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II. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the rest.
3. A. interest B. selection C. resident D. injection
4. A. concern B. contact C. convenient D. conclude
5. A. promise B. conscious C. religious D. scissors
III. Choose the letter (A, B, C or D) next to the word whose main stress is placed differently.
. A. glassware B. refill C. award D. surround
4. A. loudspeaker B. itinerary C. participate D. magnificent
IV. Choose the best option to complete the sentence
1. Of my parents, my father is _________.
A. the stricter B. the strictest C. stricter D. strict
2. "What can I get for you?" ~ “ _________.”
A. All right B. I'm afraid not C. I hope so D. Yes, please
3. The coat _________on the floor belongs to my brother.
A. lies B. lying C. lain D. is lying
4. Tuan had a bad cut on his arm. It’s _________badly.
A. bleeding B. burning C. coughing D. sneezing
5. Your _________is included in the ticket price.
A. reservation B. vacation C. accommodation D. money
6. The beans are roasted to _________the chocolate favor.
A. carry out B. bring out C. carry into D. bring into
7. The computer is _____guarantee so the company should do something with it.
A. with B. on C. for D. under
8. Nowadays many students can get a _________without being on campus.
A. diploma B. card C. degree D. license
9. “I think computers are useful.” ~ “ _________.”
A. I’m not agree B. So do I C. I disagree too D. So are they
10. Vietnam is a _________country.
A. rubber-exported B. exporting-rubber C. exported-rubber D. rubber-exporting
11. Are you free to _________for dinner this evening?
A. come over B. go over C. come across D. go across
12. Environmental groups want a total prohibition …….. the dumping of nuclear waste.
A. for B. about C. on D. with
13. William got an excellent grade in his examination …… the fact that he had not worked particularly hard.
A. on account of B. because of C. in spite of D. although
14. I believe that everyone has had …………… experiences in their life.
A. memorable B. acceptable C. reflexible D. observable
15. It is customary to eat banh chung on the Lunar New Year in Viet Nam.
A. often B. traditional C. unusual D. important

16. I don t think human beings ever walked on the moon, …………….?
A. do I B. don’t I C. did they D. didn’t they.
17. I don’t know much about computers, so I asked the assistant for ………… advice.
A. a lot B. many C. a few D. a little
18. In my experience, ……………… are very friendly.
A. English B. an English C. the English D. this English
19. ……………… who saw the robbery should contact the police.
A. Somebody B. One C. Anyone D. Someone
20. My father could not get his motorbike …………. this morning.
A. start B. started C. to start D. starting
21. Despite playing under strength, the village team _____ beat the rivals.
A. could B. were able to C. couldn’t D. weren’t able to
22.The government has introduced _______.
A. a children’s clothes tax B. a tax on children clothes
C. a children clothes tax D. a tax on children’s clothes
23. ______, they slept soundly.
A. Hot though was the night air B. Hot though the night air was
C. Hot the night air as was D. Hot although the night air was
24. He suddenly saw Sue ____ the room. He pushed his way ____ the crowd of people to get to her.
A. across…through B. over…through
C. across…across D. over…along
25. Nobody likes his behaviour, ________?
A. do they B. don’t they C. does he D. doesn’t he
26. I like that photo very much. Could you make an _____ for me?
A. increase B. enlargement C. extension D. expansion
27. If Jim the plane, he here by now.
A. hadn’t missed/ would have been B. didn’t miss/ would have been
C. hadn’t missed/ had been D. hadn’t missed/ would be
28. He insisted that his method correct.
A. be B. were C. was D. is
29._______ in several early civilizations, a cubit was based on the length of the forearm from the tip of the
middle finger to the elbow.
A. It used as a measurement B. A measurement was used
C. The use of a measurement D. Used as a measurement
30. You just never lift a to help me – I have to do everything myself!
A. shoulder B. hand C. finger D. wrist
31. At the end of the match the players were exhausted.
A. solely B. utterly C. actually D. merely
32. _________of all of us who are here tonight, I would like to thank Mr. Jones for his talk.
