Manual EAM 2021

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Training Manual

Oracle Enterprise Asset Management

eShakti ERP Implementation

Document 1.0 Version Rev 1.0

Prepared By Ankita Nagpal (Infosys) Date 20-Jul-2010
Reviewed By Saroj Maharana(Infosys) Date
Authorized By Date
Approved By Date

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Ver.Rev Date Author Description with Reason

1.0 20-Jul- Ankita Nagpal (Infosys) Initial version

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1 ORACLE APPLICATIONS – STARTUP INFORMATION .......................... 5

1.1 LOGIN TO ORACLE APPLICATIONS .................................................................. 5
1.1.1 Log in To Oracle Application: ........................................................ 5
1.1.2 Basics of Oracle Applications Navigation ........................................ 6
2 DATA DEFINITION........................................................................... 11
2.1 ORGANIZATION ..................................................................................... 11
2.1.1 Enabling Organization for EAM .................................................... 11
2.1.2 Define Organization Access ........................................................ 11
2.2 EAM SETUP ......................................................................................... 12
2.2.1 Define WIP Parameters .............................................................. 12
2.2.2 Define WIP Accounting Classes ................................................... 14
2.2.3 Define EAM Parameters ............................................................. 16
2.2.4 Define Category Codes .............................................................. 18
2.2.5 Define Category Set .................................................................. 20
2.2.6 Define Default Category Set ....................................................... 22
2.2.7 Define Lookups ......................................................................... 23
2.3 EAM DATA DEFINITION ........................................................................... 24
2.3.1 Define Asset Groups .................................................................. 24
2.3.2 Define Area .............................................................................. 25
2.3.3 Define Department.................................................................... 25
2.3.4 Define Resource ....................................................................... 26
2.3.5 Define Employee Resource ......................................................... 26
2.3.6 Define Department Resource ...................................................... 27
2.3.7 Define Department Resource Instance ......................................... 27
2.3.8 Define Asset Number................................................................. 28
2.3.9 Define Activity .......................................................................... 29
2.3.10 Define Activity Association ...................................................... 30
2.3.11 Define Asset BOM .................................................................. 31
2.3.12 Define Maintenance BOM ........................................................ 31
2.3.13 Define Maintenance Routing .................................................... 32
2.3.14 Define Asset Hierarchy ........................................................... 33
2.4 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ....................................................................... 33
2.4.1 Define PM header...................................................................... 33
2.4.2 Define PM Rule ......................................................................... 35
2.5 ASSET ATTRIBUTES ................................................................................ 36
2.5.1 Define Asset Attribute DFF ......................................................... 36
2.5.2 Assign to Asset Group ............................................................... 38
2.5.3 Define Attributes for Asset Numbers............................................ 39
3 PROCESSES ..................................................................................... 41
3.1 WORK REQUEST .................................................................................... 41
3.1.1 Create & Update Work Request................................................... 41
3.1.2 Approve/Reject Work Request .................................................... 45
3.1.3 Maintenance User Workbench – View pending Jobs ....................... 49
3.2 CREATE & UPDATE WORK ORDER ................................................................ 49
3.2.1 Creating a Work Order............................................................... 49
3.2.2 Selecting the Activity................................................................. 50
3.2.3 Adding Material Requirement on Work Order ................................ 51
3.2.4 Adding Resource Requirement on Work Order .............................. 53
3.2.5 Assign Employee to Work Order.................................................. 54

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3.3 WORK ORDER TRANSACTIONS .................................................................... 54
3.3.1 Issue Material to Work Order...................................................... 54
3.3.2 Charge Time/ Resource Transaction ............................................ 57
3.3.3 Complete Work Order ................................................................ 59
3.3.4 Failure Details Entry .................................................................. 60
3.3.5 Follow-up Work Order ............................................................... 60
3.3.6 Scheduler Workbench ................................................................ 62
3.3.7 Transferring WO Costs to GL ...................................................... 63
3.4 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE TRANSACTIONS .................................................... 67
3.4.1 Forecast & Generate Preventive Maintenance Work Orders –
Maintenance Workbench ..................................................................... 67
3.4.2 Complete PM Work Orders ......................................................... 68
3.5 OSP/DIRECT ITEM ................................................................................. 68
3.5.1 Define an OSP/Direct Item ......................................................... 69
3.5.2 Define an OSP Resource and assign to OSP Department ................ 74
3.5.3 Create an OSP/Direct Item Work Order........................................ 75
3.5.4 Receipt of the OSP/Direct Item ................................................... 75
3.6 MAINTENANCE SUPER USER ....................................................................... 76
3.6.1 View & Approve Notifications ...................................................... 76
3.6.2 View Asset Details..................................................................... 76
3.6.3 Configuration History – View & Update ........................................ 77
3.6.4 Failure Analysis ........................................................................ 81
3.6.5 Asset BOM & Attachments.......................................................... 87
3.6.6 Move Asset .............................................................................. 91
3.7 PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE ........................................................................ 96
3.8 OUTAGE PLANNING ................................................................................. 99
4 QUALITY.......................................................................................... 99
4.1 SETTING UP ......................................................................................... 99
4.1.1 Define Collection Elements (Log Book Fields)................................ 99
4.1.2 Define Collection Plans (Log Books)............................................101
4.2 DATA ENTRY........................................................................................102
4.2.1 Entering Data in the Log Book ...................................................102
4.3 DATA ANALYSIS ....................................................................................103
4.3.1 View/Export Log Book Data .......................................................103
4.3.2 Trend Analysis .........................................................................103
5 REPORTS ....................................................................................... 104

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1 Oracle Applications – startup information

1.1 Login to Oracle Applications

1.1.1 Log in To Oracle Application:

 Enter the URL for Application in address bar

 Enter Username and Password and click login

 If employee is logging in for first time system will ask for change of password.

