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Janrey B Mejias 11 ABM 1

21st Century Literature

1. What do the molave and the orchid symbolize in the real world?
The molave and the orchid symbolize different things, people and situations in real life
depending on how we understand its relevance. Based on how I have understood the story, the two
characters symbolize those who are ignorant and those who are wise and knowledgeable. It portrays
how there is always that something that the ignorant fails to acknowledge and how they need help from
others to figure out what that is. The story could also be interpreted to symbolize how the older
generation fails to recognize the thoughts and opinions of those who are younger simply because of their
age superiority.

2. Criticize the two main characters in the story based on their perspective about life and one’s
The old molave tree was proud, but I wouldn’t say that he was boastful. He was old, yet he has
only lived for his own. He sees other creatures as something lower than him. He’s like the rude adult in
real life who demands respect simply because he’s older. He is self-centred. Despite the negative attitude
that he portrayed during the first part, it eventually changed as the orchid appeared and shared insights
to the molave. It was ironic how the molave says each living creature has logic, a reason for existence
and yet he does not know his own reason for existence. He sees the orchid as an irrelevant being as he
thinks he’s better off enjoying his life independently. The orchid on the other hand, was brighter and
wiser than the molave. She was not narrow-minded and arrogant. She had more mind boggling thoughts
and had better views in life compared to the molave. In real life, she’s like that one person who sees
things differently and always has thoughts and opinions on different situations.

3. Have you ever experienced pushing away the people who try to care for you? Briefly narrate
your experience.
Yes, there were times when I was too proud of myself and when I think that I can do things on
my own. When people try to help me, my friends specifically, I often tell them that I can do it on my own
without their help, even though I know that their insights would really have a great impact on how I
would perform my work/activities.

4. If you were the molave, would you keep on pushing away the clingy orchid?
Well, partly yes and partly no. Yes because, knowing myself, I push annoying people away from
myself because I am not really fond of drawing that much attention and interaction with people. And no,
because I now try to recognize someone’s intentions whenever they interact with me, and if I really were
the molave, I would not be persistent of pushing her away.

5. If you were the orchid, would you still stay with the molave even if it keeps on pushing you
away? Why?
If I were the orchid, I would stay with the molave. Clinging to the molave was not intentional; it
was not something the orchid volunteered to do. Also, if I know that there are ways that I could be of any
help to anyone, I would be persistent of staying with them despite of being pushed away.
6. What lesson does this story imply regarding chances and choices?
I have learned the clear distinction and relevance between choices and chances on the story.
Chances are not something we decide, but choices are. So, never waste your chances by opting for the
wrong choice. In the story, the molave had a lot of chances; he had chances of helping others, he had
chances to become purposeful to other creatures and yet he chose not to. The orchid on the other hand,
had no other choice but to accept the chance. Her chance was to live and to gain beauty, but attached to
a proud and arrogant molave tree. This conveys different situations of chances and choices, but both
share the same conclusion: no matter the chances, always opt for the right choice.

7. What lesson does this story convey regarding one’s purpose and meaning?
Everything has a purpose, and that purpose only defines your life when it has been purposeful to
others. The story conveys how our lives are relevant to that of others’ and how in different ways we have
been purposeful to different people at some point of our life. The story conveys that we all have our own
reasons for being. It may be hard to figure that reason, and purpose out now, but as long as we keep
figuring out who we are first and keep choosing the right choices for our own and other’s sake,
eventually we will be able to figure it out.

8. Do you think the molave has fallen in love with the orchid? Show pieces of evidence to
support your claim.
No. I would say that the molave did not fall in love with the orchid. We might insinuate that the
molave fell in love with the orchid after reading the sentence: Could it be that within his own pith, there
was, after all, some feeling of affection, of concern for this plant that was now irrevocably attached to
him. However there were no lines of affirmation to the said feelings and notice how the sentence before
the given confusing sentence was in an interrogative manner therefore making it clear that it was a
thought, a realization and not a confirmed feeling of affection. Also, adoring someone does not mean
that you love them in a romantic way. Love takes time, and a lot of "getting to know each other-s."

9. Comment on the ending of the story. If you were the author, would you end it that way? If
not, the how?
No, because the story would have truly served its purpose if it showed how it is never too late to
be humble and to be of good traits. It would have had better applications of the lessons that it implied if
the molave would have had time to be entirely different after the realizations that he had. If I were the
author, I would have given the molave more time and scenes where he would get to say: “I wonder how
my life would have been if I have already known my purpose and lived with humility and joy.” And also,
the ending would have been not so different with the conflict of the first parts of the story where a
different being gets onto the tree, the only difference is that, this time, these beings are termites, eating
his body up. And as the termites reach his last branches, he smiles and says: “Finally I get to live my life
for others.”

10. Construct your personal quote based on your insights learned from the story.
“When things take time, be sure to do the right things as you wait”

11. Reflect. Ask yourself “What is the purpose of my existence?” In no more than 100 words,
write down your thoughts.

My purpose is based on how I live my life. I’ve been part of other people’s lives but I wouldn’t
say being part of theirs is the sole purpose of mine. My purpose is to know myself. It seems selfish, for
they say that you haven’t really lived if you haven’t been of purpose to others, but knowing myself is the
best way that I can really be of any purpose to anyone. It’s best that we turn our existence into
something unique; something made for ourselves. For only when one knows himself, can he truly define
his own existence.

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