Noli Me Tangere

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Noli Me

BERLIN (1887)
supposed contributors :
idea of writing a novel on the Philippines Paternos (Pedro, Maximino and Antonio)
Graciano Lopez Jaena
Jan 2, 1884 - Rizal proposed to his fellow Filipinos in Madrid Evaristo Aguirre
(Paterno residence) to write a novel about the Philippines. But it Eduardo de Lete
did not happen because : 1) almost everybody wanted to write on Julio Llorente
women : 2) his companions wasted their time gambling or flirting Melecio Figueroa
with Spanish señoritas Valentin Ventura

The writing of the Noli

started - end of 1884, Madrid
finished - April-June, 1886 , Wilhelmsfeld
final revisions - February 1886, Berlin
Viola, savior of the Noli
Viola arrived in Berlin shortly before Christmas of
1887 and was shook of Rizal's situation.
He agreed to lend Rizal publishing money for the book
and even gave him pocket money for his living situation.

Berliner-Buchdruckrei-Action-Gesselschaft : 300 php = 2000 copied of the novel.

A French Spy
Rizal was accused of being a Frenchspy due to his
wandering around little towns in Germany. For this
he almost got deported.
Printing of the Noli Finished
March 21, 1887, it came off the press.
March 29, 1887, Rizal gave Viola the
galley proofs of the Noli carefully rolled
around the pen that he used in writing it
and a complimentary copy with an
appreciation note.

The Title of the Novel

Noli Me Tangere is a Latin phrase which
means "Touch Me Not". He got it from
the Bible.
Gospel of St. John 20 : 13-17
Upper Triangle represents Rizal's past life.
Silhouette of a Filipina
- believed to be Maria Clara or as the "Inang Bayan" to whom Rizal dictates the

- represents the Catholic faith as it rises above Inang Bayan and Filipinos (shows
- it also symbolizes sufferings and death

Pomelo Blossoms & Laurel Leaves

- they represent faith, honor and fidelity, which are the values Rizal aspires to be
embodied by Filipinos
- pomelos are used to scent their air commonly during prayers and cleansing
- laurel leaves are used as crowns during Greek Olympics for honoring the best
Upper Triangle represents Rizal's past life.

Burning Torch
- refers to the Olympic torch
- pertains to the awakening of Filipino consciousness
- it also sheds light to the text of the manuscript

- it symbolizes a new beginning
- it is compared to the happiness of which appears to be always bowing down
Lower Triangle represents Rizal's current situation
- it symbolizes the power of the friars
- it is placed on the base of the triangle (foundation) because without friars, the Filipinos
cannot stand on their own

- it represents wealth
- it is also the footprints left by friars in teaching Catholicism

Hairy Legs
- it symbolizes the Legend of the Wolf
- the wolf shape shifts just like how friars hide their true nature and character

Helmet of a Guardia Civil

- it represents the arrogance of those in authority

- it represents the abuses and cruelties done by the Spaniards and friars as depicted in the
Lower Triangle represents Rizal's current situation

Flogs (Suplina)
- it is used for self-flagellation
- just like the whip, this also symbolizes the cruelties of the Guardia

- it symbolizes slavery and imprisonment

Rizal's Signature
- it shows that Rizal experienced and witnessed the ills and abuses that
happened during his time

Bamboo Stalks
- it represents Filipino resiliency
- despite the sufferings, Filipinos can still stand tall and firm
Noli based on truth
The Characters
Maria Clara was Leonor Rivera
Tasio, was his elder brother, Paciano
Padre Salvi was Padre Antonio Piernavieja
Kapitan Tiyago was Capitan Hilario Sunico
Donya Victorina was Donya Agustina Medel
Basilio and Crispin were the Crisostomo brothers of Hagonoy
Padre Damaso was a typical domineering friar during the days of Rizal, who was arrogant and

Rizal's Friends praise the Noli

In London, Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor, FIlipino patriot and lawyer who had been exiled due to his
complicity to the Cavte Mutiny of 1872, felicitated Rizal, saying " IF Quixote immortalizes its author
because it exposes to the world the ailments of Spain, your Noli Me Tangere will bring you an equal
PEE 1887
Maximo Viola
Maximo Viola
At dawn of May 11, 1887, Rizal and Viola left Berlin by train.


- visited Dr. Adolp B. Meyer

- met Dr. Jagor


- May 13, 1887 met professor blumentritt

- introduced to the burgomaster of leitmeritz
- painted a portrait of blumentritt as a thank you
met dr. carlos czepelak , polish scholar
-introduced to professor robert klutscak,
left on may 16, 1887

carrying letters of recommendation from

Blumentritt they met Dr. WIllkom, prof of natural
history in the university of prague Danubian Voyage to Lintz
- visited the tomb of copernicus
may 24, 1887 - they left Vienna on a riverboat to
see the beautiful sights of the danube river
Vienna - he noticed the use of paper napkins and violaa
explained how they were more hygienic and
May 20, 1887 , met Norfenfals, one of the greatest economical than cloth ones
novelist in europe.
- lost his diamond stickpin
-met masner and nordmann, austrian scholars
Lintz to Rheinfall

Lintz - Salburg - Munich Nuremberg ulm

-torture machines largest and tallest
tasted the famous Munich
- doll making industry cathedral in Germany
beer, reputed to be the best in

