Subsurface Structure With MT

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Teknologi Teknologi Indonesia 40 (1) 2017: 44–54

© LIPI Press 2017



Eddy Z. Gaffar
Research Center for Geotechnology-LIPI
Jalan Sangkuriang Bandung

Dieng Plateau area has a geothermal energy power station with a capacity of 60 MW. Research Center for
Geotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) tried to expand the productive areas in Dieng to other pro-
spective areas around Dieng Plateau using the Magnetotelluric method. Magnetotelluric measurement was done by
taking path stretching from east to west and from north to south comprising of 24 locations, each with a distance of
2 to 4 km. The tools used are Phoennix MTU-5A by using two kinds of coils, namely MTC-30 for high frequency
1,000–10.000 Hz and MTC-50 for low frequencies from 0.00001 to 400 Hz. Three lines for the two-dimensional
cross section were made. From the three cross-sections, there are rocks with resistivity value of ≤32 Ωm inter-
preted as soft rock or alteration rock and Dieng volcanic rocks as cap rock. Under the cap rock, there are rocks
with resistivity value between 64–1.000 Ωm with thickness of about 1,000–2,000 meters which are interpreted as
volcanic clastic rocks and lava from Jembangan, Damar, and Ligung Formation as reservoir rocks. In the very bot-
tom rock, there are rocks with resistivity value of ≥1,000 Ωm interpreted as igneous rock which still contain heat
from the Quaternary intrusion that are not exposed at the surface and the Kumbang Formation consists of andesite
and basalt lava. The developing structure is classified as normal fault structures as seen on all of the line that make
the reservoir trap better. On the western region, namely Wanayasa area and the north west area of Mangunan,
​​ there
were rocks with the same system and structure as found on the eastern area (Dieng prospect area). Therefore, in
addition to current productive Dieng area, there are also other prospective areas in Wanayasa and Mangunan area.
Keywords: geothermal, Dieng, resistivity

Daerah Dataran Tinggi Dieng memiliki pembangkit listrik yang berasal dari panas bumi hingga 60 MW. Pusat
Penelitian Geoteknologi, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) mencoba untuk berpartisipasi mengem-
bangkan daerah yang sudah berproduksi di Dieng untuk memperluas daerah prospek dengan menggunakan metode
magnetotelurik. Pengukuran magnetotelurik dilakukan dengan mengambil lintasan yang berarah timur–barat
dan utara–selatan dengan jumlah lokasi pengukuran sebanyak 24 lokasi dengan jarak dari 2 sampai 4 kilometer.
Alat yang digunakan adalah Phoennix MTU-5A dengan menggunakan dua macam koil, yaitu koil MTC-30 untuk
frekuensi tinggi 1.000–10.000 Hz dan koil MTC-50 untuk frekuensi rendah 0,00001–400 Hz. Tiga linstasan dibuat
dari 24 titik pengukuran untuk menghasilkan penampang dua dimensi. Dari penampang tahanan jenis dua dimensi
dari semua lintasan, terdapat batuan dengan tahanan jenis rendah hingga ≤32 Ωm yang ditafsirkan sebagai batuan
lunak atau batuan alterasi dan batuan Gunung Api Dieng sebagai batuan penutup. Di bawah batuan penutup ini,
terdapat batuan yang memiliki tahanan jenis antara 64–1.000 Ωm dengan ketebalan sekitar 1.000–2.000 m yang
diinterpretasikan sebagai batuan klastik gunung api dan lava dari Formasi Jembangan, Damar, dan Ligung sebagai
batuan reservoir. Batuan yang paling bawah dengan nilai tahanan jenis ≥1.000 Ωm ditafsirkan sebagai batuan beku
yang masih mengandung panas, yaitu batuan dari intrusi kuarter yang tidak tersingkap di permukaan dan Formasi
Kumbang yang terdiri atas lava andesit dan basal. Struktur yang berkembang adalah struktur sesar normal seperti
yang terlihat pada semua lintasan yang membuat perangkap reservoir menjadi lebih baik. Di wilayah barat, yaitu
di daerah Wanayasa dan Mangunan di wilayah utara, terdapat batuan dengan sistem dan struktur yang kurang
lebih sama dengan yang terdapat pada bagian timur (daerah Dieng yang prospek). Dengan demikian, selain daerah
prospek Dieng yang sudah berproduksi, terdapat juga daerah prospek lain, yaitu daerah Wanayasa dan Mangunan.
Kata kunci: panas bumi, Dieng, tahanan jenis

Eddy Z. Gaffar |­The Subsurface Structure...