A. On behalf B. On account C. In person D. Instead
33. Sorry I can’t come but thanks ………….
A. any ways B. any way C. anyway D. in anyway
34. Look at ……..girl over there.
A. one B. this C. that D. a
35. Would you like to come to my house for lunch?
A. Yes, I do B. I’d love to C. Yes, I like D. Ok. I’d like
V. Find out one mistake in each sentence, then correct it
1. Tim is at the same age as Hoa.
2. At recess, the students practice to play basketball.
3. Do you know how much a banana cost?
4. The tacher says Ba will be a famous artist in one day.
5. Some boys are playing marble in the school yard at recess.
VI. Read the following passage and the decide which option A, B, C or D best fits each space
In the past people suffered (1) .................... a disease called scurvy. Their gums bled, their skin
became rough, their wounds did not (2) .................. and their muscles wasted away. The (3) ................... of
these symptoms was a lack of vitamin C; people ate preserved meats and foods and could not get fresh
vegetables and fruits.
The best (4) ................... of vitamin C are oranges, lemons, grapefruit, cantaloupes, strawberries,
and fresh vegetables. These fruits must be fresh because vitamin C is destroyed by heat, storage, or
exposure (5) .............. air.
Although today more people (6) ................... vitamin C pills than any other supplement, some people
still have scurvy, (7) .................. some of the elderly, alcoholics, and the chronically ill.
Research shows that vitamin C reduces the (8) ................... of colds and can help prevent cancer.
There is also evidence that vitamin C prevents heart disease, (9) ................... wound healing, helps
prevent gum disease, and helps protect us from pollutants such as cigarette smoke. Some recent
research also shows that vitamin C has a positive effect on some mental (10) .............. and increases life span.
1. A. from B. with C. by D. at
2. A. close B. recover C. heal D. get well
3. A. reason B. cause C. origin D. signs
4. A. store B. resources C. provider D. sources
4. A. to B. towards C. in D. by
6. A. consume B. drink C. take D. have
7. A. containing B. including C. consisting D. like
8. A. severity B. seriousness C. gravity D. importance
9. A. hastens B. hurries up C. quickens D. speeds
10. A. chaos B. confusions C. disorders D. disturbances

VII. Read the passage, then do the task below

History books recorded that the first film with sound was The Jazz Singer in 1927. But sound films, or
talkies, did not suddenly appear after years of silent screenings. From the earliest public performances in 1896,
films were accompanied by music and sound effects. These were produced by a single pianist, a small band, or
a full-scale orchestra; large movie theatres could buy sound-effect machines. Research into sound that was
reproduced at exactly at the same time as the pictures - called 'synchronized sound' – began soon after the very
first films were shown. With synchronized sound, characters on the movie screen could sing and speak. As
early as 1896, the newly invented gramophone (máy hát), which played a large disc carrying music and
dialogue, was used as a sound system. The biggest disadvantage was that the sound and pictures could become
unsynchronized if, for example, the gramophone needle jumped or if the speed of the projector changed. This
system was only effective for a single song or dialogue sequence.
In the 'sound-on-film' system, sound was recorded as a series of marks on celluloid which could be read
by an optical sensor. These signals would be placed on the film alongside the image, guaranteeing
synchronization (sự đồng bộ hoá ). Short feature films were produced in this way as early as 1922. This system
eventually brought us 'talking pictures'.
1. The passage is mainly about the
A. history of silent movies B. disadvantages of synchronized sound
C. development of sound with movies D. research into sound reproduction
2. According to the passage, films using sound effects were screened
A. before 1896 B. as early as 1896 C. as early as 1922 D. in 1927
3. Which of the following is not mentioned as a producer of sound to accompany movies?
A. a jazz singer B. single pianist C. a small band D. a gramophone
4. It can be inferred that
A. most movie theaters had a pianist
B. sound-effects machines were not common because they were expensive
C. orchestras couldn't synchronize sound with the pictures
D. gramophones were developed about the same time as moving pictures.
5. According to the passage, gramophones were ineffective because they
A. got out of synchronization with the picture. B. were too large for most movie theaters.
C. were newly invented and still had imperfections D. changed speeds when the needle jumped
VIII. Find the most suitable word to fill in each blank of the following passage
Rivers are ___1___ of the world's most important natural resources. Many cities are on large rivers, and
almost every country has ___2__ least one river that __3__ an important part in the lives of its people.
