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Pakistan International School Jeddah English Section

Academic Year: 2021–2022

Islamiyat 0493
Notes and Guidelines

Student Name/ID

Class/ Section

Chapter 2 The History and Importance of the Holy Quran

• Ways of the Revelation of the Quran

Topics • Preservation and Compilation of The Quran
• Tafseer of the Holy Quran

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The History and Importance of the Holy Quran
Generic Guidelines

➢ These notes are consisting of outlines OR the complete answer.

➢ Outlines are based on the IGCSE requirements with the reference of past paper question
and guidelines with examiner report for the relevant topics.
➢ These notes will serve the students as a mind map, in order to form a well-developed
➢ Students are required to use the given key points to develop the response in their own
➢ For some topics notes are given in complete paragraph form to give idea how to develop
the answer
➢ References are also included within the notes to help students memorize

Ways of Revelation of the Holy Quran’

Guidelines to Attempt the Question
Question related to ways of the Revelation of the Quran required a comprehensive detail
about each stage of Revelation with examples, different modes of revelation and
conditions of the Prophet (SAW) while receiving the revelation with examples, date and the
references of Quranic verses that must be included. Following is suggested outline of this
topic for a well-developed response.

• introduction of Wahi
• stages of the Revelation
• different revelations in Makki & Madni life (include references)
• different ways of Revelation (include example)
• conditions of Prophet (SAW) while receiving the revelation

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The History and Importance of the Holy Quran
Modes of Revelation of the Holy Quran
Part ‘A’ (10 marks Question)

Students are required to recall, select and present relevant facts from the main elements of the
faith and history of Islam in part ‘A’.

Past Paper Questions and Examiner Report

(a) Describe the different ways that the Prophet (pbuh) received revelation from God.
[10] Oct/ Nov-2020
(a) The Angel Jibril brought the revelation of the Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad at different
times and places. Give examples to show how this took place. [10] May/June-2015

(a) Write about the Prophet’s different experiences of revelation, after the first revelation.
[10] Oct /Nov-2012

(a) Write an account of the ways in which the Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet (SAW)
between the years 610 and 632. [10] Oct /Nov -2009

Examiner Report

This question was answered reasonably well with most candidates being able to give some
examples of the different ways and times that revelation came to the Prophet. Many candidates,
though, gave examples but without elaboration and so would not have been able to gain higher
levels. For example, they may have mentioned that the revelation sometimes weighed heavily on
the Prophet, but they would not give examples of this happening. There was a bit of variation in
how this question was interpreted, with some focusing on the difference between the revelations in
Makkah and Madinah and others focusing on the different ways the Angel Jibril brought the
revelation. The best answers had a balance between the two, mentioning the event and
expanding on it with details and relevant verses.

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The History and Importance of the Holy Quran
Following is the sequence to attempt the question related to the ways of the
‘Revelation of the Quran’
Introduction of ‘Wahi’

Since the creation of mankind Allah (SWT) has sent the massagers to guide the mankind. He
communicates with these messengers through ‘wahi’. The word ‘wahi’ linguistically means ‘to
inspire’ or ‘to communicate in a manner that is not apparent to anyone’. In Islamic belief,
revelations are God's Words delivered to his chosen individuals known as Messenger or
prophets. All the messengers were guided by Allah through ‘wahi’.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) received divine revelations ‘Quran’ from Allah between the years 610
to 632 A.D through angel Jibreel (AS).

Stages of the Revelation

The process of revelation of the Quran occurred in three stages. The Quran was with Allah since
beginning and was preserved on Lauh al-mahfooz (the preserved tablet). It is mentioned in the
Quran, “It is but a glorious Quran in preserved tablet.’ (Al-Buruj 85:21-22). It was revealed from
Lauh al-mahfooz to the lower heavens to a place called ‘the house of honor’ Bayt ul Izza or
Baitul Ma’mur, which is the place of worship of angels in Ramadhan on the night of Decree.
It is mentioned in the Quran in the following words;
“We have sent it (the Quran) down, on a Blessed Night.’ (44:3 Al Dukhan)
“Ramadan is the month in which was sent down the Quran.’’ (2:185 Al Baqarah)
‘’ We have indeed revealed it (Quran) in the night of power’’ (97:1 Al Qadr)

In the final stage of revelation Jibreel brought portions of Quran which Allah commanded. This
gradual revelation occurred as needed in these 23 years. After the first revelation, in the Cave
Hira, revelation stopped for a period which caused the Prophet (SAW) to worry. Once they
started again, they were revealed strongly and frequently.

