversee the recruiting,
interviewing and hiring of staff and serve as the
Similarly, if any of your employees are experiencing bridge between management and employees. In
discomfort or conflict in the workplace, the HR the hospitality industry, HR must not only cultivate
department is their first stop on the road to a skilled and dedicated talent pool but also retain it
conflict resolution and can be called in to mediate in a demanding job field.
discussions on any level.
Human resource managers direct the
 Serving as an intermediary between the administrative functions of the business. While it
organization and its unions. takes many others to implement these functions,
 Designing discipline and grievance handling HR looks to attract, motivate and place employees
systems. in the best-fitting positions. When employees are
happy and motivated, they provide the desired
level of customer service required for the
business's success.

HR in the hospitality industry plays an essential

role: HR keeps employees happy so that they
maintain the excellent reputation of the business
 Providing a human resource information
and keeps customers happy by ensuring employees
behave appropriately and according to company
 Designing and implementing employee
communication systems.
Unique HR Challenges in Hospitality

Positions in the hospitality industry are usually

hourly rather than salaried, making employee
retention challenging to maintain. Employees work
long hours, including nights, weekends and
holidays. Additionally, customer-facing positions
come with their own set of unique challenges.

Having to meet the high demands from the

business and customers – and with such a strong
focus on customer service – these positions are
physically and mentally exhausting. When
businesses are understaffed, employees lose
possible flexibility in scheduling, leading to
frustration and burnout.

Recruiting Hospitality Industry Employees

Attracting skilled employees begins with the job

posting. Detailed job postings that lay out the
desired skills, experience and benefits of the
position ensure that applying candidates
understand the job and know whether their regional market rates, and help employers handle
qualifications meet the requirements. tips under the federal tax code. Issuing cash
bonuses for raising productivity is another way of
When faced with shortages, HR can hire seasonal improving employee satisfaction within the
employees under the H-2B visa program as hospitality industry.
detailed at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Services website. Alternatively, human resource Human Resources and Liability
managers in the hospitality industry may turn to
staffing agencies for help with their shortages. It is critical for the human resources department to
Some of these employees can become permanent understand state and federal employment laws to
later on if they meet expectations and a need guarantee the business complies. Jobs within the
arises. hospitality industry can be hazardous and must
abide by the Occupational Safety and Health
Employee Morale and Retention Administration (OSHA) safety codes. Businesses
that don't abide by safety codes can face penalties,
In the hospitality industry, it's essential that fines and lawsuits.
employees are professional and happy because
their attitude reflects strongly on the business It's also HR's responsibility to investigate
itself. This task usually falls to human resources. misconduct claims, provide the necessary
disciplinary actions, and ensure businesses abide
Offering good benefits and proposing incentives is by a zero-tolerance policy toward discrimination.
an excellent place to start. Discounts on the
company's own services and employee recognition Additionally, human resource managers ensure
programs effectively increase employee happiness that the business complies with the National Labor
in the workplace. However, employees want to Relations Act as described by the National Labor
know that there are growth opportunities within Relations Board. Many employees are often union
the business to stay. Additionally, they want members. It's HR's responsibility to make sure
promises of retirement plans or health insurance. employers do not keep employees from joining or
taking part in unions. HR also serves a chief role in
In-house professional development programs and negotiations between union leaders and
hiring from within are ways for new hires to see a management.
future in the industry. Preparing employees for
future leadership opportunities within the
company shows employees that their time with the
company can be a viable career option.
Large organizations typically have an HR
Uniting Management and Employees
department with staff (employees) whose primary
responsibilities focus on HR concerns.  In contrast,
HR in the hotel industry often serves as the bridge
smaller operations typically employ managers who
between management and employees. HR should
function as generalists and assume HR
look to streamline communications to decrease the
responsibilities, in addition to numerous others, as
potential of misunderstandings and frustrations
part of their jobs.
between the two.
Most organizations in the hospitality industry are
Best Practice Institute suggests that eliminating
small, and their managers must make HR-related
information silos in the organization's levels allows
decisions without the benefit of the specialized
for experience and knowledge to be readily
assistance received by their counterparts in larger
available, increasing performance and employee
organizations.  This book is written to help HR
managers but especially to assist managers in small
organizations and it discusses basic HR concerns
Pay is critical for employee satisfaction and
that these managers must address as they
retention. HR should ensure that pay is based on
facilitate the work of their staff members.
 The following are the basic HR activities and it Staff members with HR responsibilities must
indicates that external and internal influences recognize and support the critical role that they
impact these HR activities. play in their organization’s success.  They can do so
by recognizing external limitations and by
Ø Recruiting and selecting – using tactics and considering how internal influences can assist
procedures to attract applicants to the them in their efforts.  Hr activities within it are
organization (recruiting) and then choosing the impacted by several external influences, these
best people from among them (selecting).  This is include:
probably among the first responsibilities that many
people associate with HR management.  Ø  Legislation – the impact of federal and state
laws on the hiring process and their influence on
Ø Training and Development – Preparing new staff management decisions affecting personnel cannot
members to do required work, updating their be overstated. 
experienced peers, and providing opportunities for
all interested employees to assume more Ø  Competition – Competitors for the hospitality
responsible positions are important strategies to organizations’ employees often have an impact on
attain goals and address competitive pressures.  HR activities.  Examples include issues related to
compensation (salaries, wages, and benefits),
Ø Compensation and appraisal – Personnel should professional development opportunities and even
receive pay and benefits commensurate with their promotional decisions.
contributions to the organization.  Performance
appraisal provides input to help employees attain Ø  Consumer preferences – What the consumer
on-the-job success that can yield promotions with desires must be identified and delivered. 
higher compensation. Exception occur in some operations, including
health care (hospitals and long-term care facilities),
Ø Protection and communication – Safety and where nutritional concerns become important; in
security concerns are important to all employees.  military and correctional facilities, where 100% of
Many laws and regulations mandate safety the dietary intake may be from the food services
procedures, and there are numerous other tactics provided; and in religious/charitable institutions,
that top-level managers should do (and not do) where cost concerns are especially important. 
that impact employee safety.  Many legal and What are business/operating volumes?  What
procedural issues with safety implications are products and services must be produced, and
addressed by those with HR responsibilities.  In when are they needed?  The answers to these and
addition, effective communication that flows up, related questions drive employee
down, and across the organization helps to ensure recruiting/selecting, training and development, and
that staff members know about issues that affects compensation and appraisal activities, which are
them. HR activities.

Ø  Demographics – The characteristics of the local

labor market and of present and potential guests
are of concern to all hospitality organizations.  For
example, income levels in a community affect wage
and salary rates and impact the ability and interest
Managers in all types and sizes of hospitality of consumers to purchase the organization’s
organizations benefit from recognizing the worth products and services.
of their staff members; doing so helps to develop
Ø  Global Issues – Many hospitality organizations
positive relationships that are important for team
efforts.  These relationships are influenced by the exist to serve travelers.  They, in turn, are
dramatically affected by international and national
sum of all HR-related activities.  Some influences
(those that are external) are beyond managers’ events that encourage travel (for example, sporting
events and special commemorations) and
control.  Other influences (those that are internal)
are not beyond their control. discourage travel (for example, terrorism, crime,
and disease threats).  Business volumes, in turn, item or service impact employees and, in the
impact HR activities. process, affect recruiting, selecting, and training
activities that are integral to the HR function.
Ø  Ethical concerns – Issues relating to how
employees are treated, how products and services Ø  Management judgment and experience –
are provided to guests, and “honest” hospitality Managers and HR specialists (in large
organizations as they conduct business with organizations) bring their own judgment and
suppliers are examples of ethical concerns? Do experience to the decision-making process.  This
hospitality managers have an obligation of input affects the policies, procedures, and plans
corporate social responsibility within their already discussed and influences other HR
community?  The answer to this question also has decisions.
ethical implications.
1. Recruitment Process
Ø  Employee unions – Staff members may belong
to an employee union that represents their With the employee requisition form completed
interests in al aspects of the HR activities.  and approved, the external portion of the selection
Employee union is an organization of employees process can begin.  
who act together to protect and promote their
interests by collective bargaining with Recruitment
representatives of hospitality organizations.
Recruitment involves attracting and obtaining
as many applications as possible from eligible job
seekers. It is the process of finding and attracting
capable applicants for employment. The process
begins when new recruits are sought and ends
when their applications are submitted. The result is
a pool of applicants from which new employees
Ø  Policies – An operation’s policies reveal the
are selected.
extent to which an organization respects its staff
members.  In the absence of laws that regulate
Steps of Recruitment Process
specific actions, employers have significant
discretion in establishing protocols that may affect
There are 4 steps in the recruitment process
the attitudes of staff members toward the
for locating a potential candidate for
Ø  Work Procedures – It is a course of action or the
steps used to describe how a work-related task
1.  Identifying the HR Requirement.
should be done. It is designed with (or without)
input from applicable personnel; the extent to
2.  Identifying possible sources of HR Supply
which equipment replaces physical work tasks and
the extent of employee empowerment impact how 3.  Communicating the Information.
work is done and, in turn, the HR activities that are
required. 4.  Receiving Application.
Ø  Corporate culture – The perceived worth of It is the process of finding and attracting capable
employees to the organization is an integral part of applicants for employment. It is the discovering of
its culture.  It drives the Philosophies and attitudes potential candidates for actual or anticipated
about employees and their role in the organization organizational vacancies.
and has a significant impact on many HR activities.
Recruitment as a process of searching for
Ø  Long-and-short-term plans – Long-term plans prospective employees and stimulating and
such as business expansions or reductions and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an
short-term plans such as introducing a new menu organization. Recruitment is a step-by-step process
of locating, identifying and attracting qualified In this step of recruitment, the potential
people to apply for the vacant post in an candidates are informed about the vacancy
organization. announcement.

Under it, the information about the job

1. Identifying the HR Requirement requirement is passed away to the potential
candidates about the job and required a number of
The first step of recruitment is to assess employees to be recruited.
the requirement of human resource in an
organization to carry out the organizational This information is passed away through different
mission, goals, and objectives. media or from the organization’s notice board. The
popular media for vacancy announcement are
Under this step, the required number and kinds of print media, electronic media, internet, and so on.
people needed for organizational performance are
identified. It can be done through the information 4. Receiving Application
obtained from HR planning and job analysis.
Recruitment process ends by generating a pool of
This provides information on the current qualified candidate to fill organizational vacancies.
availability of human resources and anticipates the Under it, a recruiter receives the application forms
future requirement of HR for organizational dropped by different applicants who are interested
activities. to apply for a job. It provides a pool of candidates
for selection.
Under it, a comprehensive draft is prepared to
specify the duties, responsibilities, working After recruitment, the selection process begins,
conditions and skill requirements to perform the which chooses the best applicant for the job who is
task. supposed to perform well in the actual work
2. Identifying possible sources of HR Supply
After receiving application forms, they are
After the assessment of HR requirement, the evaluated to check whether the basic requirement
probable sources are identified for generating a is maintained or not.
pool of qualified candidates. This process involves
searching for potential candidates. 2. Selection Process

Mainly sources of HR supply are of two types: Typically, a job offer is contingent on successfully
internal sources and external sources. Internal passing this examination.
sources consist of transfers and promotions,
whereas external sources include a variety of For example, firefighters must perform activities
alternatives like employment agencies, that require a certain physical condition. Whether
advertisement, casual callers, recommendations, it is climbing a ladder, lugging a water-filled four-
educational institutions, etc. inch hose, or carrying an injured victim, these
individuals must demonstrate that they are fit for
Along with the probable sources, the suitable the job.
method of recruitment is also identified under this
phase of recruitment. The sources and methods Permanent Job Offer
are adopted in such a way that they provide the
best and qualified human resource at a minimum Individuals who perform successfully in the
cost. preceding steps are now considered eligible to
receive the employment offer. The actual hiring
3. Communicating the Information decision should be made by the manager in the
department where the vacancy exists.

Notification to Candidates
The selection process results should be made job skills and the behavioral fit in which the person
known to candidates—successful and unsuccessful operates. It is essential to conduct an extensive
—as soon as possible. background investigation and reference checks.

Any delay may result in the firm losing a prime Avoid hiring out of desperation
candidate, as top prospects often have other
employment options. As a matter of courtesy and Too many hiring decisions are made out of
good public relations, the unsuccessful candidates operation. The following scenarios occur
should also be promptly notified. repeatedly; a key manager quits and must be
replaced now; rapid growth forces a company to
Ways of Making an Effective Employee Selection fill positions without enough forethought;
programmers are so scarce that anyone will do.
All companies, irrespective of size, make hiring
mistakes, but here are few tips experts /suggest to If we hire employees in haste, we may find out
help avoid making them. later that the new recruits are not trustworthy or
Determine the criteria a candidate must meet
If an HR manager is unable to conduct a thorough,
Before filling a position, the HR manager of a timely hiring process, hire a temporary or leased
company must clearly define the skills, experience, employee or borrow an employee from another
character, ‘educational background, work company.
experience, technical skills and competencies, they
must possess. Watch out for fascination

Hiring without testing A series of surveys have revealed that during the
hiring process, most interviewers made their
Skill testing is a must. Every job has some form of decision-up or down within the first 10 minutes of
measurable, objective performance standard. the interview.
Identify it and test for it.
They then spent the next 50 minutes internally
There are tests that can indicate if a job candidate justifying that decision. We buy cars in the same
meets the required criteria. With these pre-hire way.
screening tools, a recruiter can test the knowledge
of potential hires before they are extended an First, we choose the car we want to buy from an
offer. emotional standpoint and then search for objective
data to justify that emotional decision.
Hiring after the first interview
We all know that facts tell, but emotions sell. The
It is important to have several interviews with the recruiter can guard against obsession by having
same person — and not to hire from one coworkers’ interview prospects, having group
interview. The person may not present the same interviews, and by conducting follow-up
later, and HR manager may get fresh insights from interviews.
different meetings.
Carefully evaluate candidates recommended by
Underestimating the unemployed. employees and associates.

A person who does not have a job at the moment Just because someone recommends a person they
may be the right fit for the position. They are think would be highly capable for a particular
plenty of good talent out there that are not hired. position doesn’t mean that person is qualified.

Poor or no reference checking We have seen many occasions where someone

It is important to know how to conduct a detailed was hired without going through the usual
‘reference check. A proper reference check verifies evaluation process simply because they were
recommended by another employee or colleague The wrong person is under-qualified,
Follow the usual channels and requirements when insubordinate, and detrimental to the entire firm.
anyone-no matter how highly recommended-seeks Indeed, the seeds of many failed employee-
to work for the organization. employer relationships are planted during the
hiring process.
Do not blindly promote from within
The wrong person may be an unavoidable liability
It is widely believed that the HR manager should for the organization. The wrong person can do a lot
recruit employees from within the organization. of damage to the organization. Hiring mistakes can
The best performers are not necessarily always the be more costly.
most qualified candidates for a specific job. This is
especially true when promoting to the These mistakes can include the cost of termination,
management level. replacement and productivity loss. They can impact
the organization’s bottom line as well as the
Simply because someone is particularly adept at morale and productivity of other employees.
handling a certain function doesn’t mean they are
capable of managing others. It is important to Selecting the right people is a key leverage point to
remember the Peter Principle. support and drive an organization’s growth and
It is a concept in management theory in which the
selection of a candidate for a position is based on
their performance in the current role rather than But selecting the right person is not an easy task.
on their abilities relevant to the intended role. Many mistakes may occur while selecting
Peter suggests that people will tend to be employees. The cost associated with the making
promoted until they reach their “position of such a mistake are tremendous.
Both dismissal and turnover are costly.
One’s career may cripple after such a promotion.
Promoting solely from within can create inbreeding The best way to reduce turnover is to make the
and stagnate creativity. right selection decision in the beginning of the
entire process. Selecting the right people is crucial
To guard against these pitfalls, companies should to an organization’s success.
consider filling at least one-third of all positions
involving promotions with people from outside the How can HR manager make sure that he or she is
organization. not making the top hiring mistakes?

Common Mistakes in the Selection of Employees Colin (2011) says, “It’s important to get your hiring
right the first time and encourages employers to
If workers are carefully selected, the problems of take steps to reduce the likelihood of costly hiring
employee discipline will be negligible. mistakes”.

Consequently, hiring employees is a major part of However, the following mistakes are identified in
the success of every company. Colin, (2011) and the selection process of an employee:
Fraser (2012) identified some common mistakes
that might occur while hiring new employees. Poor listening

Organizations today are experiencing high rates of Few recruiters do not pay full attention to the
employee turnover, wrongful hiring claims, gender candidate. In fact /following the 80: 20 rule, the
discrimination, political consideration, regionalism, 80% needs to come from the applicant.
workplace violence; and employee theft, etc.
The interviewer should listen 80% of the time.
Hiring a wrong person may aggravate such risk.
Recruiters listen to the candidate’s words
They should pay more attention to the body Use the gut feels the approach
language, posture, eye contact: essentially all the
non-verbal communication cues. Experience and intuition are important no doubt
but do /not ignore the selection process. Have
About 93% of all communication is nonverbal, so procedures in place which will assist a recruiter in
being attuned to the multitude of nonverbal cues making the right choice, such as testing, pre-
provides an interviewer with much richer interview questionnaires, psychometric
information about the candidate (McMurray, R. N., assessments, etc.
It is important to verify and check all information
They should read and observe the personality of provided in the resume to make sure that nothing
the applicants. is given wrong.

For example, voice quality is important for a Be open to the possibility that some of them might
candidate to become a teacher, in addition to his not be totally honest and are bending the truth to
academic qualification. Recruiters should talk less get the job. It is very common for applicants to
and listen more. paint a much brighter picture on their resumes so
this makes testing extra important.
Questions are not purposeful
Time and work under pressure
This is due to a lack of preparation. If recruiters
/have benchmarked the job and prepared a list of Recruiters spend too little time on hiring and
questions in advance, then they cannot go wrong. make /take too long to look for a replacement.
They should understand that the costs of hiring are
Recruiters should get prepared both for the basic nothing as compared to turnover costs.
and follow-up questions.
Don’t meet the candidate only once. Create
A review of the job specification and employee opportunities for other managers to meet the
specification may help the interviewer prepare applicant as well and hear what they have to say. It
specific questions. They should build rapport with is very important to get the whole picture and see
the interviewee. The burden to establish rapport whether the applicant will be an overall good fit for
falls on the interviewer. the company.

Recruiters do not know what they are looking for Will they be able to fit into the organizational
culture and get along well with the rest of the
The recruiters may lack in / preparation. So make a team?
list of all the hard skills as well as soft skills
(personality traits and personal values) that Go with the flow
employers need for the employee.
Most interviewers do not take control of the
Jot down any additional demands the job requires, interview. HR /managers must remember, it is his
such as lots of overtime, travel and set hours. The interview. He not candidate-set the process,
recruiter must know exactly what they are looking timing, roles, pace, and questioning.
for, they are more likely to get it. Like most
decision making, employee selection is Take candidates at their word
fundamentally emotional.
Do not settle for vague general responses just
Therefore, it is important to define and prioritize because you want to be polite. Let the candidate
the Critical Success Factors for the job in advance. know at the beginning of the interview that as an
HR manager, your goal is to fully and- specifically
This enables clear thinking to establish a specific understand his/her capabilities.
position profile. Yes, it takes time, but it is an
effective use of time versus “shooting in the dark.”. Oblivious to the legal
This may not prevent HR managers from making So in the recruitment and selection
the right /selection decision, but it will increase the process; recruitment is the first step and selection
company’s liabilities to solve this problem, the HR is the second steps or final step.
manager must know the law, train employees and
enforce the law in his selection process. In conclusion, we can say “When recruitment ends
selection to start.
Ignorance is no excuse.
Selection, Recruitment and Job Analysis
Where Recruitment Ends Selection Starts Relationship

Recruitment involves attracting and obtaining as Job analysis

many applications as possible from eligible job
seekers. Recruitment is the process of finding and Job analysis is the process of collecting job-related
attracting capable applicants for employment. information. Such information helps in the
preparation of job description and job
The process begins when new recruits are sought specification.
and ends when their applications are submitted.
The result is a pool of applicants from which new A job is a collection of tasks that can be performed
employees are selected. by a single employee to contribute to the
production of some product or service provided by
Selection is the process of differentiating between the organization.
applicants in order to identify and hire those with a
greater likelihood of success in a job. Though some Each job has certain ability requirements as well as
selection methods can be used within the certain rewards associated with it. Job analysis is
organization for promotion or transfer, in this case, the process used to identify these requirements.
the statement of the question is not correct.
Job analysis involves the following steps:
But when the selection of applicants from outside
the organization has occurred then the given 1. Collection and recording job information.
statement in the question is correct. 2. Checking the job information for accuracy.
3. Writing job descriptions based on the
Recruitment and relation are the two crucial steps information
in the HR process and are often used 4. Using the information to determine the
interchangeably. There is however a fine skills, abilities, and knowledge that are
distinction between the two steps. required on the job.
5. Upgrading the information from time to
While recruitment refers to the process of time.
identifying and encouraging prospective
employees to apply for jobs, the selection is Job analysis has an impact on all foundations of
concerned with picking the right candidates from HRM. Job analysis, if properly has done will
the pool of applicants which are obtained during enhance the effectiveness of all HR activities.
the recruitment process.
It benefits the organization in the following ways:
So in this case selection is derived from after
completing the recruitment process. Recruitment 1. Laying the foundation for human resources
is said to be positive in its approach as it seeks to planning.
attract as many candidates as possible. 2. Laying the foundation for employee hiring.
3. Laying the foundation for training and
Selection, on the other hand, is negative in its development.
application in as much as it seeks to element as 4. Laying the foundation for performance
many unqualified applicants as possible in order to appraisal.
identify the right candidates from the pool. 5. Laying the foundation for salary and wage
6. Laying the foundation for safety and health. In large HR departments, the employment function
is the responsibility of the HR Director.
In smaller departments, HR managers handle these
Recruitment involves attracting and obtaining as duties.
many applications as possible from eligible job
seekers. It is the process of finding and attracting The selection process relies on three helpful inputs.
capable applicants for employment. The process Job analysis information provides the description
begins when new recruits are sought and ends of the jobs, the human specifications and the
when their applications are submitted. The result is performance standards each job requires.
a pool of applicants from which new employees
are selected. Human resource plans tell HR managers what job
openings are likely to occur. These plans allow
Selection selection to proceed in a logical manner.

