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Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan (JIP) ISSN: 0215-9643 e-ISSN: 2442-8655

Vol. 25, Issue 1, June 2019, pp. 27-32 27

Implementing Physical Learning Based On Momentum and

Impulse Stem Materials to Develop Collaboration Skills
Dwi Yulianti1*, Dewi Anjani2
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Sekaran, Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50229
*corresponding author


The challenges of the 21st-century life require that every individual must master
Article history 21st-century skills. The 21st-century learning and innovation (4C) skills are among
Received January 17, 2019 the skills that rank first among other skills. Collaboration skills are part of 4C
Revised February 15, 2019 skills that are important for students to develop. The 2013 curriculum policy and
Accepted May 6, 2019 STEM-based learning are solutions to the challenges of the 21st-century develop-
ment. The results of a survey of 16 high schools in the city of Semarang, show
that schools have not applied to learn with the STEM approach and have not spe-
Physics learning
cifically developed collaboration skills. The purpose of this study is to investigate
the development of student collaboration skills through the application of STEM-
based physics learning. The research method used was quasi experimental with a
form of nonequivalent control group design. The subjects of this study were stu-
dents of class X MIPA SMA 11 Semarang, class X MIPA 5 as an experimental
class, and class X MIPA 7 as a control class. Retrieval of data using observation
and documentation methods. Analysis of research data using observation sheet
analysis with the help of SPSS and Microsoft Office Excel programs. The results
showed that collaboration skills after applying STEM-based physics learning
developed in the medium category.

Tantangan kehidupan abad 21 menuntut setiap individu harus menguasai ket-

erampilan abad 21. Keterampilan belajar dan inovasi abad 21 (4C) merupakan
salah satu keterampilan yang menjadi urutan teratas dari keterampilan lainnya.
Keterampilan kolaborasi bagian dari keterampilan 4C yang penting untuk dikem-
bangkan peserta didik. Kebijakan kurikulum 2013 dan pembelajaran berbasis
STEM merupakan solusi menghadapi tantangan perkembangan abad 21. Hasil
survei pada 16 Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kota Semarang, menunjukkan bahwa
sekolah belum menerapkan pembelajaran dengan pendekatan STEM dan belum
mengembangkan secara khusus keterampilan kolaborasi. Tujuan dari penelitian
ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengembangan keterampilan kolaborasi siswa me-
lalui penerapan pembelajaran fisika berbasis STEM. Metode penelitian yang
digunakan adalah quasi experimental dengan ben-tuk nonequivalent control
group design. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X MIPA SMA Negeri 11
Semarang, kelas X MIPA 5 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas X MIPA 7 se-
bagai kelas kontrol. Pengambilan data menggunakan metode observasi dan
dokumentasi. Analisis data penelitian menggunakan analisis lembar observasi
dengan bantuan program SPSS dan microsoft office excel. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa keterampilan kolaborasi setelah diterapkan pembelajaran
fisika berbasis STEM, berkembang pada kategori sedang.
This is an open access article under the CC–BY-SA license.

I. Introduction tury learning and innovation (4C) skills are at

The 21st-century is based on science and the top of the skills that every individual need
technology, so it demands human resources to to master to face the demands and challenges
master various forms of skills (Mendikbud, of the 21st-century (Trilling & Fadel, 2009).
2017). The 21st-century learning and innova- 4C skills need to be owned and developed by
tion skills are stated as the key to unlocking students for the present and the future. (The
lifelong learning and creative work. 21st-cen Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2015)
28 Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan (JIP) e-ISSN: 2442-8655
Vol. 25, Issue 1, June 2019, pp. 27-32 ISSN: 0215-9643

