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Topic: Gender stereotype Word count: 509

To all my fellow women, you are strong and beautiful in every way.

To all the women in in the world, whatever your name is, whatever your skin color is, whatever your
age, race or religion is, I want you to know that you are strong and beautiful in any form, in any way
and any aspect in life. You are often seen as fragile and weak but contrary to that, you are strong.
Strength is not measured by how much you can resist the force of the wind but by your ability to
withstand, bend and NOT break against it. A woman’s strength and beauty are seen through her
flexibility and adaptability and her capacity to understand others.

No matter what other people tell you, believe that you are strong and beautiful. They may say that you
are weak, but please believe that you are not. You are a daughter, a friend, and a mother. How much
strength does it take to carry someone in their womb for nine months? How much strength does it take
to protect your child from harm? It takes giving everything you have; it takes courage and strength of
mind and heart. You are strong.

No matter what other people tell you, believe that you are strong and beautiful. They may say that you
should just be at home and your role is just to take care of the family and do chores and nothing more,
but please believe that you are so much more than that. You are beautiful in all that you do. You are
talented and at par with everyone else. Do not let anyone tell you that you are not worthy of achieving
your dreams. If your dream is to be the best stay-at-home mom, then so be it. If your dream is to be a
successful career woman. Do not let anyone dictate who you should be, how you should act and how
you should live your dreams.

No matter what other people tell you, believe that you are strong and beautiful. They may discriminate
thinking that a woman cannot accomplish what a man can do, but oh how wrong they are! Man or
Woman, you can accomplish what you set out to do if you put your mind into it.
No matter what other people tell you, believe that you are strong and beautiful. You have every right
to express yourself. You have every right to speak up and defend yourself. You have the right to choose
your own path, to choose whom to love and to choose whom to spend the rest of your life with. Break
free from the chains of archaic cultural beliefs such as arranged marriages. If you choose to participate
then let it be because it was YOUR choice and not anyone else’s.

No matter what other people tell you, believe that you are strong and beautiful. Keep that in mind
whenever you feel weak, inadequate, or oppressed. You are strong and beautiful regardless of your
gender, skin color, race, or religion.

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