Selection is the process of differentiating between Finally, recruits are necessary so that the HR
applicants in order to identify and hire those with a manager has a group of people from which to
greater likelihood of success in a job. choose. These three inputs largely determine the
effectiveness of the selection process.
Recruitment and selection are the two crucial steps
in the HR process and are often used The selection process is a series of steps through
interchangeably. which applicants pass.

There is, however, a fine distinction between the For example, a candidate who fails to qualify for a
two steps. particular step is not eligible for appearing for the
subsequent step. The result of each step is crucial.
While recruitment refers to the process of Failure of any step disqualifies the candidate from
identifying and encouraging prospective attempting the next step.
employees to apply for jobs then the selection is
concerned with picking the right candidates from a Because of this characteristic, Yoder (1972) has
pool of applicants. termed this process as a succession of hurdles. It is
designed to determine the most likely candidates
From the above discussion, we can find a to be successful at fulfilling the job requirements
relationship between the recruitment and by eliminating those candidates least likely to
selection i.e. recruitment is the precondition for succeed.
the selection of an employee for the organization.

The relationship between “Job analysis” and 3. Orientation Process

“Recruitment and Selection” is i.e. job analysis is
the foundation of recruitment and selection for Orientation is the process of providing basic
selecting a qualified and capable employee as information about the hospitality organization that
required for performing the job accurately. must be known by all staff members in every
department.  Implemented effectively, orientation
Conclusion efforts provide initial on-job experiences that help
new staff members learn about the organization
The objectives of the selection process are to and its purposes, become comfortable with the
select the candidates whose success probability in work environment, and learn where they fit into it.
the job is the highest and motivate right candidates
to opt for the vacancy by a proper presentation of In other words, orientation assists with the new
the organization to the potential candidates. employee adaptation process.  Discussions about
basic policies and procedures help new staff
In many HR departments, recruiting and selection members learn about matters of personal
are combined and called the employment function.
importance such as their employer’s expectations  
and job-related benefits for which they qualify.  In
effect, then, orientation and other initial work- Ø  It outlines specific expectations
related experiences help the new employee learn
how the organizational culture views its staff Topics including responsibilities of the employer to
members.  It is critical that an effective orientation the employees and, in turn, their responsibilities to
program be planned and implemented because it the employer should be addressed.
significantly affects the initial and ongoing
relationship between the organization and its  
newly hired staff members.
Ø  It provides details about employee benefits
Goals of Orientation Programs
Staff members want information about
Ø  It provides an overview of the organization nonsalary/nonwage compensation and the
requirements to receive these benefits.
Many newly employed staff members want to
know their employer’s history, size (number of  
locations and staff members, for example), and the
products and services it provides.  They should Ø  It motivates new staff members
learn about the results their new organization is
attempting to achieve.  Trainees may want to know The enthusiasm and excitement exhibited by those
how their organization adds value for its guests, to providing orientation experiences are important. 
themselves, and to the organization’s owners.  Orientation helps to establish a solid foundation
Hopefully, there is mission statement explaining for a positive relationship between the
what the organization wants to accomplish and organization, its managers and supervisors, and the
how it intends to do so.  Hopefully, the mission new staff member.
statement serves as a guide for decision making, as
well, and is used every day and not just as an  
introductory page in an employee handbook or as
a slogan on the managers’ business cards. Taken together, the benefits of effective
orientation programs can eliminate confusion,
  heighten a new staff member’s enthusiasm, create
favorable attitudes, and, in general, make a
Ø  It indicates the new staff member’s role positive first impression.  Would you like to receive
a proper orientation to you new organization? 
If you were a new staff member, would you like to Your answer is likely yes, and this is the probable
see an organizational chart showing all positions, response of almost every new staff member in
including yours, and the reporting relationships every organization.
between them?  Would you like to learn where you
fit in and about promotion tracks if you perform  
well?  You probably would, and new staff members
would like to learn this information as well. Properly conducted orientation sessions to address
many concerns of new staff members.  Managers
  should encourage questions and recognize their
role as they provide an appropriate “welcome” to
Ø  It explains policies, rules, and other information the organization.

Staff members want to know general guidelines, How about we know more about Onboarding and
including their days and hours of work, uniform Orientation? Watch and learn.
requirements, break times, auto parking, and other
similar information to help them feel more 4. Training Process
Training is the process of developing a staff  Ø  Improved performance – Trainees learn
member’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes knowledge and skills to perform required tasks
necessary to perform tasks required for a position. more effectively, and their on-job performance
 Hospitality operations are labor-intensive.  While
technology has reduced the need for staff in Ø  Reduced operating costs – Improved job
departments such as accounting and the front performance helps to reduce errors and rework,
office, it generally has not affected the number of and associated costs are reduced.  Workers
employees required to produce and deliver most performing their jobs correctly will be more
of the products and services guests desire.  productive, and fewer labor hours will be needed.
Recently employed staff must acquire the
knowledge and skills needed to become proficient Ø  More satisfied guests – Training can yield more
in their positions.  Their more experienced peers service-oriented employees who know how to
must obtain new knowledge and skills to keep up please guests.
with an ever-changing workplace.  Effective
training is critical to attaining these goals. Ø  Fewer operating problems – Busy managers can
focus on priority concerns and will not need to
 Performance-Based Training Is Needed address routine operating problems caused by
inappropriate training.
Numerous responsibilities and tasks demand the
ongoing attention of those responsible for training, Ø  Lower employee turnover rates – Fewer new
and they are confronted with a challenge of staff members become necessary as turn-over
determining whether “nice-to-know” or, rates decrease.  Those who are properly trained
alternatively, only “need-to-know” information and and rewarded for successful performance are less
skills should be emphasized.  In fact, training must likely to leave, and managers have less need to
be cost-effective.  It must provide time and money recruit new employees.
benefits that outweigh its costs.  To do so, training
must be performance-based.  It should be planned Ø  Higher levels of work quality – Effective training
and delivered in a a systematic way to help identifies quality standards that define acceptable
trainees become better able to perform the tasks product and service outputs.  Trained employees
that are essential for their job.  The success of are more interested in operating equipment
training can then be demonstrated by considering correctly, in preparing the “right” products, and in
the extent to which knowledge and skills improve properly interacting with guests.
as a result of the training.
Ø  Easier to recruit new staff – Satisfied staff
 Performance-based training is typically best members tell their family and friends about their
delivered at the job site during one-on-one positive work experiences, and their contacts may
interactions between the trainer and trainee.  become candidates for position vacancies that
Conceptually, this is much better than group arise.  Hospitality operations that emphasize
training.  Why?  The trainer can focus on what the training can evolve into “employers of choice”  that
individual must learn, feedback can be immediate, provide “first choice” rather then “last choice”
and training can be delivered at the best place for employment opportunities.
the individual trainee.
Ø  Greater profits – If guests are more satisfied and
  revenues increase, and if labor and other operating
costs are reduced, there is significant potential for
Training Benefits increased profits.  In the long run, training must be
“value-added” and should be measured by the
 There are numerous benefits to the hospitality difference between the increased profits and the
organization when effective training programs are added training costs.  While this measurement is
in place. not easy to make, most industry observers believe
that, if done correctly, training will always “win” in tracking employees’ time then the employee will
the comparison. have to get technically trained before he/she leads
the position
Ø  More professional staff – Professional want to
do their job as best they can, and this is only Does Managerial Training work for your
possible with appropriate training. organization?

  If your company prefers to cover managerial

vacancies with current employees that are striving
Modern Types of Employee Training to grow professionally, managerial training will
help a lot
A training program is an opportunity for a business
to polish its employees’ skills. Hence, your training What is needed?
program should also cover the areas where
employees lack or want to improve specifically. Managerial training takes time, so you need to
Along with that, there are several training know what positions you’ll need to cover by
opportunities for a business even outside the developing your employees for at least 1 year
specific role of an employee such as management ahead.
training or training to improve communication/soft
skills. Modern companies have a strategic plan of
development for 5-10 years ahead and tactical plan
Regardless of whether you schedule the for at least 1 year ahead. This tactical plan almost
managerial training in-house, arrange them always provides for new job titles.
externally or apply for online employee training
programs, all of these training aspects will help in Top management should align such “job title
improving the business productivity. demand” with L&D department. In its turn, the
L&D department will look for internal staff that can
 Now, let’s have a look at modern types of be developed to fit the role and proposes them to
employee training which are adopted by successful pass the appropriate course.
organizations as a part of their general training
programs to help their employees develop a The managerial training program obviously needs
holistic skill set. to be aligned with job title
Managerial Training
Technical Training
Many organizations keep the internal hiring policy
for employees and help them in moving up in This type of employee training depends on the job
better positions. Similarly, when an employee role and responsibilities. While you may
spends considerable time in a position, he/she may incorporate technical training in your employee
be considered for a better managerial position. training program, this could be both in terms of the
Hence, when an organization holds such practices current job role or the job role that you are
then managerial training is inevitable. expected to take up after promotion. Technical
training is aimed at educating the employee in
Managerial training is offered to enhance the skills more technical aspects of a position. For instance,
required in terms of business management. This you must be fully familiar with the use of different
particular training type may cover various aspects software that you may require to perform your
such as proper and timely delegation, ways to day-to-day tasks. Similarly, you must get familiar
maintain motivation in your team, how to provide with proper system usage so that you can work
proper feedback or coaching, or maybe a more efficiently and error-free. All of this is required to
technical skill that would be required to take up fulfill your job role and the same goes for other job
the managerial position. For instance, if an roles as well. This is indeed extensive training and
organization uses a particular software tool for needs more than one training session to complete.
Hence, regardless of the technical level of your However, considering the existing employees, the
employees, the room for improvement is always training might be offered to provide them with a
there. Technical training is difficult as it involves refresher on product or services. Another reason
different aspects such as content writing or data for existing employees to attend this training to get
analysis. It’s a technical way to make your on board with any new service or product or
employees perform their job in a more efficient feature introduced by your organization.
and effective manner. As technology advances with
time, this type of training is inevitable. Every time Does your organization need to employ Product
there is a change in the technical tools or if the Specific Training?
organization adopts new software tools, this
training will be needed to keep a smooth flow of If your company sells any kind of product/service -
operations and to stay updated with the latest product-specific training is a must
What is needed?
Does your organization need to employ Technical
Training? You will need to develop a lot of content. The most
common types of content for such training is:
If your employees’ day-to-day job involves usage of
complicated software products your organization  Interactive sales demos
will benefit from technical training  2D/ 3D product simulations, guided-demos,
and walkthroughs
What is needed?  Product manuals / how-to guides
 Animated product banners, collaterals,
To employ technical training in your organization, how-to guides, and manuals
you need mentors and content. (Print/Web/Multimedia)
 Product pre-launch and post-launch
World-leading providers of software understand training
the need for technical training for their customers,
so they create the infrastructure for such process. What content would work for you depends on
For example, Microsoft has created the network what learning strategy you are going to choose for
of Microsoft Learning Partners to distribute your specific case. It can be fully offline
knowledge related to their products. learning, blended learning, and fully online
Ask your software provider for technical training learning. For the latter two you’ll need to develop
assistance. If there is no such service, you will need an online course.
to use your internal expertise to create your own

  The bottom line

Product Specific Training – PST Employee training is an inevitable aspect of a

growing organization. It not only develops the
This type of training incorporates information individuals’ skills but it also increases business’s
about the organization’s offered products or worth and growth rate. An organization that offers
services. The training can be conducted for both a strategic employee training program, keeping
new and existing employees. For new employees, every aspect of the organization and employees’
the training is usually conducted after the training needs into consideration, is the one who
orientation session. The training allows new establishes the best customer portfolio.
employees to fully understand the product or
service specification so that they can further offer Moreover, it helps employees as well as the
to customers and to perform their jobs the right business to develop itself with time and to stand
way. out from the rest. It brings satisfaction, happiness,
and confidence amongst employees and helps
them to perform better. Similarly, corporations 2. willful disobedience of employers' lawful
that take employee training and development as a orders connected with work
crucial and important business practice are always 3. gross and habitual neglect of duty
advancing in the diverse working environment and 4. fraud or willful breach of trust
never fail to bring new ideas for the organization’s 5. commission of crime or offense against the
improvement. employer, employer's family member/s or
Nonetheless, a strategic employee training 6. other analogous cases
program is the one that starts with hiring a new
employee and continues throughout their       Authorized Cause refers to an economic
employment. circumstance not due to the employee's fault,
1. the introduction of labor-saving devices
5. Basic Labor Law Affecting Employer- Employee 2. redundancy
Relationship 3. retrenchment to prevent losses
4. closure or cessation of business
Basic Labor Laws
    Due Process in cases of just cause involves:
     The State shall protect labor, promote full
employment, provide equal work opportunity 1. notice to employee of intent to dismiss and
regardless of gender, race, or creed; and regulate grounds for dismissal
employee-employer relations. 2. opportunity for employee to explain his or
her side
      Male and female employees are entitled to 3. notice of decision to dismiss
equal compensation for work of equal value and to
equal access to promotion and training       In authorized causes, due process means
opportunities. Discrimination against female written notice of dismissal to the employee
employees is unlawful. It is also unlawful for an specifying the grounds, at least 30 days before the
employer to require a condition of employment date of termination.
that a woman employee shall not get married, or
to stipulate expressly or tacitly that a woman      The inability of a probationary employee to
employee shall be deemed dismissed upon meet the employer's prescribed standards of
marriage. performance made known to him or her at the
time of hiring is also a just cause for dismissal.
     The minimum age of employment is 18 years for
hazardous jobs, and 15 years for non-hazardous 2. Work Days and Work Hours . Work Day refers to
jobs. But a child below 15 maybe employed by any day during which an employee is regularly
parents or guardians in a non-hazardous job if the required to work. Hours of Work refer to all the
employment does not interfere with the child's time an employee renders actual work, or is
schooling. required to be on duty or to be at a prescribed
workplace. The normal hours of work in a day is 8
1. Security of Tenure. Every employee shall be hours. This includes breaks or rest period of less
assured security of tenure. No employee can be than one hour, but excludes meal periods, which
dismissed from work except for a just or shall not be less than one hour. An employee must
authorized cause, and only after due process. be paid his or her wages for all hours worked. If all
or any part of his or her regular work hours falls
     Just Cause refers to any wrongdoing committed between 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., a covered
by an employee including: employee shall be entitled to a night shift pay in
addition to his or her  pay for regular work hours. If
1. serious misconduct he or she works for more than 8 hours in one day,
he or she shall be entitled to overtime pay.
 3.Weekly Rest Day . A day-off of 24 consecutive       Welfare facilities must be installed at the
hours after 6 days of work should be scheduled by workplace such as seats, separate toilet rooms,
the employer upon consultation with the workers. lavatories, and dressing rooms. Prohibition against
discrimination with respect to pay (i.e. equal pay
4. Wage and Wage-Related Benefits. Wage is the for work of equal value), promotion, training
amount paid to an employee in exchange for a opportunities, study and scholarship grants.
task, piece of work, or service rendered to an
employer. This includes overtime, night  7. Employment of Children. Minimum employable
differential, rest day, holiday and 13th month pay. age is 15 years. A worker below 15 years of age
It also includes the fair and reasonable value of should be directly under the sole responsibility of
board, lodging and other facilities customarily parents or guardians; work does not interfere with
furnished by the employer.  Wage may be fixed for child's schooling/normal development. No person
a given period, as when it is computed hourly, daily below 18 years of age can be employed in a
or monthly. It may also be fixed for a specified task hazardous or deleterious undertaking.
or result. If wage is for a fixed period, the minimum
wage for a regular 8-hour workday shall not be 8. Safe Working Conditions. Employers must
lower than the minimum daily wage applicable to provide workers with every kind of on-the-job
the place of work as determined by the Regional protection against injury, sickness or death through
Tripartite Wage and Productivity Board having safe and healthful working conditions. Jobs may be
jurisdiction over workplace. hazardous or highly hazardous. Hazardous jobs are
those which expose the employee to dangerous
      If wage is paid by result, the worker shall environment elements, including contaminants,
receive at least the prescribed minimum wage for radiation, fire, poisonous substances, biological
8 hours of work. The amount may be increased or agents and explosives, or dangerous processes or
reduced proportionately if work is rendered for equipment including construction, mining,
more or less than 8 hours a day. An employer quarrying, blasting, stevedoring, mechanized
cannot make any deduction from an employee's farming and operating heavy equipment. If you
wage except for insurance premiums with the need further information on the provisions of the
consent of the employee, for union dues, or for OSH Standards.
withholding taxes, SSS premiums and other
deductions expressly authorized by law. 8. Right to Self-Organization and Collective
Bargaining. The right to self-organization is the
5.  Payment of Wages. Wages shall be paid in cash, right of every worker, free of any interference from
legal tender at or near the place of work. Payment the employer or from government, to form or join
may be made through a bank upon written petition any legitimate worker's organization, association or
of majority of the workers in establishments with union of his or her own choice. Except those
25 or more employees and within one (1) classified as managerial or confidential employees,
kilometer radius to a bank. Payment shall be made all employees may form or join unions for purposes
directly to the employees. Wages shall be given not of collective bargaining and other legitimate
less than once every two (2) weeks or twice within concerted activities. An employee is eligible for
a month at intervals not exceeding 16 days. membership in an appropriate union on the first
day of his or her employment.
 6. Employment of Women  Nightwork prohibition
unless allowed by the Rules:       Collective Bargaining involves two parties:

 in industrial undertakings from 10PM to 1. the representative of the employer

6AM 2. a union duly authorized by the majority of
 in commercial/non-industrial undertakings the employees within a bargaining unit
from 12MN to 6AM called exclusive bargaining agent.
 in agricultural undertakings, at night time
unless given not less than 9 consecutive      It is a process where the parties agree:
hours of rest
1. to fix and administer terms and conditions  Irrational management policies such as
of employment which must not be below overtime, transfers, demotions,
the minimum standards fixed by law inappropriate salary structure, etc.
2. to set a mechanism for resolving their  Violation of organizational rules and
grievances practices.

      The result of collective bargaining is a contract In most of the organizations, employees have the
called collective bargaining agreement (CBA). A complaint against their employers which is termed
CBA generally has a term of five years. The as employee grievance. Hence, a complaint
provisions of a CBA may be classified as political or affecting one or more employees at a time does
economic. Political provisions refer to those which constitute a grievance. The complaint may be
define the coverage of the CBA and recognize the related to wages, working hours or conditions of
collective bargaining agent as the exclusive employment. The dissatisfaction which is
representative of the employees for the term of expressed by an employee is regarded as a
the CBA. Economic provisions refer to all terms and complaint. When the complaint is filed and
conditions of employment with a monetary value. brought to the notice of management, it will then
Economic provisions have a term of five years but be the grievance. Hence, employee grievance has
may be renegotiated before the end of the third resulted from the perception of unfair treatment
year of effectivity for the CBA. and differences in employee’s expectations and
managerial practices. A well-defined grievance
Source: Department of Labor and Employment procedure is an important constituent of employee
relation as it provides a medium for the
6. Employee Grievances, Moral and Motivation transmission of complaints to the table of
Concept of Employee Grievance
Grievances are brought to the employee’s
The grievance may be any genuine or imaginary immediate supervisor. This may be either an
feeling of dissatisfaction or injustice which an informal process or the beginning of the formal
employee experiences about his job and it’s process. Generally, there will be a requirement
nature, about the management policies and that the grievance is submitted in writing using a
procedures. Employee grievance is the perception grievance form. Usually, the supervisor and the
of unfair treatment on the job. There are many union representative will review the grievance to
factors that make employees unhappy. determine whether it is valid. Also, most grievance
procedures will require that the submission occurs
An effective grievance procedure provides within a specified timeframe following the event or
employees with a mechanism to resolve issues of incident.
concern. For instance, non-cooperation from
fellow members or a harsh remark relating to Therefore, employee grievance is a formal
domestic affairs may create an unhappy situation complaint affecting one or more individuals at a
at work. Finally, such feelings of dissatisfaction or time with respect to wages, working hours, a
discontent result in employee grievance. There is condition of the work environment, transfers,
hardly an organization that runs smoothly at all promotion and so on and formally informed to the
times. The grievance procedure may also help management.
employers correct issues before they become
serious issues or result in litigation. Employee Grievances

Grievance may result from the following factors-        Effective HR Management should create a
pleasant and rewarding place to work. If
 Improper working conditions such as strict employees are treated fairly, grievances will be
production standards, unsafe workplace, minimized. Good policies could lead to highly
bad relation with managers, etc. motivated, effective workers. Unfortunately,
problems are likely to occur regardless of how well 2. Perceived unfair treatment of the employee by
the HR policies and practices are designed.  the supervisor or ineffective or inadequate
    To maintain fair and effective employee
relations, every organization needs both a 3. Unfair labor practices of the employers.
grievance procedure and a discipline procedure.
Both procedures are needed regardless of whether 4. Violation by management of the labor
the employees are represented by a union, or agreement or violation of the law concerning the
there is no union at all.  workers.

   Grievance procedures provide a systematic 5. Grievances inspired by the union leaders.

process for hearing and evaluating the complaints
of employees They tend to be more highly 6. Lack of a clear-cut company labor policy.
developed in unionized companies than in
nonunionized  companies because they are Motivation and Job Satisfaction
specified in the labor agreement. This procedure
protects the rights employees and eliminates the      Motivation is defined as the willingness to exert
need for strikes or slowdowns everytime a high levels of effort to reach organizational goals,
disagreement occurs about the labor contract. conditioned by the effort's ability to satisfy some
individual needs. It is the feeling that prompts
     Discipline procedures provide a systematic people to do what they need to do. The effort
process for handling problem employees. The goal element is a measure of intensity of drive. When
of a good discipline system is to help employees someone is motivated, he or she tries hard to
perform better; but if they fail to respond, a accomplish more and do a job well. Motivating
procedure is needed for hiring them as a last employees to perform well should be the concern
resort. of all supervisors and managers who have
subordinates who should be properly led and
Definition of Grievance directed to achieve organizational objectives.