 Enter old password, new password and click on submit.

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 List of responsibilities attached to the username will be seen. Responsibilities
enable the user to perform the necessary business functions in Oracle

1.1.2 Basics of Oracle Applications Navigation

 Oracle Applications are divided into two types of user interfaces – html based
screens called self-service and form-based screens called professional user
 Self-service based screens looks like this.

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 Form based applications appear as shown below: -

 When you open form-based screens from self-service, a window as shown

below will appear. Do not close this window.

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Basic field terminology on form-based applications

 A typical form appears as shown below: -

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 Color coding of fields appearing above is explained below: -

Color Description
Yellow Mandatory – has to be
White Non-mandatory – can be
Grey Non-updatable – cannot be
entered / changed
Blue Query mode

Basic Navigation

 Forms are visible in two modes – Entry mode (as in form above) and Query
mode. Query mode is achievable by pressing Function Key ‘F11’.

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 Above shown query mode is known as ‘Query by example’ mode. ‘%’ is the
wild character that can be used to query for necessary data. For e.g. if AT% is
entered in Asset Number field, all asset numbers with name starting with ‘AB’
will be fetched. To execute the query entered, Ctrl+F11 should be pressed.

 Another query mode available is ‘Query -> Find’ mode in which data can be
searched on the basis of ranges (amount range, date range, etc.). This mode
is achievable on clicking torch icon on menu bar.

Query Find

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2.1 Organization
2.1.1 Enabling Organization for EAM

Navigate to the Organization Parameters form. OPTCL India Inventory -> Setup ->
Organization -> Parameters

Ensure that the

Calendar is ‘Built’

Checkbox EAM

2.1.2 Define Organization Access

To be able access EAM module from any Organization, Organization Access is to be

provided for eAM Application to the Responsibility.

Navigation: OPTCL India Inventory-> Setup -> Organizations -> Organization Access

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Save your work

Save Icon on the


2.2 EAM Setup

2.2.1 Define WIP Parameters

Switch Responsibility to Enterprise Asset Management


Select the Responsibility from the List and click on OK

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Navigate to the WIP Parameters form.

Setup -> WIP -> WIP Parameters

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Specify the Requisition
creation Time

Specify a Supply
Sub inventory

2.2.2 Define WIP Accounting Classes

Navigate to the WIP Accounting Classes form.

Navigation: Enterprise Asset Management -> Setup -> WIP -> WIP Accounting Classes

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Enter a Class Name & Description

Enter the Valuation & Variance Accounts for Material, Resource, Outside Processing &

Ensure the class Type is Maintenance. This cannot be changes once the record is

Save your work. Click on the ‘Save’ icon on the toolbar or press ‘Ctrl+S’
You can also save using the File Menu.


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2.2.3 Define EAM Parameters

EAM Parameters form is used to define the Org specific setups for Asset Number
defaults, Cost defaults, Work Request information & Work Order Information.

Navigate to the EAM Parameters form

Setup -> Parameters

Use the WIP Accounting

Class defined in the previous

Each of the sections are explained in detail-

Indicate whether this organization has system generated Asset Numbers within
individual Asset Groups. We can specify the starting serial number within the
Organization Parameters window and/or the Master Item window, when defining
Asset Groups. If the starting serial number is defined for the Asset Group, this
definition overwrites the starting serial number within the Organization Parameters.

The Cost Defaults region represents default cost information for future Work Orders,
without defined cost elements within the Work Order. Select an Enterprise Asset
Management Cost Element to indicate how to capture cost overheads and any
miscellaneous resource costs. Valid values are Equipment, Labor, and Material.

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Select a Cost Category to use as the default for departments that do not have a cost
category defined. Department costs are then posted to the appropriate cost elements

In the Preventive Maintenance region, select the Implement from Horizon Start Date
check box to bypass past due Work Order suggestions when executing the Preventive
Maintenance process. If this check box is selected, suggested Work orders, from the
Horizon Start Date forward, are executed.

Indicate whether Work Requests are automatically approved upon creation, or if

every user, with the responsibility assigned to the asset's current owning
department, receives a notification via Workflow. This notification appears within self
service, within the responsibility we use to log in.
If the Auto Approve check box is selected, Work Requests are created with an
Awaiting Work Order status. If the check box is not selected, Work Requests are
created with an Open status.
Note: A Work Request status must be Awaiting Work Order before we can associate it
with a Work Order. The Awaiting Work Order status indicates that the Work Request
is approved.

Select the Asset Number Mandatory check box to indicate that the Asset Number
field is mandatory when creating a Work Request.