Besides transportation, rivers ___4___ food, water for crops, water to drink, and opportunities for
recreation for people who live along their ___5___ . And in order to get water for crops, engineers build a dam
___6___ a river and let the water become a lake ___7___ the dam. Then people can use their ____8___ not
only to irrigrate fields but also to make electricity for homes and industries.
However, the water often becomes polluted when cities on river bank grow in size and the number
___9___ industries increases. We are learning that it is necessary to __10____ river clean if we want to enjoy
the benefits of the natural resources.
IX. Complete the second sentence in such a way that it is almost the same meaning as the first
1. Thinking of making toys from used paper was his interesting idea.
It’s interesting that ................................................................................................
2. He hasn’t come back to his home village for over 20 years now.
It’s .........................................................................................................................
3. That’s the strangest film I’ve ever seen.
I have never ..........................................................................................................
4. The last time we met each other was ten years ago.
We haven’t ............................................................................................................
5. Mai said “It is raining heavily outside.”
Mai said ................................................................................................................
6. Have you ever played a computer game before?
Is this .....................................................................................................................
7. France presented the Statue of Liberty to the United States in 1876.
The Statue .............................................................................................................
8. The water was so cold that the children couldn’t swim in it.
The water wasn’t ..................................................................................................
9. People should stop experiments on animals.
Experiments ..........................................................................................................
10. Ann said to me “Will you do English test tomorrow?”
Ann asked me………………………………………………
II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Write your answers in the space
1. A. purse B. nervous C. surprise D. worse
2. A. architect B. parachute C. choir D. psychology
3. A. precious B. preparation C. pretty D. repetition
IV. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences. THERE CAN BE MORE THAN
ONE CORRECT ANSWER TO SOME QUESTIONS. Write your answers in the space provided. (7,0 points)
1. The flower was ______ out of a single piece of valuable wood.
A. carved B. moulded C. cast D. given
2. In this town, they ______ all the frames in steel.
A. make B. have C. mould D. cast
3. She is skilled at _______cloth.
A. giving B. weaving C. doing D. carving
4. I love going to this place ______ it’s the quietest place in the city.
A. so B. despite C. in order to D. because
5. What time will you _______ for Da Lat?
A. set off B. set up C. deal with D. look through
6. They keep changing the decoration of the shop ____ they can attract more young people.
A. so that B. because C. although D. when
7. ______ she was young, she was the most famous artisan in the village.
A. When B. Although C. Whereas D. In order to
8. ______there are modern knitting machines, the artisans in my village like using traditional looms.
A. So that B. In spite of C. Despite D. Although
9. In my…………………, the benefits of the Internet are undeniable.
A. head B. belief C. heart D. brain
10. My parents lent me the money. ________, I couldn’t have afforded the trip.
A. However B. Therefore C. Only if D. Otherwise
11. Her face turned _______when she heard that her mother met with an accident.
A. red B. blue C.white D. grey
12. That is the last _______ I am leaving.
A. straw B. pain C. limit D. nuisance
13.-“Do you mind if I take a seat?” - “______________”
A. Yes, I don’t mind B. No, do as you please C. No I mind D. Yes, do as you please
14. Florida _______ Georgia to the North.
A. borders B. stretches C. frontiers D. boundaries
15. The new school complex cost _______ the city council had budgeted for.
A. twice more by far than B. twice much more than C. almost twice as much as D. just twice as much as
16.When the electricity failed, he _________ a match to find the candle.
A. rubbed B.struck C. scratched D. started
17. I usually buy my clothes _________. It’s cheaper than going to the dress maker.
A. on the house public C. off the peg D. on the shelf
18. I know this is a big disappointment but don’t take it to _______
A. soul B. mind C. spirit D. heart
19. He’s always ___________ the government, but then he never votes in the elections.
A. shooting off B. calling out C. running down D. calling off
20. Richard, my neighbour, in World War II.
A. says to fight B. says to have fought C. is said to fight D. is said to have fought
21. ___________the phone rang later that night did Tom remember the appointment.
