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6.2.1 Mass Curve Method 189
6.3.1 Hydrologic river routing 206

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Technikon SA Engineering

After mastering the contents of this chapter, you should:

 be able to apply the mass curve in determining the storage capacity for a
 be aquainted with the Muskingum method in routing a flood wave through a river

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In South Africa the main water source is water from rivers. Because the flow in all
our rivers are such that the demand for water usually exceeds the average flow in
the river, the shortfall needs to be supplied from storage. The appropriate response
is the construction of reservoirs, followed later by more reservoirs and as is the case
at this stage in South Africa - filling in our needs by using the water resources of
nearby countries.

This chapter is concerned with the estimation of the capacity of a reservoir in a

stream or river and with the routing of a flood wave in a river.

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The mass curve technique appears to have been the first rational method for
estimating the size of storage required to meet a given draw-off (outflow) (Rippl,
1883). This method indicates the degree of fullness of the reservoir with time over
the whole period of record. When the rate of flow (m 3/s) in a river which was
measured by the measurement structure is plotted against time (t), a hydrograph is
formed. If, at each time the flow rate and time are multiplied with each other, values
of volumes (m3) are created. If these volumes are plotted against time by adding
each new volume to the previous total, a cumulative mass curve of run-off is
obtained. This is then a curve showing the accumulative average inflow to the
reservoir, in other words a pictorial view of the capacity of the stream or river to
provide water to the future reservoir.

Lines, which present average future draw-off, can now be drawn on the mass curve
in order to identify the largest volume of water that would be needed in order to
supply the water demand. This, obviously, would be in the driest periods - as would
be seen later in this section. The draw-off demand consists of:
 water for industrial use
 water for irrigation
 water for domestic use

6.2.1 Mass Curve Method

A typical mass curve is shown in figure 6.1 with accumulative volume of measured
run-off against time. The time period is usually months, although weeks can also be
used. The procedure to find the maximum required reservoir capacity is explained

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70 SV3 j k



40 g SV2

Inflow 30
( 106m3)
20 d


C x

T b
Figure 6.: Typical mass curve, illustrating method to be followed

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Step 1
For the proposed dam site with the given run-off as measured through the
measurement structure, produce a mass curve with the accumulative run-off values
on the vertical axis and time(usually months) on the horizontal axis (a to k in figure
6.1). This is best done on a sheet of graph paper. In figure 6.1 the steep slopes of
the mass curve represents time periods of high rates of inflow ( b to d, e to g, h to j)
that would lead to the inflow exceeding the draw-off and the dam will be filling up.
The flatter slopes on the mass curve, on the other hand, represent low-rates of
inflows (d to e, g to h, j to k) that would lead to the dam water level falling because
the draw-off exceeds the inflow. In South Africa this occurs in winter in the inland
region (most of South Africa) from about April to August.

Step 2
Determine the expected draw-off from the reservoir. This is the demand users will
place on the reservoir (e.g. domestic, industrial, irrigation) at some time in the future.
In Chapter 9 the method used to determine future demand is explained. This is
normally a difficult and uncertain task for which much information is needed. The
Departments of Water Affairs and Forestry and Agriculture and Fisheries would be
able to supply information on probable future irrigation activities, agricultural needs,
farming activities, land use and afforestation which will add to the average demand.
The government would be able to supply information on future activities in the area
such as stimulation of the specific economy of that area which might stimulate
population growth above the growth rates applied to those areas. Based on
historical water consumption in the municipal area, future needs per household can
be estimated. The sum of all these values are called draw-off and should be done

Line a to x in figure 6.1 represents the accumulated average draw-off at the reservoir
site and excludes evaporation in the mass curve technique.

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Step 3
Assume that the reservoir is just full at the beginning of the period (at a) and
superimpose the draw-off line onto the mass curve such that it is tangential to each
hump of the mass inflow curve. These new lines (a to c, d to f, g to i) are thus
parallel to the original line a to x.

It can now clearly be seen when the reservoir would be at its emptiest and when it
would be full again. At a, c, d, f, g, i and j the reservoir is just full and at the tangents
(turning points from a flat to steep or from a steep to flat slope) which are at b, d, e,
g, h and j the inflow equals the draw-off.