Select the WIP Accounting Class default to ensure that Work Orders generated within
Enterprise Asset Management have an established account code structure assigned,
to accept charges incurred by that Work Order.

Enter a Work Order Prefix. A prefix enables the organization to identify routine Work

Select a Default Department. Oracle recommends that we select a default

department. This department defaults to maintenance Work Orders as they are
entered. If a department does not exist on a Work Order, we cannot release it.

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Select the Enable Workflow for Work Orders check box to initiate approval processes
for Work Orders. Work Orders might require approvals or notifications at different
stages in their lifecycles. Workflow automates this process.
Indicate whether Material Issue Requests are enabled. If this check box is selected,
the Enable Material Issue Requests check box on eAM Work Orders defaults as

If we select the Auto Firm on Release check box, the dates on the Work Order cannot
automatically reschedule, after the Work Order is at Released or On Hold statuses.
We can still manually reschedule a resource on the Work Order, thereby updating the
dates on its corresponding Operation and Work Order.
If we select the Auto Firm on Create check box, the dates on the Work Order cannot
automatically reschedule, even in Draft and Unreleased statuses. We can still
manually reschedule a resource on the Work Order, thereby updating the dates on its
corresponding Operation and Work Order.

In the Asset Move Defaults Region, Select an Intermediate Sub inventory to which
the Asset moves.
Select a Locator if the Sub inventory is Locator Controlled and the Asset has to move
to a specific area.

2.2.4 Define Category Codes

Navigate to the Category Codes form

Navigation: Setup -> Category -> Category Codes

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on New

on OK

Enter the

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2.2.5 Define Category Set

Navigate to the Category Set form.

Navigation: Setup -> Category -> Category Set

Press F11 to go into Search Mode (All the fields turn Blue)

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Enter “Enterprise Asset Management’ in the Name and Press Ctrl+F11
Enter the newly defined category in the list of Categories for the Category Set

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Save your work.

2.2.6 Define Default Category Set

Navigate to the Default Category Set form.

Setup -> Category -> Default Category Set

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2.2.7 Define Lookups

Navigation: Enterprise Asset Management -> Setup -> Lookups

Lookup codes must be decided upon and defined during the implementation process.
Lookup codes fall within three categories: extensible, user defined, or system
defined. If a lookup code is extensible, the existing lookup codes cannot be modified,
but you can add new codes to the table. If lookup codes are user defined, all codes
may be modified. If lookup codes are system defined, the existing codes cannot be
modified, and new codes cannot be added to the table.

of Lookup

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2.3 EAM Data Definition

2.3.1 Define Asset Groups

Navigate  Assets  Asset groups.

The Asset group created is required during Asset number Creation.

Asset Group

Each and Every Asset group created will be considered as Item in Inventory Module
for the Particular EAM organization.

Asset Group in

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2.3.2 Define Area

Navigate  Setup Area

Area Created.

2.3.3 Define Department

Navigate  Setup Routing  Departments.

1. Enter
Department name
& Save

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2.3.4 Define Resource

Navigate  Setup—Routing  Resource.

1. Resource

2.3.5 Define Employee Resource

In the above Figure choose Employees and add Employee to the Resource.

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2. Choose Employee
from LOV.

1. Click on

2.3.6 Define Department Resource

Navigate  Set up Routing Departments.

First Query the Already created Department.

1. Click on

2. Add Resource from LOV.

2.3.7 Define Department Resource Instance

In the Same screen itself choose  Instances.

Enter the Employee name and number

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1. Click on

2.3.8 Define Asset Number

Navigate  Enterprise management Responsibility  Assets  Asset Numbers

1. Enter Asset

2. Choose Asset group,

WIP Accounting class. From
Respective LOVs

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2.3.9 Define Activity

Navigation: Enterprise Asset Management -> Activities -> Master Activities

Activities provide us with a standard template of jobs, which are applied to Work
Orders, such as Routine or Preventive Maintenance. After these Activity Templates
are created, they are associated with one or more Asset Numbers

They are also associated to a maintenance BOM and activity routing containing the
materials and resources needed for operations, respectively. When Work Orders are
created for assets associated to the Activity, the material and resources

Associated with the current Activity automatically copy to the Work Orders created.

1. Enter Activity name

2. Choose Template
@ Activity.

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1. Assign to Org 164.

2.3.10 Define Activity Association

Navigation: Enterprise Asset Management -> Activities -> Activity Association

After we have defined Asset Groups, Assets, and Activities, we can associate the
Activities with assets.

Assets are associated with Activities before entering the Activity into a Preventive
Maintenance Schedule.
1. Choose from LOV.

2. Choose Asset group &

Asset Number.

3. Save the transaction.

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2.3.11 Define Asset BOM

 Navigate  Assets --> Asset BOM.

In the Item field as shown Choose the Asset group for which you want to create Bill
of Material.

The Asset BOM is created based on the Asset group number.

1. Asset Group
already defined

2. Enter Components used

for Maintenance

3. Save once all

details entered

2.3.12 Define Maintenance BOM

 Navigate  Activities --> Maintenance BOM.

In the Item field as shown Choose the Activity for which you want to create Bill of

The Maintenance BOM s created based on the Activity defined already.