A. No sooner B. Only C. Not until D. Just before
22. My sister has just sixteen.
A. completed B. turned C. become D. had
23. Jane really loves the jewelry box that her parents gave her as a birthday present.
A. wooden brown nice B. nice wooden brown C. brown wooden nice D. nice brown wooden
24. I’ve got so much spare time. Now I’m thinking of taking a new hobby like stamp collecting.
A. in B. off C. up D. over
25. I have always my older brother for his courage and honesty.
A. taken up B. taken after C. looked up to D. looked after
26. The sight of so many sweets made the children’s mouths .
A. drip B. moisten C. water D. wet
27. Despite all my anxiety, I ____ for the job I wanted. I’m really going to work hard to justify their
A. was hired B. hired C. got hiring D. got hired
28. - Jane: “Would you mind if I use your computer for an hour?” - Tony: “ .”
A. Not at all. I’ve finished my job B. Yes, you can use it
C. Of course not. I still need it now D. Yes, it’s all right
29. Don’t be in by his charm – he’s ruthless.
A. let B. put C. taken D. dropped
30. If Jim the plane, he here by now.
A. hadn’t missed/ would have been B. didn’t miss/ would have been
C. hadn’t missed/ had been D. hadn’t missed/ would be
31. He insisted that his method correct.
A. be B. were C. was D. is
32._______ in several early civilizations, a cubit was based on the length of the forearm from the tip of the
middle finger to the elbow.
A. It used as a measurement B. A measurement was used C. The use of a measurement D. Used as a
33. You just never lift a to help me – I have to do everything myself!
A. shoulder B. hand C. finger D. wrist
34. At the end of the match the players were exhausted.
A. solely B. utterly C. actually D. merely
35. _________of all of us who are here tonight, I would like to thank Mr. Jones for his talk.
A. On behalf B. On account C. In person D. Instead
V. There is one mistake in each sentence. Identify the mistake and write your answer in the space provided.
1. Louise is the more capable of the three girls who have tried out for the part in the play.
2. We had better to review this chapter carefully because we will have some questions on it on our test
3. The little boy’s mother bought him a five-speeds racing bicycle for his birthday.
4. My brother doesn’t care how much does the car cost because he is going to buy it any way.
5. Neither of the scout leaders know how to trap wild animals or how to prepare them for mounting.
VI. Read the passage and choose the best option to complete the passage. Write your answers in the space
provided. (2,0 points)
Sound Advice for Language Learners
            A recent issue of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of experts in the (1) ____ of
second language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for those (2)____ a language course. One
suggestion is that you (3) ____  whether you are likely to be successful at learning a language? Did you enjoy
studying languages at school, for example? Do you have enough time to learn a language? The major
(4)____will be your own time and effort. Therefore, you must be sure that the course on offer leads to a
(5)_____ qualification. Also, be realistic in your (6)______. If you don't set achievable aims, you are more
likely to give up. Do not be deceived (7)______thinking that the most expensive courses are the best. (8)
______ around to get the best possible value for money. You should also bear in mind that the quicker you
learn a language, the more quickly you forget it. Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried to teach herself German
by enrolling on a (9)______course. Already fluent in four languages and with a sound knowledge of teaching
methodology her chances of (10)______ progress were high. Three years on she remembers very little. She
feels her biggest mistake was not to follow up her first experience. "I should have consolidated what I'd learn
by continuing to study, even if it were by myself."
1. A. branch B. field C. area D. domain
2. A. wondering B. thinking C. looking D. considering
3. A. assess        B. review C. balance D. survey
4. A. chance    B. cost C. price D. evaluation
5. A. recognized  B. understood C. valued D. regarded
6. A. sights        B. ends C. objects D. goals    
7. A. by             B. about C. into D. in   
8. A. nose        B. push C. run D. shop
9. A. rapid         B. crash C. quick D. Fast
10. A. achieving         B. doing C. making D. gaining
VII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question. Write your answers in the
space provided. (1,0 point)
Before the mid-nineteenth century, people in the United States ate most foods only in season. Drying,
smoking and salting could preserve meat for a short time, but the availability of fresh meat, like that of fresh
milk, was very limited; there was no way to prevent spoilage. However, in 1810, a French inventor named
Nicolas Appert developed the cooking-and-sealing process of canning. And in the 1850’s an American named
Gail Borden developed a means of condensing and preserving milk. Canned goods and condensed milk became
more common during the 1860’s, but supplies remained low because cans had to be made by hand. By 1880,
however, inventors had fashioned stamping and soldering machines that mass-produced cans from tinplate.
Suddenly all kinds of food could be preserved and bought at all times of the year.