In the sections where the inflows exceeded the draw-offs, b to c, e to f and h to i, the
reservoir water level was rising (filling up) up to where it was full again. (Where the
inflows kept on exceeding the draw-offs from c to d, f to g and i to j) the reservoir
stayed full the whole time with a lot of water being spilled. This water was carried
over the dam wall outlet (e.g. spillway) and was of course not stored and it flowed
downstream. Each spilled volume of water (SV) during the time period of the mass
curve can be added up to form the total volume of spilled water as follows:

Total Volume = SV1 + SV2 + SV3

Step 4
Measure each intercept between the mass inflow curve and the superimposed draw-
off line (ST). These values would be at the point when the dam was at its emptiest,
just before inflow from the river started exceeding the draw-off again. In other words
at the end of “dry periods” when the water level in the dam was falling (from a to b, d
to e, g to h and j onwards). The maximum value of ST is the maximum required
reservoir capacity to ensure draw-off. This is then the volume of water that should
be stored in the reservoir to ensure that there would always be water available to all
the users.

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Step 5
From here onwards, one would calculate the height of dam wall that would supply
this volume and do the cost analysis, feasibility studies, risk analysis, etc. before
construction commences.

As could be seen, this method is simple to apply when the necessary information is

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Example 6.1

A possible dam site near a gauging structure in a river is to be investigated for the
purpose of building a small dam (reservoir). The information from the measurement
structure revealed the following average flows for each month of the year:

Month Run-off Month Run-off

(m3/hour) (m3/hour)
July 31 000 January 2 000
August 19 000 February 3 000
September 14 000 March 5 000
October 9 000 April 11 000
November 8 000 May 17 000
December 6 000 June 25 000

Assume 30-day months and that the dam was full on 1 July. Draw the mass curve
on graph paper and determine the dam capacity required to ensure maintenance of
average flow for the year. Also calculate the amount of water spilled during such a


In order to draw the mass curve, one needs to find the accumulative inflow into the
reservoir first. Starting with July, each next month’s run-off is added to the run-off
from the previous month (s) and so on. The accumulated values are tabulated

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Month Run-off
m3/hour m3/month (x 106) Accumulated
( x 106 m3)
July 31 000 22,320 22,32
August 19 000 13,680 36,00
September 14 000 10,080 46,08
October 9 000 6,480 52,56
November 8 000 5,760 58,32
December 6 000 4,320 62,64
January 2 000 1,440 64,08
February 3 000 2,160 66,24
March 5 000 3,600 69,84
April 11 000 7,920 77,76
May 17 000 12,240 90,00
June 25 000 18,000 108,00

To change m3/hour to m3/month, one should multiply with 24  30 = 720. The

accumulated values are now plotted onto graph paper (see graph on next page).

Average flow during the twelve month period equals the total accumulated value,
divided by twelve giving the run-off per month. The line is shown on the graph. The
dam capacity is found by the longest vertical line at the bottom of the straight
average line, to the actual mass curve.
On the graph it is seen to be line AB (end of April) measuring 12,24  106m3 or
calculated as 90  106 – 77,76  106 = 12,24  106m3.

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The amount of water spilled is the longest vertical line measured from the top of the
average line to the mass curve.
On the graph it is found to be line CD (end of March), measuring 19,08  106m3 or
calculated as 46,08  106 - 27  106 = 19,08  106m3.

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Example 6.2

An existing reservoir having a capacity of 2,4  106m3 received the following inflow
from a river during the period between 1 October 1990 and 31 March 1992.

Month Inflow Month Inflow

(x 103 m3/ (x 103 m3/
month) month)
October 1990 310 July 1991 20
November 1990 620 August 1991 0
December 1990 770 September 0
January 1991 845 1991 210
February 1991 760 October 1991 445
March 1991 435 November 1991 1 120
April 1991 240 December 1991 560
May 1991 160 January 1992 735
June 1991 85 February 1992 910
March 1992

At 1 October 1990 the dam was at half of its capacity. The draw-off from the dam
was determined to be at a uniform rate of 4 000  103m3/ annum.