     Grievance is a disagreement between an        Needs differ among individuals and reward is in

employee and the employer on the  terms or the form of the individual'desires needs and
conditions of employment. The causes for a his/her objectives. The task of management is to
grievance may include, but are not limited to, arouse and maintain the interests of its employees
complaints concerning wages, hours of work, to work willingly and enthusiastically to achieve
working conditions, performance evaluations, job the company's goal. Performance-based rewards
assignments or the interpretation or application of play a number of roles and addresses a variety of
a rule, regulation or policy. purposes in organization, employees will
presumably be motivated  to work harder to
    Unionized firms use a more limited definition in achieve those awards.
which grievances refer to "any question by either
the employer or the union regarding the Factors Influencing Motivation
interpretation or application of the collective
bargaining agreement or company personnel 1. Individual Differences - personal needs, values,
policies, thus referring only to specific disputes attitudes, interests and abilities that people bring
concerning any violation of the CBA or the labor to their jobs. Because these characteristics vary 
code.  from person to person, so does what motivates
people. One employee may be motivated by
Causes of Grievances money and go for a high paying job while another
may be motivated by security and accept a low-
1. Differing application and interpretation of the paying job that involves less risk of unemployment.
collective bargaining agreement  (CBA).
2. Job Characteristics - the aspects of the position Voluntary separations occur when an employee
that determine its limitations and challenges. decides, for personal or professional reasons, to
These include: end the relationship with the company. 

    a. Variety of skills required to do the job Quits—employee leaves the company for either a
more attractive job alternative or is dissatisfied
    b. Degree to which the employee can do the with job.
entire  task from start to finish.
Retirement—differs from quits in that it usually
    c. Significance attributed to the job occurs at the end of the employee’s work life. 

    d. Autonomy

    e. The type and extent of performance feedback Involuntary separations occur when management
that an employee receives. decides to terminate its relationship with an
employee due to 
3. Organizational Practices. the rules, human
resource policies, managerial practices and      (1) economic necessity or 
rewards systems of an organization. Policies
defining benefits and rewards can attract new     (2) a poor fit between the employee and
employees and keep existing employees happy. organization. 

Source: Corpuz,  Cristina R. (2013) Human

Resource Management:  RexBookstore. Manila.
There are two basic types of involuntary
Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Video separations. 

Employee Separations, Downsizing, and 1. The first is discharges, which take place
Outplacement when management decides that there is a
poor fit between employee and the
Reduced labor costs—The will affect the bottom organization. 
line. Not only are the salary savings earned, but 2. Layoffs are a means for organizations to cut
also all costs associated with providing benefits costs. Layoffs are usually due to economic
and other processing of that employee.  downturn circumstances or restructuring of
the organization with need to change or
Replacement of poor performers—An integral part eliminate positions. 
of management is identifying poor performers. If
poor-performing employees do not turn around Employment Separation: Types of Separation from
performance, it may be best to terminate. Employment

Increased innovation—Separations create Employment separation is a decision that the

advancement opportunities for high-performing individual and the organization should part. The
individuals and also open up entry-level positions. employer or the employee may initiate
New hires can fill those open positions and offer a it. Additionally, it may be motivated by disciplinary,
fresh perspective.  economic, business, or personal reasons. The HR
department’s role is to find the most satisfactory
Opportunity for diversity—Separations can offer method of conducting the separation in a way that
opportunities to hire diverse employees with minimizes the harm to the organization and the
varied backgrounds, knowledge, skills, and individual. Separations can take several forms,
abilities.  such as temporary leaves of absence, attrition,
layoffs, and termination.
Types of Employment Separation separate some employees for business reasons and
has no plans to rehire them.

Rather than being laid off, those people are simply

Temporary Leaves of Absentee terminated. Employees leave for many reasons,
such as dismissal, resignation, redundancy, and
Employees sometimes need to leave their jobs retirement.
temporarily. The reasons may be medical family,
educational, recreational, and other motives. 1. Organizational Behavior

When the reasons are both or adoption, caring for Organizational Behavior: Definition, Importance,
an ill spouse, child or parent, or a severe health Nature
condition that makes the employee unable to
perform his job. The employee is entitled to twelve Organizational Behavior (OB) is the study of
weeks’ leave in a twelve-month (depends on the human behavior in organizational settings, the
existing law of your country). interface between human behavior and the
organization, and the organization
Attrition itself. Organizational Behavior researchers study
the behavior of individuals primarily in their
Attrition is the normal separation of people from organizational roles. One of the main goals of
an organization as a result of resignation, organizational behavior is to revitalize
retirement, or death. It is initiated by the individual organizational theory and develop a better
worker, not by the company. conceptualization of organizational life. As a multi-
disciplinary field, organizational behavior has been
In most organizations, the key component of influenced by developments in a number of allied
attrition is resignation, which is voluntary disciplines including sociology, psychology,
separation. economics, and engineering as well as by the
experience of practitioners.
Layoffs Origin of Organizational Behaviour can trace its
roots back to Max Weber and earlier organizational
Layoffs entail the separation of employees from studies.
the organization for economic or business reasons.
The Industrial Revolution is the period from
The separation may last only a few weeks if its approximately 1760 when new technologies
purpose is to adjust inventory levels or allow a resulted in the adoption of new manufacturing
factory to retool for a new product. When caused techniques, including increased mechanization.
by a business cycle, layoffs may last many months
or years. The industrial revolution led to significant social
and cultural change, including new forms of
However, if it occurs because of restructurings organization.
such as downsizing or mergers and acquisitions, a
“temporary” layoff may become permanent. Analyzing these new organizational forms,
sociologist Max Weber described bureaucracy as
Termination an ideal type of organization that rested on
rational-legal principles and maximized technical
Termination is a broad term that encompasses efficiency.
permanent separation from the organization for
any reason. Usually, this term implies that the In the 1890’s; with the arrival of scientific
person was fired as a form of disciplinary action. management and Taylorism, Organizational
Behavior Studies was forming it as an academic
When people are discharged for business or discipline.
economic reasons, it is commonly called a layoff.
Sometimes, however, the employer needs to
Failure of scientific management gave birth to the Organizational behavior studies the mechanisms
human relations movement which is characterized governing these interactions, seeking to identify
by a heavy emphasis on employee cooperation and and foster behaviors conducive to the survival and
morale. effectiveness of the organization.

Human Relations Movement from the 1930’s to 1. Job Satisfaction.

1950’s contributed to shaping the Organizational 2. Finding the Right People.
Behavior studies. 3. Organizational Culture.
4. Leadership and Conflict Resolution.
Works of scholars like Elton Mayo, Chester 5. Understanding Employees Better.
Barnard, Henri Fayol, Mary Parker Follett, Frederick 6. Understand how to Develop Good Leaders.
Herzberg, Abraham Mas low, David Mc Cellan and 7. Develop a Good Team.
Victor Vroom contributed to the growth of 8. Higher Productivity.
Organisational Behaviour as a discipline.
These 8 objectives of organizational behavior show
Works of scholars like Elton Mayo, Chester that OB is concerned with people within the
Barnard, Henri Fayol, Mary Parker Follett, Frederick organization, how they are interacting, what is the
Herzberg, Abraham Maslow, David Mc Cellan and level of their satisfaction, the level of motivation,
Victor Vroom contributed to the growth of and find ways to improve it in a way the yields
Organisational Behaviour as a discipline. most productivity.

Herbert Simon’s Administrative Behavior Fundamental Concepts of Organizational Behavior

introduced a number of important concepts to the
study of organizational behavior, most notably Organization Behavior is based on a few
decision making. fundamental concepts which revolve around the
nature of people and organizations.
Simon along with Chester Barnard; argued that
people make decisions differently in organizations Such basic concepts are not specific to the field of
than outside of them. Simon was awarded the OB.
Nobel Prize in Economics for his work on The fundamental concepts of organizational
organizational decision making. behavior are;

In the 1960s and 1970s, the field became more  Individual Differences.
quantitative and produced such ideas as the
informal organization, and resource dependence.  Perception.
Contingency theory, institutional theory, and
organizational ecology also enraged.  A Whole Person.

Starting in the 1980s, cultural explanations of  Motivated Behavior.

organizations and organizational change became
areas of study.  The desire for Involvement.

Informed by anthropology, psychology, and  The value of the Person.

sociology, qualitative research became more
acceptable in OB.  Human Dignity.

The organizations in which people work have an  Organizations are Social System.
effect on their thoughts, feelings, and actions.
These thoughts, feelings, and actions, in turn,  Mutuality of Interest.
affect the organization itself.
 Holistic Concept.
In every field of social science or even physical Every employee is actively seeking opportunities to
science, has a philosophical foundation of basic work to involve in decision-making problems. They
concepts that guide its development. There are hunger for the chance to share what they know
certain philosophical concepts in organizational and to learn from the experience. So, the
behavior also. organization should provide them a chance to
express their opinions, ideas, and suggestions for
Individual Differences the decision-making problem. A meaningful
involvement can bring mutual benefit to both
Every individual in the world is different from parties.
others. Science supports this idea. Each person is
different from all others, probably in a million Value of the Person
ways, just as each’s DNA profile is different. The
idea of the individual difference comes originally An employee wants to be treated separately from
from psychology. From the day of birth, each another factor of production, (land, capital,
person is unique, and personal experiences after labor). They refuse to accept the old idea that they
birth tend to make people even more different. are just treated as economic tools because they
are the best creation of Almighty Allah. For
Perception this, reason, they want to be treated with carrying
respect, dignity and other things from their
Peoples’ perceptions are also different when they employers and society.
see an object. Two people can differently present
the same object. And this is occurring for their Human Dignity
experiences. A person always organizes and
interprets what he sees according to his lifetime of This concept is very philosophical. Every person
experience and accumulated value. Employees also needs to be treated with dignity and respect,
see work differently for differ in their personalities, whether it’s the CEO of the company or labor. It
needs, demographics factors, past experiences, confirms that people are to be treated differently
and social surroundings. from other factors of production because they are
of a higher order in the recognizes
human dignity because people are of a higher
A Whole Person order; they want to be treated with respect and
dignity and should be treated this way.
An employee’s personal life is not detached from
his working life. As an example, A women who Organizations are Social System
attend the office at 9:00 AM is always anxious for
her children’s school time (if her kids can From sociology, we learn that organizations are
participate in the school or not). As a result, its social systems; consequently, activities therein are
impact falls on her concentration that means her governed by social laws as well as psychological
working life. For this reason, we cannot separate it. laws. Just as people have psychological needs, they
So the manager should treat an employee as a also have social roles and status. Their behavior is
whole person. influenced by their group as well as by their
drives. In fact, two types of social systems exist
Motivated Behavior side by side in organizations. One is a formal
system, and the other is the informal social system.
An employee has so many needs inside him. So,
they want to fulfill those needs. That’s why; they Mutuality of Interest
had to perform well in the organization. Some
motivations are necessary to enrich the quality of Mutual interest is represented by the statement
work. A path toward increased need fulfillment is that organizations need people and people also
the better way to enhances the quality of work. need organizations. Organizations have a human
purpose. They are formed and maintained by some
Desire for Involvement mutuality of interest among their
participants. People see organizations as a means 1. Studying organizational behavior can clarify
to help them reach their goals, while at the same factors that affect how managers manage by:
time, organizations need people to help achieve      –Describing the complex human context of
organizational objectives. If mutuality is lacking, it organizations
makes no sense to try to assemble a group and      –Defining the associated opportunities,
develop cooperation, because there is no common problems, challenges, and issues
base on which to build. Mutual interest provides a      –Isolating important aspects of the manager’s
super-ordinate goal that unites the variety of job
needs that people bring to organizations. The      –Offering specific perspectives on the human
result is that people are encouraged to attack side of management
organizational problems rather than each other.
2. Studying OB helps managers understand:
Holistic Concept      –The behaviors of others in the organization
          •Personal needs, motives, behaviors, feelings
When the fundamental concepts of OB are placed and career dynamics
together, a holistic concept emerges. This concept           •Attitudinal processes, individual
interprets people-organization relationships differences, group dynamics, inter group dynamics,
regarding the whole person, the whole group, organization culture, power, and political behavior
whole organization, and the whole social system.It       –Interactions with people outside of the
takes across the board view of people in organization and other organizations
organizations to understand as many as possible of       –The environment, technology, and global
the factors that influence their behavior.  Issues issues
are analyzed in terms of the total situation
affecting them rather than in terms of an isolated The reason Organizational Behavior studies are
event or problems. uniquely useful for succeeding as a leader of a
large business (or other organization). OB teaches
2. Importance of Organizational Behavior you what makes people make decisions, why
employees are not motivated to do what you want
them to do and why people are productive or not
productive. Making good decisions and creating an
environment where people can be creative and
motivated, are very important for a successful

So studying and understanding Organizational

Behavior is one of the truly important ingredients
of business success. Organizational Behavior
Organizations can have a powerful influence on
studies power and organizational politics. If you
our lives:
don’t understand these topics, you will struggle as
an employee, especially in large
–Most people are born and educated in
organizations. Stanford professor Jeff Pfeffer has
summarized the status of the Organizational
–Most people acquire most of their material
Behavior approach to real-world management as a
possessions from organizations
“one-eighth” situation, and “the knowing-doing
–Most people die as members of organizations
gap”. OB applies the knowledge gained
–Many of our activities are regulated by
from individuals, groups, and the effect of
governmental organizations
structure on behavior to make organizations work
–Most people spend most of their lives in
more effectively. It is concerned with the study of
what people do in an organization and how that
behavior affects the performance of the
Organizational Behavior and Management: Why
organization. There is increasing agreement as to
Study OB?
the components of OB. But there is still
considerable debate as to the relative importance 14. Another popular reason for studying OB is
of each; motivation, leader behavior and power, to learn how to predict human behavior ‘
interpersonal communication, group structure and and, then, apply it in some useful way to
processes, learning, attitude development, make the organization more effective.
and perception, change processes, conflict, work 15. OB implies that the effective utilization of
design, and work stress. It is also important people working in the organization
because it focuses on the following areas. It is also guarantees the success of the organization.
important because it focuses on the following 16. The most popular reason for studying
areas. OB draws heavily from behavioral and social organizational behavior is that the reader is
sciences, most importantly from psychology. interested in pursuing a career in
management and wants to learn how to
It studies the interrelation between an individual predict behavior and apply in some
and an organization in the following ways: meaningful way to make organizations
more effective.
1. OB helps to learn about thyself and how to
deal with others OB has a great impact on individuals and also in
2. Organizational Behavior is a way of organizations that cannot be ignored. To run the
thinking. businesses effectively and efficiently, the study of
3. Organizational Behavior is multidisciplinary organizational behavior is very essential.
and it helps us multiple ways.
4. There is a distinctly humanistic orientation 3. Organizational Behavior and the Manager’s Job
with OB.
5. The field of organizational behavior is Organizational Behavior and the Manager’s Job
6. Organizational Behavior satisfies the need 4. Contemporary Organizational Behavior
to understand and predict.
7. It helps us to test personal theories. Contemporary Organizational Behavior
8. OB helps the managers to understand the
basis of motivation and what he should do Characteristics of the Field
to motivate his subordinates.      –Interdisciplinary in focus
9. OB helps to maintain cordial industrial      –Descriptive in nature
relations which help to increase the overall
productivity of the industry. Basic Concepts of the Field
10. The subject of organizational behavior is      1.Individual processes
useful in the field of marketing.      2.Interpersonal processes
11. This helps greatly in improving bur inter-      3.Organizational processes/characteristics
personal relations in the organizations. The Systems Perspective
Friendly and cordial relations between
employees and management and also System
among the employees create a congenial      –An interrelated set of elements that function 
work environment in organizations. as a whole—inputs are combined/transformed  by
12. It helps managers apply appropriate managers into outputs from the system
motivational techniques by the nature of
individual employees who exhibit a glaring Value of the Systems Perspective
difference in many respects.      –Underscores the importance of an
13. One of the basic characteristics of OB is organization’s environment
that it is human. So to say, OB tackles      –Conceptualizes the flow and interaction of
human problems humanely. It helps various elements of the organization.
understand the cause of the problem,
predicts is the future course of action and The Situational Perspective
controls its evil consequences.
The Situational Perspective
     –Recognizes that most organizational Sometimes culture is used in popular discourse to
situations and outcomes are influenced by other refer to a celebration or an evening of
variables entertainment, as when one speaks of a ‘cultural
show’. In this sense, culture is identified with
The Universal Model aesthetics or the fine arts such as dance, music or
     –Presumes a direct cause-and-effect linkage drama.
between variables
     –Complexities of human behavior and This is also different from the technical meaning of
organizational settings make universal conclusions the word culture.
virtually impossible
Culture is used in a special sense in anthropology
Managing for Effectiveness and sociology. It refers to the sum of human
beings’ lifeways, their behavior, beliefs, feelings,
Managers work toward accomplishing the various thought; it connotes everything that is acquired by
goals (outcomes) that exist at specific levels in an them as social beings. Culture has been defined in
organization: a number of ways.
     –Individual-level outcomes
     –Group-level outcomes There is no consensus among sociologists and
     –Organizational-level  outcomes anthropologists regarding the definition of culture.
1. The Nature of Organization Culture
There are some writers who add to these
Culture: Definition, Functions, Characteristics, definitions some of the important” other
Elements of Culture capabilities and habits” such as language and the
techniques for making and using tools.
Culture consists of all learned, normative behavior
patterns – that is all shared ways or patterns of What is Culture?
thinking and feeling as well as doing.
Culture has been defined in a number of ways, but
Word ‘culture’ comes from the Latin word ‘cultura’ most simply, as the learned and shared the
which is related to cult or worship. In its broadest behavior of a community of interacting human
sense, the term refers to the result of human beings.
According to British anthropologist Edward Taylor,
The culture of society comprises the shared values, “Culture is that complex whole which includes
understandings, assumptions, and goals that are knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any
learned from earlier generations, imposed by other capabilities and habits acquired by man as. a
present members of society, and passed on to member of society”.
succeeding generations.
According to Phatak, Bhagat, and Kashlak, “Culture
Sometimes an individual is described as a highly is a concept that has been used in several social
cultured person, meaning thereby that the person science disciplines to explain variations in human
in question has certain features such as his/her thought processes in different parts of the
speech, manner, and taste for literature, music or world.”         ‘
painting which distinguish him from others.
According to J.P. Lederach, “Culture is the shared
Culture, in this sense, refers to certain personal knowledge and schemes created by a set of people
characteristics of an individual. for perceiving, interpreting, expressing, and
responding to the social realities around them”.
However, this is not the sense in which the word
culture is used and understood in social sciences. According to R. Linton, “A culture is a configuration
of learned behaviors and results of behavior whose
component elements are shared and transmitted formalization and empowered employees. The
by the members of a particular society”. shared meaning provided by a strong culture
ensures that everyone is pointed in the same
According to G. Hofstede, “Culture is the collective direction.
programming of the mind which distinguishes the
members of one category of people from another.” 1. The Nature of Organization Culture

According to H.T. Mazumdar, “Culture is the sum 1.1. Characteristics of Culture

total of human achievements, material as well as
non-material, capable of transmission, Characteristics of Culture
sociologically, i.e., by tradition and communication,
vertically as well as horizontally”. All organizations have the culture in the sense that
they are embedded in specific societal cultures and
Actually, culture is defined as the shared patterns are part of them.
of behaviors and interactions, cognitive constructs,
and affective understanding that are learned Some values create a dominant culture in the
through a process of, socialization. These shared organizations that help guide the day to day
patterns identify the members of a cultural group behavior of employees.
while also distinguishing those of another group.
There is also evidence that these dominant
Functions of Culture cultures can have a positive impact on desirable
outcomes such as successfully conducting mergers
We will review the functions that culture performs and acquisitions supporting product – innovation
and assess whether culture can be a liability for an processes, and helping firms cope with rapid
organization. Culture performs a number of economic and technological change.
functions within an organization.
Culture has various characteristics. From various
 First, it has a boundary-defining role; that definitions, we can deduce the following
is, it creates distinctions between one characteristics of culture:
organization and another.
 Second, it conveys a sense of identity for  Learned Behavior.
organization members.  Culture is Abstract.
 Third, culture facilitates the generation of  Culture Includes Attitudes, Values, and
commitment to something larger than Knowledge.
one’s individual self-interest.  Culture also Includes Material Objects.
 Fourth, it enhances the stability of the  Culture is Shared by the Members of
social system. Culture is the social glue that Society.
helps hold the organization together by  Culture is Super-Organic.
providing appropriate standards for what  Culture is Pervasive.
employees should say and do.  Culture is a Way of Life.
 Finally, culture serves as a sense-making  Culture is Idealistic.
and control mechanism that guides  Culture is Transmitted among Members of
and shapes the attitudes and behavior of Society.
employees. It is this last function, that is of  Culture is Continually Changing.
particular interest to us.  Language is the Chief Vehicle of Culture.
 Culture is Integrated.
The role of culture in influencing employee  Culture is Dynamic.
behavior appears to be increasingly important in  Culture is Transmissive.
today’s workplace.  Culture Varies from Society to Society.
 Culture is Gratifying.
As organizations have widened spans of control,
flattened structures introduced, teams reduced Learned Behavior
Not all behavior is learned, but most of it is up through the ages. Man has invented something
learned; combing one’s hair, standing in line, else and so on.
telling jokes, criticizing the President and going to
the movie, all constitute behaviors that had to be Occasionally one encounters the view that man
learned. does not really “make” steel or a battleship.

Sometimes the terms conscious learning and All these things first existed in a “state nature”.
unconscious learning are used to distinguish the
learning. The man merely modified their form, changed
them from a state in which they were to the state
Some behavior is obvious. People can be seen in which he now uses them. The chair was first a
going to football games, eating with forks, or tree which man surely did not make. But the chair
driving automobiles. Such behavior is called is’ more than trees and the jet airplane is more
“overt” behavior. Other behavior is less visible. than iron ore and so forth.