Other trends and inventions had also helped make it possible for Americans to vary their daily diets.
Growing urban population created demand that encouraged fruit and vegetable farmers to raise more produce.
Railroad refrigerator cars enabled growers and meat packers to ship perishables great distances and to preserve
them for longer periods. Thus, by the 1890’s, northern city dwellers could enjoy southern and western
strawberries, grapes, and tomatoes, previously available for a month at most, for up to six months of the year.
In addition, increased use of iceboxes enabled families to store perishables. As easy means of producing ice
commercially had been invented in the 1870’s, and by 1900 the nation had more than two thousand commercial
ice plants, most of which made home deliveries. The icebox became a fixture in most homes and remained so
until the mechanized refrigerator replaced it in the 1920’s and 1930’s.
Almost everyone now had a more diversified diet. Some people continued to eat mainly foods that were
heavily in starches or carbohydrates, and not everyone could afford meat. Nevertheless, many families could
take advantage of previously unavailable fruits, vegetables, and dairy products to achieve more varied fare.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Causes of food spoilage B. Commercial production of ice
C. Inventions that led to changes in the American diet D. Population movements in the nineteenth century.
2. During the 1860’s, canned food products were
A. unavailable in rural areas B. available in limited quantities
C. shipped in refrigerator cars D. a staple part of the American diet.
3. The word” fixture” in line 18 is closest in meaning to
A. commonplace object B. substance C. luxury item D. mechanical device
4. Which of the following types of food preservation was NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Drying B. Cold storage C. Canning D. Chemical additives
5. Which of the following statements is supported by the passage?
A. Commercial ice factories were developed by railroad owners.
B. Tin cans and iceboxes helped to make many foods more widely available.
C. People who lived in cities demanded home delivery of foods.
D. Most farmers in the United States raised only fruits and vegetables.
VIII. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word. Write your answers in the space provided.
Doctors have reported that vitamins are substances required for the proper functioning of the body. In
this century, thirteen vitamins have been (1) _________. A lack of any vitamins in a person’s body can cause
(2) _________. In some cases, an excess of vitamins can also (3) _________ to illness. For example, sailors in
the past were prone to suffer from scurvy that is a disease resulting (4) _________ the lack of vitamin C. It
causes bleeding of the gum, loss of teeth and skin rashes. Sailors suffer from scurvy because they did not eat
fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables (5) _________ vitamin C which is necessary for good (6)
Vitamin B complex is composed of eight different vitamins. A lack of any of these vitamins will lead to
different (7) _________. For instance, a person who has too little vitamin B1 will suffer from beriberi, a disease
that (8) _________ heart problems and mental disorders. A lack of vitamin B2 results in eye and skin problems
while deficiency of vitamin B6 causes problems of the nervous system. Too little vitamin B12 will cause
anemia. The knowledge that vitamin deficiencies caused certain diseases led doctors to cure people suffering
from these illnesses by giving them doses of the (9) _________ vitamins.
Today, vitamins are available in the form of pills and can easily be (10) _________ at any pharmacy.
IX. Finish the second sentence in each pair in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it.
While I strongly disapprove of your behavior, I will help you this time.
→ Despite my .
I only realised that I had forgotten to close the door when she told me.
→ Only when .
Despite Jack’s strange clothes, everybody ignored him.
→ Nobody took .
We will not delay our voyage whether there is a rain or not.
→ Regardless .
To pass the time, I looked through some magazines.
→ I whiled .
X. Complete the second sentence, using the word given in bold. Do not change the word given. You must
use between two and five words, including the word given. (1,0 point)
1. You’d feel better if you had a quiet holiday. (DO)
 A quiet holiday_________________________________________
2. By chance I was in that town when the earthquake started. (HAPPENED)
 I _______________________________that town when the earthquake started.
3. Despite knowing this place very well, I got lost. (THOUGH)
 I got lost__________________________________________very well.
4. Were Jack not so affluent a man, she would not be dating with him. (BUT)
____________________________________, she would not be dating with him.
5. They listened eagerly and attentively to the President’s speech. (EARS)
 They___________________________________ to the President’s speech.
XI. Some people say that cell phones have improved modern life. Others believe that cell phones have caused
many problems to people. What is your opinion? In about 120-150 words write an esay to assert your point
of view on this issue. (2,0 points)

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