KSA Sensory Perception and Neuro Assessment Updated 1-30-21

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Concept: Sensory Perception

Exemplar/Topic: Neurological Assessment

Core Competency:
 Patient Centered Care

NCLEX Test Plan Categories

Health Promotion and Maintenance

Physiological Integrity
Basic Care and Comfort
Reduction of Risk Potential
Physiological Adaptation

Related Concepts

Functional Ability

First Year Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): (check which SLO’s are met with this
learning unit)

American River College

1. Identify best current evidence from scientific and other credible sources as
a basis for nursing practice and clinical decision-making.
4. Collaborate and communicate with diverse patients, families and the
interdisciplinary healthcare team to plan, deliver, and evaluate care.
6. Participate in behavior that reflects the values of the nursing profession
including self-awareness, a spirit of inquiry, ethical comportment, effective
communicator, and clinical judgement and competence.
7. Adhere to ethical, legal, and professional standards of nursing practice.

Knowledge: Pre-Seminar Objectives, Pre-Seminar Activities, and Passport for


Seminar Objectives (SLO)

Upon completion of the required reading and assignments, the student will
be able to:

1. Define the following terms:

Sensation=the ability to perceive stimulation through one’s sensory
organ such as eye, nose, ear.
Perception=process by which we receive, organize, and interpret
2. Neurons are the primary functional unit of the nervous system. What
three characteristics do all neurons share?
3. Review the normal anatomy related to the five senses.
4. Explain normal changes to the five senses throughout the lifespan.
5. Explain the anatomic location and functions of the cerebrum,
brainstem, cerebellum, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.
6. Identify the major arteries supplying the brain.
7. Describe the functions of the 12 cranial nerves.

American River College

8. Link the age-related changes in the neurologic system to the
differences in assessment findings.
9. Describe the purpose, significance of results, and nursing
responsibilities related to diagnostic studies of the nervous system.
10. Discuss normal physical findings in a young, middle-age, and older
adult related to sensory assessment and neurological assessment.

Pre-Seminar Activities (Complete Prior to Seminar)

Learning Unit Resources

Giddens text 3rd Edition pg. 260-267

Potter &Perry 10th Edition pg. 534-543, 581-587
Lewis 11th Edition Chapter 55

Passport for Entry Learning strategies

 Complete readings listed above.

 Answer objectives 1-10, and turn in the answers to objectives 1, 2
o Watch the Essential Skills Video: Assessing the Neurologic
System: Mental Status and Cranial Nerves – take the test, turn
in results
 Utilize You Tube for Cranial Nerve Exams

Skills: Application During the Seminar

At the end of the seminar session, the student will be able to:

Plan and execute a neurological assessment for a patient with sensory perception

Classroom activities that build on their required knowledge. Must be application or

cognitive activities.

 Kahoot
 Clarification of common misconceptions
 PowerPoint (Senses)/ Class interactive activity
 Group activity (Senses small group discussion)
 PowerPoint (Neuro) / Class interactive (neuro assessment) (partners)(Face
to Face activity only)
 Gum Exercise (Face to Face activity only)

Attitude: Post-Seminar

American River College

Share feedback:
 After utilization of all resources student nurse should possess understanding
of cranial nerve exam and have confidence in recognizing abnormal

American River College

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