Elsner, Jas Wolf, Gerhard - The Transfigured Mountain. Icons and Transformations at The M of St. Catherine at Mount Sinai (Art)

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paced ed te np ofthe Cente fr Mea ‘snd Rnsnen Sa Cnr of Cara Maen, diy of ajo Ea dale "aha hn cin ary fn amen Kael Poe Clie Cambie “inns ae ft ita nino ta ir APPROACHING THE HOLY MOUNTAIN ‘Aeeand Liturgy at Se Catherine's Monastery in the Sinai edited by Sharon E. J. Gerstel and Robert S. Nelson & BREPOLS, hi ter Cae abe Di (Cason) Sae Care ney Moni) Cong 2 Chan Moan ~ Corse Chin pis ol ping non ~ Cons Chetan pins pling Cages 7. chin ange - Pept Say Mans” Copgn 8 Sage) - Amiga - Caen, 1S Genel Shane FH Neb ab 98 rowan da ‘keene mcunl phoning ang ere wilosthe por pmaine fs ol ise oftlastracons ArchbihopPrefice Acknowledgements Lise of Abbrevione Sinai Stace: An Overview and an Ieradecon Paving the Road to Sina: (Geo and Mara Steion on the Hly Mountain Place “The Transigured Moonen: eons and Teansformations of igemage at che Monastery of Se Catherine at Mount Sina [ASHISNERAND GERARD WOLF xeavatons on che Hal umn (jebel Ms) t Mune Sina Prlminary Remarks onthe Jinan Basia ConTENTS “The Architect ofthe Jinan Basis on che Hay Smit Painted kin The sions and Ress ‘of AecitectorlPlylromy Sina and Egype Licorgy Worship on Sinai in she Fist Chrisian Millennia limps of Lost Word RORERT. TAFT Si Late Byzanine Cathal Liargy and the Seif the Brae Manuscripe Manvscripe Prodtion on Mount Sina fiom the Tenth co the Theat Cansry Sinai MS gp 2Esploving te Significance ofa Sint Manssipe HIEROMONK USTINSINAITES Ikon Visualig the Disne: An Far Byzantine con ofthe‘Aniencof Das at Mune Sina Regarding Payer Contemplring tn Ion of ohn he Forerunner Archiveand Ate: Sinai an the Cate of he Narva AROMA CHATTERJEE Mura and Team Paitin Sina in the Thich Cenery ny 1s. 19 259 285 305 3 a5 ‘Sin Ace Til and the Backwah fom the Levan’ Whore Did eh eon Panes Wok? Sinaand Cyprus: Holy Mownesin, Holy be Space “Tho Savi Pies at inal “Taming Holy Mountain nen Ladders to sen Ovelpping Topogaphis and Pocics of Space in owe tantine Scr Engraving of Mon Sina and Moone Athoe (On th Pained Anco of DomenikosThootkopoala’s Sd Landiesper of Moun Sina andthe Monstery of Se Catherine Pcs Index as 4 4s 05 so 563 se ‘THE TRANSFIGURED MOUNTAIN: ICONS AND TRANSFORMATIONS OF PILGRIMAGE AT ‘THE MONASTERY OF ST CATHERINE AT MOUNT SINAL | Flsner and Gethard Wolf Ineradaction: Travelling Icons, Moving Mountains ons rom Moun Sins have gun sxe. Recent sho in New Yor, Se Peccnburg Aens Genon, Bar and tthe Getty monogeapic abibiion oF 07 rac the question what dothesceonsstad or The Sinaticons wee {olacoveredin the 1930s bythe expedcions of Geog and Mara Ste and tought oinernaonalatentonatersheespedinnnsin the 19SOsand 1960s oF (Geog Frathand Kure Wetman Thesorpusofabour ths thoaand ens, of hich elas few haveheen ror cataloged, isknown ony trough ‘null numberofprominen pices omniprneintrations nin hese "Tht of ent: Caf he Se Byte st 85-128 yds €- Eran Win Win (New Ys Mpa Ms fA 37 ‘Sat Susy ase ble fo Sa he Ys Ene oy Ye, may nd vag By Lan Soy Carine oto, 200 ft ad Per ‘Papen Sina Tew ty Neat San Cabine= conga a Snge Opel amt a int Mg fe Ape Aaa cy Anas Des {Aen mks Mea 200 Mander Sedan «Gonna IyGee Wott Casee Darr nd ns fon Cao Mast Geno Meno D> ‘nm 203) a Nd pda ie Ont fad ey Ms a an S36) Ha age Halon re * satin, es p78 2 The Meaty of Carin a Mt Sia Te hac and Ft