Different Revelations in Makki Life (610 AD- 622 AD)

Revelations started in Ramadhan in the cave of Hira. It is mentioned in the Quran in surah, ‘’
We have indeed revealed it (Quran) in the night of power’’ (97:1 Al Qadr)

He was given the mission to preach Islam. In first 3 years, he preached secretly as instructed in
Surah Shura “And warn your relatives” (Ash-Shu’ara 26:214).
He was commanded to preach Islam openly as mentioned in the Quran with following words,
“Therefore declare openly to them what you are commanded “(Hijr 15:94).
Prophet (SAW) and his followers were persecuted after open preaching. Revelation related to
patience and motivations were revealed. Persecution took life of his followers then Surah
Zumar was revealed with permission to migrate to Abyssinia.
“For those who do good in this world is good, and the earth of Allah is spacious.”
(az- Zumar 39:10)

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The History and Importance of the Holy Quran
Prophet (SAW) stayed back in Makkah and physical and verbal persecution continued. Surah
Kawther was revealed to console him.
“We have granted you the fount (of Abundance). Therefore, to your Lord turn in prayer
and sacrifice. For he who hates you, he will be cut off.” Surah Al Kawther 108
Surah An-Nas was revealed when black magic was cast on the Prophet (SAW).
Surah Al-Ikhlas was revealed when Quraysh asked the Prophet (SAW) to describe God.
Surah Ankabut and Surah Mominuun, last two complete surah were revealed in Makkah.

Features of Makki Surahs

• They were revealed during the stay of Prophet in Makkah between 610 to 622 A.D
• Verses were mostly used to begin with ‘O you mankind’ or ‘O people’
• Verses referring to Tawhid, Prophethood, beliefs about hell, heaven and Day of judgment
were revealed.
• Verses regarding establishing praying regularly were revealed.
• Almost all the terms of Quran are mentioned in Makki Surahs
• All Makki Surah start with individual non- connected alphabets (al- Muqatta’at )
except Surah Baqarah and Surah Al Imran that are Madni surahs
• In Makki surah, Prophet Adam (AS) and devils is referred

Different Revelations in Madni Life (622 AD- 632 AD)

Quraysh’s hostility increased so much that they wanted to take Prophet’s life. So, Allah ordered
him to migrate to Madinah in Surah Anfal. Muslims got their own separate state in Madinah.
Prophet (SAW) received revelation mainly about rules & regulations & obligatory duties (Sawm,
Zakah, Eid, Jihad and Hajj). Qiblah was changed to Kabah from Jerusalem. It is in mentioned in
the Quran in the following words.
“So, turn your face toward al Masjid al-Haram” (Baqarah 2:144).
It was during this period that the last three pillars of Islam, Zakah, Sawm and Hajj were made
“Pilgrimage to the House is a duty owed to Allah by all who can make their way to it.’’ (Al
Imran 3:97)
Jihaad was also became obligatory as mentioned in Surah Hajj 22:39 “Permission to fight
against (disbeliever) is given to those who are fought, because they have been wronged.”
Revelation regarding Hijab, marriage, divorce, and inheritance were also revealed. (Talaq 65:1).
Besides, drinking alcohol, eating swine, and gambling were also forbidden during the same
period. Allah says in Quran, “He has only forbidden to you dead animals, blood, the flesh of
swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah. (Al Baqarah 2:173)

Though revelation was a continues process but there was a pause in it for health of Prophet
(SAW). Surah Imran was revealed to answer the question of Jews and Christians regarding Allah
and previous prophets. (Al-Imran 3:59). Some verses about the danger of hypocrites were
revealed (Al- Munafiqun 63:1). Surah Nasr is the last complete surah revealed in Madinah.
Revelation was ended in plain of Arafat where Prophet (SAW) delivered his last sermon. “This
day I have perfected for you your religion, and have bestowed upon you My bounty in full
measure, and have been pleased to assign for you Islam as your religion. (Surah Maida -
verse 3)

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The History and Importance of the Holy Quran
Features of Madni Surahs

• Madni surahs have detailings of 'Jihad' and its rulings.

• Details of Islamic jurisprudence and legal system as well as laws governing family, money
transaction, international law and acts of worship are mentioned.
• Indication of hypocrites and their steps against Muslims were revealed.
• The surah beginning with an address to belivers like ‫ يا أيها للذين آمنوا‬O you who believe is
mentioned except surah Hijr which is Makki surah.
• Madni surahs are long as compare to Makki surahs
• It has discussion in regards to the People of the Book to answer non-believers.

Different ways of Revelation

There were different ways in which the verses were revealed to the Prophet (SAW). Sometimes
Revelation came in the form of dreams, and he the Prophet (SAW) would wake up and
remember them. Sometimes the Angel Jibril (AS) would come in the form of a man, which the
companions witnessed when Jibril came to confirm the tenets of belief (Hadith of Articles of
Faith in which Jibril came in a form of a companion called Dahya Kalbi (RA). A few times
the Prophet (SAW) saw the Angel in his original form, for example on the night journey and
at the time of the first revelation. The Prophet (SAW) also had direct revelation, when he went
on the night journey and ascension where last two verses of Surah Al Baqarah were revealed.
Inspiration in heart. The most difficult was when they came as the ringing of a bell and buzzing
of bees.