Indonesia has many resources of geothermal PLATEAU COMPLEX
energy derived from volcanic and non-volcanic Dieng volcano complex is a volcanic arc that is
rock. Indonesia has 285 geothermal locations located on the backside of the northwest–south-
with a potential total output of 28 gigawatts (GW) east Quaternary volcanic trending, including
of electrical energy, one of the biggest in the Sundoro and Sumbing. Dieng volcanic complex
world. Geothermal Power Indonesia states that consists of two or more strato volcanoes with
the current installed capacity is 1,341 megawatts the age of the Pleistocene to Holocene.[4,6] Dieng
(MW) which puts Indonesia in the third posi- old caldera is filled by a series of young cones,
tion in the world after United States (3,039 MW lava domes, craters, and several lakes. Lava flow
installed capacity) and Philippines (1,904 MW). covers a lot of plateau. Andesite volcanic activity
Therefore, to develop the energy potential that produces riodasite rocks.[4,6] On the surface of the
can be used as an alternative energy besides oil Dieng plateau, there are abundant geothermal
and gas, more detailed researches are required. manifestations that could be interpreted as Dieng
Referring to the National Energy Road Map, geothermal prospect areas.
the Indonesian government is targeting that the Volcano-stratigraphy of Dieng complex area
use of geothermal energy should be increased is divided into two parts, namely the complex of
from 807 MW in 2005 to 9,500 MW by the year old and young volcanic complex.[7] Dieng old
2025. This target is part of new and renewable caldera volcano is indicated by the presence of
energy targets, i.e. 25% of the energy mix by Mount Prahu formed on the age of the Pliocene
2025.[2] The development of geothermal projects (3.6 Ma).[4,8] Later, this caldera collapsed during
in Indonesia has been a challenge, but with the the Pleistocene (before 0.5 Ma) and filled with
new Law on Geothermal Energy, it is estimated rocks monogenic eruptions. These monogenic
that the geothermal project progress will also be volcanoes stretch from the northwest to southeast.
accelerated. The oldest caldera is Pagerkandang (0.46 Ma),
PT Geodipa has already operated electricity while the youngest is volcanic Saroja (0.06 Ma),
from geothermal energy at Dieng Plateau area they are both dominated by phreatic eruption
with a total capacity of 60​​ MW. However, there products. Caldera collapsed was followed by
is an urgent need for additional electrical power the formation of volcanic body known as the
from this area. PT Geodipa itself had carried out Young Dieng Volcanic Complex formed by multi-
research beyond existing prospect areas such as volcanic cones, such as Mount Bisma, Mount
geological and geophysical studies (gravity), but Pakuwaja, Mount Sikidang, Butak Mountains,
had not carried out research for magnetotelluric in Mount Petarangan, Mount Seroja, and Sikunir
the extension of Dieng prospect area. Therefore, Mountains. The volcanic activity in this area is
the Research Center for Geotechnology, Indo- constant to the southeast with Mount Sumbing
nesian Institutes of Sciences (LIPI), decided to and Mount Sundoro (younger volcano activity).
participate in helping to accelerate geothermal The last eruption occurred in 1979 which emit
development process in Indonesia by conduct- mostly CO2 (carbon dioxide) material. Based on
ing geophysical research with Magnetotelluric the carbon and sulfur isotopes, it was interpreted
method. Of about 15 geothermal sites in Central that the source of this CO2 was derived from the
Java, only one of which is already generating mantle.[4] This condition indicates that magmatic
geothermal field, it is in Dieng area with a capac- activity in the complex of Dieng is still active
ity of 60 MW used for electricity generation.[3,4,5] today. Dieng geothermal field is associated with
the last oldest caldera─Upper Pleistocene age
(Pagerkandang 0.46 Ma, Pangonan─Merdada
0.37 Ma), and are assumed as mature geothermal