Rheinfall BAden
(Cascade of the Rhine)
"the most beautiful waterfall
of Europe"
Switzerland Basel (bale) - Bern - Lausanne
Rheinfall June 2-3, 1887

Leman lake
Rizal Resents Exhibition of Igorots in
1887 Madrid Exposition

Italy RIZAL Geneva

- visited TURIN, MILAN, VIO (French, German, Italian)
- showed Viola his rowing
- reached Rome on Jun 27,

1887 "Eternal City" / " City of
- spent his birthday with a
sumptuous meal
- June 29th, visited the
- spent 15 days with Viola
Vatican, " City of the Popes"
1st Homecoming
Departed : June 15, Marseilles


to operate on his mother's eyes

to serve his people

to find out for himself how the Noli was affecting

the Filipinos and the Spaniards in the Philippines

to inquire why Leonor Rivera remained silent

left rome by train for marseilles

french vessel

50 passengers
departure : july 3, 1887

4 Englishmen
Destination : Saigon

2 germans
enroute to the Orient via Suez Canal

3 chinese
2 japanese
After leaving Aden his books got
many frenchmen wet bc of the rough weather
1 Filipino (Jose Rizal)
departure : august 2, 1887

Destination : Manila

Arrival : August 5, 1887

He arrived at manila and found it

the same as when he left it.
Calamba August 8, 1887
He failed to see Leonor Rivera in Calamba because her
He established a medical clinic
mother did not like him for a son-in-law
Dr. Uliman
his first patient was his mother

patients from Manila flocked to Calamba

and he still made his professional fees

Opened a gymnasium for young folks
were reasonable

gymnastics cockfights
earnings : a few months P900
fencing vs
February 1888 P5,000 gambling
Storm over the Noli

Rizal went to Manila and appeared at the Malacañang before Governor General Terero because of a charge. The governor
general heard his side and asked for a copy of the book for himself.
One of the Jesuit fathers who read it told Rizal that " everything in it was the truth", but added " You may lose your head for it."
After reading the copy Rizal was able to secure for him, the governor general knew Rizal's life was in jeopardy so he assigned
him the young Spanish Lieutenant, Don Jose Taviel de Andrade as his bodyguard. Andrade could speak English, French and
Archbishop of Manila, Msgr. Pedro Payo (a Dominican) sent a copy of the Noli to Father Rector Gregorio Echavarria of the
University of Santo Tomas. They made a report and sent it to the governor general saying the Noli was "heretical, impious, and
scandalous in the religious order, and antipatriotic, subversive of public order, injurious to the government of Spain and its
function in the Philippine Islands in the political order."

The governor general sent the novel to the Permanent Commission of Censorship. Fr. Salvador Font, Agustininan cura of
Tondo read it and recommended "that the importation, reproduction and circulation of this pernicious book in the islands be
absolutely prohibited."
Attackers of the Noli
Father font - printed copies of discrediting the novel

Augustinian Fr. Jose Rodriguez, Prior of Guadalupe

published pamphlets to blast the Noli
Porque no los he de leer? (Why should I not read them?)

Guardos de ellos. Porque? (Beware of them. Why?)

Y que me dice usted de la peste? (And what can you tell me of plague?)

Porque triunfan los impions? (Why do the impious triumph?)

Cree usted que de veras no hay puragatorio? (Do you think there is really no


Hay no hay infierno? (Is there or is there no hell?)

Que le parece a usted de esos libelos? (What do you think of these libels?)

Confesion o condenacion? (Confession or Damnation?)

The Noli was also attacked in spain. Senators and generals attacked it in the spanish cortes
and criticized it in an article in La españa moderna in january 1890
defenders of the Noli
marcelo H. Del Pilar, Dr. Antonio Ma. REgidor, Graciano Lopez Jaena, Mariano
ponce, Father Sanchez, Don Segismundo Moret, Dr. Miguel Morayta, Professor
Blumentritt and Rev. Vicente garcia

Rev. Vicente garcia - Justo Desiderio Magalang

Rizal cannot be an "ignorant man" as Fr. Rodriguea alleged because he was a

graduate of Spanish universities and was a receipient of scholastic honors.

Rizal does not attack the Church and Spain, what Rizal attacked wee the bad

Spanish officials not Spain, the bad friars and not the Church

Father Rodriguez said that those who read the Noli commit a mortal sin; since

he (Rodriguez) had read the novel, therefore he also commits a mortal sin.
Calamba's Agrarian Trouble

Gov. Gen Terrero, influenced by the Noli ordered a government investigation of the

friar estates.

In compliance the Civil Governor of Laguna directed municipal authorities of

Calamba to investigate the agrarian conditions of their locality.

Findings were finalized by Rizal and signed by three officials of the hacienda on

June 8, 1888.
Farewell, Calamba
rizal's exposure of the conditions of tenancy in calamba infuriated further his
enemies. The friars pressured the malacañang palace to deport him.

One day, governor general terrero summoned rizal and

"Advised" him to leave the philippines for his own good.

he was compelled to leave Calamba for two reasons

1. his presence in Calamba was jeopardizing the safety and happiness of

his family and friends
2. he could fight better his enemies and serve his country's cause with
greater efficacy by writing in foreign countries.

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