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1. Choose Activity defined
from LOV

2. Enter components &


2.3.13 Define Maintenance Routing

Navigate  Enterprise Asset management  Setup-> Routings

Activities Maintenance routings

1. Choose Item from the


2. Associate with the

Resources. & Save

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2.3.14 Define Asset Hierarchy

Parent Asset Associated

to the Asset number

Tree structure of the hierarchy should be explained here…

2.4 Preventive Maintenance

2.4.1 Define PM header

Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) enables us to optimally plan and schedule

maintenance activities with least disruption to an organization’s operations or
production. We can implement the effective preventive maintenance strategies by
effectively monitoring an asset’s operating condition. By defining the Preventive
maintenance activities the probability of failure or degradation of the assets‟ physical
conditions can be reduced.
The frequency at which preventive maintenance should be performed is decided
based on meter readings, runtime intervals or calendar dates.
Meters are defined to measure any Asset that needs to be measured and periodically
serviced, based on the measurement.

 Set name Definition.

Responsibility: Enterprise Asset Management

Navigation: Preventive Maintenance > Set Name Definition

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Newly Created
PM Set name.

 Preventive Maintenance Schedule Definition

Navigation: Preventive Maintenance > Schedule Definition

Click to Create New


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1. Enter Schedule Name
2. Enter a Set Name
3. Select an Asset Type: Capital or Rebuild able Item
4. Enter the Asset Group and Asset Number
5. Select the Schedule Type
6. Give the Effective From & To Date.
7. Select a WO status that best fits the business process. When PM Work Orders are generated,
they are created with the status that we specify here.
8. In the Activity region, select an Activity that is associated with the Asset Group.

Choose from LOV

Choose from LOV

 Once all required details are entered SAVE the transaction.

2.4.2 Define PM Rule

If PM Schedule is Rule Based then the “Date Rules‟ tab get enabled.

In the below screenshot, as per the day rule defined, the PM Scheduler will create the
WO at an interval of 10 days.

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Date Rule TAB with

2.5 Asset Attributes

2.5.1 Define Asset Attribute DFF

Attributes is classification of Assets based on some criteria. It’s most commonly used
for reporting purposes.

The Assets are normally grouped based on Make and Model.

 In our Example we will take Asset Group as “AUTO TRANSFORMER” and Asset
number as AUTO-100-CGL-003.

 We need to capture the Make of the above said Asset through Asset

Query the asset number to which we want to define Attributes DFF

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Attribute value is blank.

 It is blank, so we have to create it, follow the below steps

Now, Navigate  Setup Flex fields Descriptive segments.

2. Choose Title as
Asset Attributes.
1. Choose Application as

 Now , Uncheck the Freeze Flex field definition check box and Enter
“Make” in the code column at the bottom.

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1. Checkbox

2. New Code to
Capture Make added.

3. Click

Enter the Segments value as Shown below and Save. With correct value set defined.

Already defined seeded

values chosen from

Then, Freeze the Flex field definition and Compile the Flex field definition.

2.5.2 Assign to Asset Group

Navigate  Setup Attribute Assignments

Choose Asset Group as “AUTO TRANSFORMER” and in Column Attribute Group code

“MAKE” from LOV which is defined earlier.

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2.5.3 Define Attributes for Asset Numbers

Navigate  Asset numbers  Choose the Asset AUTO-100-CGL-003 under Asset group AUTO

Click on Attributes button at the bottom and choose the newly created Attribute
“Make” from the LOV.

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Newly created Attribute
to capture “Make”

Enter the required “MAKE” details of the transformer AUTO-100-CGL-003.

Make as “BHEL”

 Press OK and the Attribute value is captured.

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3.1 Work Request

3.1.1 Create & Update Work Request

Navigate  Maintenance Super User responsibility  Work Requests TAB

Ensure that
Correct Org is

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Click on Create
Work Request

Choose the
Asset number

Enter Comments if

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Work Request 9166
is created

Re- queries the

Request to
update. Update icon to
update the Work

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Change the
WR Type

Updated Field

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Work Request
is updated

3.1.2 Approve/Reject Work Request

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Work Request Waiting
for Approval with

Click on Awaiting Work

order to approve the
Work Request.

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Work Request Status
changed from Open to
Awaiting Work order i.e. it is

To check the Rejection Process, create a new Work Request.

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Click to see the

Work Request in
Open Status.
Click on Reject.

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3.1.3 Maintenance User Workbench – View pending Jobs

Navigation  Maintenance User Work bench Responsibility.

In the page as shown in figure we can find the Required Work orders specific to

3.2 Create & Update Work Order

3.2.1 Creating a Work Order

Navigation  Enterprise Asset Management Responsibility  Work orders

Work orders are created as shown below by filling up the necessary details.

Please Note once the Asset number is chosen, the Corresponding Asset group will
appear in the field.

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Created Work

3.2.2 Selecting the Activity

Asset Activity can be Chosen as follows:

Navigation  Enterprise Asset Management Responsibility  Work orders.

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Asset Activity
Selection from LOV

Asset Activity
Chosen from LOV

3.2.3 Adding Material Requirement on Work Order

Navigate  Work orders  Query the Existing Work order.

