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Coding Month from ARC

Get ready for Coding Month from ARC a monthlong coding competition to
improve your coding skills and compete with top coders around India.

This competition will help you to prepare for upcoming placement season and
also help you to learn the Data Structure and Algorithms in fast pace just by
following deadlines.

So get ready to compete in space and time and map your potential in Coding
community. It is your time to make impact and grab the attention.

For the competition you require an account on and you can
code in any of your favorite programming language.

All the resources and schedules are provided in this document itself.

Registration Link : Click here to register

This competition is divided into 3 rounds as follows:

Round A : Choose the best container (15th April 2021)
As name suggest this round is going to be on the data structures where you
have to solve the data structure related problems.

There are 3 questions to solve in 3 hours of time.

Question 1 : Easy carries 50 Marks

Question 2 : Medium carries 100 Marks

Question 3 : Hard carries 200 Marks

Coding Month from ARC 1

Round B : Cooking an Algorithm(25th April 2021)
As name suggest this round is going to be related with algorithms here you
have to design the efficient algorithm and the solve given problem with the
best possible solution in terms of space and time complexity.
There are 3 questions to solve in 3 hours of time.

Question 1 : Easy carries 50 Marks

Question 2 : Medium carries 100 Marks

Question 3 : Hard carries 200 Marks

Round C : Crazy Coder(5 May 2021)

This is the finale of this competition where you will get the toughest question
and are mixed with lot of concepts.
There are 3 questions to solve in 3 hours of time.

Question 1 : Medium carries 100 Marks

Question 2 : Hard carries 200 Marks

Question 3 : Hard carries 200 Marks

There is no elimination in any round. The one who scores high within all 3
rounds will become winner.
If there is a tie in marks we will consider the time he/she took to submit the

Learning Resources
 Basics of Programming Language :

 Data Structure & Algorithms :

 Sites to practice : , ,

Registration Link : Click here to register

Coding Month from ARC 2

For any queries mail us at :

Follow us on Instagram :

Coding Month from ARC 3

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