Condition of Prophet (SAW) while receiving the revelation

➢ His face used to get turned red.
➢ He started to sweat or feel cold.
➢ He also used to feel heavy weight on him.

• When Surah Shura was revealed, the revelations weighed down on him, so much so that
his camel could not withstand the weight. The she camel sat as Prophet (SAW) felt the
weight during revelation.
• During one of the revelations, when once the Prophet (SAW) was sitting close to Zayd bin
Thabit (RA) he felt as if his thigh has pressure on it and his leg would break.
• Revelation would cause him to sweat even in the winter and shiver in the summer.

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The History and Importance of the Holy Quran
Preservation and Compilation of the Holy Quran
Preservation of Quran During Prophet’s Life and Compilation of Quran during Caliphate Period
Abu Bakr (RA) and Uthman (RA)

Guidelines to Attempt the Question

Questions related to Preservation of the of the Quran during the life of the Prophet (SAW)
required a comprehensive detail about each stage of preservation, memorization, reason to
compile the Quran in written form, role of scribes, different sources used to compile the Quran.
Date and the references of Quranic verses that must be included. Following is suggested outline
of this topic for a well-developed response.
Preservation of Quran → Compilation of Quran→ Compilation with Standard Dialect
Preservation of Quran

• Introduction about stages of compilation of the Quran

• Stages of preservation during Prophet (SAW)’s life
• Preservation of Quran after the demise of Prophet (SAW)during caliphate of Abu Bakr
(RA) and Uthman (RA)
Preservation of Quran during Prophet (SAW)’s life
• Memorization
• Reason to preserve the Quran
• Preservation of the Quran in written form
• Role of scribes in Preserving the Quran during Prophet’s Life
• Sources of writing (Materials where the verses were written)
• Refer to the Textbook pgs.34-35

Guidelines to Attempt the Question

Compilation of the Quran During the Caliphate of Abu Bakr (RA) and Uthman (RA)
Question related to Compilation of The Quran during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr (RA) and
Uthman (RA) required a comprehensive detail about each stage of compilation of the Quran,
Reasons to compile the Quran in book form, Role of Abu Bakr (RA), Umar (RA), Uthman (RA)
and Zayd bin Thabit in compilation of the Quran. Date and the references of Quranic verses that
must be included. Following is suggested outline of this topic for a well-developed response.
Compilation of Quran
• Introduction about stages of Compilation of the Quran
• Stages of preservation during Prophet (SAW)’s life
• Preservation of Quran during Prophet (SAW)’s life → Mention briefly (include the
sources where scribes wrote)
• Detail effort of each caliph for the compilation of Quran is required
• Role of Abu Bakr (RA), Umar (RA), Uthman (RA) and Zayd bin Thabit in compilation of the
• Refer to the Textbook page:36-38

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The History and Importance of the Holy Quran
Preservation and Compilation of the Holy Quran’before and after the demise of Prophet
Part ‘A’ (10 marks Question)
Students are required to recall, select and present relevant facts from the main elements
of the faith and history of Islam in part ‘A’.

Past Paper Questions and Examiner Report

(a) The Qur’an has been preserved in writing for over 1400 years. Give an account of the way
in which it was compiled in the written format. [10] Oct/ Nov-2017
(a) Describe the ways in which Abu Bakr, ‘Umar and ‘Uthman were involved in the
compilation of the Qur’an. [10] May/ June -2016
Examiner Report
The best answers to these questions followed a chronological format, explaining the involvement of
each Sahaba in turn. Higher quality answers provided more detail. Candidates tended to be very
good at answering the question with regards to Uthman, where the level of detail tended to be
similar across candidates, whereas the level of detail in regards to Abu Bakr and Umar varied a lot
more between candidates. However, overall, most candidates achieved at least a good basic
answer, with many providing good answers with more detail, for example in regards to the debate
between Abu Bakr and Umar as to the validity of compiling the Quran

(a) Write about the preservation of the Qur’an in the form of the ‘Mushaf’ held by Hafsa.
[10] Oct/ Nov-2015
Examiner Report
The answers for this part were average on the whole as many candidates wrote about messengers
but not necessarily relating their stories to the passages they have studied. Better answers were
able to reference the passage and give details of how that passage shows God’s guidance to that
messenger and how, in turn, that messenger realized His belief in God. Poorer answers wrote
general stories from the lives of various prophets.