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Click on Materials
Add the Materials to
Work order

Materials required
can be added from

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Materials quantity
can be entered and

Once the Materials are added, please save the transaction.

3.2.4 Adding Resource Requirement on Work Order

Navigate  Work orders  Query the Existing Work order.

Choose the Work


Enter the details as

Shown & Save

Click Operations TAB

at the Bottom of the
Work order

Enter Resource
details as shown &
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Click Resources

3.2.5 Assign Employee to Work Order

In the Resources Screen Click on the Instances Button and Choose the Employee
name from Instance Name LOV as shown below

Choose Employee
name from LOV

Click Instances

3.3 Work Order Transactions

3.3.1 Issue Material to Work Order

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Navigate  Enterprise Asset management  Work orders.

1. Work order
number Created.

2. Click on Materials
to Allocate the

3. Choose Material
from LOV

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4. Enter the

From the above Screen you can find that Required, Allocated quantity columns
will show as 2 EA.

But Issued Quantity will show as 0. That means we need to issue against the Work

 Issue the Material through Maintenance Super user responsibility.

Navigate Maintenance Super user -> Stores

Choose One Step Material issue.

1. Query
the Work

Enter the Quantity to be issued in Qty Field and Press Issue Button.

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1. Quantity

We can check the Quantity issued from

Navigate  Work orders

Query the Work order and Press Materials at the bottom

1. Quantity
issued to W/O

3.3.2 Charge Time/ Resource Transaction

Navigate  Maintenance Super User  Work orders  choose the Work order.

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1. W/O to be

2. Choose Charge
time from LOV
from Operations

To charge resources, select an Operation and then select Charge Time from the
Select Operation list of values.

Select a Resource Sequence. The Resource, Unit of Measure, and Quantity (reflects
the number charged, normally in hours) default, based on the selected resource
sequence and the resources associated with the Work Order.

It is important in asset management to capture both estimated and actual time spent
on each operation of a Work Order. When resources are identified on a Work Order,
there is a time estimate of how long it takes to perform the work. In many cases, the
extent of the work load is unknown until the work starts. Resource charging enables
you to post actual usage time for employees, equipment, and miscellaneous
materials for specific operations on a Work Order.

4. Save the

3. Choose all
the values from

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3.3.3 Complete Work Order

Navigate  Work orders and Release.

Please choose Asset number pertaining Asset group“POWER TRANSFORMER “as

mentioned in Failure Analysis.

1. Asset number belong to

Asset group “Power

2. Release the

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 Complete the Work order

Navigate  Maintenance Super user  Work orders.

1. Complete Work

3.3.4 Failure Details Entry

Navigate  Maintenance Super user Responsibility  Work orders.

Click on Update the Work order. Before completing enter the Failure details.

1. Failure details entry

2. Apply

3.3.5 Follow-up Work Order

 Follow up Work orders are created as Child work orders when some other
Repair or defect is noticed in the Asset.

For Example, Parent Work order is created for Changing the Bearing on a Motor, but
when noticed, the shaft also need to be changed.

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So follow-up or Child Work order is created for the same.

Navigate  Enterprise Asset management  Work orders.

Choose Already Existing Work order, Query using CTRL+F11.

To Create Follow-up or Child Work order

Go to  Tools  Create Child Work order.

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3.3.6 Scheduler Workbench

Scheduler Workbench is an easy to use standard scheduling tool that is used to

manage jobs. In the eAM context, we focus mainly on the Maintenance Jobs.

Use the Scheduler Workbench to select specific work orders, expand, and collapse
work orders and operations, using a tree hierarchy structure.

Navigate to the Scheduler Workbench.

Enterprise Asset Management -> Work Order Planning -> Scheduler Workbench

A Filter Window opens up that gives the user to narrow down their search.

1. Click ok once the

required filter is

Against each Work Order a Gantt chart is displayed showing the Operation and
Resource durations.

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Right-click on the Operation Sequence Bar and uncheck the Firm Checkbox to be able
to re-schedule the WO Operations.

Need more screen shot and explanation on scheduler work bench

3.3.7 Transferring WO Costs to GL

Steps for W/O Cost transferred to GL.

1. Create Work order and release . Add material to W/O
2. Issue Material to WO , Login Maintenance Super user Responsibility.
3. Check Actual material cost in W/O.

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4. Complete the WO
5. Close the WO.
6. Choose “ Cost Management SLA” Resp.
7. Run Create Accounting program.
8. Check for Journal entries in G/L

 Since upto Step 4 we have already dealt in various topics we will Close the
W/O after Checking the Cost in W/O.

Navigate  Work orders  Query Work order in Complete status .

Navigate  Maintenance Super user  Work orders  View Costs .

Cost for

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 Now we have confirmed that Actual Material cost is Appearing in the W/O. For
the cost to appear in G/L entries as first Step Close the Work order.

Navigate  Enterprise Asset management  Work orders  Close Work


Work order is

 For the Material Cost associated with W/O to appear in Journal, first step is to
run the Create Accounting program.

Navigate Cost Management–SLA  SLA  Create Accounting.

 Submit the request for Create Accounting.