Culture is Abstract Culture is Shared by the Members of Society

Culture exists in the minds or habits of the The patterns of learned behavior and the results of
members of society. Culture is the shared ways of behavior are possessed not by one or a few
doing and thinking. There are degrees of visibility people, but usually by a large proportion.
of cultural behavior, ranging from the regularized
activities of persons to their internal reasons for so Thus, many millions of persons share such behavior
doing. patterns as the use of automobiles or the English
language. Persons may share some part of a
In other words, we cannot see culture as, such we culture unequally.
can only see human behavior. This behavior occurs
in regular, patterned fashion and it is called Sometimes the people share different aspects of
culture. culture.

Culture Includes Attitudes, Values, and Culture is Super-Organic

Culture is sometimes called super organic. It
There is a widespread error in the thinking of many implies that “culture” is somehow superior to
people who tend to regard the ideas, attitudes, “nature”. The word super-organic is useful when it
and notions which they have as “their own”. implies that what may be quite a different
phenomenon from a cultural point of view.
It is easy to overestimate the uniqueness of one’s
own attitudes and ideas. When there is an For example, a tree means different things to the
agreement with other people it is largely botanist who studies it, the old woman who uses it
Unnoticed, but when there is a disagreement or for shade in the late summer afternoon, the farmer
difference one is usually conscious of it. who picks its fruit, the motorist who collides with it
and the young lovers who carve their initials in its
Your differences, however, may also be cultural. trunk.
For example, suppose you are a Muslim and the
other person is a Christian. The same physical objects and physical
characteristics, in other words, may constitute a
Culture also Includes Material Objects variety of quite different cultural objects and
cultural characteristics.
Man’s behavior results in creating objects.
Culture is Pervasive
Men were behaving when they made these things.
To make these objects required numerous and
various skills which human beings gradually built
Culture is pervasive it touches every aspect of life. He learns it. That means that someone teaches him
The pervasiveness of culture is manifest in two and he learns. Much of the learning process both
ways. for the teacher and the learner is quite
unconscious, unintentional, or accidental.
First, culture provides an unquestioned context
within which individual action and response take Culture is Continually Changing
place. Not only emotional action but relational
actions are governed by cultural norms. There is one fundamental and inescapable
attribute (special quality) of culture, the fact of
Second, culture pervades social activities and unending change.
Some societies sometimes change slowly, and
Culture is a Way of Life hence in comparison to other societies seem not to
be changing at all. But they are changing, even
Culture means simply the “way of life” of a people though not obviously so.
or their “design for a living.” Kluckhohn and Kelly
define it in his sense”, A culture is a historically Language is the Chief Vehicle of Culture
derived system of explicit and implicit designs for
living, which tends to be shared by all or specially Man lives not only in the present but also in the
designed members of a group”. past and future.

Explicit culture refers to similarities in word and He is able to do this because he possesses
action which can be directly observed. language which transmits to him what was learned
in the past and enables him to transmit the
For example, adolescent cultural behavior can be accumulated wisdom to the next generation.
generalized from regularities in dress, mannerism,
and conversation. Implicit culture exists in abstract A specialized language pattern serves as a common
forms which are not quite obvious. bond to the members of a particular group or
Culture is Idealistic
Although culture is transmitted in a variety of
Culture embodies the ideals and norms of a group. ways, language is one of the most important
It is sum-total of the ideal patterns and norms of vehicles for perpetuating cultural patterns.
behavior of a group. Culture consists of the
intellectual, artistic and social ideals and Culture is Integrated
institutions which the members of the society
profess and to which they strive to confirm. This is known as holism, or the various parts of a
culture being interconnected.
Culture is Transmitted among Members of Society
All aspects of a culture are related to one another
The cultural ways are learned by persons from and to truly understand a culture, one must learn
persons. about all of its parts, not only a few.

Many of them are “handed down” by one’s elders, Culture is Dynamic

by parents, teachers, and others. Other cultural
behaviors are “handed up” to elders. Some of the This simply means that cultures interact and
transmission of culture is among contemporaries. change.

For example, the styles of dress, political views, Because most cultures are in contact with other
and the use of recent labor-saving devices. One cultures, they exchange ideas and symbols. All
does not acquire a behavior pattern cultures change, otherwise, they would have
spontaneously. problems adapting to changing environments.
And because cultures are integrated, if one that are learned from earlier generations, imposed
component in the system changes, it is likely that by present members of society, and passed on to
the entire system must adjust. succeeding generations.

Culture is Transmissive There are some elements of culture about which

the managers of international operation should be
Culture is transmissive as it is transmitted front one aware of.
generation to another.
 Languages,
Language is the main vehicle of culture. Language  Norms,
in different forms makes it possible for the present  Symbols,
generation to understand the achievement of  Values,
earlier generations.  Attitude,
 Rituals,
Transmission of culture may take place by  Customs and Manners,
imitation as well as by instruction.  Material Culture,
 Education,
Culture Varies from Society to Society  Physical Artifacts,
 Language, Jargons, and Metaphors,
Every society has a culture of its own. It differs
 Stories, Myths, and Legends,
from society to society. The culture of every
 Ceremonies and Celebrations,
society is unique to itself. Cultures are not uniform.
 Behavioral Norms, and
Cultural elements like customs, traditions, morals,  Shared Beliefs and Values.
values, beliefs are not uniform everywhere. Culture
varies from time to time also.
It is a primary means used to transmit information
Culture is Gratifying
and ideas. Knowledge of local language can help
Culture provides proper opportunities for the because-
satisfaction of our needs and desires.
 It permits a clearer understanding of the
Our needs both biological and social are fulfilled in situation.
cultural ways. Culture determines and guides  It provides direct access to local people.
various activities of man. Thus, culture is defined as  Understanding of implied meanings.
the process through which human beings satisfy
their wants. Religion: The spiritual beliefs of a society are often
so powerful that they transcend other cultural
So we can easily say that culture has various aspects. Religion affect-
features which embodied it in an important
position in organizations and other aspects too.  The work habit of people
 Work and social customs
 Politics and business
1.2. Elements of Culture
Elements of Culture
Cultures differ widely in their norms, or standards
Culture is transmitted to employees in a number of and expectations for behaving. Norms are often
ways. The most significant are stories, rituals, divided into two types, formal norms, and informal
material symbols, and language. norms.

The culture of society also comprises the shared

values, understandings, assumptions, and goals
Formal norms, also called mores and laws, refer to the rules of behavior which enforce ideas of right
the standards of behavior considered the most and wrong.
important in any society.
They can be the traditions, rules, written laws, etc.
Informal norms, also called folkways and customs,
refer to standards of behavior that are considered Material Culture
less important but still influence how we behave.
Another element of culture is the artifacts, or
Symbols material objects, that constitute a society’s
material culture. It consists of objects that people
Every culture is filled with symbols, of things that make. Like-
stand for something else and that often suggests
various reactions and emotions.  Economic infrastructure (transportation,
communication and energy capabilities)
Some symbols are actually types of nonverbal  Social infrastructure (Health, housing, and
communication, while other symbols are in fact education systems)
material objects.  Financial infrastructure (Banking, insurance
and financial services)
Values are a society’s ideas about what is good or
bad, right or wrong – such as the widespread belief It influences many aspects of culture.
that stealing is immoral and unfair.
Actually, culture is the entire accumulation of
Values determine how individuals will probably artificial objects, conditions, tools, techniques,
respond in any given circumstances ideas, symbols and behavior patterns peculiar to a
group of people, possessing a certain consistency
Attitude of its own, and capable of transmission from one
generation to another.
Attitude is a persistent tendency to feel and
behave in a particular way. Physical Artifacts

Actually it is the external displays of underlying These are the tangible manifestations and key
beliefs that people use to signal to other people. elements of organizational culture.

Rituals If you visit different organizations, you’ll notice

that each is unique in terms of its physical layout,
Rituals are processes or sets of actions that are use of facilities, centralization or dispersion of
repeated in specific circumstances and with common utilities, and so on.
specific meaning. They may be used in such as rites
of passage, such as when someone is promoted or This uniqueness is not incidental, instead, they
retires. represent the symbolic expressions of an
underlying meaning, values, and beliefs, which is
They may be associated with company events such shared by people in the organization. The
as the release of a new event. They may also be workplace culture greatly affects the performance
associated with a day like Eid day. of an organization.

Customs and Manners Language, Jargons, and Metaphors

Customs are common and establish practices. These elements of organizational culture play an
Manners are behaviors that are regarded as important role in identifying a company’s culture.
appropriate in a particular society. These indicate
While the language is a means of universal Shared Beliefs and Values
communication, most business houses tend to
develop their own unique terminologies, phrases, All organizations have their unique set of basic
and acronyms. beliefs and values (also called moral codes), shared
by most of its members. These are the mental
For instance, in the organizational linguistics code, pictures of organizational reality, and form the
“Kremlin” may mean the headquarters; in Goal basis of defining the right or wrong in the
India Limited, the acronym. J.I.T. (Just In Time) was organization.
jokingly used to describe all the badly planned fire-
fighting jobs. In an organization, for instance, if the predominant
belief is that meeting the customers’ demands is
Stories, Myths, and Legends essential for success, any behavior which
supposedly meets these criteria is acceptable, even
These are, in a way, an extension of organizational if it violates the established rules and procedures.
language. They epitomize the unwritten values and
morals of organizational life. Values and beliefs focus organizational energies
toward certain actions while discouraging the
If you collect the various stories, anecdotes, and other behavioral patterns.
jokes that are shared in an organization, they often
read like plots and themes, in which nothing Factors Affecting the Culture
changes except the characters.
There are so many ways of examining cultural
They rationalize the complexity and turbulence of differences and their impact on international
activities and events to allow for predictable management. Culture can affect technology
action-taking. transfer, managerial attitudes, managerial
ideology, and even business-government relations.
Ceremonies and Celebrations
In overall terms, the cultural impact on
These are consciously enacted behavioral artifacts international management is reflected by these
which help in reinforcing the organization’s cultural basic beliefs and behaviors.
values and assumptions.
Here are some specific examples where the culture
For example, every year Tata Steel celebrates of a society can directly affect management
Founder’s Day to commemorate and reiterate its approaches:
adherence to the original values of the
organization. Centralized vs. Decentralized Decision Making

Stating the importance of ceremonies and In some societies, top managers make all-
celebrations, Deal and Kennedy (1982) say, important organizational decisions.
“Without expressive events, and culture will die. In
the absence of ceremony, important values have In others, these decisions are defused throughout
no impact.” the enterprise; middle and lower-level managers
actively participate and make decisions.
Behavioral Norms
Safety vs. Risk
This is one of the most important elements of
organizational culture. They describe the nature of In some societies, organizational decision-makers
expectations which impinge on the members’ are risk-averse and have great difficulty with
behavior. conditions of uncertainty. In others, risk-taking is
encouraged, and decision making under
Behavioral norms determine how the members will uncertainty is common.
behave, interact and relate with each other.
Individual vs. Group Rewards
In some countries, personnel who do outstanding  Dress sense and clothes-fashion
work are given individual rewards in the form of  Level of education and literacy
bonuses and commissions. In others, cultural  General living standards
norms require group rewards, and individual  Employment regulations
rewards are frowned on.
These cultural differences influence the way that
Informal vs. Formal Procedures comparative management should be conducted.

In some societies, much is accomplished through Sometimes these factors affect international
informal means. In others, formal procedures are business because some international managers are
set forth and followed rigidly. unknown and unfamiliar about these factors and
day to day business protocol.
Cooperation vs. Competition
The Nature of Organization Culture
Some societies encourage cooperation between
their people. Others encourage competition
between their people.

High Vs. Low Organizational Loyalty

In some societies, people identify very strongly

with their organization or employer. In others,
people identify with their occupational groups,
such as an engineer or mechanics.

Short-term vs. Long-term Horizons Why Study

Some cultures focus most heavily on short-term      –It is assumed that organizations with a strong
horizons such as short-range goals of profit and culture perform at higher levels than those without
efficiency. Others are more interested in long- a strong culture
range goals, such as market share and
technological development. Organizational Culture
    –A set of values held by individuals in a firm that
Stability vs. Innovation help employees understand acceptability of actions

The culture of some countries encourages .stability Culture Values

and resistance to change. The culture of others     –Are often taken for granted (implicit)
puts a high value on innovation and change.     –May not be made explicit (i.e., not written
Goals and Objectives     –Are communicated through symbolic means
1.3. Organizational Culture: Definition,
The culture of the organization is also affected by Characteristics, Roles, Types
its goals and objectives. The strategies and
procedures designed to achieve these goals and Organizational Culture: Definition, Characteristics,
objectives of the organization also contribute to its Roles, Types
Organizational culture is quite complex. Every
Others: company has its own unique personality, just like
people do. The unique personality of an
 Language and dialect organization is referred to as its culture.
 Religion
 Wealth
 Climate and weather
In groups of people who work together, According to Alec Haverstick, “In large part,
organizational culture is an invisible but powerful Organizational culture is a product of
force that influences the behavior of the members compensation.”
of that group.
According to Bruce Perron, “Organizational culture
There seems to be wide agreement that defines a jointly shared description of an
organizational culture refers to a system of shared organization from within.”
meaning held by members that distinguish the
organization from other organizations. According to Richard Perrin, “Organizational
culture is the sum of values and rituals which serve
Organizational culture is a system of shared as a glue to integrate the members of the
assumptions, values, and beliefs, which governs organization.”
how people behave in organizations.
Organizational culture includes an organization’s According to Alan Adler, “Organizational culture is
expectations, experiences, philosophy, and values civilization in the workplace.”
that hold it together, and is expressed in its self-
image, inner workings, interactions with the According to Elizabeth Skringar, “Organizational
outside world, and future expectations. culture is shaped by the main culture of the society
we live in, albeit with greater emphasis on
It is based on shared attitudes, beliefs, customs, particular parts of it.”
and written and unwritten rules that have been
developed over time and are considered valid. According to Abdi Osman Jama, “An organization is
a living culture that can adapt to the reality 4s fast
These shared values have a strong influence on the as possible.”
people in the organization and dictate how they
dress, act, and perform their jobs. Organizational, culture affects the organization’s
productivity and performance and provides
Every organization develops and maintains a guidelines on customer care and service, product
unique culture, which provides guidelines and quality and safety, attendance and punctuality, and
boundaries for the behavior of the members of the concern for the environment.
It also extends to production methods, marketing,
Organizational culture/corporate culture includes- and advertising practices, and to new product
 The ways the organization conducts its
business, treats its employees, customers, Organizational culture is unique for every
and the wider community, organization and one of the hardest things to
 The extent to which freedom is allowed in change. Corporate culture reflects the values,
decision making, developing new ideas, and beliefs, and attitudes that permeate a business.
personal expression,
 How power and information flow through Corporate culture is often referred to as “the
its hierarchy, and character of an organization” representing the
 How committed employees are towards collective behavior of people using common
collective objectives. corporate vision, goals, shared values, attitudes,
habits, working language, systems, and symbols.
Many Scholars had given the definition of
organizational culture. Some of the popular Corporate culture is interwoven with processes,
definitions are given below: technologies, learning, and significant events. It is a
total sum of the values, customs, traditions, and
According to Robbie Katanga, “Organizational meanings that make a company unique.
Culture is how organizations do things.”
expected to be accurate in their work. A culture
that places a high value on attention to detail
expects its employees to perform their work with
Characteristics of Organizational Culture precision. A culture that places a low value on this
characteristic does not.
As individuals come into contact with
organizations, they come into contact with dress Emphasis on Outcome (Achievement Orientation)
norms, stories people tell about what goes on, the
organization’s formal rules and procedures, its Companies that focus on results, but not on how
formal codes of behavior, rituals, tasks, pay the results are achieved, place a high emphasis on
systems, jargon, and jokes only understood by this value of organizational culture. A company
insiders and so on. that instructs its sales force to do whatever it takes
to get sales orders has a culture that places a high
value on the emphasis on outcome characteristics.
Organizational culture is composed of seven
characteristics that range in priority from high to Emphasis on People (Fairness Orientation)
low. Every organization has a distinct value for
each of these characteristics. Companies that place a high value on this
characteristic of organizational culture place a
Members of organizations make judgments on the great deal of importance on how their decisions
value their organization places on these will affect the people in their organizations. For
characteristics, and then adjust their behavior to these companies, it is important to treat their
match this perceived set of values. employees with respect and dignity.’

Characteristics of organizational culture are; Teamwork (Collaboration Orientation)

Companies that organize work activities around
 Innovation (Risk Orientation). teams instead of individuals place a high value on
 Attention to Detail (Precision Orientation). this characteristic of the organizational
 Emphasis on Outcome (Achievement culture. People who work for these types of
Orientation). companies tend to have a positive relationship
 Emphasis on People (Fairness Orientation). with their coworkers and managers.
 Teamwork (Collaboration Orientation).
 Aggressiveness (Competitive Orientation). Aggressiveness (Competitive Orientation)
 Stability (Rule Orientation).
This characteristic of organizational culture
Let’s examine each of these seven characteristics. dictates whether group members are expected to
be assertive or easygoing when dealing with
Innovation (Risk Orientation) companies they compete within the
marketplace. Companies with an aggressive culture
Companies with cultures that place a high value on place a high value on competitiveness and
innovation encourage their employees to take risks outperforming the competition at all costs.
and innovate in the performance of their
jobs. Companies with cultures that place a low Stability (Rule Orientation)
value on innovation expect their employees to do
their jobs the same way that they have been A company whose culture places a high value on
trained to do them, without looking for ways to stability is rule-oriented, predictable, and
improve their performance. bureaucratic in nature. These types of companies
typically provide consistent and predictable levels
Attention to Detail (Precision Orientation) of output and operate best in non-changing market
conditions. These are the seven characteristics that
This characteristic of organizational culture are common in the context of organizational
dictates the degree to which employees are
culture. Of course, it is true that the characteristics amongst themselves as well as the people outside
are not the same in all times and spheres. the organization.

Roles of Organizational Culture Let us understand the various types of organization

Culture plays an important role in organizations.
Some organizations which developed a strong  Normative Culture,
corporate culture, they increased their goodwill  Pragmatic Culture,
and got a good position in the market.  Academy Culture,
 Baseball Team Culture,
The various roles of organizational culture are  Club Culture,
given below:  Fortress Culture,
 Tough Guy Culture,
 Culture unites (brings together) employees  Bet your Company Culture,
by providing a sense of identity with the  Process Culture,
organization.  Power Culture,
 An informal control mechanism.  Role Culture,
 Facilitation of open communication.  Task Culture,
 Culture enables organizations to  Person Culture.
differentiate themselves from one another.
 Culture often generates commitment,
superseding personal interests.
 Culture sets organization norms, rules, and
standards. Thereby, culture enables
employees to function in an organization, Normative Culture
by teaching them how to behave.
 A shared understanding. In such a culture, the norms and procedures of the
organization are predefined and the rules and
 Culture becomes especially important in a
regulations are set as per the existing
program/project-based organization. In
guidelines. The employees behave in an ideal way
such an organization, the hierarchy is flat
and strictly adhere to the policies of the
and decision-making is moved to the
organization. No employee dares to break the rules
project/program purpose units and
and sticks to the already laid policies.
departments. In this context, culture
provides the guiding light towards the
Pragmatic Culture
achievement of goals and objectives.
 Enhanced mutual trust and cooperation.
In a pragmatic culture, more emphasis is placed on
 Fewer disagreements and more efficient
the clients and the external parties. Customer
decision-making processes.
satisfaction is the main motive of the employees in
 A strong sense of identification.
a pragmatic culture. Such organizations treat their
 Assisting employees in making sense of clients as Gods and do not follow any set rules.
their behaviors by providing justification for Every employee strives hard to satisfy his clients to
behaviors. expect maximum business from their
side.                                                                       ‘

Academy Culture

Types of Organization Culture Organizations following academy culture and hire

skilled individuals. The roles and responsibilities
The practices, principles, policies, and values of an are delegated according to the background,
organization form its culture. The culture of an educational qualification and work experience of
organization decides the way employees behave the employees. Organizations following academy
culture are very particular about training the
existing employees. They ensure that various them whenever required. The employees are
training programs are being conducted at the under constant watch in such a culture.
workplace to hone the skills of the employees. The
management makes sincere efforts to upgrade the Bet your Company Culture
knowledge of the employees to improve their
professional competence. The employees in an Organizations that follow bet your company
academy culture stick to the organization for a culture take decisions that involve a huge amount
longer duration and also grow within of risk and the consequences are also
it. Educational institutions, universities, hospitals, unforeseen. The principles and policies of such an
etc. practice such type of culture. organization are formulated to address sensitive
issues and it takes time to get the results.
Baseball Team Culture
Process Culture
A baseball team culture considers the employees
as the most treasured possession of the As the name suggests the employees in such a
organization. The employees are the true assets of culture adhere to the processes and procedures of
the organization who have a major role in its the organization. Feedbacks and performance
successful functioning. In such a culture, the reviews do not matter much in such organizations.
individuals always have an upper edge and they do The employees abide by the rules and regulations
not bother much about their organization. and work according to the ideologies of the
Advertising agencies, event management workplace. All government organizations follow
companies, financial institutions follow such a such a culture.