of sini, [.Yomthan Wena an on ney of Mihi re 93) bitin Cot Publhe by Soreriow and Welermann Hans Bling har commend on that, opus: ‘The chancedisorcyin te Sinai descr has puscholarsin positon tostrteahitaryofyzancneonpuining That ofthe Moun Sica wl provideacompendiam of Brann palpating” Since Westermann, the corpus inal ans have become somehingofspiyground fr exerci sale analysis oeusingon questions of production and ongn’ In che Byes ‘thibtonsin he Metopoltan Mescum of 197 rd 204 aan om Sin ply 2 doule role on the one hand che one ipsa the aps of Beanie pining, inheieepochs onthe otherhandteiedipiy drew dlbsstcly on he 'agi of thesia In theshow Bath and Pours i acter tevoke ‘the chtch ofS Catherine’ and in fcr uber of meu tre wer =m prayingattheeshibionaifinascredspace inthe Byesnian $30-14S3eahbi Son ae Royal Academy in London, 2008-09, che show’ roo of eons {20m Sinai (aswell oo frm Ke which were onc a Sn agin Forne he inal lm ~ checalinaton and iil camp of Brann at. With he temporary taser of ood number ofions rom Mount Sito Mount Getty Inaneshibiion whol dedicated o Sins ater than 0 plan Byrantinc thisdimenson became ven more abviows —moingtheiconctealen tomes movigtherountain Forte consareasekdeche afin they incorporate these hey hae belonged ofr cents, with many of the paisingspably nade thee at eh eae images having enter or out L400 yer “Thea of chi pape to pu forward the Fundamental sion why this there? andres the aon model of Sinise repository for someone che goods Looking at he emphasis on locale, evidenced by + amber ofthe Sin onsallowsurtoemarkon wom athe lac supprese bythe provenance and patonage model ean dicunionsof mediealrt The Sinaiconsaresompas * Sonn Enea Wem, Te nae fC at MS Tea (nec Pinson ary Pe 9} Being Ltr nd Proce 4 Ha of he gf he Bro (Cogn ‘ety af Ching fron BB 2. (Oy pb Hlog ad ‘Gah de Be Zee der Khe H.R 909 * Manyof Weta cus we cll in or Wotan Sd eh ret Sua Bays (tn Pron Unis 98) an acne he ope nr Wann Monae of Cre Sat Toke fare Mat by ares Wan Ee Kine Sos ‘eset Conmayin Te Byrn si eden a Bago Ke (Ghigo: ns Usirny Pn 197) yp. 28-85 Gene Cratos un TRANSHICIRED MOUS ” anda collsson were nolemater clus ofpromptso che monsstsy' etl comerction a ppimag ie shan were he ulin nitions hd mosan? Tha el constraction ie an eatrandnely teeing he oman since ews lable orematabl change ding he Middle Aes hen ‘he site moved from being aor paradigm of scrip pigs (cht pligtmageroalandscapeaicrperl happenings wherropoqsaphy andar Euler nated rex] eo prin xemplar of hana page (hain “hecae of Chetan, pligmagerothebady ofasann where theidea Christan ligembodiedand nade tangbleinclsavalabl forworbipand doplay)’ Ose rgunen wil be hitman Sina cons he Mid Ages, rom he tween tary wards were ned eo mediate chat shit inthe nate and self sonst tf Si (fom the Monastery of he Vig the it of Mos epiphanies she Monaeeryof Catherine) and rretin or efor ome pcs ofthe old sip plinge model within the sites new dessin Location ‘Theqpee pa ofimageso Mossand Fljh, painted by orpadforbysmancallad Seelanosciher from the cleventh entry othe hier" with inserpons Sein Sat Ds te Montero Carin cb Kenan Mane (Aen evoke Neon 1890p 91-10) Glowing Wesmun genetics on sine senna shane sins stern ek ngrnvng le alps cen comeing ‘Sine Sion Cala ns Er The Pl Page Are Ahtwtrs Ria ovement Sn, Mol tng, 6 (184,989 Onegai age {Fred Camomecarionand Gena Late Aig Seve an Pfc Sn Fk ane err gee 04) pS a presen he