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 Navigate  View  Request to check the Program run.

We could observe that the Program of Create Accounting is successful.

Choose the
relevant Ledger

Provide Batch

Navigate  General ledger Responsibility  Journal  Enter.

 Once the Create Accounting Program run is successful, we need to check

whether the lines are posted in Journals. Provide the details as shown below.

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3.4 Preventive Maintenance Transactions
3.4.1 Forecast & Generate Preventive Maintenance Work Orders – Maintenance

Navigate  Work orders Planning  Maintenance Work bench.

1. Click and then

choose the Asset
number... 2. Click on

 In the above Forecast Work orders Screen wherever Create is mentioned

Work order can be created.

Select the Work Orders to be created by checking the checkbox against them and
Click on “Implement”

Work Orders will be created.

EAM Training manualEAM - 67 -

Work order is getting
created from PM.

 Work order Created from Preventive maintenance run.

3.4.2 Complete PM Work Orders

Please refer 3.3.3 Complete Work Order Topic for further details.

3.5 OSP/Direct Item

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3.5.1 Define Direct Item

• Material requirements for a Work may include stocked, non-stocked direct

items, services, and direct items (description-based items).
• Non-stock direct items can be included in the internal catalog, but the decision
is made to not maintain an inventory balance. These items are not transact
able, not stock able, but one can procure them.
• Direct items are either non-stock or description-based.
• Non-Stock Direct Items can represent items that are not stocked in inventory,
or services that need to be purchased from a supplier.
• Non-Stock Direct Items are not stocked in inventory but are defined in the
Item Master as an inventory item, purchasable, and purchase but not
Stock able
• Direct Items are contrived as "one-off", bought directly from a vendor for a
specific Work Order and Operation. They are delivered directly to the Shop
Floor from maintenance Work Order execution.

 Define a Direct Item using the Non-Stock Item template. All the parameters
will default as per the template.
 In the Purchasing Tab, Enter a price for the Item so as to be able to generate

Navigate  Inventory  Master Items

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Price is must to
generate Purchase

 Work order is created and the direct item is added as shown below.

Click to Enter
the Direct item

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Note: When the Work Order is released, a purchasing requisition is created for the
Direct Items that are included in the material requirements and that have the Auto
Request Material check box selected

 Purchase Requisition – Direct item.

Once the WO is released, the Requisition Import will run in the background and
generate PR.

Navigation: Enterprise Asset Management -> Work Orders -> Costs -> Details -> Detail

PR requisition is

 The PO Number is populated in the Self Service under the WO details

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PO is created

 Once the Purchase order is created we need to receive the item.

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 At the time of receipt, the destination type is “Shop Floor”
 The cost of the Purchase Order is passed onto the Work Order under the
Material Cost.

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3.5.2 Define an OSP Resource and assign to OSP Department

Define an Outside Processing Item using the Outside Processing Item template. All
the parameters will default as per the template.

 In the EAM Resource Definition, (Enterprise Asset Management -> Setup -> Routing ->
 Define an OSP Resource and link it to the Outside Processing Item in the
Outside Processing Section.
 Also, add this Resource to a department.

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3.5.3 Create an OSP/Direct Item Work Order

Note: The Person releasing the Work Order should be setup as a Buyer in
Purchasing so as to be able to generate Purchase Requisitions

3.5.4 Receipt of the OSP/Direct Item

 The Maintenance user can view the Requisition Information from the Self
Service Maintenance.
 In a similar fashion, as for the Direct Item, the Purchasing User will create a
Purchase Order for this Requisition and get it approved

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Receipt  OSP Item.

Rate contractor flow need to be explained here

3.6 Maintenance Super User

3.6.1 View & Approve Notifications

Refer Section 3.1.2 Approve/Reject Work requests Under Topic 3.1 Work Request.

3.6.2 View Asset Details

Navigate Maintenance Super User Responsibility.

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Choose the TAB Assets as shown below.

Enter the Asset to

which we need the

Choose the
Asset to know
the details and

Once the Asset is selected it will display all the details as shown below.

Asset number

3.6.3 Configuration History – View & Update

Navigate Maintenance Super User Responsibility.

Choose the TAB Assets as shown below.

EAM Training manualEAM - 77 -

Enter the Asset to which
we need the details.
(Parent Asset)

Choose the Asset to know

the details and click

From the View LOV Choose Configuration History as shown.

Click Go. Choose Configuration

History from LOV

EAM Training manualEAM - 78 -

Update the Configuration History.

We can add the Child Assets to the Existing Parent Asset.

Click to Add child

Assets to the Parent

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Click Apply to add
the Child Asset.

We will associate one more Child Asset to the Parent Asset and we can observe that
Child Assets will appear as shown.

Child Assets

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To find how the Configuration is built GoView  LOV  Choose Hierarchy

Child to check for

the Hierarchy.

Parent Child
Relation Built.

How to update in the configuration history and change the asset hierarchy need to be
incorporated here
3.6.4 Failure Analysis

Failure Analysis enables us to track an asset failure from the time it is reported until
its resolution.

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Statistics from the collected failure data provides us with information on why an
event occurs and causes your asset failure. One can then take the necessary steps to
eliminate that event.

