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Let’s Go, Unit 1, At School, Page 6

1. 2-3 Minutes: Warm Up (What should I do?)
• Introduce self
o Good evening! I am Teacher Aina and welcome to my class!
o Can you see and hear me clearly?
• Establish Rapport
o How are you today?
• Re-cap of yesterday’s lesson
o Can you tell me something about what we discussed yesterday?
2. 15 Minutes: Lesson Proper (How am I going to deliver the lesson? How am I going to make my student talk?)
• Opening: Alright, Clifford. Now, do you go to school?
o Can you tell me what are the things that you see inside your classroom?
o *Show pictures of certain school supplies* and ask student what those are.
§ Encourage using sentences: It is a…

• What do you see in the picture?

o What is it used for?
o What color is it?
• Proper usage of “a”
o When it’s just one à use a
• Guide student in reading if needed;
correct as needed

When you are holding it When you are pointing it

What’s this?
1. It’s a picture. What’s that?
2. It’s a workbook. 5. It’s a window.
3. It’s a paper clip. 6. It’s a clock.
4. It’s a pencil sharpener. 7. It’s a calendar.
8. It’s a door.
• Exchange roles with the
student (alternately); one • Exchange roles with the
asks, and one answers student (alternately); one
• ***Explain the difference asks, and one answers
between this and that

Using an ‘s

• Show other items not included in the picture and let student construct a sentence.
3. 3 Minutes: Wrap-up (What should I do?)
• Re-cap the lesson discussed
o Alright Clifford, so today we have discussed the following…
§ How to use a and ‘s
o Do you have any questions?
• End the session with a smile! J
o See you tomorrow, Clifford!
o Make student look forward for your next class~
By: Teacher Miyella Aina Pallera

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