mk af Gea Hh sd oa a ‘etn nd Per Eman» Cn af oy anlreskon 1989p. 1-S6on pp. 18-0 Sata mo arom pln ving is bye ‘slo arn ah sao imag ‘Eat hrs dni: Senge God cb Ee ad Ueno Ot 6. ule proposon deh ci a a. rpc ph Fly ae! 29 Now ewig Low See he uaa Be Hah ag Hale rnd. “ bee minha ig 4 Jn Grek Arabic and che hitch century biogephiaconofSCatherine teal pieces which evoke the very spel los sondton of icy in Sina, sMladingo che manstery’somn sits and hoy spore (Figs 4,56)" Alka Feonsnot ony diecraentonrholyintrcewor with spc Snl ink bi go farther sn dieting worshipper 20 isuaie sts within the vated eh connected with thet holy gue: th peak where Mons ecsied the able the ave where Gods ven ed lj ns Hore the pak eo which Se Catherine's body nat miescuounly rasp Once» pln or monk hd come to Sina hese cred pos wer all accmle, and indeed were mark ont by paths with sal hoe and niche for peyer. Theteaona model for che acral of sch ons te Sinai— rutin com. plex problensofuansprtaton through Malintertry~ allows Stephano for {rape to be apaatrvingin Constantinople who'd ae wih ro foreg the opportniey of having an evedating wiv insripeion a wold Fou ul ‘0 left howevert cxplsn the of Arabic in hive sripton More: ver ie lk ro recognize tha other ently Byzancine cultural prot and phenomena which were crete in ats of Maslin contol show Ml inlance From the local sami conte, For insane, che wldnge ofthe ight entry theologian John of Damascus ae only dependen on ain thas he ha he Polis ieom co weteinaway tae opposed eh cology afthecuzen ene InConsantnople Theslemativ view Siaiasrecipent ofvacvetconse that Images peti eave the spel of iniascheStcphanonpaiorzhe ‘om of St Catherine wre themselves prodct of hat priasy punted by Hess resientin the monastery is upon (ome pthap incre and OMe Probably sind eewhare)." A plethora of provenance fo and inflaness on 191-98 ain seeder de. i Brim $8016 oy Rabon Coro sl Ma Vt amo. Roy Ae oe hin Cog 280) pp 36-0, 0-4 "jst 24g, Papa Eh ey Rees 391,29 Cpab Mos Aether ep. 193s Panne hearer ‘Snes mh Lip. 265) nae Habe Gee (ach wh gap a 1) Other matvaleamplanshetin sak song eangarermeneredede ‘n848 (jab Chic 3482 an) (Mo 6 (Sec ane ‘osetia Fuanfie Meoof8aoncel Kean ‘thon rhe Aho, 190) pp 12-2 py 2-0 lp Con pnt ch Cerna Had Ca p99 ue. Mons Rechts of te aie he amigo ge ly Shan thonesponie edn cpsle ene. apc Fens 2€X P33) Resin tape innate Sonatas ue) Py aren, kn gen oc ped yup wi niin (Gen Aub peptone Gye EX 206835) Raed ‘th pion eH Money ot ab io Eg ng Bre Wats ‘Sinai sarisshelsexphin the range ofhindsand syesoficons in he most. ‘Baeiemstalbo besa chara Sinatra eon why thee ti shold noe buvetakenon asp Sinaniideniy— jatar aruda denyaverion 1 glshoes to ach iptican emi acne wo worked For any yestrin Engh as Holbein, Van Dyck Hinde or Zafny “phonon scorn ley Ks MC Vin Paya ‘rn! ene Sain a hap Hae Guapo 3-11 09. 106-08. * bead ob f We noo to be lest Ate that Sma loa ia, while being spsic tothe ery putea Serprual and eure character of the mon tse, need not be ee sncted specflly 10 ‘hat one plas ri way ofbcing pothaps even an ‘eaogy — oF ber 4 spiriveal dency — Moped by those (wher ver they maybe) wth ‘pec “connection co Sinah Tatinlades mow obvi themonasen’s coupons in Acre, Cet, Cpr, and Constan tinople (epecally ie tonneced monasteries deve) bursho-may fencompessindinidod (esos eewhere with « sSsonglinkoSinadanda Tage penal network of fexpilgins, Indcod graham. HS. promulgation of