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Br. Larson Kim Baltazar, OFMCap. – PN1

As I have reflected upon this one week gathering of the post-novices, I would say that my
very first Albacina – Camerino Experience as I observed and experienced was truly a
meaningful, essential and informative “story - telling experience” and it is really a blessing and
opportunity for me as a newly professed Capuchin to know further and to experience to go back
to the roots and beginning of our Order because, to be very honest, prior to this experience, I
have little knowledge with regards to this part of history of our Order because we were not able
to finish our Franciscan History class back in Postulancy. But in the novitiate, I was able to read
the two important documents that we discuss and expound; (The Sta. Euphemia Constitution and
the Albacina Statutes). And now, because of this experience, I can say that my Franciscan
History course is now complete.
The brothers who were tasked to share to us Post – Novices how our forebear’s
Capuchin friars lived their way of reformed Franciscan Capuchin Life, presented them in such a
manner that it seemed that they were also present there and journeyed among with our first friars.
Specially to our Brother Bishop Joseph and Brother Cesar whose presentation and sharing struck
me the most as they shared not just the topic that was assigned to them but also by giving their
life as they shared also their personal experience as a religious of how they able to endure and
overcome all the trials and difficulties and persevere in this holy way of life despite of their
weakness and incapacity. It is true what I overheard from my formator when he said that; “we
should never underestimate the wisdom of our elders, because someday, it will make sense”.
How I wish that Apo Mateo was still with us today and one of our expositors in this Albacina –
Camerino Experience.
It is both striking and inspiring for me also the sharing of my senior post – novice
brothers whom I looked up even up to this day that I am paving this way with them in our Post –
Novitiate journey. Since this is my first time to attend a Post – Novitiate Experience, I decided
not to share my personal thoughts and inspirations and stick to my plan to stay still and just listen
to my seniors and be filled with inspirations through their reflections and to savor every single
moment of this experience and I never regret it since I don’t want to miss the opportunity of

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hearing the reflections of all of my brothers and I hope and trust God’s Mercy that this is not the
last Post-Novitiate Experience that I am able to attend.
This reflection paper is not enough to tell how I was so filled with the graces of
knowledge and wisdom that was imparted on us Post-Novices and to go back to the roots of our
Order specially to know that our Capuchin forebears live the rule in its strict observance and how
they wish to perpetuate the original inspiration of our Seraphic father St. Francis as they observe
the rule “Ad Litteram” – to the letter. And it is truly a must for us young friars who have just
begun our thousand miles journey of this Capuchin way of Life not just to know this but also to
be inspired by them.
I wish to end this reflection with the quote from Robert Penn Warren, an American poet
and author of the book ‘At Heaven’s gate’ that I have read in the Novitiate, he states that:
“History cannot give us a program for the future, but it can give us a fuller
understanding of ourselves, and of our common humanity, so that we can better face the future.”

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