(a) Write about the methods used to compile the Qur’an into a book after the death of the
Prophet. [10] Oct/ Nov-2014

Examiner Report
This part was answered well. The majority of the candidates gave an account of the different stages,
but many focused more on the first stage of compilation and less on the latter stages such as during
the time of ‘Uthman. Weaker candidates did not generally give in-depth description of the various

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The History and Importance of the Holy Quran
Revelation of the Holy Quran
Part ‘b’ (4 marks Question)
Students are required to demonstrate understanding of their significance in the teachings
of Islam and in the lives of Muslims in part ‘b’

Past Paper Question and Examiner Report

(b) Why the Quran was revealed in words not in written form? [4]
Examiner Report

Good answers were able to say that the oral tradition of the Arabs allowed the Qur'an to be
committed to memory and made it easier to preserve and that the Prophet would not have been able
to read the message had it been given in written form that ensured that he could not be accused of
writing it himself. Weaker answers gave simple statements such as ‘the Prophet would not have
been able to read it’ without any attempt to show the significance of this.

Marking Scheme/ Key Points

Candidate can write the following;
▪ Initially the previous scriptures came in written form so the teachings were tempered easily.
▪ Illiteracy of the Arabs and their Strong memories.
▪ Quran was revealed in slow & well-arranged stages according to the situation (25:32)
“That your heart (O Mohammad) may be strengthen, we have revealed it to you in
▪ The Quran strengthens the heart.
▪ Prophet (SAW) known as Ummi (who can’t read or write)
▪ Well-arranged stages, gradually (6:7)

Past Paper Question and Examiner Report

(b) Why the Quran was revealed in 23 years? [4]
(b) Explain the significance of the Qur’an being revealed over a period of time. [4]
Examiner Report
Candidates gave a thoughtful answer to the reason the Qur’an was revealed over a period of time,
from easing the burden on the Prophet’s heart, to allowing the new Muslims time to implement the
new teachings. There were a number of candidates though who focused on the importance of the
Qur’an and the teachings that it contains.
Marking Scheme/ Key Points
Candidate can write the following;
▪ Candidate can write the following:
▪ The wisdom behind the revelation in stages was to strengthen the heart of Prophet (SAW)
“That your heart (O Mohammad) may be strengthen, we have revealed it to you in slow”
▪ to make easy to understand
▪ to help Prophet (SAW) memorize it easily
▪ laws were given gradually as per requirement
▪ revelations were revealed according to the situation.
▪ The power of revelation used to cause pressure on Prophet (SAW).

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The History and Importance of the Holy Quran
Past Paper Question and Examiner Report
(b) Why do you think that the revelation was sent to someone who could not read or write?
Examiner Report
Candidates gave a thoughtful answer to the reason the Qur’an was revealed over a period of time,
from easing the burden on the Prophet’s heart, to allowing the new Muslims time to implement the
new teachings. There were a number of candidates though who focused on the importance of the
Qur’an and the teachings that it contains.
Marking Scheme/ Key Points
Candidate can write the following;
▪ It was to show that the Prophet (SAW) had not written the revelations himself,
▪ Neither did he copy them from elsewhere as he had not read other books
▪ In those days, the oral tradition and poetry was important
▪ revelation was sent in a similar method for people to be able to relate to it and respect it
▪ It is not even relevant whether the Prophet(PBUH) could read or write,
▪ Prophethood is a special favour, granted by God, to His chosen people and one’s ability to
read and write does not have any impact on God’s choice.
▪ God chooses people with high moral principles and impeccable character hence the fact
whether one can read or write is insignificant.

Past Paper Question and Examiner Report

(b) Why did the caliphs felt a need to compile the Quran? [4]
(b) Explain why the first community of Muslims thought it was necessary to compile the
Qur’an. [4]
Examiner Report
The best answers offered insightful reasons for the need to compile the Qur‘an, e.g. that the Qur‘an
needed to be compiled for future generation who would not learn it by heart or would not have Arabic
as their first language and the fact that the compilation allows Muslims to have access to the Qur‘an
in all times and places without any changes.
Marking Scheme/ Key Points
Candidate can write the following;
Role of Abu Bakr (RA) as a Caliph
▪ Many Hufaz of Qur’an were killed in the battle of Yamama. Hazrat Umar was worried that the
words of Quran would be lost due to the death of many huffaz. He convinced Abu Bakr (RA)
with his wisdom and suggestions to compile the Quran.
▪ Prophet (SAW) had not made a written compilation of the Quran but the Quran was preserved.
▪ Zaid bin Thabit was appointed to gather what had already written in the time of the Prophet
(PBUH). A team of companion who were also huffaz helped him in compilation
▪ The copy made by Zayd (RA) remained first in the custody of Abu Bakr and then in the
possession of Umar (RA) after his demise it was kept in the custody of Hafsa (RA) which is
called Mushaf Hafsa.