By applying the mass curve technique, determine the following:

a) The total spillage during this period.
b) The necessary storage capacity of the reservoir to suit the given


The mass curve is first drawn (see graph on next page) by using the accumulated
values, which are tabulated below.
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Month Inflow Accumulated inflow
(x 103 (x 103 m3/month)
October 1990 310 310
November 620 930
1990 770 1 700
December 845 2 545
1990 760 3 305
January 1991 435 3 740
February 1991 240 3 980
March 1991 160 4 140
April 1991 85 4 225
May 1991 20 4 245
June 1991 0 4 245
July 1991 0 4 245
August 1991 210 4 455
September 445 4 900
1991 1 120 6 020
October 1991 560 6 580
November 735 7 315
1991 910 8 225
January 1992
February 1992
March 1992

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Next the capacity of the dam being half full at 1 200  103m3 is plotted at 1 October
1990 (refer to graph).

The average line, depicting the average draw-off from the dam is now plotted from
1 October 1990 at 1 200  103m3 to 31 March 1992 at a uniform rate of
4 000 m3/annum. The point at 31 March 1992 is calculated as follows:

4000  10 3
 number of months between 1 October 1990 and 31March 1992
4000  10 3 18 


 6000  10 3 m 3

This value should be added to the 1 200  103m3 at 1 October 1990. It adds up to
7 200  103m3 and the two points are connected with the broken line as shown on
the graph.

a) From the graph it is seen that spillage occurred from about 31 January 1991 and
again from about the end of January 1992.

By projecting the average draw-off line upwards (parallel to the existing one) to
position AB, it is seen that the dam was full from 31 January 1991 to point A, from
where the drawdown started. The total spillage is now found as follows (refer to

Total spillage = AR + BS
= (3 740 - 3 200) + (8 225 - 7 740)
= 540 + 485
= 1 025
which is of course 1 025  103m3

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b) The storage capacity of the dam is shown (line XY) on the graph.

Capacity = Volume at X - Volume at end of October 1991 (at Y)

= 6 073 - 4 455
= 1 618
which is 1 618  103m3.

The assumptions being made in the mass curve method, are: (McMahon, J.A.,
Mein, R.G. 1986).

a) The reservoir is full at time zero and consequently at the beginning of each “dry
b) In using historical inflow data for the river it is assumed that future inflow
sequences will not contain a more severe drought than the historical flow

There are, however, a few limitations of this method that renders itself impractical in
many cases. According to McMahon and Mein, some limitations are:
a) The draw-off is taken to be constant while we know that in summer much
more water is being used for gardening purposes, etc.
b) The method of analysis does not take into account net evaporation
c) It is not possible to compute a storage size for a given probability of

To conclude with the mass curve it is important to say that almost all the well
documented text book procedures seem to neglect or take little account of
evaporation losses from storage reservoirs (Middleton, B.J., Pitman, W.V., Midgley,
D.C. 1981). In the method explained by Middleton, Pitman and Midgley the storage
size is determined from a sequence (or sequences) of flows during which demand
(draw-off) exceeds inflow to storage. Nowadays this method has been computerised
and is available on CD ROM.
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Once the floodwaters of a rain are flowing in a channel, stream or river, the flood
wave soon passes the area over which the rain has fallen. This time is actually the
time of concentration from the hydraulic most remote point of the catchment to the
low point under consideration. The analysis of the flow of a flood wave in a channel
is called flood routing. Routing of a flood means the determination of the variation of
the discharge at the downstream end of a certain length of river, stream or channel
(called a reach) if the upstream variation is known. In other words it is a process that
shows how a flood wave can be reduced in magnitude (peak) and lengthened in time
(attenuated) by the use of storage in the reach between the two points (Wilson, E.M.
1983). From another practical viewpoint, through this method the exact time the
flood wave from a catchment will reach a certain point downstream (perhaps
200 km) in a river, can be calculated and the people living in the areas near the river
warned, or it can show us when to open up the sluices of a dam and by how much.

Many different methods of routing a flood exist, as shown in Figure 6.2. As seen,
one has to differentiate between hydrologic and hydraulic routing techniques, as well
as river- or reservoir routing.

