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1 21st Century Literature of the Philippines


In this study guide, you are expected to:
o Identify the significance of literature
o Identify the hallmarks of literature
o Write an own definition of literature

I. Essence and Significance of Literature

1. Literature (origin of the term – litera which mean letter) deals with ideas, thoughts and emotions
of man – thus it can be said that literature is the story of man. (Kahayon, 1998, p. 5-7); Literature
comes from the French phrase “belles-letters” which means beautiful writing. (Baritugo,, p.1)
2. Literature in its broadest sense, is everything that has never been written.
3. The best way to understand human nature fully and to know a nation completely is to study
literature. (Garcia, 1993, p.3)
4. Through literature, we earn the innermost feelings and thoughts of people – the most real part of
themselves, this we again an understanding not only of others, but more importantly, of ourselves
and of life itself. (Garcia,, 1993. p.4)
5. Literature offers us an experience in which we should participate as we read and test what we
read by our own experience.
6. Literature does not yield much unless we bring something of ourselves to it.

7. Literature is a faithful production of life… in as sense it is a product and commentary on life

8. Literature illuminates life.

9. Literature is our life’s story including its struggles, ideas, failures, sacrifices and happiness.
(Ang, 2006)
10. Literature appeals to man’s higher nature and its needs – emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and
creative. Like all other forms of art, literature entertains and gives pleasure; it fires the
imagination and arouses noble emotions and it enriches man by enabling him to reflect on life
and by filling him with new ideas. (Garcia,,1993,pp. 1-3)
11. Literature is one of the seven arts (i.e., music, dance, painting, sculpture, theatre and architecture)
and as such, literature is a creative product of a creative work the result which is form and
beauty. (Nuggets, 2004,p.2)
12. Why do people read literature?
For information, for amusement, for higher and keener pleasure, for cultural upliftment and for
discovery of broader dimensions in life. (Nuggets, 2004, p.2-3)
1 21st Century Literature of the Philippines

II. Hallmarks of Literature

13. The ability to judge of literature is based on the application of certain recognizable standards of
good literature. Great literature is distinguishable of the following qualities (Garcia, 1993, p.3)
a. Artistry (quality which appeals to our sense of beauty)
b. Intellectual Value (A literary work stimulates thought enriches our mental life by making us
realize fundamental truths about life and human nature)
c. Suggestiveness (This is the quality associated with the emotional power of literature, such
that it should move us deeply and stir our creative imagination, giving and evoking vision
above and beyond the plane of ordinary life and experience.)
d. Spiritual Value (A good literature elevates the spirit by bringing out mora, values which
makes us better persons – this capacity to inspire is part of the spiritual value of literature.)
e. Permanence (A great work of literature endures – it can be read again and again as each
reading gives fresh delight and new insights and open new worlds of meaning and
f. Universality (Great literature is timeless and timely – forever relevant in terms of its theme
and conditions.)
14. A literary text can be studied in several ways: (Garcia, 1993, p.4)
a. For its thematic value, for entertainment value, for the richness of its plot, for comparison with
other works, for the ideas it contains, for its emotional power, for character analysis, as an
appeal to move readers to action, for social reforms, for its representations of literary
movements and techniques, for the author’s unique use of language (style) and most
importantly for its reflection of life itself.

III. Divisions of Literature

15. All of literature falls under two main divisions: (Nuggets, 2004, p.8)
Form Written in paragraph form Written in stanza form
Expressed in metrical, rhythmical
Language Expressed in ordinary language
and figurative language
Appeal To the intellect To the emotion

To convince, inform, instruct, Stir the emotion and set an ideal of

imitate and reflect how life should be
1 21st Century Literature of the Philippines

Check your understanding:

Activity 1. Answer the following questions below briefly.

1. What makes a literature a good literature?

2. How does literature illuminate life?

Activity 2.

1. Cite at least one good literary piece that you have read, and explain how it becomes a good literature
basing on the six standards of a good literature.

Activity 3. Read the text about literature in your manual. Draw insights from it, then give your own
definition of literature through acrostics.

1 21st Century Literature of the Philippines

Ang, Jaime.(2016).”Literatura: 21st Century Philippine and World Literatures”.Mindshapers
Co.,Inc. Rm.108, Intramuros Corporate Plaza Building., Recoletos St., Manila
Solmerano, Ernesto Thaddeus, et. al.(2017).”21 st Century Literature from the Philippines and the
Wolrd”. Fastbooks Educational Supply, Inc.1239Instruccion St., Brgy. 514, Zone
51,Sampaloc, 1008 Manila, Philippines.
Quipper Study Guides 2018, Philippines, accessed August 23, 2020,

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