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1. Which is Proportion
a. IMR
b. Malaria morbidity in the population
c. Incidence
d. All
2. Which is absolute measure of association?
a. Risk Difference
b. Rate deference
c. Odds Ratio
d. All Except C
3. Which is Relative measure of association?
B. Risk difference
C. Attributable Risk
4. Measure of association in population
a. PAR
b. PAR fraction
c. A&B
d. None
5. Which One of the following is Observational study design
a. Cohort
b. Case Control
c. Cross sectional
d. A &B
e. All
6. A drug X have effect with in 25 min. to study new drug Y for the same Purpose which has effect
in < 25 min how we state the hypothesis testing.
A. Ho: m>=25 and HA :m<25
7. Calculate the upper limit for the 95% CI of the following Data
X: 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 26
8. The observe association is due to____________
a. Bias
b. Chance
c. Confounding
d. All
e. None
9. Chi –Square is used to test association b/n
a. The association of Continuous Variables
b. Discrete Variable
c. The magnitude of Continuous Variables
10. In case if one tail rejected what about two tailed given that the normal distribution is constant
11. Which one of the following affect prevalence
a. immigration
b. Rapid Cure
c. Climate Change
d. A &B
e. All
12. Aim of institutional Screening
a. To screen all Subject irrespective of their disease status
b. To detect sub clinical stage of disease
c. To detect silent Cases
d. B &C
e. All
13. Which one of the following is SMART Objective
14. Which Which one of the following indicates SWOT
15. Sequence of Planning
16. Skill of Managers conceptual and technical
17. Monitoring is done at which stage of the program
18. Strategic Plan is
19. MDG number four indicate
a. Decreasing Maternal Mortality by 2/3
b. Decreasing Child Mortality by 75 %
c. Combating Communicable disease
d. None
20. The deficiency disease of Iodine deficiency
a. Mental Retardation
b. Goiter enlargement
c. Decrease Productivity in adults
d. A & B
e. All
21. Which one of the following is not true about Kuashakor
a. Pelly gray hair which removed easily
b. Increase of appetite
c. Edema shown on surface of feet bilaterally
d. None
22. If Mr. X went to Y health center for HIV screening test after having unsafe sex before tow
months what kinds of behavior a Mr. X shaws
a. Risk Behavior
b. Preventive Behavior
c. Promotive Behavior
d. A & B

e. All
23. Which one of the following is not true about market failure in health service
24. Which one of the following is not true about Demand in health service
25. Which one of the following is not true about Supply in health service
26. The main indicator of development in The Economy of health
27. The main agenda of Copenhagen meeting
28. Solid Waste disposal
29. Pure Water Means
30. The correct communication process in ascending order is
a. MassageencoderChannel receiverFeed Back
b. SenderMassageChannelreceiverFeed Back

31. In preparation of health Education planning which is the first step

a. Identifying audience
b. Selecting communicator
c. Selecting the channel
d. A & B
e. All
32. The main strategies to reduce maternal mortality is
33. Which of the following family Planning method is not used during six week infant age lactation
34. Innovation adoption
35. The micro nutrient which is given to increase appetite and if given in access amount cause heart
a. Pyridoxine b. thiamine c. Rivo nucleic acid d. all
36. In immunization DPT 1, Hep B & Hin b Vaccine is given in infant age of
a. 1 week b. 6 week c. 10 week d.14 week
37. The main cause of maternal mortality is
a. Hemorrhage
b. Abortion
c. Hypertension
d. Sepsis
38. Which of the following behavior is difficult to change?
a. Belief b. Value c. attitude d. all

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