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e.g. Kinematic e.g. Explicit and e.g. e.g. Puls method

wave method. Implicit methods Muskingum
solving the St. method.
Venant equations.

Figure 6.2: Diagram showing different types of Flood Routing

The hydraulic routing methods are much more complex and also more accurate than
the more simple hydrologic routing methods. Hydraulic routing is based on the
solution of the continuity equation and the momentum equation for unsteady flow in
open channels. These differential equations are usually solved by explicit or implicit
numerical methods on a computer and are known as the St. Venant equations, first
derived in 1871, for which no closed-form solutions exist. (Bedient, P.B., Huber,
W.C. 1992). Only a few computer models exist to solve these equations.

In this chapter a method to do routing through a river reach will be looked at. In
applying the routing techniques, the upstream hydrograph should be known which is
called the inflow hydrograph into a reservoir or into the reach of river to be analysed.
This hydrograph will then be routed through the reservoir to the spillway or through
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the river reach to the downstream point under consideration, where it is called the
outflow hydrograph that will then become the inflow hydrograph to the downstream
portion to be analysed thereafter. The outflow hydrograph looks different from the
inflow hydrograph, as shown in figure 6.3.

tc lag

Inflow Peak


Figure 6.3: Inflow and outflow hydrographs

As can be seen in the figure, firstly the peak of the inflow hydrograph has been
reduced (attenuated) which will then reduce flood hazards. Secondly the time from
the start of the storm in the catchment to the peak of the inflow hydrograph (tc) has
been lagged so that the time to peak for the outflow hydrograph is then longer than
its upstream counterpart. For convenience, triangular shaped hydrographs were
used. The rate of change of storage can be written as the continuity equation:

IO  ......................................................................................(6.1)

I = inflow in m3/s
O = outflow in m3/s
S = change in storage (m3) over t
t = change in time (seconds)

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The continuity equation is positive when storage is increasing and negative when
storage is decreasing and S can be plotted as a function of time. This equation can
be approximated for a time interval (t), by

11  12   t 01  0 2   S 2  S1 ....................................................(6.2)
2 2

Where subscripts 1 and 2 denote values at the beginning and end respectively of the
time t.

6.3.1 Hydrologic river routing

McCarthy (1938), in what has become known as the Muskingum method, proposed
that storage in a river reach should be expressed as a function of both inflow and
outflow (discharge) in the form:

S  Kxl  1  x 0 .........................................................................(6,3)


S = storage (m3)
K = travel time constant for the reach with units of time (e.g. day)
x = dimensionless weighting factor for a certain river reach.

The K in Muskingum’s method, is usually estimated from travel time for a flood wave
through the reach (Bedient, P.B., Huber, W.C. 1992). The value of x varies from
zero in a reservoir where S depends only on outflow to 0,5 in smooth uniform
channels. However, if both inflow and outflow hydrographs are available (which
would be if the river reach has got measurement structures), K and x can be
estimated through graphical methods.

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The routing procedure uses the form of the continuity equation (6.2) combined with
equation (6.3) in the form

S 2  S1  Kxl 2  l1   1  x O 2  O1  ............................................(6.4)

to produce the Muskingum routing equation:

Q2 = C0 I2 + C1 I1 + C2 O1.................................................................(6.5)


 Kx  0,5t
C0  ............................................................................................(6.6)

Kx  0,5t
C1  ...............................................................................................(6.7)

K  Kx  0,5t
C2  ........................................................................................(6.8)

D = K - Kx + 0,5t.........................................................................................(6.9)

t = t as defined before

It is important to remember that t and K must have the same units and as a check
procedure the coefficients above sum to 1,0 as shown:

C0 + C1 + C2 = 1............................................................................................(6.10)

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Example 6.3

The values of an inflow hydrograph are tabulated below.

Time Inflow Time Inflow
(day) (m3/s) (day) (m3/s)

1 84,9 9 707,5
2 169,8 10 650,9
3 311,3 11 537,7
4 481,1 12 424,5
5 622,6 13 254,7
6 764,1 14 198,1
7 849,0 15 127,4
8 792,4 16 84,9

Route the given hydrograph through a river reach for which x = 0,3 and K = 2 days.
Use a routing period t = 1 day and assume that inflow equals outflow for the first day.
Assume that I stays constant from t = 16 days and continue the calculation until the
outflow falls to 85 m3/S again.