Role of Uthman (RA) as a Caliph

▪ Reading of the Quran in different dialects was observed by Hudaifa bin Yaman (RA)
▪ to preserve the actual dialect, it was important to re- compile the Quran
▪ Uthaman (RA) decided to unite Muslims Ummah at on dialect as rival interpretation might break
the unity of the community. He was given the title’ Jame ul Quran’ due to this effort.
▪ He burned out the old copies to avoid any misunderstanding. New copies of Quran were sent to
different states.

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The History and Importance of the Holy Quran
Past Paper Question and Examiner Report
(b) Role of Zaid Bin Thabit (Ra) for the authenticity of all verses or why Zaid (RA) was
appointed to collect Quran? [4]

Examiner Report

Answers to part (c) would have given full factual accounts of the important work of Zayd, at the time
both of Abu Bakr and of ‘Uthman. The best answers would have explained how his work under these
Caliphs differed, in that he acted alone under Abu Bakr but with a group of Muslims under ‘Uthman,
and would also have included something about the methods he and his colleagues employed. While
most answers included the essential facts, it appeared evident that the majority of candidates did not
have a firm grasp of the traditional Muslim accounts of the collection of the Qur’an that would enable
them to provide a complete narrative of what happened from the time the revelations were given to
the time of the ‘official’ collection under ‘Uthman, or to explain the parts played by key individuals.

Marking Scheme/ Key Points

Candidate can write the following;
• Zaid bin Thabit (RA) was a trusted secretary of Prophet (SAW)
• He had a very good memory.
• He was the main scribe of revelation of the Quran
• He was present during last revision of the Quran with angel Jibra’el (AS)
• His saying about compilation of Quran shows his sense of responsibility and understanding
• He used to confirm his written text with huffaz.
• Add related reference of Hazrat Zaid bin Thabith (RA) quote
• It was ensured that nothing could be added or removed as many hypocrites wanted their man-
made verses included in it.
• Written text was compared with the last recitation of the Quran by Prophet (SAW)
• Strict criteria was used for compilation so that there was no chance of any mistake.

Following was the Criteria

1) to check with his own memory first

2) to check with his writings
3) Final text was given to all scribes for verification
4) Then the final copy was given to all caliphs too for the verification
5) Two witnesses were are given the responsibility of final verification for each written verse.
6) The oath was also taken to ensure their sincerity during the whole task of compilation.

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The History and Importance of the Holy Quran
Past Paper Question and Examiner Report
(b) Significance of having Quran in the form of a Book for the Muslims today. [4]
(b) Do you think for Muslims nowadays, having the Qur’an in a written format outweighs the
benefits of having the oral tradition? Give reasons for your answer. [4]
Oct/ Nov-2017
Examiner Report

Candidates could mention that having the Qur’an in book form ensures a standard copy. Having a
standardized copy also lessens the likelihood of it being reproduced with mistakes. They could also
mention that if the Qur’an had not been collected into book form, parts may have been lost. It also
suggests unity between Muslims. For example, they use the same book, they read it in its original
language even if that language is not their own. The practical benefits include those copies can be
carried by individuals, and referred to with ease. To achieve higher levels candidates must refer to
the relevance of the Qur’an to people’s lives today, how it is used in their daily lives. Candidates can
be credited for mentioning other points not mentioned above as long as they are relevant and

Marking Scheme/ Key Points

Candidate can write the following;
• It can be mentioned that Quran is a complete code of life and guidance to whole mankind.
• It is still secured as Allah has promised for his protection (15:9)
• It was preserved mainly by the companions by memorizing it.
• Muslims feel pride of having uncorrupted divine Book
• To avoid differences & disputes of coming generations, it was ensured to have a standard copy
• Quran was compiled in early period of Islam by first Muslim community and the first authentic
• having a standardized copy also ensured that there is no chance of mistake in other copies
• Some of Quran’s parts would have been lost if Quran was not compiled.
• Today it is easy to consult & learn. This strengthens the faith & confidence of a Muslim
• Quran was saved for future generation by caliphs
• Abu Bakr (RA) & Uthman (RA) efforts especially incident of battle of Yamamah and role of Zaid
bin Thabit (RA) must be mentioned.
• Add details that how Quran was standardized to avoid dialect differences. The main objective
was also to maintain the unity between Muslims as Quran was read in its original language by
Muslims around the world despite of the difference of language.

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The History and Importance of the Holy Quran
Past Paper Question and Examiner Report
(b) Why is understanding the teachings of the Qur’an important to Muslims? [4]
Oct/ Nov-2012
Examiner Report:

Candidates’ answers were satisfactory with some good ones. They mainly wrote in general terms
about the Qur’an guiding Muslims to live a good life and giving them all the information they need.
Some candidates misunderstood the question and wrote about the importance of the Qur’an, rather
than the reasons for understanding it, that it is a source of law, therefore it has to be studied in detail
to know how to apply the rulings correctly.