Teknologi Indonesia 40 (1) 2017

Stratigraphy of this area from young to old conductivity between 38–78 MeV. The type of
rocks is as follows: alluvial (Qa) consisting of hot water are bicarbonate, sulphate and chloride.
gravel, sand, silt, and clay; Sundoro volcanic The hot water in the reservoir based on the rela-
rocks (Qsu) consisting of andesitic lava, breccia tive composition of the relative Cl-Li-B from four
flow, and pyroclastic; Sumbing volcanic rocks different reservoirs indicates the temperatures of
(QSM) composing andesitic lava, breccia py- the reservoir between 225°C and 300°C.[11] From
roclastic, and lava; Dieng volcanic rocks (Qd) Radiometric age data and petrology, magma from
composing andesitic lava, andesite quartz, and Dieng area can be divided into three types of
clastic rocks of volcanic.[10] Alluvial fan (Qf) events that reflect the composition of the pre-
with materials was resulted from the destruction caldera ≥1 million years ago, forming the caldera
of volcanoes; Lake Deposition (Qla) composing between 0.3 to 0.4 million years ago and the
sand, silt, mud, and clay, local tuff; Jembangan youngest after 0.27 million years ago. These data
Volcanic Formation (Qj) composing andesite lava indicate that in this area there are different magma
and clastic rocks of volcanic, Ligung Formation sources.[12] Dieng prospect area is dominated by
(Qtlb and Qtlc) consisting of breccia volcanoes, high temperatures, water dominance reservoir in
claystone tuff, and sandstone tuff; Damar For- Sileri which is estimated to produce electricity of
mation (Qtd and Tpds) consisting of claystone up to 190 MW.[13] Productive zones in geothermal
tufaan, volcanic breccias, sandstones, tuffs, reservoirs are in the sequence of volcanic rocks
and conglomerates; Kalibiuk Formation (TPB) on the bottom and microdiorite intrusion.[13]
consisting of marl and claystone with an insert Simulation of the temperature in the wellbore
tufa sandy; Tapak Formation (Tpt) consisting of DNG-7 and DNG-9 shows that the temperature
calcareous sandstones and marl old Pliocene; reaches 300°C at 500 meters above sea level and
Kumbang Formation consisting of andesitic lava, the simulation of the distribution layer G at 100
basalt, tuffs, and tuff-breccia sandy from middle meters above sea level in the region of Sileri and
Miocene–early Pliocene. Geologic Map of the spreads towards the southeast Sileri.[14] The heat
study area is shown in Figure 1. source of the Dieng prospect area is the magma
The temperature of hot water in the study area from Holocene volcanic activity and is estimated
range from 43°C to 61°C, with pH of 6–7, and

Figure 1. Geological Map of Dieng Plateau Area[10]

Eddy Z. Gaffar |­The Subsurface Structure...