yop nn 38 {hXNG4 7) upc nee Siaspecifie chemes ‘nua ofthe Hay Mosse oS Caterne Sa Epp wool have be of par oot Ba Wh ‘lular inverse and ale oatherens of Sina generated ident since mags en and other tral tokens were eet ink tthe “Thiru oealsmofligous vation — self plc at the end poi of| sigan plrimagefor heli medievavewssolthesccont—inherfore Farther enhanced by the probability that chs on (and so many ater af remarkable ql sil nthe monastery’ callesion) were ey likely made on Sinai or made foriearonc ofits dependencies, What ie so excepeiona bout his se hate have noe ool the archi sure and svete ofa sith censry ‘re cexery alongwith a vatiouakeeatonsonehe centuries bu weal poms ‘reper ofthe lug eters tomes books andicont— which were wed tons and worshipper infulnentof te great monasc misonsocleganly ted by Prosopis (pehaps noc enelywithoucancknencofhighcamp)in shoves ‘Shoo ar te ade ck vy puta [| Thee mods ae eet bredasees Thee icons books, sn liu ates surviving Sin may be described he echnoogis acensity fr the kindof ited es ule by Prosopis tho ta layman was couse spared his ciel cea of death im, Some {hvu amen elsewhere — brought parof the ng np donation {a Wcanannargwed forthe major dat century nnd single ‘cmonkear voir perhaps as Belngsuggeted.oracquirdly some other meas (Gemusaurelyhave been checane with he famous oud center ical mans sai, Code Snug hich wan made before the monstery was founded." But others — not ln the thr ics th which we Began — can be most _sttitnlesplaind as avingheen made athe monaery ors dependencies [csvculeofitsicre ie and ofr the practice of thar way of i One mig Sic numerous ether Mose and Els icone, the theme of the Virgin of the Bang Bush (which ws to develop acachebgondshe money. ge 7-and cf Fig Ielow) and sac highly eamedconypesasthe wonderal Chnacus image whose bjt matter echt oneof he monastery mont imo ines (Fig 8) All hse empes gun focus on ee locals with which we Began, though of cour the monary painters certainly also made ens of thernerand san with a beoder eonanee Tone ance through Kure Wetzman’spublction ofthc eid Sin ions (down tothe enc century ii axing that very fo repetent the concern with ‘Sina acl sinsand sites in che wayedemonsetedby emai group ofthe Iter cans isthe case har son ofthe ery con appear elect loa ther than cosmopolitan sles and sits — Facesmpl the Sub eon of Plato Sr Wage onda Bia. 08 ut reg “ eine nd Goh oF Ane (probably. he imcrgtion cnhereadco zi | yield the evn more ob- eae tPambon and an iden female mar ‘ye which Weermann dies tothe ih o fench cenery and which was tke om Sin en Kevin che nineteenth century" Weisman ied deny ths pice 1 Conseansnopelitnn provenance (arly he fase he dd lke ie Sle) and powslced Palestine or een ype Likewise the ion of Se ‘Merci killing Jan the Aporcic, which Weiemann abut smi» Copric workshop of orc Vig fing hw une fe ‘ogy the tence nel mes mane Sin eee cay. abe Sn Nonscy wi Cai Sat Fee one ee ect shows ny wie sronglikihoodotbcing amanuctred a Sia in ‘hac none hasaspcal aint withthe se and isl places By conta acuple ‘ofrather fragmentary pisces shat Weimann acti to che seenthcentry appear ca show the Prophet Eljah, One is etiny jb, since he iage {nsenibl wiehhismame othe.” The book hckokishassheimripion have [een veryeloforthe Lard Godot hos fom Kings 19-10 and 14-—thevey ‘wordpokenby Eakin respons te God when God pane him an

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