We start by determining the coefficients C0, C1, and C2 by using equations (6.6 to
6.9). For K = 2 days, t = 1 day and x = 0,3

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D  2  20,3   0,51
 1,900

C 
 20,3  0,51

 0,053

C1 
20,3  0,51
 0,579

C2 
2  20,3  0,51
 0,474

Check to see if the coefficients sum to 1; by using equation (6.10).

-0,053 + 0,579 + 0,474 = 1

If the coefficients did not sum to one, a mistake has been made and should be
sorted out before continuing. Now we can continue by substituting the values of the
coefficients into equation (6.5) to get:

O2 = -0,053 (I2) + 0,579 (I1) + 0,474 (O1)

The values for the outflow hydrograph are now calculated by starting with t = 1 day
through to t = 16 days.

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For t = 1 day,
O1 = I1 = 84,9m3/s (given)

For t = 2 days,
I1 = 84,9m3/s (given)
I2 = 169,8m3/s (given in table)
O1 = 84,9m3/s (given)


O2 = -0,053 (169,8) + 0,579 (84,9) + 0,474 (84,9)

= -8,999 + 49,157 + 40,243
= 80,40 m3/s

For t = 3 days, I1 becomes the inflow at day two which is on the day before the third
day and subsequently I2 becomes I3 and Q1 becomes Q2. The formula can be
rewritten and the calculation done as:

Q3 = -0,053 (I3) + 0,579 (I2) + 0,747 (O2)

= -0,053 (311,3) + 0,579 (169,8) + 0,474 (80,4)
= 119,925 m3/s

and when t = 4 days,

Q4 = -0,053 (481,1) + 0,579 (311,3) + 0,474 (119,925)

= 211,589 m3/s
and completing this procedure up to t = 16 days the values are tabulated on the next

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Time Inflow Outflow
(days) (m3/s) (m3/S)
1 84,9 84,9
2 169,8 80,400
3 311,3 119,925
4 481,1 211,589
5 622,6 345,852
6 764,1 483,922
7 849,0 626,796
8 792,4 746,675
9 707,5 775,226
10 650,9 742,607
11 537,7 700,366
12 424,5 643,302
13 254,7 537,212
14 198,1 391,610
15 127,4 293,571
16 84,9 208,417
17 84,9 143,447
18 84,9 112,651
19 84,9 98,054
20 84,9 91,135
21 84,9 87,855
22 84,9 86,301
23 84,9 85,564
24 84,9 85,215
25 84,9 85,049
26 84,9 84,97
27 84,9 84,93

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From the above values it can be seen, firstly that the inflow peak of 849,9m 3/s was
attenuated to the outflow peak of 775,226 m3/s. Secondly the peak was lagged by 2
days. Another interesting difference is that the base of the inflow hydrograph
stretched over 16 days, while the base of the outflow hydrograph stretched over
more than 27 days! The outflow on day two was less than the outflow on day one
which sometimes happens in this method. Eventually the outflow will be equal to the
inflow on the same day and the volume of storm water inflow will at that date equal
the volume of storm water outflow.

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1. Give a step-by-step explanation of the mass curve method in determining the

maximum storage volume required by making use of a sketch to help in
visualising your answer.

2. What assumptions are being made and limitations exist in the mass curve

3. The average discharges measured for each month of an average year for a river,
is as follows:

Month Discharge Month Discharge

(1980) (m3/day) (1980) (m3/day)
Jan 290 000 July 64 500
Feb 250 000 Aug 117 000
March 388 000 Sept 283 000
Apr 150 000 Oct 388 000
May 64 500 Nov 317 000
June 50 000 Dec 385 000

Assume that the reservoir receiving the given inflow, had 5  106m3 of water stored
at 1 January. The existing average draw-off (1980) is 155 667 m3/day and it is
expected that it would increase up to 181 667m 3/month in 1995. Assume 30-day
months, plot the above data in the form of a mass curve, and determine the