states that learning skills and innovation (4C) al understanding. Furthermore, learning phys-
are important for students to help them pre- ics by using the STEM approach can improve
pare for more complex life and work envi- the ability to solve problems (Dewi et al.,
ronment in the 21st-century. (Motallebzadeh 2018). One of the physics materials, which
et al., 2018) also states that 21st-century skills are momentum and impulse, in the 2013 cur-
(4C) will enhance learning mechanisms by riculum is one of the essential competencies
creating engaging learning environments. 4C that students must master (Susianna, 2014).
skills consist of four skills, one of which is a
The results of a survey of 16 high schools
collaboration skill.
in the city of Semarang show that schools
Collaboration is expressed as a coordinat- have not applied to learn with the STEM ap-
ed and synchronous activity, the result of on- proach and have not explicitly developed col-
going efforts to build and maintain a shared laboration skills. The purpose of this study
conception of a problem (Rosen et al., 2016). was to investigate the development of student
The work done through collaborative activi- collaboration skills through the application of
ties is different from the work done individu- STEM-based physics learning.
ally. (Jones et al., 2014) states that collabora-
tion produces the ability to create something
II. Method
new and is more robust than what can be
achieved by individuals. The role of collabo- The method used was a quasi-
ration in learning stated by (Ronfeldt et al., experimental with nonequivalent control
2015), can provide benefits for students. Stu- group design. A random sampling technique
dents will get a better achievement if they was carried out in Semarang 11 Public High
study in a strong collaborative environment. School located at Jl. Lamper Tengah XIV, RT
(Woodland & Hutton, 2012) states that col- 01 RW 01, and Semarang 50248. The partici-
laboration can produce more significant inno- pants in this study were class X MIPA 5 as an
vation and preserve resources to achieve experimental class and class X MIPA 7 as a
common goals. (Trilling & Fadel, 2009), ex- control class. The procedure of this study was
plains that students who have collaboration divided into three stages: the initial stage, the
skills can show their ability in collaboration implementation stage, and the final stage.
or groups, be flexible and contribute to hav- Observation and documentation methods
ing a personal role, are responsible, and can were used in generating data. The analysis of
appreciate any difference. these data employed observation sheet analy-
The development of collaborative skills is sis with the help of SPSS and Microsoft Of-
pursued in the application of the 2013 cur- fice Excel programs. Collaborative skills dur-
riculum. (Susianna, 2014). States that the ing the learning process take place, assessed
competencies developed in the 2013 curricu- based on observations made by several ob-
lum have been adapted to the 21st-century servers. Learning is equipped with STEM-
skills. STEM is an acronym for the fields of based learning tools, RPP, LKS, and teaching
science, technology, engineering, and mathe- materials. The tools have been tested for eli-
matics (Information resources management gibility based on the expert judgment of lec-
association (Irma), 2014). turers, the feasibility test by one other skilled
lecturer, and physics subject teachers in high
STEM and 4C skills, including collabora- school. Physics material taught is limited only
tion skills, are presented as solutions to face to the material momentum and impulses.
the 21st century life. STEM facilitates stu-
dents to develop 21st-century learning and
innovation (4C) skills. STEM emphasis, III. Results and Discussion
which refers to as a means for future success, Collaborative skills are assessed based on
is an essential reason for mastery of STEM to several indicators, namely working effective-
be owned by students (Hwang & Taylor, ly and respectfully in group work, contrib-
2016). Students, who are proficient in STEM, uting to making agreements for common
prepare the nation to become leaders in an goals, and being responsible for group work.
increasingly global economy (Hughes, 2010). The results of the analysis of collaboration
Research conducted by (Suwarma et al., skills, as a whole, are presented in Table 1.
2015) revealed that STEM-based physics
learning could increase students' motivation
and learning creations and increase conceptu-

Dwi Yulianti (Implementing Physical Learning Based On Momentum)

ISSN: 0215-9643 Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan (JIP) 29
e-ISSN: 2442-8655 Vol. 25, Issue 1, June 2020, pp. 27-32

Table 1. Analysis of Collaboration Skills Based on Table 1, it can be seen that the
Average N– N–
collaboration skills of students in the experi-
Score (%) Gain Gain mental class have an average value that is
Pre Post higher than in the control class. The results of
Experiment 71 82 0.37 Medium N-Gain also showed that students in the ex-
perimental class experienced higher collabo-
Criteria of High High ration skills (N-Gain was in the medium crite-
Average Score ria) than in the control class (N-Gain was in
Control 38 42 0.06 Low the low standart). The results of the collabora-
Criteria of Low Low tion skills analysis of each indicator can be
Average Score seen in “Fig. 1”, while the results of the N-
Gain test of the skills of each indicator are
presented in “Fig. 2”.

Fig. 1. Graph of Average Score of Collaboration Skills for Each Indicator

Notes :
indicator 1 : work effectively and respectfully in groups
indicator 2 : contribute to making a deal for a common goal
indicator 3 : responsible

Fig. 2. Graph of Test Results for N-gain Collaboration Skills for Each Indicator

Dwi Yulianti (Implementing Physical Learning Based On Momentum)

Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan (JIP) ISSN: 0215-9643 e-ISSN: 2442-8655
Vol. 25, Issue 1, June 2019, pp. 27-32 30