Club Culture

Organizations following a club culture are very Charles Handy, a leading authority on
particular about the employees they recruit. The organizational culture, defined four different kinds
individuals are hired as per their specialization, of culture:
educational qualification, and interests. Each one
does what he is the best. The high potential  Power culture
employees are promoted suitably and appraisals
 Role culture
are a regular feature of such a culture.
 Task culture
 Person culture
Fortress Culture
Power Culture
There are certain organizations where employees
are not very sure about their career and longevity.
In an organization with a power culture, power is
Such organizations follow fortress culture. The
held by just a few individuals whose influence
employees are terminated if the organization is not
spreads throughout the organization. There are
performing well. Individuals suffer the most when
few rules and regulations in a power culture. What
the organization is at a loss. Stockbroking
those with power decide is what happens.
industries follow such a culture.
Employees are generally judged by what they
achieve rather than how they do things or how
Tough Guy Culture
they act. A consequence of this can be quick
decision-making, even if those decisions aren’t in
In a tough-guy culture, feedbacks are essential. The
the best long-term interests of the organization. A
performance of the employees is reviewed from
power culture is usually a strong culture, though it
time to time and their work is thoroughly
can swiftly turn toxic.
monitored. Team managers are appointed to
discuss queries with the team members and guide
Role Culture
Organizations with a role culture are based on Although organizational cultures can develop in a
rules. They are highly controlled, with everyone in number of different ways, the process usually
the organization knowing what their roles and involves some version of the following steps:
responsibilities are. Power in a role culture is
determined by a person’s position (role) in the  A single person (founder) has an idea for a
organizational structure. Role cultures are built on new enterprise.
detailed organizational structures that are typically  The founder brings in one or more other
tall (not flat) with a long chain of command. A people and creates a core group that shares
consequence is that decision-making in role a common vision with the founder. That is,
cultures can often be painfully-slow and the all in this core group believe that the idea is
organization is less likely to take risks. In short, a good one, is workable, is worth running
organizations with role cultures tend to be very some risks for, and is worth the investment
bureaucratic. of time, money, and energy that will be
Task Culture  The founding core group begins to act in
concert to create an organization by raising
Task culture forms when teams in an organization funds, obtaining patents, incorporating,
are formed to address specific problems or locating space, building, and so on.
progress projects. The task is the important thing,  At this point, others are brought into the
so power within the team will often shift organization, and a common history begins
depending on the mix of the team members and to be built.
the status of the problem or project. Whether the  Most of today’s successful corporate giants
task culture proves effective will largely be in all industries basically followed these
determined by the team dynamic. With productive steps.
and creative, the right mix of skills, personalities
and leadership, working in teams. High vs. Low-Context Culture

Person Culture The concept of high- and low-context culture

relates to how an employee’s thoughts, opinions,
In an organization with person cultures, individuals feelings, and upbringing affect how they act within
very much see themselves as unique and superior a given culture.
to the organization. The organization simply exists
in order for people to work. An organization with a North America and Western Europe are generally
person’s culture is really just a collection of considered to have low-context cultures. Low-
individuals who happen to be working for the same context culture means that businesses in these
organization. places have direct, individualistic employees who
tend to base decisions on facts.

This type of businessperson wants specifies noted

in contracts and may have issues with trust.
How Organizational Cultures Start
High-context cultures are the opposite in that trust
Some organizational cultures may be the direct, or is the most important part of business dealings.
at least indirect, the result of actions taken by the There are areas in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa
founders. However, this is not always the that can be considered the high context.
case.Sometimes founders create weak cultures,
and if the organization is to Survive, a new top Organizations that have high-context cultures are
manager must be installed who will show the seeds collectivist and focus on interpersonal
for the necessary strong culture. relationships. Individuals from high-context
cultures might be interested in getting to know the
person they are conducting business with in order
to get a gut feeling on decision making.
They may also be more concerned about business 5 Steps to Building an Organizational Culture
teams and group success rather than individual
achievement. Cross-cultural adaptation occurs when people from
one culture move to a different culture, learning
the rules, societal norms, customs and language of
2. Organization Culture Versus Climate the new culture.

Organization Culture By bringing their existing thoughts, feelings,

     –The historical context within which a situation behaviors, and beliefs with them, a person will
occurs and the impact of this context on the integrate that into their new society while
behaviors of employees adjusting and accepting to the new standards,
          •Difficult to alter in the short-run thereby creating a multicultural person.
          •Means through which people in the
organization learn and communicate organization Person visiting foreign to leave behind barriers to
acceptability (values and norms) cultural adaptation knows that being in a new
place can be daunting.
Organization Climate
     –The current situations in an organization and Foreign scenery, as foreigners try to integrate with
the linkages among work groups, employees, and the local folk’s number of norms and even other
work performance languages, dialects often intimidate new arrivals to
          •Easier for management to manipulate in any foreign land.
order to directly affect the behavior of employees
========================================== For those willing to adapt, however, the rewards of
========================================== unifying with a new culture and people are
============== numerous.
Creating the Organization Culture
Here discussed the steps to building an
1.Establish Values organizational culture;
     –Strategic values
         *The basic beliefs about an organization’s 1. Teach It.
environment that shape its strategy. 2. Define It.
     –Cultural values 3. Live It.
          *The values that employees need to have 4. Measure It.
and act on for the organization to act on the 5. Reward It.
strategic values.
Teach It
2. Create Vision
     –Create a picture of the organization that The more and more effectively we teach people
portrays how the strategic and cultural values will what we are looking for in our culture, the more
combine to create the future. likely it will become the reality. Whatever
orientation and training work you’re doing, you
3. Initiate Implementation Strategies should talk about the kind of culture you’re going
     –Take actions founded on the strategic and after.
cultural values to accomplish the vision.
Describe the way you’d like things to be working.
4. Reinforce Cultural Behaviors Talk about the informal ways in which you envision
     –Use formal reward systems to encourage the group working together, the way you want the
desired employee behaviors customer experience to feel, etc.
     –Tell stories that epitomizing cultural values
     –Conduct ceremonies and rituals that Define It
emphasize right actions by employees
If you have a number of leaders running your
organization, you may not, immediately have full
agreement on what your desired culture is. In that with some definition of what fun means, you can
case, there must be a hard discussion amongst the measure it.
key decision makers so that you can reach a
consensus. Reward It

Putting the vision in writing is an essential element A common problem in every organization is the
of making it successful. mismatch between what it says it wants and
what’s rewarded. In some cases, the issue is just an
When the dialogue stays verbal only, it’s inevitable absence of rewards.
that everyone will leave the room with a different
version of what was agreed upon. Documenting it Companies say that want people to treat each
is far more likely to help you get where you want other well but those who do receive no
to go. recognition; they say that they want to have fun
but the only reward you get is you’re having fun;
Live It they say that they want people to learn but the
only reward is that they know more than before a
Culture is very little about what we say, and very seminar.
much about what we do. If we don’t live it, it’s
never going to play out as we want. The situation can be more extreme—
organizations that actually reward the opposite of
Organizational culture is built slowly over time, not the cultural behavior they say they’re seeking.
with a quick decision or the writing of a big check. They say they want to be generous, but they take
This is especially critical for the leaders in our for themselves first. They say that they want
organizations; the staff sees everything we do. teamwork, but pay bonuses based on individual
I remind myself that every action I take and every
word I speak will have an impact on how our No organization will ever perfectly align every
organizational culture develops. Pretending that reward with the behaviors we seek.
my words, actions, and attitudes don’t impact it
significantly would be to live in denial. But at least being cognizant of the key elements of
the cultural vision we’re going after and then
Read more: Organizational Culture: Definition, making sure that we recognize and reward those is
Characteristics, Roles, Types important.

Measure It
2. Organization Culture Versus Climate
Once we’ve identified the key elements of our
desired culture and written them down, we must Organization Culture
measure our success in making them a (cultural)      –The historical context within which a situation
reality. occurs and the impact of this context on the
behaviors of employees
Many will argue that you cannot measure things           •Difficult to alter in the short-run
like fun or supportiveness or camaraderie; I think           •Means through which people in the
you can. If you want to have a results-oriented organization learn and communicate organization
organization, you are more likely to succeed if you acceptability (values and norms)
measure your success at putting the culture into
place. Organization Climate
     –The current situations in an organization and
If you’re setting out to measure cultural the linkages among work groups, employees, and
characteristics like fun, remember that the work performance
judgment will be made by the participants in the           •Easier for management to manipulate in
organization. Once you have that mindset, along order to directly affect the behavior of employees
========================================== For those willing to adapt, however, the rewards of
========================================== unifying with a new culture and people are
============== numerous.
Creating the Organization Culture
Here discussed the steps to building an
1.Establish Values organizational culture;
     –Strategic values
         *The basic beliefs about an organization’s 1. Teach It.
environment that shape its strategy. 2. Define It.
     –Cultural values 3. Live It.
          *The values that employees need to have 4. Measure It.
and act on for the organization to act on the 5. Reward It.
strategic values.
Teach It
2. Create Vision
     –Create a picture of the organization that The more and more effectively we teach people
portrays how the strategic and cultural values will what we are looking for in our culture, the more
combine to create the future. likely it will become the reality. Whatever
orientation and training work you’re doing, you
3. Initiate Implementation Strategies should talk about the kind of culture you’re going
     –Take actions founded on the strategic and after.
cultural values to accomplish the vision.
Describe the way you’d like things to be working.
4. Reinforce Cultural Behaviors Talk about the informal ways in which you envision
     –Use formal reward systems to encourage the group working together, the way you want the
desired employee behaviors customer experience to feel, etc.
     –Tell stories that epitomizing cultural values
     –Conduct ceremonies and rituals that Define It
emphasize right actions by employees
If you have a number of leaders running your
5 Steps to Building an Organizational Culture organization, you may not, immediately have full
agreement on what your desired culture is. In that
Cross-cultural adaptation occurs when people from case, there must be a hard discussion amongst the
one culture move to a different culture, learning key decision makers so that you can reach a
the rules, societal norms, customs and language of consensus.
the new culture.
Putting the vision in writing is an essential element
By bringing their existing thoughts, feelings, of making it successful.
behaviors, and beliefs with them, a person will
integrate that into their new society while When the dialogue stays verbal only, it’s inevitable
adjusting and accepting to the new standards, that everyone will leave the room with a different
thereby creating a multicultural person. version of what was agreed upon. Documenting it
is far more likely to help you get where you want
Person visiting foreign to leave behind barriers to to go.
cultural adaptation knows that being in a new
place can be daunting. Live It

Foreign scenery, as foreigners try to integrate with Culture is very little about what we say, and very
the local folk’s number of norms and even other much about what we do. If we don’t live it, it’s
languages, dialects often intimidate new arrivals to never going to play out as we want.
any foreign land.
Organizational culture is built slowly over time, not
with a quick decision or the writing of a big check.
This is especially critical for the leaders in our first. They say that they want teamwork, but pay
organizations; the staff sees everything we do. bonuses based on individual performance.

I remind myself that every action I take and every No organization will ever perfectly align every
word I speak will have an impact on how our reward with the behaviors we seek.
organizational culture develops. Pretending that
my words, actions, and attitudes don’t impact it But at least being cognizant of the key elements of
significantly would be to live in denial. the cultural vision we’re going after and then
making sure that we recognize and reward those is
Read more: Organizational Culture: Definition, important.
Characteristics, Roles, Types
3. Approaches to Organizational Behavior Studies
Measure It
Approaches to Organizational Behavior Studies
Once we’ve identified the key elements of our
desired culture and written them down, we must Organizational Behavior relates to the relationship
measure our success in making them a (cultural) between employees and the employer in an
reality. organization .Both are working towards the
realization of the goals and objectives of any
Many will argue that you cannot measure things organization, and a close and fruitful coordination
like fun or supportiveness or camaraderie; I think between the two is one of the major factors
you can. If you want to have a results-oriented towards this realization. These experts studied and
organization, you are more likely to succeed if you attempted to quantify research done about the
measure your success at putting the culture into actions and reactions of employees, with regard to
place. their work environments.

If you’re setting out to measure cultural

characteristics like fun, remember that the
judgment will be made by the participants in the
organization. Once you have that mindset, along
There are 4 Approaches to Organizational
with some definition of what fun means, you can
Behavior studies;
measure it.
Organizational behavior approaches are a result of
Reward It
the research done by experts in this field. It is a
field that has begun developing only recently and
A common problem in every organization is the
new approaches and results are being expounded
mismatch between what it says it wants and
every day.
what’s rewarded. In some cases, the issue is just an
absence of rewards.
Human Resources Approach
Companies say that want people to treat each
This approach recognizes the fact that people are
other well but those who do receive no
the central resource in any organization and that
recognition; they say that they want to have fun
they should be developed towards higher levels of
but the only reward you get is you’re having fun;
competency, creativity, and fulfillment. People
they say that they want people to learn but the
thus contribute to the success of the
only reward is that they know more than before a
organization. The human resources approach is
also called as the supportive approach in the sense
that the manager’s role changes from control of
The situation can be more extreme—organizations
employee to active support of their growth and
that actually reward the opposite of the cultural
performance. The supportive approach contrasts
behavior they say they’re seeking. They say they
with the traditional management approach. In the
want to be generous, but they take for themselves
traditional approach, managers decided what
employees should do and closely monitored their The Systems Approach to OB views the
performance to ensure task accomplishment. In organization as a united, purposeful system
the human resources approach, the role of composed of interrelated parts. This approach
managers changes from structuring and controlling gives managers a way of looking at the
to supporting. organization as a whole, whole, person, whole
group, and the whole social system. In so doing,
Contingency Approach the systems approach tells us that the activity of
any segment of an organization affects, in varying
The contingency approach (sometimes called the degrees the activity of every other segment. A
situational approach) is based on the premise that systems view should be the concern of every
methods or behaviors which work effectively in person in an organization. The clerk at a service
One situation fail in another. For example; counter, the machinist, and the manager all work
Organization Development (OD) programs, way with the people and thereby influence the
work brilliantly in one situation but fail miserably in behavioral quality of life in an organization and its
another situation. Results differ because situations inputs. Managers, however, tend to have a larger
differ, the manager’s task, therefore, is to identify responsibility, because they are the ones who
which method will, in a particular situation, under make the majority are people oriented. The role of
particular circumstances, and at a particular time, managers, then, is to use organizational behavior
best contribute to the attainment of organization’s to help build an organizational culture in which
goals. The strength of the contingency approach talents are utilized and further developed, people
lies in the fact it encourages analysis of each are motivated, teams become productive,
situation prior to action while at the same time organizations achieve their goals and society reaps
discourages the habitual practice of universal the reward.
assumptions about methods and people. The
contingency approach is also more Inter-Disciplinary Approach
interdisciplinary, more system – oriented and more
research-oriented titan any other approach. Organizational behavior is an integration of all
other social sciences and disciplines such as
Productivity Approach psychology, sociology, organizational theories
etc. They all are interdependent and influence each
Productivity which is the ratio of output to input is other. The man is studied as a whole and
a measure of an organization’s effectiveness. It therefore, all disciplines concerning man are
also reveals the manager’s efficiency in optimizing integrated.
resource utilization. The higher the numerical value
of this ratio, the greater the efficiency. 4. Emerging Issues in Organization Culture:
Productivity is generally measured in terms of
economic inputs and outputs, but human and Emerging Issues in Organization Culture: 
social inputs and outputs also are important. For Innovation
example, if better organizational behavior can
improve job satisfaction, a human output or Innovation
benefit occurs. In the same manner, when      –The process of creating and doing new things
employee development programs lead to better that are introduced into the marketplace as
citizens in a community, a valuable social output products, processes, or services
occurs. Organizational behavior decisions typically
involve human, social, and/or economic issues, and
so productivity usually a significant part of these New Ventures
decisions is recognized and discusses extensively in 1.Require entrepreneurship and good
the literature on OB. management

Systems Approach 2.Intrapreneurship

     •Entrepreneurial activity that takes place within         •Substituting stories and myths that support
the context of a large organization the new cultural values for those that support old
3.Entrepreneur’s profile     –Culture can be difficult to change when upper
     •Need for achievement management inadvertently reverts to old
     •Desire to assume responsibility behaviors
     •Willing to take risks        •The Stability of Change
     •Focus on concrete results     –New values and beliefs must be seen as stable
and influential as old ones
Corporate Research     –Changing value systems requires enormous
     –Supports existing businesses to provide effort because value systems tend to be self-
incremental innovations and to explore potential reinforcing
new technology bases
     –Is responsible for keeping the company’s
products and processes technologically advanced 5. Ways of Managing Organizational Culture
     –Corporate culture can be instrumental in
fostering environment for creativity and innovation Ways of Managing Organizational Culture

Empowerment We highlighted in our last post that there are

     –Is enabling workers to set their own work plenty of frameworks for managing strategy,
goals, make decisions, solve problems within their talent, leadership, and performance, but not
sphere of responsibility and authority culture. Culture has been this elusive, mysterious
          •Appropriate Cultures (Goffee and Jones) subject. Survey action plans, engagement events or
    –Factors that may determine the appropriate programs, and other improvements fall short of
type of culture appropriate for an organization: building a strong culture foundation the entire
         •The nature of the value chain organization can understand and manage with
        •The dynamism of the environment clarity and speed. Most leaders of successful
cultures learn from experience and other mentors,
peers, or experts, how to piece together their
Taking Advantage of the Existing Culture improvement approaches because there isn’t a
     –Easier and faster to alter employee behaviors clear guide to follow. While some guides exist, they
within the existing culture than it is to change are not broadly known and applied like other
existing history, traditions, and values improvement disciplines. Every organization that
     –Managers must be aware and understand the excels at the building, reinforcing, and leveraging
organization’s values their unique culture in support of delivering
     –Managers can communicate their sustainable performance has built a strong “culture
understanding to lower-level individuals foundation.”

Teaching Organization Culture Steps of managing organizational culture;

     –Organizational socialization
          •Is the process through which employees 1. Evaluate your current culture and
learn about the firm’s culture and pass their performance,
knowledge and understanding on to others 2. Clarify your initial vision.
     –Organizational mechanisms 3. Clarify values and expected behaviors.
         •Are examples of organization culture that 4. Clarify strategic priorities.
employees see in more experienced employees’ 5. Engage your team in defining SMART goals.
behaviors 6. Clarify and track key measures,
     –Corporate pamphlets and formal training 7. Maintain a management system for
sessions priorities and goals.
8. Manage communication habits and
Changing the Organization Culture routines.
     –Managing symbols 9. Build motivation throughout the process.
Step 1 – Evaluate your current culture and Step 5 – Engage your team in defining SMART
performance goals

1. Define your 1-3 critical performance Engage your organization and utilize extensive
priorities – e.g. growth, profitability, feedback and prioritization to define the objectives
customer satisfaction, etc.; that support each strategic priority. These goals
2. identify your 3-5 value/behavior strengths need to define in a way to support the expected
and behaviors for the 1-2 weaknesses you identified
3. identify no more than 1-3 value/behavior from the Define steps.
weaknesses that are holding back your
organization from achieving its full For example, if accountability is a weakness, goals
potential with the performance priorities should include more disciplined plans, measures,
you defined. reviews, recognition, and other approaches to
support the behavior you need.
Step 2 – Clarify your initial vision
Goals also need translating to all levels in larger
Define your vision for improving results with only organizations so people understand how to work
one or two of the performance priorities from step on their goals and measures impacts the broader
No. 1 and how you will build a culture advantage organization.
by leveraging the value/behavior strengths and
improving the weaknesses. Step 6 – Clarify and track key measures

Clearly, communicate how you will work together Identify a small number of overall measures that
to improve the weak areas since they are holding support one or two top performance priorities
your organization back from supporting your from the Define steps. It may help to have one
purpose and stakeholders. highly visible “unifying metric” even if some
employees don’t directly influence it.
Step 3 – Clarify values and expected behaviors
Step 7 – Maintain a management system for
Define supporting expected behaviors for the 1-3 priorities and goals
weaknesses that you identified in step #1.
Most organizations have a system to track or
These behaviors would be consistently exhibited in monitor the status of priorities and goals. These
your organization if you were “living your values.” reviews need adjusting to focus additional time
People interpret values from their own perspective and attention on the top performance priorities
so define expected behaviors like Zappos, The and value/behavior shifts identified in the Define
Container Store, and others. steps.

Step 4 – Clarify strategic priorities The focus must be on results and supporting the
behavior shift through recognition, coaching,
Define and clearly share the 3-5 actionable removing barriers, etc.
strategic priorities that your organization will focus
on to support the 1-2 performance priorities Step 8 – Manage communication habits and
included in your initial vision from the Define steps. routines

If the performance priority is growth, will it be Transparent, genuine and consistent

achieved through new products or services, revised communication is needed about your performance
sales strategies, growth with current customers, or improvement journey and the role of culture so all
other strategies. employees feel part of the process.

Employees want and need to understand the big Regularly scheduled sessions with two-way
picture. communication and extensive informal approaches
are needed to emphasize expected behaviors and
results. Use these sessions to clarify plans, answer change with the culture and, if possible,
questions, expose rumors and reduce drama. take these losses early.
 Move quickly and decisively to build
Step 9 – Build motivation throughout the process momentum and to defuse resistance to the
new culture.
Feedback and recognition are critical to the  Stay the course by being persistent.
Also, organizations attempting to change their
Share and celebrate progress in a transparent culture must be careful not to abandon their roots
manner as a standard part of regular and blindly abandon their core, but distinctive,
communication activities. Confront reality when competencies.
improvements don’t go as planned and re-engage
your team to prioritize adjustments. Cultural Variables (Identified by Harris and

Culture, therefore, is moral, intellectual and

spiritual discipline for advancement, in accordance
Guidelines for Changing Culture with the norms and values based on accumulated
Despite the significant barriers and resistance to
change, organizational cultures can be managed It is a system of learned behavior shared by and
and changed over time. This attempt to change the transmitted among the members of the group.
culture “can take many different forms. There are so many cultural variables that were
identified by Harris and Moran.
The organizations and managers in the global
relations “must learn to communicate across the These are;
cultural divide; each must understand that the
other perceives and interacts in a fundamentally  Kinship.
different way.  Education.
 Economy.
Three-fourths of companies believe their alliances  Politics.
failed because of an incompatibility of the country  Religion.
and corporate cultures. Simple guidelines such as  Associations.
the following can be helpful;  Health.
 Recreation.
 Assess the current culture.
 Set realistic goals that impact the bottom Kinship
 Recruit outside personnel with industry A kinship system is a system adopted by a given
experience, so that they are able to interact society to guide family relationships.
well with the organizational personnel.
 Make changes from the top down, so that a Education
consistent message is delivered from all
management team members. The formal or informal education of workers in a
 Include employees in the culture change foreign firm, received from whatever source,
process, especially when making changes in greatly affects the expectations placed on those
rules and processes. workers in the workplace.  ‘
 Take out all trappings that remind the
personnel of the previous culture.
 Expect to have some problems and find
Whatever the economic system, the means of
people who would rather move than
production and distribution (and the resulting
effects on individuals and groups) have a powerful The reason an organization can deliver good or bad
influence on such organizational processes as customer service comes down to one thing; what is
sourcing, distribution, incentives, and repatriation happening on the inside of that organization.
of capital.
To sum it up in one word; culture. The culture
Politics inside of the organization is impacting customer
The system of government in a society, whether
democratic, Communist, or dictatorial, imposes It’s more than just hiring the right people, and it’s
varying constraints on an organization and its more than customer service training.
freedom to do business. ”
At the same time, it’s simple. It’s just setting an
Religion example of customer service behavior at the top,
and. pushing its way, through all employees,
The spiritual beliefs of a society are often so toward the customer.
powerful that they transcend other cultural
aspects. Starting at the top means that leadership and
management must set the tone.
Then, they must practice what they preach. They
Many and various types of associations arise out of must treat employees like they want the customer
the formal and informal groups that make up a treated – even better, just, to accentuate the
society. point.