For specific Asset Groups or Rebuild able Items, each failure (problem) has a defined
number of root causes, with each root cause having a defined number of resolutions

When failure is reported, each work order represents one single failure occurrence
(event) for the asset specified on the work order.

The cost to repair an asset that fails to a normal, operational state is assumed to be
the charges accumulated in the work order that is associated with the failure.

 Definition of Failure coeds.

Navigate  Maintenance Super User responsibility  Failure Analysis.

Then Choose  Failure tracking setup as shown below.

Now to define New Failure codes choose the TAB  Define failure codes

1. Choose Failure
tracking set up.

2. Choose Define
Failure Codes.

Now To Define new Failure codes choose the TAB  Define failure codes.

There are three main Failure Code Types: Failure Code, Cause Code, and Resolution

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2. Failure set we defined

Failure code

Now, please define the Failure code “Transformer Heated up” as shown below.

2. Enter
1. Failure Description
code types of failure
code types

3. Save

 Definition of Failure Sets.

User-defined Failure codes, Cause codes and Resolution codes are organized into
multiple tree structures called Failure Code Sets, which are then assigned to Asset

Each set provides Asset Group-specific information on the possible failures of

An Asset Group, the possible causes of each failure, and the possible resolutions for
each cause.

Assets within an asset group inherit the assigned Failure Code Set.
Navigate  Failure tracking set up Create Failure Set up.

Provide name for the Failure Analysis and Choose the Already defined code

EAM Training manualEAM - 83 -

Failure: Transformer Heated up.

Cause: Less oil level. 3. Save

Resolution: Increase Oil level.

1. Name for Failure

2. Choose Already
defined Codes

Failure codes in
graphical form

 Assigning Asset groups to Failure codes.

Navigate  Failure tracking setup Name Enter “Transformer over Heating “

EAM Training manualEAM - 84 -

1. Already
defined Failure


3. Save.

1. Choose the
Existing Asset
group 2. Yes or NO.

If the ‘Failure Code Required’ parameter is set to Yes, at the time of completion of
the Work Orders of the Assets of this Asset Group, the system will make mandatory
the Failure Details and the user will not be able to complete the WO until these
details are entered.

 Entering and Collecting Failure information

Navigate  Work orders Release.

Please Choose Asset number pertaining to Asset group “POWER TRANSFORMER

“as mentioned in Failure Analysis.

EAM Training manualEAM - 85 -

1. Asset number
belongs to Asset
group “Power
Transformer “

2. Release the

3. Failure Entry
required is YES as
mentioned in Failure

Now Navigate  Maintenance Super user  Work orders.

In this Step we will complete the Work order and collect the Failure codes for

1 Complete
Work order

EAM Training manualEAM - 86 -

Complete the Work order and enter the Failure Information

2. Failure details

3. Apply

Failure analysis part is missing here

3.6.5 Asset BOM & Attachments

 Navigate  Assets --> Assets BOM.

In the Item field as shown Choose the Asset group for which you want to create Bill
of Material.

The Asset BOM is created based on the Asset group number.

1. Asset Group
already defined

2. Components used
for Maintenance

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 The Components mentioned in Asset BOM will be there during Work order
release in

“Select Materials” TAB.

Navigate  Work orders  Retrieve work order created using Asset group as “POWER

1. Click on Select

2. Components
defined in Asset
BOM will appear.

 Attachments in Asset BOM.

Navigate  Assets  Asset B0M and retrieve already created one.

EAM Training manualEAM - 88 -

1. Click on

2. This Page
will appear

Enter the details as shown. We will check for the Short text Attachment.

In the Main TAB Choose Category as Miscellaneous.

In Source TAB, Choose Short text as Data type.

EAM Training manualEAM - 89 -

Enter the Short text in the Yellow box as shown below.

1. Short text

Save the form and we will check whether the Attachment is correct or not in the
Asset BOM...

Once Again Navigate  Assets Asset BOM... Check whether the Attachment is there.

1. Attachment exists
and Click

EAM Training manualEAM - 90 -

Click on the Attachment Icon and you will find the below details.

1. Short text in

3.6.6 Move Asset

Asset moves from One organization to Another if there is any need to replace the
failed Asset or borrow an Asset for Particular project or job.

An Asset moved out of inventory can be tracked since eAM no longer depends on
Inventory’s serial number to identify an asset and with the unique internal ID,
eAM doesnot lose the track of the asset.

 Creating Asset Group in Source organization and assigning the same to the
Destination org.

Here we have taken 164 as Source organization and 161 as Destination organization.

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Navigate  Inventory  Master Items  Choose the Asset group AUTOTRANSFORMER and
assign to Destination organization 161.

Asset Group in which

Asset to transfer is

1. Source

2. Destination

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 Asset Number created in Source Organization.

 Define the Shipping network for Inter-Org transfer as required to transfer

the Asset from Org 164- Org 161

Navigate  OPTCL India Inventory responsibility  Oracle Inventory  Setup Organisations

Shipping Networks.

EAM Training manualEAM - 93 -

 Move Asset

Note : Before Moving Make Sure that Sufficient Quantity of Asset lie in the Source
organization. If not perform Misc. receipt and increase the on hand as required.