Marking Scheme: Key Points

Candidate can write the following;
• The Qur’an has always been the foundation for telling Muslims how they live their lives
• It was put into practice by the Prophet (SAW)
• Although the Prophet is not here as an example, the Qur’an can still be used by Muslims to
live their lives It gives them a framework for how to live their lives instead of having to look
to others.
• By reading the Qur’an and trying to learn the meaning, Muslims can understand what God
wants from them.
• Learning Arabic will help Muslims to understand the Qur’an in its own language.
• By taking one lesson from the Qur’an and applying it in their life, they can try to take on
board the real meaning.
• Understanding the teachings helps their faith become real to them.
• It allows them to follow God’s guidance for them, which in turn helps them to become closer
to God.
• It is used as a source of Law so people need to understand its teachings to be able to make
laws from it.

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The History and Importance of the Holy Quran
Tafseer of the Holy Quran
Guidelines to Attempt the Question
Question related to Tafseer of the Quran required a comprehensive detail
about Meaning and introduction of Tafseer, types of Tafseer and Qulaities
of Mufassir. References of Quranic verses must be included in the
response related to such topics. Following is suggested outline for this
topic for a well-developed response.


• Introduction of Tafseer

• Types of Tafseer

• Occasion of the Revelation ( Asbab e Nuzul)

• Nasikh Wal Mansukh

• Muhakamat and Mutashabiyat

• Qualities of Mufassir

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The History and Importance of the Holy Quran
Tafseer of the Holy Quran’
Part ‘A’ (10 marks Question)

Students are required to recall, select and present relevant facts from the main elements
of the faith and history of Islam in part ‘A’.

Sample Question
Give an account of the followings;

• Tafseer of the Quran

• Occasion of the Revelation ( Asbab e Nuzul)
• Nasikh Wal Mansukh
• Muhakamat and Mutashabiyat
• Qualities of a Mufassir

Introduction of Tafseer
• The word “Tafseer” comes from the word Fassara
• Literally meaning →Explanation or Exposition
• Islamic terminology → A branch of knowledge by which The Quran is understood
• Quran is Mercy and guidance, “This is a book which we have sent down to you, full of
blessings that may ponder over its verses and that men of understanding may
remember.” (Saad: 38:29)
• Understanding the Quran needs explanation and clarification
Types of Tafseer
1. Tafseer of the Quran by the Quran
2. Tafseer of the Quran by the Sunnah
3. Tafseer of the Quran by the Companions & successors
4. Tafseer of the Quran by History
5. Tafseer by language

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The History and Importance of the Holy Quran
1. Tafseer of the Quran by the Quran
▪ The best form of Tafseer is Tafseer by Quran. In this type of Tafseer Quran itself
explain the meaning of many things.
▪ One part of the Quran explains the other part in it.
▪ Stating briefly at one place and elaborates it another place.
▪ Many places, questions are asked and subsequently answered as well.

▪ “We rained down upon them stones of sijjil’ (Al Hijr 78)
▪ ‘We sent upon them stones of clay’.
▪ What is the striking event? (Al Qariah:2)
▪ Ayah ‘4’ and ‘5’ explains about Qariah. ‘The day of Qiyamah’.
▪ ‘It is written ‘At-Tariq’ then it is mentioned, “What will make you understand, what is At –
Tariq?” Its meaning is explained that ‘It is the piercing star.’ (Al – Tariq 1-3)
▪ In surah Al-Fatiha, it is mentioned, “Show us the straightway. The way of those on
whom You have bestowed your Grace.” (Al-Fatiha)
▪ “And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger will be in the company of those, blessed
by Allah, the prophets, the people of truth, the martyrs, and the righteous, what
honourable company?” (Al-Nisa:69)

2. Tafseer of the Quran by the Sunnah

▪ The Prophet's explanations of the Quranic passages are referred to as the Tafseer of
the Quran by the Sunnah.
▪ It is written in Quran, “Verily we have revealed the Reminder (Quran) to you
(O Muhammad) so that you may explain to the people what has been revealed to them.”
(Al Nahl16:44)→Explained by the Prophet (SAW)

Example 2
Example 1
▪ Allah says in Surah Baqarah: 2:3-4 “Who believe in
▪ It is said in the Holy Quran,
the unseen, establish prayer,” (Quran)
▪ “Allah has permitted trade and forbidden riba” (2:275) ▪ How to pray is not mentioned in the Quran. The
example of prayer is set by the Prophet himself as
▪ Hadith of the Holy Prophet provides detail of the riba it is mentioned in hadith, “Pray as you have seen me
▪ by saying, praying” (Hadith)
Example 3
▪ “The bartering of gold for gold is riba, except if it is
Sawm, Hajj and Zakah are the examples of Tafseer by
▪ from hand to hand and equal in amount, and wheat Sunnah
▪ grain for wheat grain is riba, except if it is from hand ▪ “And eat and drink until the white thread of dawn
becomes distinct to you from its black thread” (2:187)
▪ to hand and equal in amount”. ▪ Above mentioned hadith refer to the time of suhoor
▪ This Hadith confirms the concept of riba in Islam. which was explained by Prophet (SAW) to the people.
Example 4
▪ Surah Al Fatiha: Maghdubeen (Jews), Duaaleen
(Christians). Meanings of specific words are
understood by hadith.