Health This is where the customer-focused culture begins.

It starts with people who want to do the right
The system of health care in a country affects thing.
employee productivity, expectations, and attitudes
toward physical fitness and its role in the From that point, we can layer on customer service
workplace. training that focuses on creating an amazing place
to work.
Here are the ways that you can create a customer-
Closely related to other cultural factors, recreation responsive organizational culture:
includes the way in which people use their leisure
time, as well as their attitudes toward leisure and  Management must make the measurement
their choice of whom to socialize with. of service quality and feedback from the
customer a basic part of everyone’s work
Actually it is a Collective heritage learned by experience. This information must be
individuals and parsed from one generation to available and understood by everyone, no
another. matter what their level. The entire
organization must become obsessed with
The individual receives culture as part of the social what the customer wants.
heritage and in turn, may reshape the culture and  Be very clear about specifying the behavior
introduce changes which then become part of the that employees are expected to deliver,
heritage of succeeding generations. both with external customers and their
 Explain why giving excellent customer
service is important not only for the
company but for the world. What does your
Ways of Creating Customer Responsive company do that makes life easier for
Organizational Culture everyone? What does your product or
service add? Be sure to include this in the Selection
reasons for achieving customer service
excellence. The first such practice is the careful selection of
 Create ways to communicate excellent candidates. Standardized procedures should be
examples of customer service both within used to hire the right people for the right jobs.
and outside the company. Institute Trained personnel interview the candidates and
celebrations, recognition ceremonies, attempt to screen out those whose personal styles
logos, and symbols of the customer service and values do not fit with the organization’s
culture and its values. This is where you culture.By identifying the candidates who can
want the mugs, buttons, and banners. Have culturally match the organizational culture,
a customer service bulletin board to feature selection helps sustain culture to a large
service incidents that were special. Seize extent. Additionally, the selection process provides
every opportunity to publicize the times to the applicants, information about the
when employees do it right. organizational culture. If the applicants perceive a
 Indoctrinate and train everyone in the conflict between their values and values of the
culture as soon as they are hired. It puts all organization, they can themselves decide not to
newcomers through a “traditions” course join the organization.
that details the company history with
customer relations. Top Management
 Encourage a sense of responsibility for
group performance. Help employees see The actions of top management also have a major
how their performance affects others. impact on the organization’s culture. Through what
Emphasize the importance of “internal they say, how do they behave senior executives
customer service.” establish norms that filter through the organization
 Establish policies that are “customer- as to whether risk-taking is desirable, how much
friendly” and that show concern for your freedom managers should give to their
customers. Eliminate all routine and rigid subordinates, what is the appropriate dress code,
policies and guidelines. ‘ what actions will pay off in terms of pay raise,
 Remove any employees who do not show promotions, and other rewards and the like.
the behavior necessary to please
customers. Too many companies allow Socialization
frontline service representatives to remain
on the job when they are not suited to a The organization may have done a very good job in
customer service position. the recruitment and selection of the employees,
but sometimes the employees are still not
In order for a culture of customer service indoctrinated in the organization’s culture. Since
excellence to grow and thrive, management must these persons are not familiar with the
have a burning desire for it to be that way and the organization’s culture they are most likely to
energy to ensure that this desire spreads disturb the existing beliefs and customs of the
throughout the organization and remains there organization. Therefore, it is very essential for the
permanently. organization to help new employees adapt to its
culture. This adaptation process is called
How to Keep the Culture Alive in your ‘Socialization’.
Once a culture is in place, there are practices
within the organization that act to maintain it by 1. Organizational Behavior
giving employees a set of similar experiences.
Organizational Behavior: Definition, Importance,
Some important practices which help to sustain the Nature
culture strengthening organizational culture are as
depicted in the following diagram:
Organizational Behavior (OB) is Failure of scientific management gave
the study of human behavior in birth to the human relations
organizational settings, the interface movement which is characterized by a
between human behavior and the heavy emphasis on employee
organization, and the organization cooperation and morale.
itself. Organizational Behavior
researchers study the behavior of Human Relations Movement from the
individuals primarily in their 1930’s to 1950’s contributed to shaping
organizational roles. One of the main the Organizational Behavior studies.
goals of organizational behavior is to
revitalize organizational theory and Works of scholars like Elton Mayo,
develop a better conceptualization of Chester Barnard, Henri Fayol, Mary
organizational life. As a multi- Parker Follett, Frederick Herzberg,
disciplinary field, organizational Abraham Mas low, David Mc Cellan
behavior has been influenced by and Victor Vroom contributed to the
developments in a number of allied growth of Organisational Behaviour as
disciplines including sociology, a discipline.
psychology, economics, and
Works of scholars like Elton Mayo,
engineering as well as by the
Chester Barnard, Henri Fayol, Mary
experience of practitioners.
Parker Follett, Frederick Herzberg,
Abraham Maslow, David Mc Cellan
Origin of Organizational Behaviour and Victor Vroom contributed to the
can trace its roots back to Max Weber growth of Organisational Behaviour as
and earlier organizational studies. a discipline.

The Industrial Revolution is the period Herbert Simon’s Administrative

from approximately 1760 when new Behavior introduced a number of
technologies resulted in the adoption important concepts to the study of
of new manufacturing techniques, organizational behavior, most notably
including increased mechanization. decision making.

The industrial revolution led to Simon along with Chester Barnard;

significant social and cultural change, argued that people make decisions
including new forms of organization. differently in organizations than
outside of them. Simon was awarded
Analyzing these new organizational the Nobel Prize in Economics for his
forms, sociologist Max Weber work on organizational decision
described bureaucracy as an ideal type making.
of organization that rested on rational-
legal principles and maximized In the 1960s and 1970s, the field
technical efficiency. became more quantitative and
produced such ideas as the informal
In the 1890’s; with the arrival of organization, and resource
scientific management and Taylorism, dependence. Contingency theory,
Organizational Behavior Studies was institutional theory, and organizational
forming it as an academic discipline. ecology also enraged.
Starting in the 1980s, cultural revolve around the nature of people
explanations of organizations and and organizations.
organizational change became areas of
study. Such basic concepts are not specific to
the field of OB.
Informed by anthropology, The fundamental concepts of
psychology, and sociology, qualitative organizational behavior are;
research became more acceptable in
OB.  Individual Differences.

The organizations in which people  Perception.

work have an effect on their thoughts,
feelings, and actions. These thoughts,  A Whole Person.
feelings, and actions, in turn, affect the
 Motivated Behavior.
organization itself.
 The desire for Involvement.
Organizational behavior studies the
mechanisms governing these  The value of the Person.
interactions, seeking to identify and
foster behaviors conducive to the  Human Dignity.
survival and effectiveness of the
organization.  Organizations are Social System.

1. Job Satisfaction.  Mutuality of Interest.

2. Finding the Right People.
3. Organizational Culture.  Holistic Concept.
4. Leadership and Conflict
Resolution. In every field of social science or even
5. Understanding Employees physical science, has a philosophical
Better. foundation of basic concepts that guide
6. Understand how to Develop its development. There are certain
Good Leaders. philosophical concepts in
7. Develop a Good Team. organizational behavior also.
8. Higher Productivity.
Individual Differences
These 8 objectives of organizational
behavior show that OB is concerned Every individual in the world is
with people within the organization, different from others. Science supports
how they are interacting, what is the this idea. Each person is different from
level of their satisfaction, the level of all others, probably in a million ways,
motivation, and find ways to improve just as each’s DNA profile is
it in a way the yields most productivity. different. The idea of the individual
difference comes originally from
Fundamental Concepts of Organizational Behavior psychology. From the day of birth,
each person is unique, and personal
Organization Behavior is based on a experiences after birth tend to make
few fundamental concepts which people even more different.
Perception they know and to learn from the
experience. So, the organization
Peoples’ perceptions are also different should provide them a chance to
when they see an object. Two people express their opinions, ideas, and
can differently present the same suggestions for the decision-making
object. And this is occurring for their problem. A meaningful involvement
experiences. A person always organizes can bring mutual benefit to both
and interprets what he sees according parties.
to his lifetime of experience and
accumulated value. Employees also see Value of the Person
work differently for differ in their
personalities, needs, demographics An employee wants to be treated
factors, past experiences, and social separately from another factor of
surroundings. production, (land, capital, labor). They
refuse to accept the old idea that they
are just treated as economic tools
A Whole Person because they are the best creation of
Almighty Allah. For this, reason, they
An employee’s personal life is not want to be treated with carrying
detached from his working life. As an respect, dignity and other things from
example, A women who attend the their employers and society.
office at 9:00 AM is always anxious for
her children’s school time (if her kids Human Dignity
can participate in the school or
not). As a result, its impact falls on her This concept is very philosophical.
concentration that means her working Every person needs to be treated with
life. For this reason, we cannot dignity and respect, whether it’s the
separate it. So the manager should CEO of the company or labor. It
treat an employee as a whole person. confirms that people are to be treated
differently from other factors of
Motivated Behavior production because they are of a
higher order in the
An employee has so many needs inside recognizes human dignity because
him. So, they want to fulfill those people are of a higher order; they want
needs. That’s why; they had to perform to be treated with respect and dignity
well in the organization. Some and should be treated this way.
motivations are necessary to enrich the
quality of work. A path toward Organizations are Social System
increased need fulfillment is the better
way to enhances the quality of work. From sociology, we learn that
organizations are social systems;
Desire for Involvement consequently, activities therein are
governed by social laws as well as
Every employee is actively seeking psychological laws. Just as people have
opportunities to work to involve in psychological needs, they also have
decision-making problems. They social roles and status. Their behavior
hunger for the chance to share what is influenced by their group as well as
by their drives. In fact, two types of rather than in terms of an isolated
social systems exist side by side in event or problems.
organizations. One is a formal system,
and the other is the informal social 2. Importance of Organizational
system. Behavior

Mutuality of Interest

Mutual interest is represented by the

statement that organizations need
people and people also need
organizations. Organizations have a
human purpose. They are formed and
maintained by some mutuality of
interest among their Organizations can have a powerful influence
participants. People see organizations on our lives:
as a means to help them reach their
goals, while at the same –Most people are born and educated in
time, organizations need people to organizations
help achieve organizational –Most people acquire most of their
objectives. If mutuality is lacking, it material possessions from
makes no sense to try to assemble a organizations
group and develop cooperation, –Most people die as members of
because there is no common base on organizations
which to build. Mutual interest –Many of our activities are regulated
provides a super-ordinate goal that by governmental organizations
unites the variety of needs that people –Most people spend most of their lives
bring to organizations. The result is in organizations
that people are encouraged to attack
Organizational Behavior and Management:
organizational problems rather than
Why Study OB?
each other.
1. Studying organizational behavior
Holistic Concept
can clarify factors that affect how
When the fundamental concepts of OB managers manage by:
are placed together, a holistic concept      –Describing the complex human
emerges. This concept interprets context of organizations
people-organization relationships      –Defining the associated
regarding the whole person, the whole opportunities, problems, challenges,
group, whole organization, and the and issues
whole social system.It takes across the      –Isolating important aspects of the
board view of people in organizations manager’s job
to understand as many as possible of      –Offering specific perspectives on
the factors that influence their the human side of management
behavior.  Issues are analyzed in terms
of the total situation affecting them 2. Studying OB helps managers
     –The behaviors of others in the make organizations work more
organization effectively. It is concerned with the
          •Personal needs, motives, study of what people do in an
behaviors, feelings and career organization and how that behavior
dynamics affects the performance of the
          •Attitudinal processes, organization. There is increasing
individual differences, group agreement as to the components of
dynamics, inter group dynamics, OB. But there is still considerable
organization culture, power, debate as to the relative importance of
and political behavior each; motivation, leader
      –Interactions with people outside behavior and power, interpersonal
of the organization and other communication, group structure and
organizations processes, learning, attitude
      –The environment, technology, and development, and perception, change
global issues processes, conflict, work design, and
work stress. It is also important
because it focuses on the following
The reason Organizational Behavior areas. It is also important because it
studies are uniquely useful for focuses on the following areas. OB
succeeding as a leader of a large draws heavily from behavioral and
business (or other organization). OB social sciences, most importantly from
teaches you what makes people make psychology.
decisions, why employees are not
motivated to do what you want them to It studies the interrelation between an
do and why people are productive or individual and an organization in the
not productive. Making good decisions following ways:
and creating an environment where
people can be creative and motivated, 1. OB helps to learn about thyself
are very important for a successful and how to deal with others
business. 2. Organizational Behavior is a way
of thinking.
So studying and understanding 3. Organizational Behavior is
Organizational Behavior is one of the multidisciplinary and it helps us
truly important ingredients of business multiple ways.
success. Organizational Behavior 4. There is a distinctly humanistic
studies power and organizational orientation with OB.
politics. If you don’t understand these 5. The field of organizational
topics, you will struggle as an behavior is performance-
employee, especially in large oriented.
organizations. Stanford professor Jeff 6. Organizational Behavior satisfies
Pfeffer has summarized the status of the need to understand and
the Organizational Behavior approach predict.
to real-world management as a “one- 7. It helps us to test personal
eighth” situation, and “the knowing- theories.
doing gap”. OB applies the knowledge 8. OB helps the managers to
gained from individuals, groups, and understand the basis of
the effect of structure on behavior to
motivation and what he should how to predict behavior and
do to motivate his subordinates. apply in some meaningful way to
9. OB helps to maintain cordial make organizations more
industrial relations which help to effective.
increase the overall productivity
of the industry. OB has a great impact on individuals
10. The subject of organizational and also in organizations that cannot
behavior is useful in the field of be ignored. To run the businesses
marketing. effectively and efficiently, the study of
11. This helps greatly in improving organizational behavior is very
bur inter-personal relations in essential.
the organizations. Friendly and
cordial relations between 3. Organizational Behavior and the
employees and management and Manager’s Job
also among the employees create
a congenial work environment in Organizational Behavior and the
organizations. Manager’s Job
12. It helps managers apply
appropriate motivational
techniques by the nature of
individual employees who exhibit
a glaring difference in many
respects. Important Managerial Roles
13. One of the basic characteristics of
Category Role
OB is that it is human. So to say, Interpersonal Figurehead
OB tackles human problems Leader
humanely. It helps understand Liaison
the cause of the problem, Informational Monitor
predicts is the future course of Disseminator
action and controls its evil Spokesperson
consequences. Decision-Making Entrepreneur
14. Another popular reason for Disturbance handler
studying OB is to learn how to Resource allocator
predict human behavior ‘ and, Negotiator
then, apply it in some useful way
to make the organization more
effective. 4. Contemporary Organizational
15. OB implies that the effective Behavior
utilization of people working in
the organization guarantees the Contemporary Organizational
success of the organization. Behavior
16. The most popular reason for
studying organizational behavior Characteristics of the Field
is that the reader is interested in      –Interdisciplinary in focus
pursuing a career in      –Descriptive in nature
management and wants to learn
Basic Concepts of the Field
     1.Individual processes Culture consists of all learned,
     2.Interpersonal processes normative behavior patterns – that is
     3.Organizational all shared ways or patterns of thinking
processes/characteristics and feeling as well as doing.
The Systems Perspective
Word ‘culture’ comes from the Latin
System word ‘cultura’ which is related to cult
     –An interrelated set of elements or worship. In its broadest sense, the
that function  as a whole—inputs are term refers to the result of human
combined/transformed  by managers interaction.
into outputs from the system
The culture of society comprises the
Value of the Systems Perspective shared values, understandings,
     –Underscores the importance of an assumptions, and goals that are
organization’s environment learned from earlier generations,
     –Conceptualizes the flow and imposed by present members of
interaction of various elements of the society, and passed on to succeeding
organization. generations.

The Situational Perspective Sometimes an individual is described

as a highly cultured person, meaning
The Situational Perspective thereby that the person in question has
     –Recognizes that most certain features such as his/her
organizational situations and speech, manner, and taste for
outcomes are influenced by other literature, music or painting which
variables distinguish him from others.

The Universal Model Culture, in this sense, refers to certain

     –Presumes a direct cause-and- personal characteristics of an
effect linkage between variables individual.
     –Complexities of human behavior
and organizational settings make However, this is not the sense in which
universal conclusions virtually the word culture is used and
impossible understood in social sciences.

Managing for Effectiveness Sometimes culture is used in popular

discourse to refer to a celebration or an
Managers work toward evening of entertainment, as when one
accomplishing the various goals speaks of a ‘cultural show’. In this
(outcomes) that exist at specific sense, culture is identified with
levels in an organization: aesthetics or the fine arts such as
     –Individual-level outcomes dance, music or drama.
     –Group-level outcomes
     –Organizational-level  outcomes This is also different from the technical
1. The Nature of Organization Culture meaning of the word culture.

Culture: Definition, Functions, Characteristics,

Elements of Culture
Culture is used in a special sense in and responding to the social realities
anthropology and sociology. It refers to around them”.
the sum of human beings’ lifeways,
their behavior, beliefs, feelings, According to R. Linton, “A culture is a
thought; it connotes everything that is configuration of learned behaviors and
acquired by them as social beings. results of behavior whose component
Culture has been defined in a number elements are shared and transmitted
of ways. by the members of a particular
There is no consensus among
sociologists and anthropologists According to G. Hofstede, “Culture is
regarding the definition of culture. the collective programming of the
mind which distinguishes the
There are some writers who add to members of one category of people
these definitions some of the from another.”
important” other capabilities and
habits” such as language and the According to H.T. Mazumdar, “Culture
techniques for making and using tools. is the sum total of human
achievements, material as well as non-
What is Culture? material, capable of transmission,
sociologically, i.e., by tradition and
Culture has been defined in a number communication, vertically as well as
of ways, but most simply, as the horizontally”.
learned and shared the behavior of a
community of interacting human Actually, culture is defined as the
beings. shared patterns of behaviors and
interactions, cognitive constructs, and
According to British anthropologist affective understanding that are
Edward Taylor, “Culture is that learned through a process of,
complex whole which includes socialization. These shared patterns
knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, identify the members of a cultural
custom and any other capabilities and group while also distinguishing those
habits acquired by man as. a member of another group.
of society”.
Functions of Culture
According to Phatak, Bhagat, and
Kashlak, “Culture is a concept that has We will review the functions that
been used in several social science culture performs and assess whether
disciplines to explain variations in culture can be a liability for an
human thought processes in different organization. Culture performs a
parts of the world.”         ‘ number of functions within an
According to J.P. Lederach, “Culture is
the shared knowledge and schemes  First, it has a boundary-defining
created by a set of people for role; that is, it creates
perceiving, interpreting, expressing, distinctions between one
organization and another.
 Second, it conveys a sense of There is also evidence that these
identity for organization dominant cultures can have a positive
members. impact on desirable outcomes such as
 Third, culture facilitates the successfully conducting mergers and
generation of commitment to acquisitions supporting product
something larger than one’s – innovation processes, and helping
individual self-interest. firms cope with rapid economic and
 Fourth, it enhances the stability technological change.
of the social system. Culture is
the social glue that helps hold the Culture has various characteristics.
organization together by From various definitions, we can
providing appropriate standards deduce the following characteristics of
for what employees should say culture:
and do.
 Finally, culture serves as a sense-  Learned Behavior.
making and control mechanism  Culture is Abstract.
that guides and shapes the  Culture Includes Attitudes,
attitudes and behavior of Values, and Knowledge.
employees. It is this last function,  Culture also Includes Material
that is of particular interest to us. Objects.
 Culture is Shared by the
The role of culture in influencing Members of Society.
employee behavior appears to be  Culture is Super-Organic.
increasingly important in today’s  Culture is Pervasive.
workplace.  Culture is a Way of Life.
 Culture is Idealistic.
As organizations have widened spans  Culture is Transmitted among
of control, flattened structures Members of Society.
introduced, teams reduced  Culture is Continually Changing.
formalization and empowered  Language is the Chief Vehicle of
employees. The shared meaning Culture.
provided by a strong culture ensures  Culture is Integrated.
that everyone is pointed in the same  Culture is Dynamic.
direction.  Culture is Transmissive.
 Culture Varies from Society to
1.1. Characteristics of Culture Society.
 Culture is Gratifying.
Characteristics of Culture
Learned Behavior
All organizations have the culture in
the sense that they are embedded in Not all behavior is learned, but most of
specific societal cultures and are part it is learned; combing one’s hair,
of them. standing in line, telling jokes,
criticizing the President and going to
Some values create a dominant culture the movie, all constitute behaviors that
in the organizations that help guide the had to be learned.
day to day behavior of employees.
Sometimes the terms conscious Man’s behavior results in creating
learning and unconscious learning are objects.
used to distinguish the learning.
Men were behaving when they made
Some behavior is obvious. People can these things. To make these objects
be seen going to football games, eating required numerous and various skills
with forks, or driving automobiles. which human beings gradually built up
Such behavior is called “overt” through the ages. Man has invented
behavior. Other behavior is less visible. something else and so on.
Culture is Abstract Occasionally one encounters the view
that man does not really “make” steel
Culture exists in the minds or habits of or a battleship.
the members of society. Culture is the
shared ways of doing and thinking. All these things first existed in a “state
There are degrees of visibility of nature”.
cultural behavior, ranging from the
regularized activities of persons to The man merely modified their form,
their internal reasons for so doing. changed them from a state in which
they were to the state in which he now
In other words, we cannot see culture uses them. The chair was first a tree
as, such we can only see human which man surely did not make. But
behavior. This behavior occurs in the chair is’ more than trees and the jet
regular, patterned fashion and it is airplane is more than iron ore and so
called culture. forth.
Culture Includes Attitudes, Values, and Knowledge Culture is Shared by the Members of Society

There is a widespread error in the The patterns of learned behavior and

thinking of many people who tend to the results of behavior are possessed
regard the ideas, attitudes, and notions not by one or a few people, but usually
which they have as “their own”. by a large proportion.
It is easy to overestimate the Thus, many millions of persons share
uniqueness of one’s own attitudes and such behavior patterns as the use of
ideas. When there is an agreement automobiles or the English language.
with other people it is largely Persons may share some part of a
Unnoticed, but when there is a culture unequally.
disagreement or difference one is
usually conscious of it. Sometimes the people share different
aspects of culture.
Your differences, however, may also be
cultural. For example, suppose you are Culture is Super-Organic
a Muslim and the other person is a
Christian. Culture is sometimes called super
organic. It implies that “culture” is
Culture also Includes Material Objects somehow superior to “nature”. The
word super-organic is useful when it
implies that what may be quite a For example, adolescent cultural
different phenomenon from a cultural behavior can be generalized from
point of view. regularities in dress, mannerism, and
conversation. Implicit culture exists in
For example, a tree means different abstract forms which are not quite
things to the botanist who studies it, obvious.
the old woman who uses it for shade in
the late summer afternoon, the farmer Culture is Idealistic
who picks its fruit, the motorist who
collides with it and the young lovers Culture embodies the ideals and norms
who carve their initials in its trunk. of a group. It is sum-total of the ideal
patterns and norms of behavior of a
The same physical objects and physical group. Culture consists of the
characteristics, in other words, may intellectual, artistic and social ideals
constitute a variety of quite different and institutions which the members of
cultural objects and cultural the society profess and to which they
characteristics. strive to confirm.