(a) The accumulative volume of flow into the reservoir at the end of
[82,41  106 m3 ]

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(b) The storage capacity needed for 1980.
[9,97  106 m3 ]
(c) The necessary storage capacity expected for 1995.
[13,87  106 m3 ]
(d) The total amount of water spilled during 1980.
[21,38  106 m3 ]
(e) The total amount of water expected to spill during 1995.
[12,02  106 m3 ]

4. The flow in a river, flowing into a reservoir, was measured and the average flow
for each month of the year over a period of 32 years is as presented below:

Month Flow Month Flow

(x 106 m3 / month) (x 106 m3 / month)
Jan 16,04 July 0,28
Feb 12,54 Aug 0,31
Mar 9,90 Sept 0,48
Apr 6,74 Oct 4,10
May 3,37 Nov 12,59
June 1,10 Dec 17,66

At 1 January the reservoir contained 4,53  106m3 of water. Determine the capacity
of reservoir required (and to provide a reserve of 5,66  106m3 ) when the draw-
off equals the average of the river flow during the average year.
[22,5  106 m3 ]

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5. The table below shows the values of the inflow hydrograph into a certain river

Time Inflow Time Inflow

(hour) (m3/s) (hour) (m3/s)
0 31 72 55
12 86 84 40
24 145 96 31
36 144 108 25
48 113 120 23
60 79

Assume the outflow at t = 0 to be 31 m 3/s and let x = 0,25 and K = 1,5 days. Use a
routing period (t) equal to the time increments of the inflow hydrograph. Use the
given information and determine the outflow hydrograph by making use of the
Muskingum method, and answer the following questions:

(a) What is the outflow at t = 12 hours?

[26,0 m3/s]
(b) What is the expected peak flow for the outflow hydrograph and at what
time did this occur?
[116,6 m3/s; 60 hours]
(c) What is the time lag in inflow and outflow peaks?
[36 hours]
(d) What is the attenuation in the peak flows?
[33,4 m3/s]

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6. Use the Muskingum method of flood routing to determine the outflow hydrograph
from a river reach receiving the following inflow:

Time Inflow Time Inflow

(hour) (m3/s) (hour) (m3/s)
0 10 18 70
2 35 20 55
4 95 22 40
6 165 24 35
8 205 26 28
10 210 28 25
12 190 30 23
14 130
16 90

Assume that O = 10 m3/s at t = 0,

x = 0,33
K = 5 hours, and answer the following:

(a) What is the outflow at t = 2 hours?

[6,275 m3/s]

(b) What is the magnitude of the outflow peak, at what time did it occur,
what time lag was there related to the inflow peak and what is the
attenuation in the inflow- and outflow peaks respectively?
[191,720 m3/s; 14 hours; 4 hours; 18,280 m3/s]

(c) What is the outflow at t = 28 hours?

[41,67 m3/s]

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7. Differentiate between the different kinds of routing with an example of a method
for each by presenting the answer in the form of a diagram.

8. Define the following:

(a) Flood routing
(b) Mass curve
(c) Attenuation
(d) River reach
(e) Flood wave
(f) Draw-off

WEN361FE -217- Chapter 6

Technikon SA Engineering

1. McCarthy, G.T. 1928. The unit hydrograph and flood routing. Unpublished
paper presented at the Conference of the North Atlantic Division, Corps of
Engineers, US Army, New London, Connecticut, June 1938.

2. McMahon, T.A., Mein, R.G. 1986. River and reservoir yield. Water Resources
Publications. Colorado.

3. Middleton, B.J., Pitman, W.V., Midgley, D.C. 1981. Surface Water Resources
of South Africa. Volume II, Drainage region C, The Vaal Basin. Part 1 (Text).
Report no. 8/81. Hydrological Research Unit. Johannesburg.

4. Rippl, W. 1883. Capacity of storage reservoirs for water supply. Minutes of

Proceedings Institution of Civil Engineers, 71 (pp 270 - 278).

5. Wilson, E.M. 1983. Engineering Hydrology. Macmillan Publishers Ltd.


WEN361FE -218- Chapter 6

Technikon SA Engineering

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