Navigate Maintenance Super user responsibility  Assets Choose the Asset to Move from the

The Click on Go and the Asset will be ready to Move .

3.Click Go

1.Asset number
to transfer

Move Asset

EAM Training manualEAM - 94 -

 Fill in the details as shown below and click Apply.

 Asset move to the Destination org is successful.

1.Fill in the
details. 2.Click

 Asset transferred to the Destination org can be confirmed from

Navigate  Oracle inventory  Onhand Availability  Onhand .

EAM Training manualEAM - 95 -

3.7 Predictive Maintenance

For the Predictive Maintenance, the maintenance history of the Asset is analysed.
After observing the behavior and performance of the Asset, they create predictive
maintenance Schedules.

Whenever some work is due, they Plan for shut down and complete the work.

The Team conducts a special condition monitoring test of major equipment with
sophisticated equipment. Depending upon the test results, they take necessary
action on the equipment to maintain its health.

Steps in Predictive Maintenance

 Analyse the Maintenance History of the Asset.
 Analyse the Asset failure Analysis data.
 Create Schedule for Condition Monitoring.
 Capture the datas in Collection plan.
 Create Work request if any Abnormality is found.
 Work order is created
 Complete the work order .

Maintenance History of the Asset.

The Maintenance history of the Asset can be taken from the report
Maintenance Work Order Detail Report available in the System .

Navigate  View  Requests  Submit request Run Maintenance Work Order Detail Report from
eAM Responsibility.

We assume that the Asset AUTO-100MVA-BHEL-001 ( Transformer) has failed

frequently ( with more number of Work orders raised ) in the past and failure count
is high for the same .

Reason for failure seems to be the Overheating of the transformer .

 Now we will create Maintenance schedule to check for the oil temperature in
the transformer regularly .

Navigate  eAM responsibility  Preventive Maintenance  Schedule definition.

EAM Training manualEAM - 96 -

 As per the defined Schedule the Oil temperature is monitored at regular
intervals and entered in the collection plan “ Condition Monitoring”.

Navigate  eAM responsibility  Setup Collection plan  Condition Monitoring.

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 Oil temperature data captured at regular intervals in the collection plan.

Navigate  Quality Results  Enter Quality results.

From the quality results we could find that on 18-Oct-2010 the Oil temperature is
at 120 C which is Abnormal.

Now we need to create Work request for the Asset since it has shown abnormal
temperature data .

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Once the required Maintenance is carried out , Complete the Work order .

3.8 Outage Planning

3.9 Disaster Management


4.1 Setting up

4.1.1 Define Collection Elements (Log Book Fields)

Navigate  Enterprise Asset management responsibility  Quality Setup Collection elements

Two types of collection elements exist in the system.

a) Seeded Collection elements like Asset num, Asset Activity etc...

b) User defined collection elements like Moisture content, Current.

Both the Collection element types are defined in same form.

 Press Ctrl+F11 to query the Seeded Collection element.

EAM Training manualEAM - 99 -

1. Seeded Collection
element Asset Num

2. Column name in
collection plan

 Defining User defined Collection elements.

We will create collection element Moisture content and its User defined Collection

Navigate  Enterprise Asset management responsibility  Quality Setup Collection elements

 Enter the Collection element Name as Moisture Content.

 Element type Attribute.
 Data type as Number since we are going to express the Moisture content in

Once the above details are entered save the same. Now the Collection element can
be used in Collection plan for further usage.

EAM Training manualEAM - 100 -

1. User defined
Collection element

2. Column name in
Collection plan.

Number data type for

Percentage value

4.1.2 Define Collection Plans (Log Books)

Navigate  Enterprise Asset management responsibility  Quality Setup Collection Plans.

Once the Collection elements are defined we need to include them in Collection plans.

 As first step Create the Collection plans as shown below.

 Once all the required details are entered save the Collection plan.
 This plan will be used for Data entry and storing quality results.

1. Collection plan

3. Status of
2. Choose required Collection
Collection element elements in Plans
from LOV

EAM Training manualEAM - 101 -

4.2 Data Entry
4.2.1 Entering Data in the Log Book

Navigate  Enterprise Asset management responsibility  Quality Results-> Entry.

 Choose the Collection plan from LOV as shown below.

Already defined
Collection plan name

 Once the Plan is Chosen Enter the Collection results in the respective
collection elements column as shown below.
 Save when all the required results are entered.

already defined

Values from

EAM Training manualEAM - 102 -

Some other
Collection elements
in the same
Collection plan

4.3 Data Analysis

4.3.1 View/Export Log Book Data

Navigate  Enterprise Asset management responsibility  Quality Inquiries -> View Quality

 Choose the Collection plan for which Results are entered.

New Value that

were entered.

4.3.2 Trend Analysis

 Navigate  Enterprise Asset Management responsibility  Quality  Charts  Trend


EAM Training manualEAM - 103 -

1.Chart name and
Collection plan

2.Collection element
for which Trend need
to be analyzed.

3.Click on View
Chart Button.

 Click on the View Chart Button at the bottom.

The Trend Chart will be displayed in Separate Screen in Graphical format.

Chart title we

Trend chart Voltage

Vs Entry Date


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