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Korean Cultural Centre

Korean Cultural Ccntre India

I hc Lmbassr ol thc Repubiic ol K,rrca

Dear Students,

Warm greetings from Korean Cultural Centre India!

We would like to congratulate and express our sincere thanks to you for your hard
work and dedication for participating in the 6th Korea India Friendship Quiz
Contest 2021.

With deep regret, we would like to inform you that due to sudden irresponsibility
and neglect of our Vendor, 'Quizcraft Global' who were carrying out the Quiz
Contest on behalfofus, there has been a great confusion and chaos regarding the
Prizes and continuation of the contest. We are preparing legal action against their
neglect and irresponsibility based on the contract.

Considering the present situation and additional burden, we from our end are
trying to cover our best in terms of being responsible and sincere to you all.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience to all you. In addition, we assure

you that we will carry give out the Cash Prize and Medals of Regional round
which was supposed to be given by our agency will be given to you at the earliest

Tel) 11-4334-5000,1 Fax)l l-4334-5032 Add) 25 A. Ring Road, La.jpat Nagar lV, New Delhi-l10024
Homepage : Facebook :,/koreancuhualcentreindia
E-mail :

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