\ Example 5:
▪ We have indeed bestowed on you the seven often repeated
verses 49 and the Great Qur'an. (Al-Hijr 15:85)
▪ Above mentioned verse is referred to surah Fatihah as they
are seven often repeated verses.

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3. Tafseer of the Quran by the Companions

Tafseer of the companions is extremely important since they accompanied the Messenger of
Allah (PBUH) and learnt the religion directly from him. They witnessed the revelation of the
Quran and passed through the situations in which it was revealed, they knew and understand it
completely. This particularly true of the scholars and the leaders such as the four righteous
Caliphs, Abdullah Ibn Masud and Abdullah Ibn Abbas etc.
Tafseer of the Quran by the Successors
Definition of Successor
The tābi‘ūn the Arabic term َ‫اَلتَّابِعُون‬, means ‘followers’ or ‘successors,’ are the generation of
Muslims who followed the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (ṣaḥābah), and thus
received their teachings second-hand.
[1] A tābi‘knew at least one (ṣaḥābiyy) companion
[2] As such, they played an important part in the development of Islamic thought and
knowledge, and in the political development of the early caliphate.
After the Quran and Sunnah and the Tafseer of the companions, the Tafseer of the successors
is considered as a valid source. It is because they took knowledge from the companions and the
companions took from the messenger of Allah.

Important Classical Tafseer

▪ This Tafseer is written by Tabaeen and Taba at Tabaeen
▪ Tafseer ibn e Abbas written by Abdullh bin Abbas and Tafseer at Tabari is the example of
tafseer written by Tabiun (RA) but there is no authentic copy found.

Popular Tafseer written by Tabaeen

▪ Tafseer ibn katheer
▪ Tafseer al-saadi
▪ Tafheem ul Quran

4. Tafseer of the Quran by History

▪ This type of tafseer is written according to the background of the revelation like
▪ Reason (Asbab – al–nazool) example of such tafseer is easily evident for the following
surahs where there is evidence of any event is found to understand that surah. For example;
Surah kawther, Lahb, Nas, Ikhlas or Ad-Duha

(5) Tafseer by language

▪ Such Tafseer focuses on the meaning derived from Arabic language, grammar, Literature,
and vocabulary.
▪ Occasions and reasons of revelations (Asbab-al-Nazool) are also considered in such tafseer.
▪ A Mufassar must know the occasions and causes of the revelation of the surah and verses,
as this helps in forming tafseer. For example, Surah Kauthar was revealed to console the
Prophet (SAW) when his sons died and his enemies mocked at him, this knowledge helps to
understand that his enemies were those who mocked at him and thought that with the death
of his sons his name would be cut off. Similarly, Surah Lahab was revealed to condemn Abu
Lahab, when he abused the Prophet (SAW), when he called the Quraysh on the mount Safa.
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Nasikh –Wal- Mansukh
▪ The Root word ‘Nasikh means to abolish, to replace or to abrogate. The word ‘Nasikh’
means ‘The Abrogating’ (verse that cancels the first order and conveys the final order)
▪ The word ‘Mansukh’ means ‘The abrogated’ (Cancellation of first order)
▪ In technical language these terms refer to certain parts of the Quranic revelation, which
have been abrogated by others. The Abrogated passage is called Mansukh while the
abrogating is called Nasikh. As Islamic Laws were implemented gradually basing on
situation and the factors. Some laws were changed and new laws were implemented.
▪ Allah Says, “None of our revelations do we abrogate or cause it to be forgotten, but We
substitute something better or similar: know you that God has power over all thing?’
(Al Baqarah-2:106)
▪ When the message of Islam was presented to the Arabs as something new and
different their way of life, it was introduced in stages. The Quran brought important
changes gradually allow the people to adjust to the new instructions.
▪ Muslims used to indulge in drinking, so the ban came gradually so that they might adjust
to the regulations. In the beginning they were commanded not to pray while they were
in the state of drunkenness, Example: “O you who believe! Approach not prayers with a
mind befogged until you can understand all that you say’’. (An- Nisa 4:43)
▪ Later drinking was completely was prohibited, and the earlier verse was abrogated by
“Strong drink and game of chance and idols and diving arrows are only an infamy of
Satan’s handiwork. Leave them aside in order that you may succeed. (Al-Maida 5: 90)

