Symbolic Interactionism

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Hello good after noon everyone, I am Syrus Tan and I will be continuing the presentation

discussing what symbolic interactionism is.

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Symbolic interactionism was first coined by Herbert Blumer in 1937 to describe an approach to
sociology based on the social behaviorist philosophy of mind and action developed by George
Herbert Mead at the University of Chicago during the 1920s.

this theory is based on looking at the micro level of the society that focuses on the relationships
among individuals within a society. In contrast to functionalism and conflict theory, symbolic
interactionism emphasizes the micro-processes through which people construct meanings,
identities, and joint acts. In doing so it accentuates how symbols, interaction, and human
agency serve as the cornerstones of social life.

In this theory, the focus is mainly on the individuals and how they act as the participants rather
than being just being influenced by the structure or hierarchy of the society.

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This shows the inter connectivity of each factors on a thriving society and how they interact
with each other to create and shape their community.

We start with the society seeing and observing symbols and bodily languages then these
symbols are then interpreted and meanings are created through them. These meanings might
create different views on people but through communications and proper understanding, these
individuals then share thoughts and shape what builds the society for the better. Then the cycle
repeats itself as new symbols are created.

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The main structure of this theory is derived on how people share experiences through symbols
such as body language or even just talking to each other and that all the types of symbols are
subject to change

It also defines that each person would have a different interpretation of what that symbol
meant to them

however, we all, as individuals have our own perspective that there is no one set reality
because its subject to change and its subject to be based off of all of the diff interactions we
have every single day of our lives and the more experiences you have throughout your life, the
better understanding you get of what is the reality of society.

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Symbolic interactionism is also defined as the way that we as individuals influences the culture
as much as the society influences us, whether it be through our traditions, superstitions, beliefs
or even as simple as our behaviors.

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Society creates a huge factor in shaping one’s traits and belief, one example of which is the
engagement ring, society has determined that an engagement ring is a sign of love and
commitment, by giving someone an engagement ring, you are telling to that someone that you
want to spend your life with them and society has determined that the best thing for an
engagement ring is diamond and that is a symbol. No rules states that you should follow these
things but you know them and more likely to follow it instead.

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Another example of this is fast food. Jollibee has attracted a lot of customers with the use of
their friendly-looking mascot that is determined to show a sign of friendliness, at home and
lovable traits which reflects the filipino culture it originated from. Jollibee also uses its social
media techniques to influences customers by creating heartfelt commercials that gives a sense
of nostalgia to the people.

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The last example of where symbolic interactionism can be seen is through the concept of you.
This theory basically looks at who we are as people. what this means is that we are defined by
our interactions that we have with other people. Your concept of yourself is subject to change
over time as we have more interactions with people around us. we better understand How
people perceive us and when we understand how they perceive us then we start to internalize
the opinions or body language they share.

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Another theory that can be link to this is called the looking-glass theory. This theory says is that
our concept of ourself isn’t just defined by who we think we are. It is defined by what we think
other people think that we are. Our definition of who we are is more based off of our
perception of other people’s perception of us and then we try to adapt through these changes
and grow from it. this turns into this never-ending process of us figuring out who we truly are in
a society.

Continuing the discussion about Symbolic interactionism, let me call on Mr. Joshua Oliveria

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