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NAME: Villanueva, Irish Gunda



Case Study:
Read the scenario:
Maine revisits to the clinic at 9 weeks of pregnancy. She has dry, cracked lips, and with a cardiac
rate of 92 bpm. She states that she is experiencing nausea with frequent vomiting all day. She reports that
the nausea is aggravated by the odor of sautéed garlic and has little appetite. Even though she is always
thirsty, she restricts drinking of water because “it makes me sicker.” Her urinalysis result is concentrated, with
a specific gravity of 1.02.
Nursing Care Plan:
Fill in the appropriate elements of the care plan for this client.
SUBJECTIVE DATA: Nausea ✓ Nausea and 1. Drink at least 2 1. Increase fluid ❖ Patient is able
related to vomiting liters (8 to 10 intake to to reduce
“It makes me sicker,” aversion of should be glasses) unless reduce the risk nausea and
the patient stated food intake reduced. otherwise of dehydration vomiting.
even though she is and reports of ✓ Increase advised. 2. Unpleasant ❖ Patient is able
always thirsty, she feeling of hydration 2. If at all possible, sights and to reduce
restricts herself to nausea in and instruct the odors can presence of
drink water. relation to the decrease client to avoid stimulate ketones and
patient’s the level of cooking vomiting and increase
▪ The patient statement ketones. aromas, frying nausea. hydration.
stated that she is that she is ✓ Prevent foods, fatty 3. Both muscle ❖ Patient is able
experiencing aggravated by further foods, and relaxation and to prevent
nausea with the odor of weight loss. brewing coffee. distraction further weight
frequent sauteed garlic ✓ The patient (Go for a walk; techniques loss.
vomiting all day. and has little might be choose items have been ❖ Patient is able
▪ She also reports appetite. able to that can be found to to understand
that the nausea Impaired describe consumed decrease the
is aggravated by Comfort ways to cold.) Suggest nausea and importance of
the odor of related to increase his that you try vomiting in good
sauteed garlic, nausea and or her sour foods. adults nutrition.
and she also has vomiting comfort. 3. Teach the client receiving ❖ Patient is able
a little appetite. secondary to ✓ Discuss the how to control chemotherapy. to relate
side effects of significance the vomiting (Miller & methods to
OBJECTIVE DATA: pregnancy in of proper response by Kearney, 2004; increase
relation with 9 diet. using deep Vasterling et appetite.
▪ The patient is in weeks of ✓ Identify breathing al., 1993)
her 9th week of pregnancy. deficiencies techniques and 4. Ginger has
pregnancy. Hyperemesis in daily voluntary been found
▪ She showed at gravidarum intake. swallowing. effective for
the clinic with related to ✓ Relate 4. Tell the client treatment of
dry and cracked pregnancy in appetite- that he or she nausea.
lips. relation to the inducing should not lie 5. Voda and
▪ Her cardiac rate patient’s techniques. for at least 2 Randall (1982)
is 92 bpm. statement hours after reported that
▪ Her urinalysis that she’s eating. (If a eating a high-
result is experiencing patient needs protein snack
concentrated, it nausea with to rest, he or before going
has a specific frequent she should sit to bed at night
gravity of 1.02. vomiting all or recline such decreases
day. that the head is morning
Imbalanced at least 4 inches nausea in
Nutrition: Less above the feet.) some pregnant
Than Body Small amounts women and it
Requirements of clear fluids, prevents
related to the as well as hypoglycemia.
frequency of ginger-flavored 6. Explanation
excessive meals and about
nausea and beverages, metabolic
vomiting. should be changes can
offered. increase
5. Assure the awareness of
patient that nutritional
nausea is awareness.
common during
(Pillitteri, 2010)
6. Drink
beverages if
you're feeling
nauseous (e.g.,
Coke, orange
juice, ginger
ale, and herbal
7. Emphasize the
necessity of
getting enough
calories and
fluids during
breastfeeding in
terms of

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