Example 1
▪ Following is the verse of surah Baqarah (2: 240) about the women waiting period after divorce
got abrogated (Mansukh) and the order is replaced with another verse of the same surah
( Nasikh) of Al Baqarah (2:234)

▪ “Those of you who die leaving behind your wives should make testament of one year’s provision
without expulsion in favour of your wives; and if they themselves depart, there shall be no blame
upon you for what they may do with themselves in an honourable manner. Allah is All-Mighty,
All-Wise.” (Surah Al Baqarah 2:240)

▪ “The wives of men who have died must observe a waiting period of four months and ten
days; when they have reached the end of the waiting term, there is no blame upon you regarding
what they may do with themselves in a fair manner. Allah is well aware of what you do. (Surah
Al-Baqarah 2:234)

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Example 2

▪ Following is the verse of Al-Anfal 8:65 about Jihad got abrogated (Mansukh) and the order
is replaced with another verse of the same surah (Nasikh) (Surah Al-Anfal 8:66)

▪ “O Prophet! Urge on the faithful to fight: If there be twenty patient men among you, they
shall overcome two hundred; and if there be a hundred of you, they shall overcome a
thousand of the faithless, for they are a lot who do not understand”. (Surah Al-Anfal 8:65)
“Now Allah has lightened your burden, knowing that there is weakness in you. So, if there be
a hundred patient men among you, they shall overcome two hundred; and if there be a
thousand, they shall overcome two thousand, by Allah’s leave; and Allah is with the patient.”
(Surah Al-Anfal 8:66)

Example 3
▪ Following is the verse of (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:180) about inheritance got abrogated
(Mansukh) and the order is replaced with another verse of the same surah (Nasikh)
(Surah Al-Nisa (4:11-12)
▪ “It is obligatory on you, when death is about to pick up someone from among you, if he
leaves wealth, a will for both parents and close relatives in a good way, an obligation for
those who are pious.” (Surah Al-Baqarah 2: 180)

▪ “Allah thus commands you concerning your children: the share of the male is like that of
two females. If (the heirs of the deceased are) more than two daughters, they shall have
two-thirds of the inheritance; and if there is only one daughter, then she shall have half
the inheritance. If the deceased has any offspring, each of his parents shall have a sixth
of the inheritance; and if the deceased has no child and his parents alone inherit him, then
one-third shall go to his mother; and if the deceased has brothers and sisters, then one-
sixth shall go to his mother. All these shares are to be given after payment of the bequest
he might have made or any debts outstanding against him.” (Surah Al-Nisa (4:11-12)

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Muhakamat and Mutashabihat:
The Quran contains two kinds of verses, both of them are fundamental components of the Book,
and both must be accepted, Allah says, ‘It is He who has sent down to you the Book. In it
are verses that are entirely clear, they are the foundation of the Book, and others are not
entirely clear, its hidden meaning but none knows its hidden meaning save Allah.”
(Al-Imran 3:7)

Muhakamat refers to the verses of the Quran that are clear and precise in meaning.
Example of Muhakamat is, “O you who believe! When you deal with each other’s in
transactions involving future obligations in a fixed period of time reduce them to writing.”
(Al-Baqarah 2:282)

Mutashbihat are those verses of the Quran, the meaning which is not known, not clear or not
completely agreed upon, but open to two or more interpretation. They are unconnected words
in the beginning of some Surah’s like “Ha-Meem, Ya-sein” etc
They are amongst the Mutashabihat; the meaning of which Allah knows alone. Mutashabihat
also include verses concerning the attributes of Allah, the true nature of resurrection and the life
after death etc.

Mufassir and the Attributes of Mufassir

Definition→ A person who understand and explain the meaning behind each verse of the
Quran with required knowledge is known as Mufasar.

Qualities of Mufassir:
▪ Mufassir must be pious Muslim
▪ He must be expert in Arabic grammar and the manner in which the language isused,
the science of recitation.
▪ He must be competent in use of Ahadith of the Holy Prophet.
▪ He must be capable of full understanding of the asbab al nuzul, the occasions onwhich
verses were first revealed.
▪ He must be skillful in Nasikh o Mansookh verses, clarified or redefined earlierverses with
later verses.
▪ His credentials must be recognized by the scholars

A Muffasir Must have the command on the following

▪ History and Asbab e Nuzul (Occasion of revelation)
▪ Nasikh (The Abrogating) and Mansukh (The Abrogated) verses
▪ Proper or fabricated Ahadith
▪ Muhakkamat (clear meanings) and→ Mutashabihat (meaning not known)
▪ Arabic language, grammar and sciences of recitation
▪ Usool-at-tafseer (sciences of Tafseer)
▪ Usool-al-Hadith (sciences of Hadith) → ability to judge the authenticity of Hadith

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