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Why I believe Fifi Abdo would survive a

zombie apocalypse

As we all know, Fifi Abdo is a powerful, independent, and charming Egyptian icon.
She can do anything and everything and executes it in an extremely creative and
unique way, one that never fails to surprise us. So she basically never fails to
surprise us.
Therefore, as I was saying, since Fifi is a multitalented queen, she survives and
rises above the hate she has been getting since the day her career started, and
before I get into my argument, let me just note that anyone who rises above the
criticizing and hate of Egyptians can quite literally do anything and survive almost
everything. So without further a-do, let us get into it:
First off, Fifi is a talented actress and skilled make-up artist.
Above all, fifi is an actress, and as we all know Fifi excels at whatever she does, so
she can easily act like one of the zombies around her, and not only that but she’ll
manipulate them into believing she’s been one of them all along. However, you
might ask, how can she blend in between zombies if she looks human? Won’t
they notice? Well that brings me to next point, which is that Fifi is a skilled
makeup artist, u might have seen her looks on her Instagram page or even at the
parties she has attended, if u haven’t let me give u an example:

So as you all can see Fifi is obviously talented at what she does, and if she can pull
off such a beautiful and complex makeup look, she can most definitely do an easy
and basic zombie face.
Second off, Fifi is an expert belly dancer (exhibit A). She always dances as
if her life depends on it, and she never fails to capture our attention with her sick
moves, she can distract us from anything happening around us. So if Fifi can
distract half of the egyptian population with one mesmerising move with her
waist, she can most definitely distract a whole zombie population from devouring
her or turning her into one of them, because as we all know, her moves are
addicting to watch, so zombie or no zombie, no one would ever come close to her
while she’s dancing. (partly because they’re scared to come close and partly
because they’re enjoying the show.)
And most importantly, as a multitalented icon, Fifi can also sing
(exhibit A). So once again, this shows how many talents Fifi has, but not just that,
you see, above all of the talents I have listed before, Fifi’s voice is by far her
strongest and most dangerous feature. You see, unless you’re deaf, hearing Fifi
singing should and will cause you pain! Which is exactly why it’s her strongest
suit. Let me paint you a picture; it’s the apocaplypse, most of the population are
either dead or have been turned into zombies, so while they’re passing by in the
streets of Cairo, they spot Fifi, she isn’t ready, she doesn’t have her zombie make
up on and isn’t able to dance right in that moment, she doesn’t know what to do,
she can either use her last resort and sing or say goodbye to life, she decides to
sing, specifically the song “ana hora mahebesh dorra”, the zombies stop in their
tracks, shocked at what they’re hearing, even though they’re undead creatures
and have been through a whirlwind of pain, no pain has been greater than this,
listening to Fifi Abdo singing, they decide to leave because staying on an empting
stomach the whole day is 10 times better than listening to this monstrosity.
Finally, Fifi is an Egyptian woman; she has survived in this
misogynistic country for over 68 years!! Fifi has been the subject of so
much hate just because of her gender, because of the roles she plays, because the
way she dresses, because she dances on screen and uses her body in the way she
wants and not in which she’s told to. So anyone who survives that can most
definitely survive anything.
So chapeau to Fifi and this concludes today’s talk! In conclusion, Fifi Abdo can and
will survive the apocalypse thanks to her many talents and mesmerising features.
Thank you for your time!

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