Culture is Pervasive Culture is Transmitted among Members of Society

Culture is pervasive it touches every The cultural ways are learned by

aspect of life. The pervasiveness of persons from persons.
culture is manifest in two ways.
Many of them are “handed down” by
First, culture provides an one’s elders, by parents, teachers, and
unquestioned context within which others. Other cultural behaviors are
individual action and response take “handed up” to elders. Some of the
place. Not only emotional action but transmission of culture is among
relational actions are governed by contemporaries.
cultural norms.
For example, the styles of dress,
Second, culture pervades social political views, and the use of recent
activities and institutions. labor-saving devices. One does not
acquire a behavior pattern
Culture is a Way of Life spontaneously.
Culture means simply the “way of life” He learns it. That means that someone
of a people or their “design for a teaches him and he learns. Much of the
living.” Kluckhohn and Kelly define it learning process both for the teacher
in his sense”, A culture is a historically and the learner is quite unconscious,
derived system of explicit and implicit unintentional, or accidental.
designs for living, which tends to be
shared by all or specially designed Culture is Continually Changing
members of a group”.
There is one fundamental and
Explicit culture refers to similarities in inescapable attribute (special quality)
word and action which can be directly of culture, the fact of unending change.
Some societies sometimes change And because cultures are integrated, if
slowly, and hence in comparison to one component in the system changes,
other societies seem not to be changing it is likely that the entire system must
at all. But they are changing, even adjust.
though not obviously so.
Culture is Transmissive
Language is the Chief Vehicle of Culture
Culture is transmissive as it is
Man lives not only in the present but transmitted front one generation to
also in the past and future. another.

He is able to do this because he Language is the main vehicle of

possesses language which transmits to culture. Language in different forms
him what was learned in the past and makes it possible for the present
enables him to transmit the generation to understand the
accumulated wisdom to the next achievement of earlier generations.
Transmission of culture may take place
A specialized language pattern serves by imitation as well as by instruction.
as a common bond to the members of
Culture Varies from Society to Society
a particular group or subculture.

Although culture is transmitted in a Every society has a culture of its own.

variety of ways, language is one of the It differs from society to society. The
most important vehicles for culture of every society is unique to
perpetuating cultural patterns. itself. Cultures are not uniform.

Culture is Integrated Cultural elements like customs,

traditions, morals, values, beliefs are
This is known as holism, or the various not uniform everywhere. Culture
parts of a culture being varies from time to time also.
Culture is Gratifying
All aspects of a culture are related to
one another and to truly understand a Culture provides proper opportunities
culture, one must learn about all of its for the satisfaction of our needs and
parts, not only a few. desires.

Culture is Dynamic Our needs both biological and social

are fulfilled in cultural ways. Culture
This simply means that cultures determines and guides various
interact and change. activities of man. Thus, culture is
defined as the process through which
Because most cultures are in contact human beings satisfy their wants.
with other cultures, they exchange
ideas and symbols. All cultures change, So we can easily say that culture has
otherwise, they would have problems various features which embodied it in
adapting to changing environments.
an important position in organizations  It permits a clearer
and other aspects too. understanding of the situation.
 It provides direct access to local
1.2. Elements of Culture people.
 Understanding of implied
Elements of Culture
Culture is transmitted to employees in
Religion: The spiritual beliefs of a
a number of ways. The most significant
society are often so powerful that they
are stories, rituals, material symbols,
transcend other cultural aspects.
and language.
Religion affect-
The culture of society also comprises
 The work habit of people
the shared values, understandings,
 Work and social customs
assumptions, and goals that are
 Politics and business
learned from earlier generations,
imposed by present members of Norms
society, and passed on to succeeding
generations. Cultures differ widely in their norms,
or standards and expectations for
There are some elements of culture behaving. Norms are often divided into
about which the managers of two types, formal norms, and informal
international operation should be norms.
aware of.
Formal norms, also called mores and
 Languages, laws, refer to the standards of behavior
 Norms, considered the most important in any
 Symbols, society.
 Values,
 Attitude, Informal norms, also called folkways
 Rituals, and customs, refer to standards of
 Customs and Manners, behavior that are considered less
 Material Culture, important but still influence how we
 Education, behave.
 Physical Artifacts,
 Language, Jargons, and Symbols

Every culture is filled with symbols, of
 Stories, Myths, and Legends,
things that stand for something else
 Ceremonies and Celebrations,
and that often suggests various
 Behavioral Norms, and
reactions and emotions.
 Shared Beliefs and Values.
Some symbols are actually types of
nonverbal communication, while other
It is a primary means used to transmit symbols are in fact material objects.
information and ideas. Knowledge of
local language can help because-
Values are a society’s ideas about what It consists of objects that people make.
is good or bad, right or wrong – such Like-
as the widespread belief that stealing is
immoral and unfair.  Economic infrastructure
(transportation, communication
Values determine how individuals will and energy capabilities)
probably respond in any given  Social infrastructure (Health,
circumstances housing, and education systems)
 Financial infrastructure
Attitude (Banking, insurance and
financial services)
Attitude is a persistent tendency to feel
and behave in a particular way. Education

Actually it is the external displays of It influences many aspects of culture.

underlying beliefs that people use to
signal to other people. Actually, culture is the entire
accumulation of artificial objects,
conditions, tools, techniques, ideas,
symbols and behavior patterns
Rituals are processes or sets of actions
peculiar to a group of people,
that are repeated in specific
possessing a certain consistency of its
circumstances and with specific
own, and capable of transmission from
meaning. They may be used in such as
one generation to another.
rites of passage, such as when someone
is promoted or retires. Physical Artifacts

They may be associated with company These are the tangible manifestations
events such as the release of a new and key elements of organizational
event. They may also be associated culture.
with a day like Eid day.
If you visit different organizations,
Customs and Manners you’ll notice that each is unique in
terms of its physical layout, use of
Customs are common and establish
facilities, centralization or dispersion
practices. Manners are behaviors that
of common utilities, and so on.
are regarded as appropriate in a
particular society. These indicate the This uniqueness is not incidental,
rules of behavior which enforce ideas instead, they represent the symbolic
of right and wrong. expressions of an underlying meaning,
values, and beliefs, which is shared by
They can be the traditions, rules,
people in the organization. The
written laws, etc.
workplace culture greatly affects the
Material Culture performance of an organization.
Language, Jargons, and Metaphors
Another element of culture is the
artifacts, or material objects, that
constitute a society’s material culture.
These elements of organizational Stating the importance of ceremonies
culture play an important role in and celebrations, Deal and Kennedy
identifying a company’s culture. (1982) say, “Without expressive
events, and culture will die. In the
While the language is a means of absence of ceremony, important values
universal communication, most have no impact.”
business houses tend to develop their
own unique terminologies, phrases, Behavioral Norms
and acronyms.
This is one of the most important
For instance, in the organizational elements of organizational culture.
linguistics code, “Kremlin” may mean They describe the nature of
the headquarters; in Goal India expectations which impinge on the
Limited, the acronym. J.I.T. (Just In members’ behavior.
Time) was jokingly used to describe all
the badly planned fire-fighting jobs. Behavioral norms determine how the
members will behave, interact and
Stories, Myths, and Legends relate with each other.

These are, in a way, an extension of Shared Beliefs and Values

organizational language. They
epitomize the unwritten values and All organizations have their unique set
morals of organizational life. of basic beliefs and values (also called
moral codes), shared by most of its
If you collect the various stories, members. These are the mental
anecdotes, and jokes that are shared in pictures of organizational reality, and
an organization, they often read like form the basis of defining the right or
plots and themes, in which nothing wrong in the organization.
changes except the characters.
In an organization, for instance, if the
They rationalize the complexity and predominant belief is that meeting the
turbulence of activities and events to customers’ demands is essential for
allow for predictable action-taking. success, any behavior which
supposedly meets these criteria is
Ceremonies and Celebrations acceptable, even if it violates the
established rules and procedures.
These are consciously enacted
behavioral artifacts which help in Values and beliefs focus organizational
reinforcing the organization’s cultural energies toward certain actions while
values and assumptions. discouraging the other behavioral
For example, every year Tata Steel
celebrates Founder’s Day to Factors Affecting the Culture
commemorate and reiterate its
adherence to the original values of the There are so many ways of examining
organization. cultural differences and their impact
on international management. Culture
can affect technology transfer,
managerial attitudes, managerial Some societies encourage cooperation
ideology, and even business- between their people. Others
government relations. encourage competition between their
In overall terms, the cultural impact on
international management is reflected High Vs. Low Organizational Loyalty
by these basic beliefs and behaviors.
In some societies, people identify very
Here are some specific examples where strongly with their organization or
the culture of a society can directly employer. In others, people identify
affect management approaches: with their occupational groups, such as
an engineer or mechanics.
Centralized vs. Decentralized Decision Making
Short-term vs. Long-term Horizons
In some societies, top managers make
all-important organizational decisions. Some cultures focus most heavily on
short-term horizons such as short-
In others, these decisions are defused range goals of profit and efficiency.
throughout the enterprise; middle and Others are more interested in long-
lower-level managers actively range goals, such as market share and
participate and make decisions. technological development.
Safety vs. Risk Stability vs. Innovation

In some societies, organizational The culture of some countries

decision-makers are risk-averse and encourages .stability and resistance to
have great difficulty with conditions of change. The culture of others puts a
uncertainty. In others, risk-taking is high value on innovation and change.
encouraged, and decision making
Goals and Objectives
under uncertainty is common.
Individual vs. Group Rewards The culture of the organization is also
affected by its goals and objectives.
In some countries, personnel who do The strategies and procedures
outstanding work are given individual designed to achieve these goals and
rewards in the form of bonuses and objectives of the organization also
commissions. In others, cultural contribute to its culture.
norms require group rewards, and
individual rewards are frowned on. Others:

Informal vs. Formal Procedures  Language and dialect

 Religion
In some societies, much is  Wealth
accomplished through informal  Climate and weather
means. In others, formal procedures  Dress sense and clothes-fashion
are set forth and followed rigidly.  Level of education and literacy
 General living standards
Cooperation vs. Competition
 Employment regulations
These cultural differences influence Organizational culture is quite
the way that comparative management complex. Every company has its own
should be conducted. unique personality, just like people do.
The unique personality of an
Sometimes these factors affect organization is referred to as its
international business because some culture.
international managers are unknown
and unfamiliar about these factors and
day to day business protocol. In groups of people who work together,
organizational culture is an invisible
The Nature of Organization but powerful force that influences the
Culture behavior of the members of that group.

There seems to be wide agreement that

organizational culture refers to a
system of shared meaning held by
members that distinguish the
organization from other organizations.

Organizational culture is a system of

shared assumptions, values, and
Why beliefs, which governs how people
Study Culture? behave in organizations.
     –It is assumed that organizations Organizational culture includes an
with a strong culture perform at organization’s expectations,
higher levels than those without a experiences, philosophy, and values
strong culture that hold it together, and is expressed
in its self-image, inner workings,
Organizational Culture interactions with the outside world,
    –A set of values held by individuals and future expectations.
in a firm that help employees
understand acceptability of actions It is based on shared attitudes, beliefs,
customs, and written and unwritten
Culture Values rules that have been developed over
    –Are often taken for granted time and are considered valid.
These shared values have a strong
    –May not be made explicit (i.e., not
influence on the people in the
written down)
organization and dictate how they
    –Are communicated through
dress, act, and perform their jobs.
symbolic means
1.3. Organizational Culture: Definition, Every organization develops and
Characteristics, Roles, Types maintains a unique culture, which
provides guidelines and boundaries for
Organizational Culture: Definition,
Characteristics, Roles, Types
the behavior of the members of the
Organizational culture/corporate in, albeit with greater emphasis on
culture includes- particular parts of it.”

 The ways the organization According to Abdi Osman Jama, “An

conducts its business, treats its organization is a living culture that can
employees, customers, and the adapt to the reality 4s fast as possible.”
wider community,
 The extent to which freedom is Organizational, culture affects the
allowed in decision making, organization’s productivity and
developing new ideas, and performance and provides guidelines
personal expression, on customer care and service, product
 How power and information flow quality and safety, attendance and
through its hierarchy, and punctuality, and concern for the
 How committed employees are environment.
towards collective objectives.
It also extends to production methods,
Many Scholars had given the definition marketing, and advertising practices,
of organizational culture. Some of the and to new product creation.
popular definitions are given below:
Organizational culture is unique for
According to Robbie Katanga, every organization and one of the
“Organizational Culture is how hardest things to change. Corporate
organizations do things.” culture reflects the values, beliefs, and
attitudes that permeate a business.
According to Alec Haverstick, “In large
part, Organizational culture is a Corporate culture is often referred to
product of compensation.” as “the character of an organization”
representing the collective behavior of
According to Bruce Perron, people using common corporate
“Organizational culture defines a vision, goals, shared values, attitudes,
jointly shared description of an habits, working language, systems, and
organization from within.” symbols.

According to Richard Perrin, Corporate culture is interwoven with

“Organizational culture is the sum of processes, technologies, learning, and
values and rituals which serve as a glue significant events. It is a total sum of
to integrate the members of the the values, customs, traditions, and
organization.” meanings that make a company
According to Alan Adler,
“Organizational culture is civilization
in the workplace.”

According to Elizabeth Skringar, Characteristics of

“Organizational culture is shaped by
the main culture of the society we live Organizational Culture
As individuals come into contact with innovate in the performance of their
organizations, they come into contact jobs. Companies with cultures that
with dress norms, stories people tell place a low value on innovation expect
about what goes on, the organization’s their employees to do their jobs the
formal rules and procedures, its formal same way that they have been trained
codes of behavior, rituals, tasks, pay to do them, without looking for ways to
systems, jargon, and jokes only improve their performance.
understood by insiders and so on.
Attention to Detail (Precision
Organizational culture is composed of
seven characteristics that range in This characteristic of organizational
priority from high to low. Every culture dictates the degree to which
organization has a distinct value for employees are expected to be accurate
each of these characteristics. in their work. A culture that places a
high value on attention to detail
Members of organizations make expects its employees to perform their
judgments on the value their work with precision. A culture that
organization places on these places a low value on this
characteristics, and then adjust their characteristic does not.
behavior to match this perceived set of
values. Emphasis on Outcome
(Achievement Orientation)
Characteristics of organizational
culture are; Companies that focus on results, but
not on how the results are achieved,
 Innovation (Risk Orientation). place a high emphasis on this value of
 Attention to Detail (Precision organizational culture. A company that
Orientation). instructs its sales force to do whatever
 Emphasis on Outcome it takes to get sales orders has a culture
(Achievement Orientation). that places a high value on the
 Emphasis on People (Fairness emphasis on outcome characteristics.
 Teamwork (Collaboration Emphasis on People (Fairness
Orientation). Orientation)
 Aggressiveness (Competitive
Orientation). Companies that place a high value on
 Stability (Rule Orientation). this characteristic of organizational
culture place a great deal of
Let’s examine each of these seven importance on how their decisions will
characteristics. affect the people in their
organizations. For these companies, it
Innovation (Risk Orientation) is important to treat their employees
with respect and dignity.’
Companies with cultures that place a
high value on innovation encourage Teamwork (Collaboration
their employees to take risks and Orientation)
Companies that organize work The various roles of organizational
activities around teams instead of culture are given below:
individuals place a high value on this
characteristic of the organizational  Culture unites (brings together)
culture. People who work for these employees by providing a sense
types of companies tend to have a of identity with the organization.
positive relationship with their  An informal control mechanism.
coworkers and managers.  Facilitation of open
Aggressiveness (Competitive  Culture enables organizations to
Orientation) differentiate themselves from
one another.
This characteristic of organizational  Culture often generates
culture dictates whether group commitment, superseding
members are expected to be assertive personal interests.
or easygoing when dealing with  Culture sets organization norms,
companies they compete within the rules, and standards. Thereby,
marketplace. Companies with an culture enables employees to
aggressive culture place a high value function in an organization, by
on competitiveness and outperforming teaching them how to behave.
the competition at all costs.  A shared understanding.
 Culture becomes especially
Stability (Rule Orientation) important in a program/project-
based organization. In such an
A company whose culture places a high
organization, the hierarchy is flat
value on stability is rule-oriented,
and decision-making is moved to
predictable, and bureaucratic in
the project/program purpose
nature. These types of companies
units and departments. In this
typically provide consistent and
context, culture provides the
predictable levels of output and
guiding light towards the
operate best in non-changing market
achievement of goals and
conditions. These are the seven
characteristics that are common in the
 Enhanced mutual trust and
context of organizational culture. Of
course, it is true that the
 Fewer disagreements and more
characteristics are not the same in all
efficient decision-making
times and spheres.
Roles of Organizational Culture  A strong sense of identification.
 Assisting employees in making
Culture plays an important role in sense of their behaviors by
organizations. Some organizations providing justification for
which developed a strong corporate behaviors.
culture, they increased their goodwill
and got a good position in the market.
Types of Organization Culture a pragmatic culture. Such
organizations treat their clients as
The practices, principles, policies, and Gods and do not follow any set rules.
values of an organization form its Every employee strives hard to satisfy
culture. The culture of an organization his clients to expect maximum
decides the way employees behave business from their
amongst themselves as well as the side.                                                                
people outside the organization.        ‘
Let us understand the various types of Academy Culture
organization culture:
Organizations following academy
 Normative Culture, culture and hire skilled
 Pragmatic Culture, individuals. The roles and
 Academy Culture, responsibilities are delegated
 Baseball Team Culture, according to the background,
 Club Culture, educational qualification and work
 Fortress Culture, experience of the employees.
 Tough Guy Culture, Organizations following academy
 Bet your Company Culture, culture are very particular about
 Process Culture, training the existing employees. They
 Power Culture, ensure that various training programs
 Role Culture, are being conducted at the workplace
 Task Culture, to hone the skills of the
 Person Culture. employees. The management makes
sincere efforts to upgrade the
knowledge of the employees to
improve their professional
competence. The employees in an
Normative Culture academy culture stick to the
organization for a longer duration and
In such a culture, the norms and also grow within it. Educational
procedures of the organization are institutions, universities, hospitals, etc.
predefined and the rules and practice such type of culture.
regulations are set as per the existing
guidelines. The employees behave in Baseball Team Culture
an ideal way and strictly adhere to the
policies of the organization. No A baseball team culture considers the
employee dares to break the rules and employees as the most treasured
sticks to the already laid policies. possession of the organization. The
employees are the true assets of the
Pragmatic Culture organization who have a major role in
its successful functioning. In such a
In a pragmatic culture, more emphasis culture, the individuals always have an
is placed on the clients and the upper edge and they do not bother
external parties. Customer satisfaction much about their organization.
is the main motive of the employees in Advertising agencies, event
management companies, financial consequences are also unforeseen. The
institutions follow such a culture. principles and policies of such an
organization are formulated to address
Club Culture sensitive issues and it takes time to get
the results.
Organizations following a club culture
are very particular about the Process Culture
employees they recruit. The
individuals are hired as per their As the name suggests the employees in
specialization, educational such a culture adhere to the processes
qualification, and interests. Each one and procedures of the
does what he is the best. The high organization. Feedbacks and
potential employees are promoted performance reviews do not matter
suitably and appraisals are a regular much in such organizations. The
feature of such a culture. employees abide by the rules and
regulations and work according to the
Fortress Culture ideologies of the workplace. All
government organizations follow such
There are certain organizations where a culture.
employees are not very sure about
their career and longevity. Such
organizations follow fortress
culture. The employees are terminated
if the organization is not performing Charles Handy, a leading authority on
well. Individuals suffer the most when organizational culture, defined four
the organization is at a loss. different kinds of culture:
Stockbroking industries follow such a
culture.  Power culture
 Role culture
Tough Guy Culture  Task culture
 Person culture
In a tough-guy culture, feedbacks are
essential. The performance of the Power Culture
employees is reviewed from time to
time and their work is thoroughly In an organization with a power
monitored. Team managers are culture, power is held by just a few
appointed to discuss queries with the individuals whose influence spreads
team members and guide them throughout the organization. There are
whenever required. The employees are few rules and regulations in a power
under constant watch in such a culture. What those with power decide
culture. is what happens. Employees are
generally judged by what they achieve
Bet your Company Culture rather than how they do things or how
they act. A consequence of this can be
Organizations that follow bet your quick decision-making, even if those
company culture take decisions that decisions aren’t in the best long-term
involve a huge amount of risk and the interests of the organization. A power
culture is usually a strong culture, culture is really just a collection of
though it can swiftly turn toxic. individuals who happen to be working
for the same organization.
Role Culture

