Calculation of Submarine Derivatives - Ucl Course

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43 Chapter 7 Calculation of Submarine Derivatives 1. Introduction Tt has been seen that a great deal of information about submarine performance, and stability and control, can be obtained froma study of the simplified linear equations of motion despite the many assumptions that have to be made. In order to use these equations we must have available realistic numerical values for the coefficients of the equations, that is, the derivatives. It vould obviously be desirable to be able to determine these derivatives in the early stages of the design so that the necessary predictions could f be made to check that the design meets the various requirements laid down. At this_early-stage changes_could_easily be-made to improve the design if it were found that the requirements were not being met. A method is described below for calewlating the derivatives of single-screw submarines. The method is not claimed to be very accurate (within 10% is considered. good) but. is suitable for preliminery design calculations and also for estimating the effects of small changes to adesign. ‘The derivatives so found apply only vhere the incidence | of the submarine or the curvature of its path are small. They are ‘thus | suitable for checking the stability of the submarine but not, for | instance, for describing turning in the horizontal plane when the \ curvature becomes large, It is assumed that the derivatives for the complete submarine can be found by adding the contributions of each of the components (null, propeller, appendages) and including any interference effects Detveen componente, 2. Acouracy Particularly vhen estimating the effects on derivatives of small changes to the design it is important that great care is taken in reading values from the various figures and in using identical methods - each time, The chenges in derivatives may othervise reflect the different methods rether than the changes to the design. 3. Hula Many classical textbooks of hydrodynamics derive the forces acting on a neutrally buoyant ellipsoid moving through an ideal, inviscid fluid. If the ellipsoid has an angle of attack to the flow « destabilising moment acts on the body, but no lifting force. Lamb, in Reference 2, derived the values of the destabilising moment for an ellipsoid of revolution in terms of k, and k,, the coefficients of added mass of the body in the x and z directions. In the non~ dimensional derivative notation he shove ran Se Bye ys M 20 My (kk, This vork vas applied to airship hull: notably by Munk, Reference 94. cre obtained an expression fox the destabilising moment on any Closed tody of revolution in potential flow, the "Munk monent™, Experiments vith airship hulls shoved, hovever, that the assumption of potential flow led to serious discrepancies. At an angle of gitecks a body of revolution does generate lift and the Monk noment is an overestimate of the moment ina real fluid. pa netempting to derive an improved theory von Karman, Reference 10, Proposed the existence of a vortex trail and this has since been found experimentally by Harrington, Reference 1.1. The body of zevolution generates lift ina manner similar to that of ioe the bean nto aerofoil, vortieity being shed from the after part of the body vnere the boundary layer is thickening rapidly, This trailing vorticity associated vith lift vill cause downvash at. the extreme tail-of the tody, and, for sutmarines with stabilising i 1 interfere with the lift on the tail. efficient lifting surface compared to curately estimating the forces on a bare A method similar to thet used by the early airship designers bas been found to give acceptable results:~ m7 Baar tak "ie - ) Ment Dare #8, x 1, wy oa x a fom GD Cdn a X = distance of tail’ forvara of CO ions treat the as-if in potential flow and ignore the cereecterace cen He eto dt ty tele Oey ot spare discussed under the headings of hull end tail fins but it ie emphasised that the hull derivatives so found are not intended to 7 represent the forces on the hull: the hull and tail derivatives mu alvays be considered together. i i i of the propulsor, The discussion above does not mention the effect o: + which, in.e single screw submarine, changes: the: flow about the stern, -~ ‘tending to bring it closer to the potential flow about the iene] It is therefore possible that the method will work equally well for single and twin screw submarines. < ‘The ideal fluid forces and moments will be used for the effect of the hull as explained above. Extending the equation to include the horizontal plane derivatives ve have saya My =o Ye Yawtso My = Uk, = ket Ny = > (ky - kat ko ky and k, are the added mass coefficients for motion in the x, y and z directions, and may be obtained vith sufficient accuracy by considering in place of the hull an “equivalent ellipsoid". This is en ellipsoid having the same volume and length as the hull, and therefore the same value of m'. The ratio of the two smaller axes is made the same as the ratio of the projected areas of the hull in Profile and in plan. The moments of inertia in pitch and yaw, Ty and I} may be taken to be those of the equivalent ellipsoid about ite mid length. Acceleration derivatives (added masses and inertia: @ also obtained from the added mass coefficients of the equivalent ellipsoid ae aon Different expressions for the various coefficients are found if the shortest axis of the equivalent ellipsoid is vertical or horizontal, Equations will be presented here for the case vhere the smallest axis is horizontal but the expressions used in each case are collected in parts 1 and 2 of the Appendix, If the lengths of the seni axes of the equivalent ellipsoid are a, b and ¢ vhere arbre then a= 3 Lg and Dz Profile area of hull ¢ ” “plan area of hall The added mass coefficients of an ellipsoid of revolution (b = c) are given by Lamb, Reference 2, and for the general case, (a #d #¢), ty Kechin, Kibel and Roze in Reference 3. Recent vork by the author has shown that, over the range of shapes found in submarines, the coefficients may be derived from Lamb's coefficients, x), Kk, and X', as calculated for an ellipsoid with length Ja dieneter ~ b 2 =i k= (1 + 0.772 (S - 1)) > ky(1 + 1.027 (2 - 1) y k= &(1 + 0.964 @- yt KI(1 + (1.02 + 0.95 BB ~ 1))7" ERC + (O97 + YE - 1)) ‘These empirical equations have a maximum error of 2 per cen: in the range . 5>$>6 Bee and are sufficiently accurate for the purpose of these-cstimate: k,, Kp and k' can be found from Figure Al in the Appendix. ‘The moments of inertia of the ellipsoid are found to be tahoe aM Ty = 39 (1 + Gz) 1 39 (1 + gz) 4, Propeller Apert from the effect on the flow over the body the propeller a fin-effect of its own. For a propeller in open water there re a number of published papers giving methods of calculating the side force in non-axial flow. One of the simplest is by Harris (Ref. 4} and gives: where D is diameter of propeller. ‘This assumes that the tangential force is distributed uniformly along the length of the blades but little error occurs if this is not so. If the tangential force distribution is of the form r3(1- r)? (where r = radius/max radius) then the error is only 5%. Evaluation of this term involves a knowledge of wake and propeller characteristics. If this is not available the wake from a similar ship can be used and propeller data obtained from data sheets, Ref. 5. The propeller on the submarine is not in open water and its real incidence to the flow may be different to that of the hull. In particular the incidence of the propeller will be affected by the downwash behind the rudders and stern hydroplanes. However it is suggested thet no correction be made to the open water derivative, which is usually small compared with hull and fin derivatives. 5. Fins There is a vast amount of data aveilable concerning the lift characteristics of the aerofoil-type appendages which are common to aircraft, submarines, etc, Most of this data comes from the aircraft field. Reference 6 can be used to calculate the lift slope (éCy,)/(éa) of isolated low aspect ratio aerofoils and shows clearly the effects of the major design parameters. The data from Ref, 6 can also be used to calculate the interference effects for fins mounted at the tail of a body (such as stern hydroplanes and rudders). Ref. 7 can be used to calculate the interference effects for fins mounted where the hull is cylindrical (such as the bridge fin), Ref. 7 can also be used to calculate vortex interference effects. 6. Isolated Wings 60; Figure 2 (from Ref. 6) allows the lift slope a, (- 3 to be estimated taking account of the effects of:

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