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Unit 23

Use the vocabulary below to create your own mind map and add more words if necessary!

Nouns/aɪˈdɪəl/ Verbs & Expressions

• astronaut /ˈæstrənɔːt/ • figure /ˈfɪgə/ • achieve /əˈtʃiːv/

• average /ˈævərɪdʒ/ • inclusivity /ɪnkluːˈsɪvɪti/ • break down barriers
• beauty ideal /aɪˈdɪəl/ • measurement /ˈbæriəz/ / stereotypes
• body image /ˈɪmɪdʒ/ /ˈmeʒəmənt/ /ˈsteriətaɪps/
• CEO (chief executive • representation • cast aside = reject
officer) • role model /rɪˈdʒekt/
• disability /dɪsəˈbɪlɪti/ • scientist /ˈsaɪəntɪst/ • close / bridge the gap
• (dis)satisfaction • self-esteem • endure /ɪnˈdjʊə/
• diversity /daɪˈvɜːsɪti/ • shape • feature /ˈfiːtʃə/
• doll • silhouette • fit in ≠ stand out
• embodiment • standard • launch /lɔːntʃ/
/ɪmˈbɒdɪmənt/ of • wheelchair • meet standards
• engineer /endʒɪˈnɪə/ • prevent /prɪˈvent/
• realise one’s full
Adjectives • stand up against = resist
• stand up for = defend
• chubby /ˈtʃʌbi/ • healthy /ˈhelθi/ • stand up to = oppose
• controversial • high-flying /ˌhaɪˈflaɪɪŋ/ • stay true to oneself
/ˌkɒntrəˈvɜːʃl/ • iconic /aɪˈkɒnɪk/ • succeed /səkˈsiːd/
• curvy /ˈkɜːvi/ • misleading
• damaging /ˈdæmɪdʒɪŋ/ • misrepresented
• distorted /dɪˈstɔːtɪd/ • strong-willed /ˌstrɒŋˈwɪld/
• empowering /ɪmˈpaʊəɪŋ/ = strong-minded
• underrepresented /ˌstrɒŋˈmaɪndɪd/
• goal-oriented
/gəʊl ˈɔːrientɪd/

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