to be at a depth of 5,000–10,000 meters.[15] The drilling as well as data on the temperature ramp
prospects of the Dieng Plateau area is expected on other geothermal prospect areas conclude that
to generate electric energy to 350 MW.[16] the upper limit of the reservoir area is located on
the resistivity value of ≥30 Ω.m.[17] Geophysical
METHODOLOGY method has physical properties that are related to
some geothermal system components. Magneto-
Magnetotelluric (MT) method is a method of
tellurics (MT) method uses resistivity values as
electromagnetic (EM) to determine the subsur-
physical properties which are used to determine
face resistivity structure by measuring the electric
the existence of a geothermal system components
field of passive components (E) and magnetic (H)
like cap rock and reservoir and heat source. In this
nature that change with time. The electromagnetic
study, the MT data processing was performed by
field has a frequency range with frequency band
2D inversion process.
that is able to remotely investigate from depths
of several tens of meters to tens of thousands of
meters below the Earth’s surface. The lower the
selected frequency, the deeper the penetration Data recorded of MTU 5A equipment are raw
will be. data in a time series format. The vertical axis
is the magnitude of the Ex, Ey, Hx, Hy, and Hz
Sources of high frequency EM fields (> 1 Hz)
that are the results of the recording component
comes from the thunder and lightning activity
of the electric and magnetic field. The horizontal
occurring in the Earth’s atmosphere as a whole
axis is the sampling time recording at the time of
(the whole world). Sources of EM field of low
collected data. Figure 3 shows an example of the
frequency (<1 Hz) comes from microwaves
raw data field. The raw data record seemed very
(micropulsation) due to the interaction between
good, while there were several data which is not
the solar particles (solar wind) with the Earth’s
ideal, the noise effects could be minimized by
magnetic field. EM microwave field period
using SSMT 2.000, MT Editor and Win GLink
ranges from the order of hours, days to the year.
software to produce good result. The position
MT measurements in the Dieng research area of line one to three can be seen in the following
were performed at 24 points which are scattered figure (Figure 2). Point D8 is located at the high-
on the three lines, one line from east to west (D1 est contour around 2.100 meters above sea level
to D8) and two lines from north to south (D9 to
in the vicinity of the Dieng prospect area, while
D16 and D17 to D24) of Dieng Plateau Complex
D16 is at the lowest point located at about 1.000
to the area (Figure 2). Measurements were made
meters above sea level.
using two units of MTU-5A Phoenix System. EM
wave measurements was carried out on average Based on Gaffar,[18] there are three apparent
between 17.00 until 07.00 local time the next resistivity chart patterns as the vertical axis to the
day (an average of 12 hours). At the same point, horizontal axis as the frequency as depicted in
measurements were performed with AMT (Audio the diagram below, the first pattern is represented
MT) method that uses high frequency of 10.000 by point 3 (Figure 4) that starts with a resistivity
Hz to 400 Hz in the day time and conducted for value which is quite high, about 100 Ohm-m
one hour. AMT measurements were performed to and then decreases to 20 Ohm-m at frequency of
record data to a depth of 1.500 meters above the 1,000 Hz. Then, it increases steadily up to 1,000
ground, while the MT measurement capability Ohm-m at frequency of 0.1 Hz and from 0.1 Hz
can be to a depth of more than 10.000 meters. to 0.01 Hz decrease up to 10 Ohm-m. The pattern
MT measurements were carried out on the night of apparent resistivity values is increasing at a
until the next morning because the noise level is frequency of 0.1 Hz and then decreasing, it is a
low, especially at the time of recording data at phenomenon called the “dead band” at the equator
very low frequencies. The location of the mea- where the signal at a frequency of 0.1 is so small
surement point can be seen in the image below. that it is not a pattern chart with resistance values
Research magnetotelluric, geochemical, and of actual natural kinds. In the next process, the

Teknologi Indonesia 40 (1) 2017

Note: Yellow colors indicate magnetotelluric line, D 01 Indicates measurement point.

Figure 2. Magnetotelluric Measurement Locations
Magnitude of Ex, Ey, Hx, Hy and Hz

Time Samplin

Note: Vertikal axis were magnitude of electricity component (Ex and Ey) and magnetic component (Hx, Hy, and Hz), meanwhile
horizontal axis was time sampling.
Figure 3. Magnetotelluric Raw Data of Site D-22

value of the “dead band” pattern will be lowered a low value of resistivity of about 10 Ohm-m
by following the chart pattern before and after and decreases up to 1 Ohm-m at a frequency
to get the value of the actual apparent resistivity of 1 Hz. The subsequent increases steadily until
at a frequency of 0.01 Hz. The second pattern is 50 Ohm-m at a frequency of 0.01 Hz. The third
represented by point 1 (Figure 5) that starts with pattern is represented by the measurement at

Eddy Z. Gaffar |­The Subsurface Structure...

Figure 4. Results of Measurement at Point 3 (Resistivity as Y axis and Frequency as X axis)

Figure 5. Results of Measurement at Point 1 (Resistivity as Y axis and Frequency as X axis)

point 6 (Figure 6) that starts with a low value of signal in MT can be calculated using the follow-
resistivity of about 10 Ohm-m which increases ing equation below:
sharply to 100 Ohm-m at a frequency of 1,000 ρ ,
δ = 503
Hz. It decreases up to 8 Ohm-m at a frequency of
where δ isf the skin depth in meter and f is the
10 Hz and increases again up to 10,000 Ohm-m at
frequency of the signal. Skin depth for site D-01
a frequency of 0.01 Hz. The depth of a particular

Teknologi Indonesia 40 (1) 2017

Figure 6. Results of Measurement at Point 6 (resistivity as Y axis and frequency as X axis)