Analysis of collaboration skills on each of in each group is 3 to 4 students. In the control

the indicators gives the result that students in class, increased collaboration skills for this
the control class have increased collaboration indicator have low criteria caused by the
skills at low criteria for indicator 1, indicator learning that is applied does not adequately
2, and indicator 3. Whereas, students in the facilitate collaborative activities.
experimental class have increased collabora-
Collaborative skills on indicators contrib-
tion skills at moderate criteria for indicator 2
ute to making agreements, observed as stu-
and indicator 3, and has increased with low
dents conduct group discussion activities an-
criteria only on indicator 1.
swering questions and finding solutions to the
In general, learning in the experimental problems given. The results of the analysis
class facilitates the development of collabora- based on N-Gain scores on indicators con-
tion skills more than the control class. This is tribute to making agreements for shared
supported by the average value of the results goals, showing that students in the experi-
of observations and N-Gain test results, which mental class experienced higher collaboration
indicate the acquisition of higher numbers in skills than the control class. Students in the
the experimental class. Learning in the exper- experimental class experienced an increase in
imental class is almost entirely implemented collaboration skills for this indicator on medi-
with a well-organized group learning system. um criteria, while students in the control class
Learning activities in groups and supported experienced an increase in low criteria.
by STEM-based teaching materials that con-
The learning process that is accompanied
tain the presentation of problems to be solved
by collaborative activities becomes one of the
together help students more easily find solu-
efforts to develop academic competencies and
tions to problems. In accordance with the re-
individual abilities of each student. (Castillo
search done by (Honggowiyono et al., 2017;
et al., 2017) state that there is a positive rela-
Nurhayati et al., 2019), it is concluded that
tionship between collaborative workability
group learning benefits students to find solu-
and academic ability, which allows direct in-
tions to problems.
teraction in collaborative activities and the
Improved collaboration skills for indica- high participation of each group member in
tors working effectively in groups in the ex- learning activities.
perimental class and the control class showed
Collaboration skills on indicators respon-
low standart. Collaborative skills on indica-
sible for group work, increased higher in stu-
tors working effectively in groups are ob-
dents in the experimental class with moderate
served as students conduct discussion activi-
criteria, than in the control class. In other
ties to understand the definition of momen-
words learning in the experimental class facil-
tum and impulse material, discussion of the
itates collaboration skills for responsible indi-
application of momentum and impulse in the
cators in the group rather than the control
fields of technology and engineering, and col-
class. (Castillo et al., 2017) state that the ex-
lision material. In addition to discussion ac-
istence of collaborative activities in the learn-
tivities, collaboration skills on indicators
ing process that can create conditions of a
work effectively, and groups are also ob-
mutual need for roles between individuals,
served. At the same time, students carry out
personal responsibility, and mutual agree-
simple experimental activities to determine
ment, resulting in groups working strategical-
the coefficient of restitution of objects.
ly and on time in completing tasks. Learning
The results of the increase in the low crite- in the experimental class is more student-
ria in the experimental class are caused by the centered, involving students in organized dis-
presence of some students who are not very cussion activities by forming learning groups,
active in group work. In addition, there are and conducting simple experiments, encour-
still group members who enter other groups to aging students to take responsibility for their
ask answers and interfere with the perfor- work so that they can understand learning
mance of the group. Each group, consist of 5 material well. Students actively built the
to 6 students, are too many for a small group. knowledge while and learning is a shared ex-
The group condition. A study done by perience, not an individual experience
(Leinonen et al., 2017) revealed that in a larg- (Thibaut et al., 2018). The results of the test
er group, there was a potential weakness of analysis of differences in increased collabora-
student participation in the smooth discus- tion skills between students in the experi-
sion. The recommended number of students
ISSN: 0215-9643 Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan (JIP) 31
e-ISSN: 2442-8655 Vol. 25, Issue 1, June 2020, pp. 27-32

mental class and students in the control class development of student skills will look more
are presented in Table 2. leverage. In addition, in group activities, each
group should only consist of 3-4 students.
Table 2. Analysis of Differences in Collaboration Teachers need to give more examples of ap-
Skills Enhancement Tests plications in the elements of engineering and
Skills Mean Signifi- Notes technology, related to the material to be
cance taught.
Experi- Con-
(Sig.2– References
mental trol
Class Clas tailed)
T - test Castillo, M., Heredia, Y., & Gallardo, K. (2017).
s Collaborative work competency in online
Collabor 0.376 0.05 0.000 Signific postgraduate students and its prevalence
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differen Journal of Distance Education, 18(3),
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than 0.05. Based on the mean value, it shows model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Think
that in general, the improvement of experi- Pair Share (TPS) berbantuan modul ajar
mental class collaboration skills is bigger than terhadap motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa
the control. Learning in the experimental pada mata pelajaran kompetensi kejuruan
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0.37. In the experimental class, collaboration
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common goals, and indicators are responsible menengah). Implementasi pengembangan
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ry. The application of STEM-based learning pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP).
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done in a longer period of time so that the

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Dwi Yulianti (Implementing Physical Learning Based On Momentum)

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