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Rosales, Mikole Ken V.

BSIT – 3 G1

A.) Social Media - Facebook

1. Why is my ethnic origin required to create an account?
2. Does Facebook really need to know if I am married or single?
3. Why is my religious affiliation required in creating an account?
4. Does Facebook need to know where I currently study and all my educational information?
Above are some of my questions which in my case I think violates Chapter III Section 13 of R.A
10173 – Data Privacy Act of 2012 which is pertains to Sensitive Personal Information and
Privileged Information. Since this sensitive information gathered in Facebook’s database are
close to unnecessary data. Which lead me to think that what if a cyber attack will occur in
Facebook’s database or there will be a security breach, Not only millions but billions of users’
sensitive personal data will be apprehended and could possibly lead them to danger from
harmful organizations.

B.) CIT-U – Account Registration

1. Does my age really play a role when I want to study or enroll?
2. Why is my ethnic origin required in enrolling?
These are some of the questions I have in mind when processing my enrollment in the
institution. I am okay with it since I gave the university prior consent. Upon reading the
contract, the university will be held accountable when there are security issues so that’s why
they guarantee data protection, and if necessary they will be able to protect the life and health
of all the people who’ve agreed to the contract, since members are only within the said
institution and that data is not shared with third parties without my consent.

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