Organizations with a role culture are

based on rules. They are highly
controlled, with everyone in the How Organizational Cultures
organization knowing what their roles Start
and responsibilities are. Power in a
role culture is determined by a Some organizational cultures may be
person’s position (role) in the the direct, or at least indirect, the
organizational structure. Role cultures result of actions taken by the
are built on detailed organizational founders. However, this is not always
structures that are typically tall (not the case.Sometimes founders create
flat) with a long chain of command. A weak cultures, and if the organization
consequence is that decision-making is to Survive, a new top manager must
in role cultures can often be painfully- be installed who will show the seeds
slow and the organization is less likely for the necessary strong culture.
to take risks. In short, organizations
with role cultures tend to be very Although organizational cultures can
bureaucratic. develop in a number of different ways,
the process usually involves some
Task Culture version of the following steps:

Task culture forms when teams in an  A single person (founder) has an

organization are formed to address idea for a new enterprise.
specific problems or progress  The founder brings in one or
projects. The task is the important more other people and creates a
thing, so power within the team will core group that shares a common
often shift depending on the mix of the vision with the founder. That is,
team members and the status of the all in this core group believe that
problem or project. Whether the task the idea is a good one, is
culture proves effective will largely be workable, is worth running some
determined by the team dynamic. With risks for, and is worth the
productive and creative, the right mix investment of time, money, and
of skills, personalities and leadership, energy that will be required.
working in teams.  The founding core group begins
to act in concert to create an
Person Culture organization by raising funds,
obtaining patents, incorporating,
In an organization with person locating space, building, and so
cultures, individuals very much see on.
themselves as unique and superior to  At this point, others are brought
the organization. The organization into the organization, and a
simply exists in order for people to common history begins to be
work. An organization with a person’s built.
 Most of today’s successful      –The historical context within
corporate giants in all industries which a situation occurs and the
basically followed these steps. impact of this context on the behaviors
of employees
High vs. Low-Context Culture           •Difficult to alter in the short-run
          •Means through which people in
The concept of high- and low-context the organization learn and
culture relates to how an employee’s communicate organization
thoughts, opinions, feelings, and acceptability (values and norms)
upbringing affect how they act within a
given culture. Organization Climate
     –The current situations in an
North America and Western Europe
organization and the linkages among
are generally considered to have low-
work groups, employees, and work
context cultures. Low-context culture
means that businesses in these places
          •Easier for management to
have direct, individualistic employees
manipulate in order to directly affect
who tend to base decisions on facts.
the behavior of employees
This type of businessperson wants ==========================
specifies noted in contracts and may ==========================
have issues with trust. ==========================
High-context cultures are the opposite Creating the Organization
in that trust is the most important part Culture
of business dealings. There are areas in
the Middle East, Asia, and Africa that 1.Establish Values
can be considered the high context.      –Strategic values
         *The basic beliefs about an
Organizations that have high-context organization’s environment that
cultures are collectivist and focus on shape its strategy.
interpersonal relationships.      –Cultural values
Individuals from high-context cultures           *The values that employees
might be interested in getting to know need to have and act on for the
the person they are conducting organization to act on the strategic
business with in order to get a gut values.
feeling on decision making.
2. Create Vision
They may also be more concerned      –Create a picture of the
about business teams and group organization that portrays how the
success rather than individual strategic and cultural values will
achievement. combine to create

2. Organization Culture Versus Climate

3. Initiate Implementation
Organization Culture Strategies
     –Take actions founded on the 5. Reward It.
strategic and cultural values to
accomplish the vision. Teach It
4. Reinforce Cultural Behaviors The more and more effectively we
     –Use formal reward systems to teach people what we are looking for in
encourage desired employee our culture, the more likely it will
behaviors become the reality. Whatever
     –Tell stories that epitomizing orientation and training work you’re
cultural values doing, you should talk about the kind
     –Conduct ceremonies and rituals of culture you’re going after.
that emphasize right actions by
employees Describe the way you’d like things to
be working. Talk about the informal
5 Steps to Building an ways in which you envision the group
working together, the way you want
Organizational the customer experience to feel, etc.

Culture Define It
Cross-cultural adaptation occurs when people from If you have a number of leaders
one culture move to a different culture, learning the running your organization, you may
rules, societal norms, customs and language of the not, immediately have full agreement
new culture. on what your desired culture is. In that
By bringing their existing thoughts, feelings,
case, there must be a hard discussion
behaviors, and beliefs with them, a person will amongst the key decision makers so
integrate that into their new society while adjusting that you can reach a consensus.
and accepting to the new standards, thereby
creating a multicultural person. Putting the vision in writing is an
essential element of making it
Person visiting foreign to leave behind barriers to
cultural adaptation knows that being in a new place
can be daunting.
When the dialogue stays verbal only,
Foreign scenery, as foreigners try to integrate with it’s inevitable that everyone will leave
the local folk’s number of norms and even other the room with a different version of
languages, dialects often intimidate new arrivals to what was agreed upon. Documenting it
any foreign land.
is far more likely to help you get where
For those willing to adapt, however, the rewards of you want to go.
unifying with a new culture and people are
numerous. Live It
Here discussed the steps to building an
organizational culture; Culture is very little about what we say,
and very much about what we do. If we
1. Teach It. don’t live it, it’s never going to play out
2. Define It. as we want.
3. Live It.
4. Measure It.
Organizational culture is built slowly A common problem in every
over time, not with a quick decision or organization is the mismatch between
the writing of a big check. This is what it says it wants and what’s
especially critical for the leaders in our rewarded. In some cases, the issue is
organizations; the staff sees everything just an absence of rewards.
we do.
Companies say that want people to
I remind myself that every action I treat each other well but those who do
take and every word I speak will have receive no recognition; they say that
an impact on how our organizational they want to have fun but the only
culture develops. Pretending that my reward you get is you’re having fun;
words, actions, and attitudes don’t they say that they want people to learn
impact it significantly would be to live but the only reward is that they know
in denial. more than before a seminar.

Read more: Organizational The situation can be more extreme—

Culture: Definition, organizations that actually reward the
Characteristics, Roles, Types opposite of the cultural behavior they
say they’re seeking. They say they want
Measure It to be generous, but they take for
themselves first. They say that they
Once we’ve identified the key elements want teamwork, but pay bonuses based
of our desired culture and written on individual performance.
them down, we must measure our
success in making them a (cultural) No organization will ever perfectly
reality. align every reward with the behaviors
we seek.
Many will argue that you cannot
measure things like fun or But at least being cognizant of the key
supportiveness or camaraderie; I think elements of the cultural vision we’re
you can. If you want to have a results- going after and then making sure that
oriented organization, you are more we recognize and reward those is
likely to succeed if you measure your important.
success at putting the culture into
place. 3. Approaches to Organizational
Behavior Studies
If you’re setting out to
measure cultural characteristics like Approaches to Organizational
fun, remember that the judgment will Behavior Studies
be made by the participants in the
organization. Once you have that Organizational Behavior relates to the
mindset, along with some definition of relationship between employees and
what fun means, you can measure it. the employer in an organization .Both
are working towards the realization of
the goals and objectives of any
Reward It organization, and a close and fruitful
coordination between the two is one of
the major factors towards this based on the premise that methods or
realization. These experts studied and behaviors which work effectively in
attempted to quantify research done One situation fail in another. For
about the actions and reactions of example; Organization Development
employees, with regard to their work (OD) programs, way work brilliantly in
environments. one situation but fail miserably in
another situation. Results differ
There are 4 Approaches to because situations differ, the
Organizational Behavior studies; manager’s task, therefore, is to identify
which method will, in a particular
Organizational behavior approaches situation, under particular
are a result of the research done by circumstances, and at a particular
experts in this field. It is a field that time, best contribute to the attainment
has begun developing only recently of organization’s goals. The strength of
and new approaches and results are the contingency approach lies in the
being expounded every day. fact it encourages analysis of each
situation prior to action while at the
Human Resources Approach same time discourages the habitual
practice of universal assumptions
This approach recognizes the fact that about methods and people. The
people are the central resource in any contingency approach is also more
organization and that they should be interdisciplinary, more system –
developed towards higher levels of oriented and more research-oriented
competency, creativity, and titan any other approach.
fulfillment. People thus contribute to
the success of the organization. The Productivity Approach
human resources approach is also
called as the supportive approach in Productivity which is the ratio of
the sense that the manager’s role output to input is a measure of an
changes from control of employee to organization’s effectiveness. It also
active support of their growth and reveals the manager’s efficiency in
performance. The supportive approach optimizing resource utilization. The
contrasts with the traditional higher the numerical value of this
management approach. In the ratio, the greater the efficiency.
traditional approach, managers
decided what employees should do and Productivity is generally measured in
closely monitored their performance to terms of economic inputs and outputs,
ensure task accomplishment. In the but human and social inputs and
human resources approach, the role of outputs also are important. For
managers changes from structuring example, if better organizational
and controlling to supporting. behavior can improve job satisfaction,
a human output or benefit occurs. In
Contingency Approach the same manner, when employee
development programs lead to better
The contingency approach (sometimes citizens in a community, a valuable
called the situational approach) is social output occurs. Organizational
behavior decisions typically involve influence each other. The man is
human, social, and/or economic studied as a whole and therefore, all
issues, and so productivity usually a disciplines concerning man are
significant part of these decisions is integrated.
recognized and discusses extensively in
the literature on OB. 4. Emerging Issues in Organization
Culture: Innovation
Systems Approach
Emerging Issues in Organization
The Systems Approach to OB views the Culture:  Innovation
organization as a united, purposeful
system composed of interrelated Innovation
parts. This approach gives managers a      –The process of creating and doing
way of looking at the organization as a new things that are introduced into the
whole, whole, person, whole group, marketplace as products, processes, or
and the whole social system. In so services
doing, the systems approach tells us New Ventures
that the activity of any segment of an 1.Require entrepreneurship and
organization affects, in varying degrees good management
the activity of every other segment. A
systems view should be the concern of 2.Intrapreneurship
every person in an organization. The      •Entrepreneurial activity that takes
clerk at a service counter, the place within the context of a large
machinist, and the manager all work organization
with the people and thereby influence
the behavioral quality of life in an 3.Entrepreneur’s profile
organization and its inputs. Managers,      •Need for achievement
however, tend to have a larger      •Desire to assume responsibility
responsibility, because they are the      •Willing to take risks
ones who make the majority are people      •Focus on concrete results
oriented. The role of managers, then, is
to use organizational behavior to help Corporate Research
build an organizational culture in      –Supports existing businesses to
which talents are utilized and further provide incremental innovations and
developed, people are motivated, to explore potential new technology
teams become productive, bases
organizations achieve their goals and      –Is responsible for keeping the
society reaps the reward. company’s products and processes
technologically advanced
     –Corporate culture can be
Inter-Disciplinary Approach instrumental in fostering
Organizational behavior is an environment for creativity and
integration of all other social sciences innovation
and disciplines such as psychology,
sociology, organizational theories Empowerment
etc. They all are interdependent and
     –Is enabling workers to set their     –New values and beliefs must be
own work goals, make decisions, solve seen as stable and influential as old
problems within their sphere of ones
responsibility and authority     –Changing value systems requires
          •Appropriate Cultures (Goffee enormous effort because value systems
and Jones) tend to be self-reinforcin
    –Factors that may determine the
appropriate type of culture appropriate
for an organization: 5. Ways of Managing Organizational
         •The nature of the value chain Culture
        •The dynamism of the
environment Ways of Managing
Taking Advantage of the Existing
Culture Organizational Culture
     –Easier and faster to alter employee
We highlighted in our last post that
behaviors within the existing culture
there are plenty of frameworks for
than it is to change existing history,
managing strategy, talent, leadership,
traditions, and values
and performance, but not
     –Managers must be aware and
culture. Culture has been this elusive,
understand the organization’s values
mysterious subject. Survey action
     –Managers can communicate their
plans, engagement events or programs,
understanding to lower-level
and other improvements fall short of
building a strong culture foundation
Teaching Organization Culture the entire organization can understand
     –Organizational socialization and manage with clarity and
          •Is the process through which speed. Most leaders of successful
employees learn about the firm’s cultures learn from experience and
culture and pass their knowledge and other mentors, peers, or experts, how
understanding on to others to piece together their improvement
     –Organizational mechanisms approaches because there isn’t a clear
         •Are examples of organization guide to follow. While some guides
culture that employees see in more exist, they are not broadly known and
experienced employees’ behaviors applied like other improvement
     –Corporate pamphlets and formal disciplines. Every organization that
training sessions excels at the building, reinforcing, and
leveraging their unique culture in
Changing the Organization support of delivering sustainable
Culture performance has built a strong “culture
     –Managing symbols foundation.”
        •Substituting stories and myths
that support the new cultural values Steps of managing organizational
for those that support old ones culture;
    –Culture can be difficult to change
when upper management 1. Evaluate your current culture
inadvertently reverts to old behaviors and performance,
       •The Stability of Change 2. Clarify your initial vision.
3. Clarify values and expected Step 3 – Clarify values and expected
behaviors. behaviors
4. Clarify strategic priorities.
5. Engage your team in defining Define supporting expected behaviors
SMART goals. for the 1-3 weaknesses that you
6. Clarify and track key measures, identified in step #1.
7. Maintain a management system
for priorities and goals. These behaviors would be consistently
8. Manage communication habits exhibited in your organization if you
and routines. were “living your values.” People
9. Build motivation throughout the interpret values from their own
process. perspective so define expected
behaviors like Zappos, The Container
Step 1 – Evaluate your current culture Store, and others.
and performance
Step 4 – Clarify strategic priorities
1. Define your 1-3 critical
performance priorities – e.g. Define and clearly share the 3-5
growth, profitability, customer actionable strategic priorities that your
satisfaction, etc.; organization will focus on to support
2. identify your 3-5 value/behavior the 1-2 performance priorities included
strengths and in your initial vision from the Define
3. identify no more than 1-3 steps.
value/behavior weaknesses that
are holding back your If the performance priority is growth,
organization from achieving its will it be achieved through new
full potential with the products or services, revised sales
performance priorities you strategies, growth with current
defined. customers, or other strategies.

Employees want and need to

Step 2 – Clarify your initial vision
understand the big picture.
Define your vision for improving
results with only one or two of the Step 5 – Engage your team in defining
performance priorities from step No. 1 SMART goals
and how you will build a culture
advantage by leveraging the Engage your organization and utilize
value/behavior strengths and extensive feedback and prioritization
improving the weaknesses. to define the objectives that support
each strategic priority. These goals
Clearly, communicate how you will need to define in a way to support the
work together to improve the weak expected behaviors for the 1-2
areas since they are holding your weaknesses you identified from the
organization back from supporting Define steps.
your purpose and stakeholders.
For example, if accountability is a
weakness, goals should include more
disciplined plans, measures, reviews, emphasize expected behaviors and
recognition, and other approaches to results. Use these sessions to clarify
support the behavior you need. plans, answer questions, expose
rumors and reduce drama.
Goals also need translating to all levels
in larger organizations so people Step 9 – Build motivation throughout
understand how to work on their goals the process
and measures impacts the broader
organization. Feedback and recognition are critical
to the process.
Step 6 – Clarify and track key measures
Share and celebrate progress in a
Identify a small number of overall transparent manner as a standard part
measures that support one or two top of regular communication activities.
performance priorities from the Define Confront reality when improvements
steps. It may help to have one highly don’t go as planned and re-engage
visible “unifying metric” even if some your team to prioritize adjustments.
employees don’t directly influence it.

Step 7 – Maintain a management

system for priorities and goals

Most organizations have a system to

Guidelines for Changing
track or monitor the status of priorities Culture
and goals. These reviews need
adjusting to focus additional time and Despite the significant barriers and
attention on the top performance resistance to change, organizational
priorities and value/behavior shifts cultures can be managed and changed
identified in the Define steps. over time. This attempt to change the
culture “can take many different
The focus must be on results and forms.
supporting the behavior shift through
recognition, coaching, removing The organizations and managers in the
barriers, etc. global relations “must learn to
communicate across the cultural
Step 8 – Manage communication habits divide; each must understand that the
and routines other perceives and interacts in a
fundamentally different way.
Transparent, genuine and consistent
communication is needed about your Three-fourths of companies believe
performance improvement journey their alliances failed because of an
and the role of culture so all employees incompatibility of the country and
feel part of the process. corporate cultures. Simple guidelines
such as the following can be helpful;
Regularly scheduled sessions with two-
way communication and extensive  Assess the current culture.
informal approaches are needed to
 Set realistic goals that impact the many cultural variables that were
bottom line. identified by Harris and Moran.
 Recruit outside personnel with
industry experience, so that they These are;
are able to interact well with the
organizational personnel.  Kinship.
 Make changes from the top  Education.
down, so that a consistent  Economy.
message is delivered from all  Politics.
management team members.  Religion.
 Include employees in the culture  Associations.
change process, especially when  Health.
making changes in rules and  Recreation.
 Take out all trappings that Kinship
remind the personnel of the
A kinship system is a system adopted
previous culture.
by a given society to guide family
 Expect to have some problems
and find people who would
rather move than change with Education
the culture and, if possible, take
these losses early. The formal or informal education of
 Move quickly and decisively to workers in a foreign firm, received
build momentum and to defuse from whatever source, greatly affects
resistance to the new culture. the expectations placed on those
 Stay the course by being workers in the workplace.  ‘
Also, organizations attempting to
change their culture must be careful Whatever the economic system, the
not to abandon their roots and blindly means of production and distribution
abandon their core, but distinctive, (and the resulting effects on
competencies. individuals and groups) have a
powerful influence on such
Cultural Variables (Identified organizational processes as sourcing,
distribution, incentives, and
by Harris and Moran) repatriation of capital.
Culture, therefore, is moral,
intellectual and spiritual discipline for
advancement, in accordance with the The system of government in a society,
norms and values based on whether democratic, Communist, or
accumulated heritage. dictatorial, imposes varying
constraints on an organization and its
It is a system of learned behavior
freedom to do business. ”
shared by and transmitted among the
members of the group. There are so
Religion The reason an organization can deliver
good or bad customer service comes
The spiritual beliefs of a society are down to one thing; what is happening
often so powerful that they transcend on the inside of that organization.
other cultural aspects.
To sum it up in one word; culture. The
Associations culture inside of the organization is
impacting customer service.
Many and various types of associations
arise out of the formal and informal It’s more than just hiring the right
groups that make up a society. people, and it’s more than customer
service training.
At the same time, it’s simple. It’s just
The system of health care in a country setting an example of customer service
affects employee productivity, behavior at the top, and. pushing its
expectations, and attitudes toward way, through all employees, toward the
physical fitness and its role in the customer.
Starting at the top means that
Recreation leadership and management must set
the tone.
Closely related to other cultural
factors, recreation includes the way in Then, they must practice what they
which people use their leisure time, as preach. They must treat employees like
well as their attitudes toward leisure they want the customer treated – even
and their choice of whom to socialize better, just, to accentuate the point.
This is where the customer-focused
Actually it is a Collective heritage culture begins. It starts with people
learned by individuals and parsed from who want to do the right thing.
one generation to another.
From that point, we can layer on
The individual receives culture as part customer service training that focuses
of the social heritage and in turn, may on creating an amazing place to work.
reshape the culture and introduce
changes which then become part of the Here are the ways that you can create a
heritage of succeeding generations. customer-responsive organizational

 Management must make the

measurement of service quality
and feedback from the customer
Ways of Creating Customer a basic part of everyone’s work
Responsive Organizational experience. This information
must be available and
Culture understood by everyone, no
matter what their level. The
entire organization must become  Establish policies that are
obsessed with what the customer “customer-friendly” and that
wants. show concern for your
 Be very clear about specifying the customers. Eliminate all routine
behavior that employees are and rigid policies and guidelines.
expected to deliver, both with ‘
external customers and their  Remove any employees who do
coworkers. not show the behavior necessary
 Explain why giving excellent to please customers. Too many
customer service is important not companies allow frontline service
only for the company but for the representatives to remain on the
world. What does your company job when they are not suited to a
do that makes life easier for customer service position.
everyone? What does your
product or service add? Be sure In order for a culture of customer
to include this in the reasons for service excellence to grow and thrive,
achieving customer service management must have a burning
excellence. desire for it to be that way and the
 Create ways to communicate energy to ensure that this desire
excellent examples of customer spreads throughout the organization
service both within and outside and remains there permanently.
the company. Institute
celebrations, recognition How to Keep the Culture
ceremonies, logos, and symbols
of the customer service culture
Alive in your Organization?
and its values. This is where you
Once a culture is in place, there are
want the mugs, buttons, and
practices within the organization that
banners. Have a customer service
act to maintain it by giving employees
bulletin board to feature service
a set of similar experiences.
incidents that were special. Seize
every opportunity to publicize Some important practices which help
the times when employees do it to sustain the culture strengthening
right. organizational culture are as depicted
 Indoctrinate and train everyone in the following diagram:
in the culture as soon as they are
hired. It puts all newcomers
through a “traditions” course
that details the company history
The first such practice is the careful
with customer relations.
selection of candidates. Standardized
 Encourage a sense of
procedures should be used to hire the
responsibility for group
right people for the right jobs. Trained
performance. Help employees
personnel interview the candidates
see how their performance
and attempt to screen out those whose
affects others. Emphasize the
personal styles and values do not fit
importance of “internal customer
with the organization’s culture.By
identifying the candidates who can
culturally match the organizational
culture, selection helps sustain culture
to a large extent. Additionally, the
selection process provides to the
applicants, information about the
organizational culture. If the
applicants perceive a conflict between
their values and values of the
organization, they can themselves
decide not to join the organization.

Top Management
The actions of top management also
have a major impact on the
organization’s culture. Through what
they say, how do they behave senior
executives establish norms that filter
through the organization as to whether
risk-taking is desirable, how much
freedom managers should give to their
subordinates, what is the appropriate
dress code, what actions will pay off in
terms of pay raise, promotions, and
other rewards and the like.

The organization may have done a very
good job in the recruitment and
selection of the employees, but
sometimes the employees are still not
indoctrinated in the organization’s
culture. Since these persons are not
familiar with the organization’s culture
they are most likely to disturb the
existing beliefs and customs of the
organization. Therefore, it is very
essential for the organization to help
new employees adapt to its culture.
This adaptation process is called


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