Figure 7. Chart of Rho App. and Phase Versus Frequency with TE and TM Calculated and Observed of Site D-02

on frequency 0,1 Hz is 5,000 meters. Therefore, it After fitting data processed, the researcher run
is enough to get the data until 0,01 Hz to describe inverse process with Win GLink Software.
the hot rock. Resistivity contours profile 1 (Figure 8) is the
The researcher did fitting process for TE and result of inversion using the number of iteration
TM data between observed and calculated data 120 times the RMS error of 4,55% and amount
in order to make the calculated and observed to 1239,5 roughness. Resistivity contour profile
data closer. The results of the fitting processed 2 (Figure 9) is the result of inversion using the
could be seen in the graph between resistivity number of iteration as much as 134 times the
app. and phase versus frequency in the figure 7.

Eddy Z. Gaffar |­The Subsurface Structure...

Figure 8. The Cross-section of 2-dimensional Resistivity of Line 1

Figure 9. The Cross section of 2- dimentional Resistivity of Line 2

RMS error of 3.235% and amount to 576.6 from D9 to D16 (north–south line), and line 3
roughness. is measurements from D17 to D24 (north–south
Resistivity contour profile 3 (Figure 10) is line).
an inversion using the number of iteration as Line 1 starts from Dieng Prospect area toward
much as 132 times the RMS error of 3.677% Wanayasa (Figure 8). Penetration was done with a
and amount to 437.4 roughness. depth of 8,000 meters below sea level and enough
All 24 of measurements in Dieng area consist to indicate the hot rock. Rock with resistivity
of three lines. Line 1 is measurements from D1 value of ≤32 Ω.m (red to yellow) is conductive
to D8 (east–west line), line 2 is measurements rocks, located on the west and east at depths up

Teknologi Indonesia 40 (1) 2017

Figure 10. The cross section of 2-dimentional of line 3

to 5,000 meters from the surface. At the center of Line 2 begins from D9 to D16 (Figure 9).
this line, the conductive rock looks thin around The penetration depth is 8 km below sea level.
point D 3. These conductive rocks are interpreted Rocks with resistivity value of ≤32 Ω.m (red to
as soft rocks, alteration rocks, and Dieng volcanic yellow) is conductive rocks, located on the north
rocks. Rock with resistivity value of between 32 and south at depth up to 4000 m from the surface.
Ω.m–1,000 Ω.m (green to blue) is a reservoir At the center of this line, the conductive rocks
rock, interpreted as the product of volcanic rocks look thin between points D 12 and D 13. These
from Jembangan Volcano. The reservoir rock has conductive rocks are interpreted as soft rock,
a thickness of up to 2,000 m in the western and alteration rock and Dieng volcanic rocks. Rock
eastern parts and very thick in the middle of the with resistivity value between 32 Ω.m–1,000 Ω.m
line. Rocks with resistivity value ≥1,000 Ω.m (green to blue) is a reservoir rock, interpreted as
(blue to dark blue) which are resistive rocks as the product of volcanic rocks from Jembangan
heat source, located on the west and east at a Volcano. The reservoir rock has a thickness of
depth of 5,000–11,000 m from the surface. At the up to 2,000 m.
center of the line 1, resistive rock is visible up to As can be seen from Figure 9, the middle
a depth of 1,000 m above the ground. The heat area consists of a very thick reservoir rock of up
source rocks are a Quaternary intrusion that is not to 8,000 m. Rocks with resistivity value ≥1,000
exposed at the surface and Kumbang Formation Ω.m (blue to dark blue) are considered as resistive
consists of andesite and basalt lava. Resistivity rocks interpreted as heat source, located at a depth
pattern of the line 1 is divided into three parts that of 2,500 m from the surface in the north and 6,000
are western, central, and eastern patterns. The m from surface in the south. The heat source
developing structure is normal fault structures rocks are Quaternary intrusion that is not exposed
as seen on the line 1 that make the reservoir trap at the surface; Kumbang Formation consists of
better. Eastern region of the prospect area Dieng andesite and basalt lava; Damar Formation; and
is already generating electrical energy as much Ligung Formation.
as 60 MW. In the western area (area Wanayasa),
Resistivity pattern of the line 2 is divided into
there is also a pattern and structure which is
three parts, namely western, central, and eastern
similar to the eastern area, meaning that the
patterns. The developing structure is normal fault
Wanayasa area can also become the prospect area
as seen on the line 2 that make reservoir trap
for expansion of the existing Dieng prospects.

