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WORD FORM 23-09-2021

Complete the following extract with the correct form of the words given on the

Henry V was King of England from 1413 until his death in 1422. His coronation ceremony
was marked by a terrible snowstorm, which made the common people (2) __________
(DECIDE) as to whether the event was a good or bad omen for the future of the country.
Despite his relatively short reign, Henry's outstanding military successes transformed
England into one of the strongest military powers in Europe at the time. (2) __________
(MORTAL) in Shakespeare's "Henriad" plays, Henry is known and celebrated as one of the
greatest warrior kings of medieval England. The stories of Prince Henry’s reckless and
dissolute youth, and of the sudden change that (3) __________ (TAKE) him when he was
enthroned, have been traced back to within 20 years of his death and cannot be dismissed
as pure (4) __________ (FABRIC). However, this conclusion does not involve accepting
them in the exaggerated versions created by the Elizabethan (5) __________ (PLAY), to
which the known facts of his conduct in war provided a general contradiction with that in

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words given on
the right.

6. During 1942 __________ started to arrive in our town as the civil war devastated the
country. (EVACUATE)
7. Some people use __________ to control their sweating and prevent underarm odor from
developing worse. (PERSPIRE)
8. On his __________, the guilt-ridden King Henry IV said his final words, admitting to his
son the “indirect crook’d ways” which had led him to the crown. (BED)
9. Parents have no right to demand __________ obedience from their children. (SERVE)
10. Since he didn’t meet the __________ (BORDER) pass grade in the final exams, he had
no other choice but to retake the course again.

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