Cybersecurity Incident in The Philippines

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Rosales, Mikole Ken V.

BSIT - 3

'Data breach' reportedly exposes 345K sensitive SolGen documents

By CNN Philippines Staff, May 3, 2021

Incident Summary:

The Office of the Solicitor General of the Philippines suffered an alleged "data breach",
making some 345,000 sensitive documents accessible to the public for at least two
months, London-based security firm TurgenSec said. Also, the said documents are of
concern as it may have the potential to disrupt/undermine on-going judicial proceedings.

Type of Threat: Interception / An unauthorized party gains access to an asset

Possible Attack Execution:

a) Exposed network vulnerabilities

b) Crucial weak points in security is penetrated

Amount Loss:

Over 345,000 sensitive documents were leaked online. Documents which includes
sensitive topics: drug (271), abuse (123), rape (774), child (143), trafficking (135),
execution (437), NICA/intelligence (10), terrorism/terrorist (30), quarantine (29), COVID
(28), weapon (48), Duterte (6), Pangilinan (63), opposition (753), nuke (1), military (4).

Type of Attack: Disclosure attack

Possible Attacker/s:

Classification 1: State. Since the target was the government’s sensitive documents.
Also, there is a possibility that other states are hiring information warriors and spies to
get hold of the Philippines’ private documents. Though the security firm stated that the
data breach was closed last April 28, 2021.

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