Eddy Z. Gaffar |­The Subsurface Structure...

Figure 11. 2-D cross section of all line in pseudo 3D

better. The north area (Mangunan area) also has Quaternary intrusion that is not exposed at the
a similar pattern and structure to the eastern part surface; Kumbang Formation that consists of
of the line 1. It means that the Mangunan area andesite and basalt lava; Damar Formation; and
can be prospect area for expansion of the existing Ligung Formation. The developing structure is
Dieng prospect. considered as normal fault.
Line 3 starts from D17 to D24 (Figure 10). 2D cross-section of all line can be seen in
Penetration depth was 10 km below sea level. block diagram. It seems that all areas have cap
Rocks with resistivity value of ≤32 Ω.m (red to rock, reservoir, and heat source and also normal
yellow) are conductive rocks, located on the north fault that make better reservoir trap and becomes
and south at depths up to 2,500–5,000 m from the the path for fluids to go up the surface. It is found
surface. At the center of this track, the conductive that the Wanayasa and the Mangunan geothermal
rocks look thicker between points D 19 and D prospect area have similar system with Dieng
21. These conductive rocks are interpreted as existing geothermal area. It means that they can
soft rocks, alteration rocks, and Dieng volcanic be prospect areas for expansion of the existing
rocks. Rocks with resistivity value of between Dieng prospect (Figure 11).
32–1,000 Ω.m (green to blue) are reservoir rocks,
interpreted as the product of volcanic rocks from CONCLUSION
Jembangan Volcano. The reservoir rock has a
From the two dimensional resistivity cross-
thickness of up to 3,000 m, while it looks thin up
section of all of the lines, there are low resistivity
to 2,000 m in the center. Rocks with resistivity
rocks (≤32 Ωm rock) that are interpreted as cap
value ≥1,000 Ω.m (blue to dark blue) are resistive
rocks consisting of soft rocks, alteration rocks,
rocks interpreted as heat source, present in all
and Dieng volcanic rocks; medium resistivity
cross sections beginning with a depth of 5,000
rocks (32–1,000 Ωm) which are interpreted as
m below sea level. The heat source rocks are a
reservoir rocks consist of volcanic clastic rocks,

Teknologi Indonesia 40 (1) 2017

and lava from Jembangan, Damar, and Ligung Institution, Washington. London: University of
Formation; and high resistivity rocks (≥1,000 California Press.
Ωm) are interpreted as hot source rocks consist- [7] Permana H., Gaffar E. Z., Sudarsono S., Indarto
ing of Quaternary intrusion rock that are not A. F., & Ismayanto. (2014). Young Dieng
volcanic complex, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia:
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Gunung berapi stratigrafi dan morphostructure
that consists of andesite and basalt lava. analisis mendekati, Prosiding Indonesia
The geology structure is normal fault as can International Geothermal Convention &
be seen on all of the lines that make the trap Exhibition 2014 di Jakarta Convention Center,
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to go up the surface. The western area of line 1 [8] Boedihardi M., Suranto, & Sudarman S.
(Wanayasa) and northern area in line 2 (Mangu- (1991). Evaluasi Dieng panas bumi bidang:
Ulasan strategi pembangunan. Prosiding 20th
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Sudarsono, & Gaffar E. Z. (2014). Pengamatan
The research was conducted by the Research jenis batuan vulkanik dan perubahan di sekitar
Center for Geotechnology, Indonesian Institute lapangan panas bumi Dieng di Jawa Tengah.
Prosiding Indonesia International Geothermal
of Sciences (LIPI). Therefore, the researcher
Convention & Exhibition 2014 di Jakarta
would like to thank PT Geodipa Energy for Convention Center, Indonesia.
the permission to get MT acquisition in the PT
[10] Condon W. H., Pardiyanto L., Ketner K.
Geodipa Energy area. Likewise, he would like B., Amin T. C., Gafoer S., & Samodra H.
to thank his colleagues who have helped in field (1996). Peta geologi lembar Banjarnegara
data collection and processing, among others, dan Pekalongan, Jawa Skala 1:100.000.
Mr. Yayat Sudrajat and Sunardi. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi,
Departemen Pertambangan dan Energi.
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