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1. Work Instruction

1.1. Moisture determination of Sodium Tartrate Dehydrate (Merck 1.06664.0100)

1.1.1. Switch the instruments on with On/Off key
1.1.2. Choose drying mode/program: Method A - 1600.02 Sodium Tartrate (by press A key),
the method using below parameters:
Sample weight : 2.1 – 2.9 g
Drying temperature : 150 OC
1.1.3. Open the heating module, and place the empty sample pan in the sample pan
handler and place in the sample chamber. Close the heating module will
automatically sets the balance installed in the Moisture Analyzer to zero.
1.1.4. Open the heating module, and then weigh sample of Sodium Tartrate Dehydrate (2.1
– 2.9 g) in the sample pan.
1.1.5. Close the heating module, the instrument starts the drying and measurement.
1.1.6. When the measurements ended, the results can be read on display as %MC and will
be printed out in printer RS-P42.
1.1.7. Open the heating module, and remove the sample pan from the sample pan handler.
1.1.8. Press the Home key to delete the measurement result from display. Switch the
instrument off, if do not wish to perform another measurement.
1.1.9. Moisture determination of Sodium Tartrate Dehydrate as a control checking, and
should be performed frequently (monthly basis). The value is recorded in the form
08-009 Monthly Check Record - Halogen Moisture Analyzer and 08-004 Inspection,
Measuring & Test Equipment Records. Consult supervisor/manager if the result out
of range (Moisture of Sodium tartrate dihydrate Merck 1.06664.0100, Assay 99.5-
101%, Loss on Drying = 15.61 – 15.71%).
1.1.10. External calibration must be carried out minimum once a year or when instrument is
serviced or deemed when necessary. And should be recorded in the form “08-004
Inspection, Measuring & Test Equipment Records”.

1.2. Moisture determination of sample

1.2.1. Switch the instruments on with On/Off key
1.2.2. Choose drying mode / program : Method B - POWDER (by press B key), the method
using below parameters :
Sample weight: 2.6 – 3.5 g
Drying temperature: 120 OC
1.2.3. Open the heating module, and place the empty sample pan in the sample pan
handler and place in the sample chamber. Close the heating module will
automatically set the balance installed in the Moisture Analyzer to zero.
1.2.4. Open the heating module, and then weigh the sample about 3 gr (2.6 – 3.5 g) in the
sample pan.
1.2.5. Close the heating module, the instrument starts the drying and measurement.
1.2.6. When the measurements ended, the results can be read on display as %MC and will
be printed out in printer RS-P42.
1.2.7. Open the heating module, and remove the sample pan from the sample pan handler.
1.2.8. Press the Home key to delete the measurement result from display. Switch the
instrument off, if do not wish to perform another measurement.

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